Game Night with the Theater Boys

By Alex Cortin

Published on May 25, 2024



I looked around the room and felt the excitement that had been there all day intensifying. The four of us had "played" together before, but it felt like we were doing something else today, something new and exciting.

On my left sat Tom. He was a bit younger than the rest of us at 26, but he had a commanding presence and charisma that made us all naturally look up to him. Of course, a part of that was his physical presence - broad shoulders, strong cheekbones, oaken legs. He was a classical "man's man", but he wasn't really a jock, not overly worked out. He just seemed naturally strong and had an attraction to him that came not just from his looks, but his kind soul.

Juan was shorter, but his background as a dancer gave him a physical presence as well that drew the eye. He was a hilarious guy, and when we first met in the theater group where we all met each other, he drew my attention right away. When after the class we had taken together was over, the four of us naturally gravitated towards each other, as if drawn together by some cosmic force. Whatever it was, Juan could have attracted anyone with his spirit, his looks and his aura of goodness, but he chose us, and I was forever grateful for that.

Annie was the shortest of us, not surprising perhaps as a girl, but she had a lot of pep and talent and beauty packed in her small frame. She was barely 5'4, and as such probably wasn't going on any catwalks, but she had a beauty that attracted me right away with her winning smile, her tight frame and her positivity. She always wore her red hair cut short, a look that suited her face. In any case, her hair was thick and soft to the touch, and I had loved running my hand through it the first time we kissed.

We all felt a magnetic attraction to each other almost immediately, and I certainly felt like the lucky one in the group. I wasn't as tall and handsome as Tom, not as fit and tight as Juan, or as sexy as Annie. I just felt like a regular guy, skinny rather than muscular, slim rather than toned, nearly hairless naturally, with a smaller than average dick and what I always felt was an average face. I never felt unconfident with my appearance, but I knew the truth that the rest of the group was more attractive. The one part I did always like was my butt, nice and rounded with some soft tissue to grab onto, and the group certainly validated that feeling, making flirty comments about it from the beginning that always put a smile on my face.

Like I said, we had felt a pull together and quickly formed a happy little group that was almost insepararable in our time off. We all had jobs, being in our mid to late twenties, and met up when we could on the weekends and evenings. Soon after we started hanging out, a night with a few drinks happened when we all made out together and Tom and Annie slept together at the end of the night, with Juan and I cuddled sleepily together in the next room. We were all a bit worried it would change our dynamic, but as it turned out we all felt very good about it. In the end, they didn't break off to be a couple within the group like we'd worried, but rather we stayed something of a foursome - although we hadn't all had a night like that together since then, even if we occasionally all made flirty comments about it during nights out.

Nothing overtly sexual had happened recently, while we continued to circle each other. I was unquestionably attracted to all of the members of our new group, but I wasn't yet quite sure if the others felt equally strongly about me.

Tonight was going to be a bit different, which is what made me so excited. Annie had invited me to come into her place a bit early as we were all going to have a game night together. She and I had talked before about how I sometimes liked to dress up more girlishly, and she was super excited about it. As we met up, she excitedly led me into her bedroom where she had spread out a number of clothes on the bed and was practically jumping up and down to have me try them on. I smiled a bit sheepishly, and must have appeared a bit shy as she then grabbed me by the hips, pulled me to her and kissed me gently and lovingly on the lips for a good long time. I felt my cock swell up in my pants, and she must have felt it too as she laughingly broke off the kiss and looked down flirtily. The two of us hadn't yet been fully naked together so this felt like something different, adding to the excitement.

She reassured me that it would be a really amazing night and to trust her, and as she said that she rubbed my arm in the most loving way and I knew I could count on her to look after me. So I let my guard down and agreed, and as I did she jumped up and down in excitement and kissed me again.

"This is going to be sooo much fun!", she said, following up with "now take off those clothes and let's get you into something cute!".

This time, my shyness was gone and I pulled off my shirt, socks and pants. I still felt a half of an erection in my pants and was a bit hesitant, but as I looked over, Annie had taken her shirt off too and was standing there topless, distractedly looking into her wardrobe. I felt both excited as I looked over her small but sexy torso, her perky smallish breasts happily in my sights as she tried to pick a new blouse for herself. I pulled down my underwear and she turned just then and looked down, seeing my small half erect penis for the first time.

She smiled and said "hello there friend!", in the cutest voice and defused any anxiety I might have had about her seeing me in the nude. I knew I didn't have the most impressive package, but she put me right at ease by walking up to me, grabbing my dick gently with her hand and giving me a long kiss while slowly tugging it to attention. It felt amazing, and she admired how hard it got for a moment, before snapping back to reality and saying "now, we don't have that much time before the boys get here, let's get to it". She handed me a pair of brand new white tights, which felt incredibly soft to the touch, and gave me a choice of a few pairs of sexy satin panties.

I picked a sexy but simple white pair with some cute lace on the sides, opting against the g-string model to make sure i was comfortable. I pulled on the panties, feeling the soft material against my skin, and tucked my cock and balls inside. I turned to look in the mirror and saw how my butt seemed appealingly emphasized by the panties.

Annie playfully smacked my butt.

"Damn you have such a nice ass!", she exclaimed

Of course, her butt was amazing as well, small like mine but round and full and amazing to the touch. I returned the compliment and felt the joy of her

appreciation of me. I pulled on the tights and finished off the ensemble with a cute blue miniskirt. The softness of the panties and tights felt amazing against my skin and I was starting to feel really good about what I was wearing.

She dressed me in a small soft wireless bra, which of course had nothing to fill it, but it felt nice against my chest anyway. On top of it I put on a small skimpy blouse which left a hint of the bra showing from the top and left my midriff exposed.

I looked in the mirror and was struck by how cute I was. The blue skirt looked really cute and with my blue eyes I felt it fit me nicely. The blouse left my midriff exposed, and my flat stomach looked quite nice sticking out from under there, and I was glad I had so little body hair to make me more feminine. I looked at Annie and she stood there staring at me proudly with a big smile on her face.

"You are beautiful!", she said, and pulled me to the mirror so that she could add a bit of make up to my face.

"Now, I don't think you need a lot of makeup, but I just want to give you a little bit of lipstick to add a little effect", and she drew out a cute shade that matched the blouse and gently applied the lipstick. While I liked to wear the clothes and feel feminine that way, I usually didn't bother with makeup since it was more of a private game anyway.

But with the lipstick, my hairless boyish face looked a bit nicer still, and less like my usual self with just that little effect, and I felt happy I had agreed to this. I spun around softly to show off my new looks, and she giggled and called me beautiful again. I wanted to kiss her but she turned away, not wanting to smudge my new makeup.

Finally, she brought out small blue heels, nothing crazy but enough to give me a more feminine walk and help show off the butt. I loved the shoes and they fit the outfit brilliantly. She was really good at this.

"OK, I think we're ready for the boys now", she exclaimed.

I had a moment of panic, remembering this is the game night, that is why I was here, and Tom and Juan would see me like this for the first time. I had kissed both of them before, but not much more and I wasn't sure how attracted they were to me in that way. But I took one more look in the mirror, and thought I looked great, almost like a real girl. I felt they would have to just live with it if it wasn't their cup of tea. Annie and I moved back out to her spacious living room, and she poured us some wine as we waited for the others.

As we clinked glasses and cheersed for a great night "for us girls", the doorbell rang. Annie and I instinctively looked into each others' eyes, smiling and she said to me flirtatiously "here we go". I sat back on the sofa, suddenly nervous for the reception I would get from the boys, when right then, almost too soon for me, the door opened and Annie reached ahead to hug Tom and Juan, kissing them on the cheek quickly and showing them in. As I crossed my legs on the sofa, I watched them come in, look around, and both almost simultaneously spotted me on the couch. I locked eyes with Tom, who had moment of confusion and turned to Annie as if to ask "who's this then?", when it seemed to hit him. He snapped his head back and I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction as his jaw almost hit the floor when he recognized me.

"Andy got here a bit early to get ready with me, as you can see. Or should I say "Andie" with a i-e"? She giggled as I got up, instinctively pulling my short miniskirt downward to cover me up as I reached out to hug Tom and then Juan.

"Hey boys, you both look amazing!", I said as I stood in front of them in my heels. The heels made me even taller compared to Juan and I nearly towered over him. I smiled as his eyes made their way to my cleavage, looking at where my boobs perhaps would have been, and enjoyed how the boys were eating up my body with their eyes.

"Wow", Tom finally said.

"Wowwow", Juan agreed. I laughed excitedly, and did a little spin to give them both a full view, and sluttily lifted up my skirt a bit to give them a quick view of my buttocks.

"You like it?", I asked nervously, and they both looked at each other, then to Annie, and back to me, happily saying "Yes! Very much", both speaking at the same time. They seemed taken aback, but were now slowly getting their senses back. I couldn't believe my confidence in prancing in front of them like this, but I was beginning to love the feeling of their eyes on my body.

"Wow", Tom said again. " I just wasn't expecting that, but you look...really great. Really great."

I felt a wave of pleasure from his words and again caught Juan eyeing my body as I glanced over. I felt myself blushing, and reached over to kiss Tom hello, and loved it as he wrapped his strong hands around my waist as we quickly kissed and embraced. I pirouetted over to Juan and kissed him as well, and he put his hands on my lower hips as we did so, which made my cock twitch a bit in my panties. I made eye contact with him, and the look lingered just long enough that I felt something electric was going to happen tonight.

"Doesn't he...sorry, doesn't she look amazing? We had some fun getting ready today", Annie added.

She didn't even seem to mind that the boys had not paid her as much attention yet, even though she too looked stunning in her plaited skirt, tight fitting top, with her skin glowing and her happy smile lighting up the room.

The boys nodded enthusiastically, seemingly slow to believe that the unassuming guy they had been getting to know had suddenly appeared here as an attractive girl. I was loving all the attention but also felt a bit uncomfortable with the continuing assessment of my newfound girlhood. Annie sensed that I think, and fetched some beers for the boys, inviting us all to have a seat on the floor. She gave us all little seat cushions to sit on and I needed a moment to figure out how to sit while maintaining some sense of modesty with my short skirt. Eventually I copied Annie's pose, sitting with her legs crossed. As I looked at her I couldn't help but notice her beautiful legs showing from below her skirtline and felt another jolt of arousal. But quickly I was distracted by the games about to begin.

We got warmed up with some fun card games, and as we had a few drinks and played a few rounds everyone got more comfortable in the room and gradually the boys forgot the "change" and seemed to accept the new me, and it felt like the four of hanging out as usual again. Only instead of three boys and a girl, it was now two boys and two girls. Here and there I would catch a fleeting glance of Tom or Juan seemingly undressing me with their eyes, moving on when they noticed I could see them. I was blushing on a regular basis, hoping they wouldn't notice my shyness as a newfound sex object. But I was on top of the world and myself getting more and more comfortable with my look and was feeling and acting more feminine without even thinking about it.

After some rounds, Annie suggested I get up to get a few more drinks, and as I rose to my feet I caught a glimpse of Tom glancing up to take a look up my skirt as I passed him. I felt the jolt of attention again and couldn't help but smile, thinking of the desire I seemed to be awakening in everyone here, who I already felt so close to. I came back with the drinks and passed them around with a big smile, as Annie announced we would be moving on to the next game, spin the bottle!

We all laughed out loud in unison at the throwback to our youth, and then it seemed like everyone agreed this would be the right move. The excitement was palpable among everyone. I looked around the room at the four of us, gazing at everyone in turn. Annie in her sexy skirt, smiling happily, full of sexual energy. Tom with his strong arms showing from his t-shirt, effortlessly masculine. Juan happily smiling, his tight body stretching his collared shirt as he laughed, attractive as all hell as I looked over at him. This would be fun.

Annie spun first, claiming the host's rights. The bottle landed on Juan, and she quickly made her way over to him on all fours. Tom and I shared a look as she passed, her butt flashing from under her skirt as she made her way to Juan. She wrapped her arms around him as she sat in front of Juan, and they kissed, first slowly and gently, then more passionately, with his hands instinctively caressing her waist and slowly crawling up toward her breasts. She giggled as his hands reached her chest, and pulled away to get back to her place.

"That's a great start", I said suggestively as Tom reached for the bottle.

He seemed to agree as Tom spun the bottle. We laughed as the bottle landed on himself. He claimed the right to spin again and again landed on himself.

"I guess you need to pass", Annie laughed and he slid the bottle over to Juan in disappointment. Juan spun and I felt electricity shooting up from my groin as I saw it land on me. We made eye contact, and Juan slowly made his way over to me.

He put his hand on my cheek, gently caressing my face as he made close eye contact. Just feeling his hand there and feeling him breathing so close to me made me incredibly aroused, and I felt my cock hardening inside my panties. He finally reached over and kissed me slowly on the lips, then pulled away as if to check if I was ok with it. I had closed my eyes and had my lips apart, ready for more. Encouraged, he reached back in and kissed me, running his tongue over my lips and exploring the entrance to my mouth. I realized my hands were awkwardly to my side, and put my hand on his back, feeling the tight definition of his dancer's physique. This encouraged him again and he pushed his tongue in my mouth again, pulling me closer. I felt incredibly excited as he kept kissing me, and I felt his hand run up my leg towards my crotch, feeling over the panties, his long fingers digging into my skin.

"That's time", I heard Annie whisper, as Juan pulled away from me. I looked him in the eyes as he backed away and I felt a deep connection to him as I saw him snap out of the daze of our kiss. He blushed and looked down quickly, but then reached his hand out for one more touch of my hand as he sat back in his place.

I looked over and saw Tom and Annie smiling, red faced, absolutely engrossed in what had just happened.

"I guess it's me again", I said, and shook off the pleasure of the kiss with Juan. I spun and the bottle landed on Tom. He could not hide his excitement, which made me very excited. This time I crawled over to him and showing confidence I didn't know I had, climbed in his lap, straddling him on the floor. He carefully put his hands on my lower back to stabilize me, as I leaned in for the kiss. His strong hands felt like heaven to me as he squeezed me, and I truly was a girl in a hot guy's lap in that moment.

As we started kissing, he squeezed tightly on my hips and then slowly let his hands fall lower and reached under my skirt to grab onto my buttocks and started massaging my butt with his manly hands. I let out an involuntary moan as he started that, and I felt his cock expand in his pants, pressing against my bottom from underneath me. I loved the feeling of his erection, making me feel special and wanted, as wel kept kissing, running our tongues against each other. I pulled my lips away from him and we shared a look, and I knew he wanted me then and there. I pulled back to my seat, and we all laughed softly as Tom made a show of adjusting his package in his trousers.

The turn reverted back to Annie and the horniness in the air was palpable. We all looked at each other with lust, I could clearly see the outline of Juan's erection as he stared wantingly at Annie.

Annie spun and again it landed on Tom. She smiled and bit her lip sexily, and approached as I had before. She sat in his lap and Tom, unable to control himself, grabbed a hold of her tits as she did so. She gasped with excitement, and took Tom's head in her hands, kissing him passionately. He almost fell backwards with the force of kiss, grabbing her with both hands at the waist. She moaned as she kissed him, and his hands were going everywhere, touching every part of her body. Juan and I watched transfixed, as they went at it.

Then, Annie stepped off of his lap, and without hesitation, unbuttoned his pants and pulled down his trousers and underwear, revealing a throbbing erection. She smiled as she looked at Tom up and down, and then grabbed his cock into her hands. His cock was maybe 6", not massively thick or long, but very aesthetically pleasing. To me it looked like the perfect cock, and it couldn't have been harder.

Annie grabbed it and ducked down, going down on Tom as if she had been needing that cock all day. I looked on completely immersed in the show, and noticed Tom realizing where he was all of a sudden. He seemed self conscious for a moment, before making eye contact with me. He bit his lip with pleasure and he committed wholly to the moment, putting his hands on Annie's head as she sucked him off.

I snapped out of my hypnosis and looked over to Juan, and felt a shock as I saw he too had pulled his pants down and was holding his cock in his hand, slowly stroking it as he watched Annie and Tom go at it. I was amazed by how aroused I was at the sight of the cock. It looked much like Tom's, more than 6" in length, if a bit thinner than Tom's. But compared to mine, it was much bigger and longer, and I immediately wanted it.

I saw Juan was as hypnotised by the show happening in front of him as I was, so he didn't at first even see me coming up to him, until I was close enough to touch him. I put my hand on his leg, caressing him and he suddenly looked at me with surprise. Then the surprise turned to desire, and he pulled me over to him and started kissing me again with a whole new passion. I felt his strong arm on my neck as he pulled me over to him and started making out with me once more. I now put my hand on his cock and he moaned with pleasure as I started to stroke it. We kissed for a long time with my hand on his manhood, and eventually I started to kiss his neck, his chest, making my way down his slender sculpted body down his abs to his dick.

He let out a loud "oh my god" as I dipped his hard cock in my mouth, and I felt Annie and Tom look over at us as I started sucking him off. I opened my eyes and saw them both looking approvingly at us, as I fondled Juan's big balls with one hand and caressed his amazing body with the other, still sucking the head of his dick with passion. I needed his cock, I loved every second of sucking it, and seeing him looking down at me with such unexpected desire was incredibly arousing. I also loved seeing the others enjoying watching us, and as I looked over to them again, Annie had now been flipped onto her back as Tom had pulled off her skirt and underwear and was about to start fucking her.

I looked Tom over as he approached her pussy and felt an incredible attraction to him. I saw his pulsing chest, his manly wide shoulders, his long powerful arms grabbing her hip, his slightly hairy pecs expanded by the excitement and blood flow. He was incredibly hot. And all that, while I had Juan's cock in my hands and was massaging it while crouched on all fours in front of him. What a slut I had become tonight.

Juan pulled me off of his cock, warning he was going to come all too soon if I kept going like that. Nothing he could have said would have made me want to continue more, but I obeyed, and let his cock slap against his hard stomach as I let go. I climbed up onto my knees and went back to kiss him, and felt his hands all over my back as he was exploring all parts of my body. As we kissed, I felt him unbutton my blouse and reach in, cupping my bra. Of course, I had just a flat chest under there, but he seemed to love it. He reached back and unclasped my bra so he could have better access to my chest. I loved that he wanted to explore my body and didn't object.

He dropped the bra and unbuttoned the final button of the blouse, and dove in, feeling my chest and nipples with his mouth. He licked my right nipple as he felt the left one, and the absence of breasts didn't seem to trouble him at all. I felt the erection in my panties expanding with each lick and loved him in that moment for the pleasure he was giving me.

We were awoken as Annie began to moan loudly, breathing heavily as Tom continued to fuck her with long, steady, gentle strokes. We held each other, watching transfixed as Annie came on Tom's cock, her upper body tensing into the air as she came. Tom slowed his strokes but stayed inside her as he let her enjoy the moment.

As we were watching this amazing moment, Juan had started to stroke my legs and grab my ass, and he decided he needed more access. So he moved me onto my back and took my tights, pulling them off one leg at a time, exposing my pale legs from under my skirt. I felt my cock pushing hard against my panties and felt the need to pull my skirt down so he wouldn't see it, breaking the illusion.

But Juan wasn't daunted by what lay in my panties. As we had seen Tom do earlier, reaching his hand in Annie's panties to rub her, he did the same to me, pulling me back up to my knees to kiss him. I gasped as he rubbed my dick from over my panties, and he smiled reassuringly as if to say he loved it. I kissed him again powerfully on the mouth, and as I did so I felt his hands reach into my buttcrack and start looking for the hole. I sighed with pleasure into his mouth, pulling my lips away and kissing his shoulder. He massaged my ass with his finger for a while, using his other hand to grab my left cheek, sending pleasure waves all the way through my body.

"There's lube in the drawer right behind you", Annie whispered from next to us, looking a bit mischievious with her blushed post orgasm face. Her and Tom were gently cuddling, him still inside her, gently fucking her very slowly as he kissed her neck. She was in heaven and I think he was too.

Juan looked at me for approval, and I bit my lip, looked him in the eye and said "yes, I want it". He spun around almost comically quickly to find the lube, and before I knew it, he had spurted a good amount on his fingers, and was again looking for my hole with his hands. He kissed me again, this time gently, as if to assure me he was going to be easy and loving. My cock expanded against my panties again as he entered my ass with his finger, and started probing my ass.

After a minute, he again pushed me onto my back, and made his way to my crotch, kissing my breasts again for a long minute on his way down. He pulled my skirt up and pushed aside the panties, inserting his finger in my ass. He looked into my eyes the whole time he fingered me, checking to make sure I was OK and enjoying it.

I held his other hand and squeezed it to show how much I loved it, and he kept going deeper with his finger, only after a long time adding more lube and inserting another finger. After a while down there, it was as if he remembered something, and suddenly he reached his other hand into my panties and grabbed a hold of my rock hard cock. I felt pleasure coursing everywhere in my body as he grabbed my small cock, which disappeared almost wholly in his hand. He stroked my dick up and down and at the same time kept fingering my ass with even more force.

"Oh my god i want you so bad", I let out, unable to control my words.

Juan smiled, proud of the effect he had on me, and let go of my cock and pulled his finger out. He rose to his knees and I was excited to see his cock was still as hard as ever. He spread lots more lube on his cock and on my asshole and I lifted my legs still higher in the air. My skirt fell on to my stomach and covered my cock as he raised my legs over his shoulders, and he smiled broadly as he inserted his dick a little at a time in my ass.

I felt a wave of pain, which then quickly settled, and immediate pleasure. I grabbed the carpet next to me hard and felt Annie had reached her hand out to me and was holding my hand, laying on her back next to me. I looked over and saw her face, full of love and pleasure, and I squeezed her hand back. I felt connected to her as we both got filled up by our boys. Juan very slowly filled me up with his cock, pushing and pulling back, and finally pushing his dick all the way inside me. I squeezed Annie's hand hard and heard both her and Tom say "that is so fucking hot" as Juan started to fuck me.

I looked up from my vantage point on the ground and felt like I was in heaven. I was on my back, my legs on Juan's shoulders, as he held my hips and fucked me, sliding in and out. I felt the warmth of his hot cock filling me up and couldn't believe how good he felt.

His slender but super fit body was starting to glisten with sweat and I reached out to his stomach to feel his abs and his chest as he pulsed inside me. He fucked me for a minute with his long cock when he suddenly shouted "oh fuck, oh fuck, i'm going to cum", and he pulled his cock out and blew his load all over my stomach. He collapsed onto me as he came and I felt his full weight on me for a moment, feeling incredible from the power of his orgasm. I had made him want me, I had made him aroused, and I had made him fuck me and cum on me. The sensation sent pleasure all over my body and I shook from the joy of it.

Meanwhile Annie and Tom had kept fucking and were smiling from ear to ear when they were in the middle of it. Tom reached out and high fived Juan, which made me and Annie laugh at the boys being boys. Then, Tom took a long look at me and I felt his desire again, and knew he too would fuck me.

Juan pulled away and lay on the ground between me and Annie and Tom kept going at it with her, when he suddenly pulled out and annouced it was his turn with me. I almost came from just those words coming out of his mouth. I wriggled on the ground, my skirt still sitting on my dick, positioning myself for Tom.

He came over to me and pulled my skirt off of me, leaving me with just my cum stained blouse and my little panties, already ravaged by Juan. I looked over to Annie for approval, and she reached out and touched my head gently and smiled with encouragement.

She said "you want it, don't you"?

I said "I want it so bad".

She bit her lip in that sexy way of hers again and said "us girls are getting it good tonight". We all laughed, and I saw she had started rubbing Juan's cock, which was getting back up to full attention again.

Juan, loving touching Annie's body everywhere, slid down and started going down on Annie, who moved her upper body over so that she could reach me, and we kissed while Tom applied extra lube to my ass, slowly massaging my butt again with his hands.

Then, Tom grabbed my hips and pulled me up to him, and kissed me with such passion I felt like I might lose my mind. He then flipped me over so that I was on all fours and he knelt behind me. I immeidately felt his hard cock against my butt as he pushed up against me and felt the pleasure and excitement increasing. I had to reach down to adjust my cock in my panties, and as I did so it sprung free from the constraints of the soft satin fabric. I was incredibly hard and I knew Annie could see it.

I was now on all fours hovering over Annie as Juan started to fuck her on her back once more. She was writhing from pleasure, and I kissed her gently on the mouth just as Tom inserted his powerful hard cock in me.

I moaned loudly and shouted out "oh my god Tom", and I felt his hands grab my hip stronger as I said so. He started to go in and out faster and I knew he was so turned on he wasn't even in control of his body anymore. He was all cock, no mind.

I loved it. He fucked me hard, his cock going in and out of my ass time and time again as his balls slapped against my butt. Annie looked at me in marvel as I lay there on all fours, until I collapsed onto my stomach on the ground. Tom kept going, pressing up against me as I pushed my ass up towards him. He slapped my ass a few times, squeezed it, played with it, and I loved every way he touched me. He loved my ass, he wanted me as a girl, and I loved it.

I moaned louder and louder as he kept speeding up, and he was finally almost laying on top of me with me prone on the ground. He pulled my face towards him and kissed me passionately wihle fucking me from behind, and I felt his cock expand and finally pulsate as he came inside me. He shot a powerful load of cum inside my ass as wave after wave of pulsing ejaculate flew out of his dick and into me. I collapsed to the ground as he rolled off me, feeling the best I had ever felt in my life.

Just after we finished, Juan grunted loudly and came inside Annie, unleashing his second load of cum in her, and we all moaned approvingly.

Annie looked over and asked "you need to come too, don't you"? I smiled and rolled over, showing I already had. I'd shot all I had into the seat cushion under me while Tom fucked me from behind.

Juan, Tom and Annie all looked at my cum stained stomach and what was still dripping from the tip of my dick and approving "wowed" at me. I laughed, slightly embarassed.

Annie, true to herself, announced "well that was a good time, wasn't it"? We all laughed and agreed. Tom said something about it always being a good time with two girls as hot as these around, and I blushed again.

We all got up to clean ourselves up, and I was a bit taken aback, seeing myself in the mirror in the hallway. My blouse was unbuttoned, my panties stained with cum, I had jizz all over my stomach and chest, my hair completely tussled. I felt like a mess.

Juan must have noticed me looking at the outcome, and he came up to me, hugged me from behind and said softly to my ear : "you are beautiful". I smiled and kissed him, and he squeezed my butt playfully as I walked off to the bathroom to clean up, Tom's cum still dripping from my ass.

We all stayed over, sleeping in a puddle in Annie's bed that night, and I was sure I was not done being fucked by this beautiful group of friends. We were now a foursome, two girls and two boys, and that balance had made us perfect.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it.



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