Gambling for Love

By Martin Internet

Published on Mar 17, 2023


Copyright (c) 2005 by Martinc16. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to Nifty Archives, to archive and display this work. All other uses are expressly forbidden unless explicit arrangement has been made with the author. This copyright applies to all chapters and pages of this work. It may not be reproduced, posted, stored electronically, or archived, except for personal, non-public use, without the express written permission of the author.

Authors Note: sorry about the mixup with chapters 6 and 7

I hope it didn't ruin the plot. comments/suggestions

Previous Reading:

I felt something pick me up off of Jeremy's body. It was Justin, he lifted me off of his body. "James, snap out of it. You knocked Jeremy out." I suddenly came back to the horrible reality. I looked over Jeremy and he wasn't moving, then I looked over at Mark. The pool of blood was massive now, I couldn't even think straight now. My world was starting to spin around me, with both Mark and Jeremy lieing on the floor lifeless, blackness overcame my consciousness. I soon met them on the floor as well. My body nor mind could take this stress anymore.

I slowly woke out of darkness but found myself in an unfamiliar environment. There were white walls, bright lights and some muffled voices speaking. I tried to wake up as fast as I could, to figure out this situation. It was slow, but then I figured out I was in a hospital bed, I saw there were no needles stuck in me, I guess that would be a good thing.

"Hey, hes awake!" I turned around to see who it was. It was Justin, damn I was glad to see him. He was the only guy who took situations easily, he was very patient and seemed to be neutral about everything. In a group of friends you must have a neutral person or peace keeper if you will, because the group will never work out if there isn't.

"Is that you Justin?" My vision still blurry.

"Yeah its me, are you okay?"

"I think I am." I replied

"I'm going to get a nurse. Hold on a second." Justin walked out of the room and I heard more voices. The nurse came back, she had brown but greying hair. She had brown eyes and looked like she was aging. She was wearing a traditional nurses uniform minus the hat.

"How are you doing hun?" she asked.

"I'm feeling better. What happened?"

"Oh, you just passed out after the incident at your school."


"I want to do a few tests to see if you are truly alright." With that said she took a light to my eyes and did some stupid tests that I had no idea why they were implimented. "Okay, you seem to be fine, the police want to talk to you about the incident in your school."

"I want my parents here when I talk to them."

"There just in the other room. I will go and get them, they were already talking to the police about what they know about the incident."

"Okay." The nurse walked out of the room and in came my parents with an two officers behind them. They were both big in stature and had brown hair, brown eyes. One of them had stuble around his face while the other appeared younger and clean shaven.

"How are you doing son?" My dad asked in a low commanding voice.

"I'm fine now." I replied.

"Hunny, these officers want to ask you a few questions about the incident that happened at your school. Please answer all there questions truthfully." said mom.

"Alright," the older police officer said. "My name is Dan Trask, and my colleague over here is Harry Manley. We just want to ask a few questions about the incident in school."

So they asked what happened and I told them everything that happened. Everything, except that Mark and I are gay.

Trask didn't seem quite satisfied by my story. He said that it seemed like there had to be more of a motive for Jeremy to attack Mark in such a manner. I told them they were in a fight and Jeremy couldn't handle losing. That seemed to make the officer a little more happy with my story. The officers then told me that Jeremy has been charged with attempt of murder and when he is out of the hospital he will be in the custody of the state. I was so happy for that news.

"Wait!?" I paused at my random outburst. "How is Mark!?" I can't believe I hadn't asked about him first thing. I must have still been half out of it. "How is he?" I pleaded.

Officer Trask said. "He's in the ICU."

"Oh my god! I must see him! Is he going to be alright?" I was screaming soo loud, but I was so worried for Mark.

The nurse said "We don't know how the situation is. The doctors are trying to fix him up. Aparently it is not a fatal blow. Jeremy missed his kidney but there is a cut to a major artery."

I felt a little relieved. "Can I see him now?" I asked.

"Not now." the Nurse replied. "Hes still in surgery."

Everyone seemed to file out of the room slowly except for my parents.

stared at mMy parents just e for a little while before anyone spoke. "Why did Jeremy just come and attack Mark?" dad asked.

"I already told you, he has something against Mark. That's all there is to it!" I exclaimed.

"Right." my dad said unsatisfied. Mom just looked at me in wonder. I knew they were trying to pry something out of me but they aren't getting what they want. I'm not going to give them what the want.

Around five oclock I was aloud to walk around and do whatever I wanted. The nurses said that I could go home but I chose not to. I wanted to see Mark. The nurses kept on telling me there would be no point because he would be under sedation. I really didn't care if he was under sedation or not, he was the boy of my life, I would never leave him to be alone. I got a nurse to show me to him. He was situated at the opposite end of the hospital, he was in a single room that looked quite similar to mine.

I walked in and I saw Mark lieing flat on the bed with IV's going into his arms. There were heart monitors, and computers all around him to keep track of his vitals. His parents were by his bedside, his father was standing up while his mother was leaning over him gripping his hands with her head down. I knocked on the door and his parents signalled me to come in.

"Good evening James." said Mr. Stronach.

"Hi Mr and Mrs Stronach. How is Mark?" I asked.

"He seems to be okay." said Mrs Stronach. She sniffed and shed a tear. It looked like she was crying for quite a while because she had red patches underneath her eyes. "I won't be sure until he wakes up." wiping a tear away from her eye.

"You know the boy who did this to Mark, don't you?" Mr Stronach asked me.

"Yeah, we were friends. Including Mark." I said.

"What would ever, ever, drive a fucking boy like that to stab my own son. I can't comprehend it, I hope that boy does some time. I will do anything within my power to get justice for my son." Mr. Stronach's speech was powerful and I totally agreed with him.

"Do you know why he would stab my own baby?" Mrs. Stronach asked.

I looked over at Marks beat up body. All the IV's, computers and machinery connected to Mark. It was such a sad sight. I wanted to tell Mark's parents the truth, that he and I were having a sexual relationship. I don't know how Mark's parents would take it and I don't know what Mark would want me to do. I started to tear up to the sight of my friend, "I don't know why he would do that." Thats when I really started to cry.

"There, there James, you did your best. We thank you for comming here. Maybe you should go home and try to get some sleep. The nurse said that Mark will be awake by tommorow and he will be ready for visitors by the afternoon. " Mrs Stronach explained.

"Well, Mrs Stronach, I was wondering if I could spend the night here with Mark. I won't be able to go home not knowing whats going on here."

"We'll have to ask a nurse. You will have to ask your parents, but I'm okay with it." Mrs Stronach said.

The parents left the room to find a nearby nurse. I just gazed at Mark. Even when beat up, I thought he was the most beautiful thing in the world. My eyes were glued to his rising and falling chest. It was so beautiful to see him breathing, after all the things that have happened.

"You can stay here with Mark." said Mrs. Stronach. "We'll have to be leaving though because we have work tommorow. We will visit him in the morning before we go to work."

"Thanks Mrs. Stronach!" Before she left she kissed Mark on the cheek. Whether or not he could feel it, at least he has a mother who really does love him. Mr Stronach came to the doorway and looked at his son for the last time that day. They both dissapeared.

There I was left alone with the boy who I loved. I pulled a chair right next to Mark's side. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it just a little. I then started to whisper in his ear. "I love you so much baby, I can't wait till you wake up." I felt stupid doing it but I truly did mean it. Even though Mark wasn't able to respond I said it over and over again hoping he would.

It was around eight o-clock now, and I felt extremely exhausted from what happened today. I rested my head onto Mark's rising and falling chest. The movement felt hypnotic, and within seconds, I was asleep.


I was woken abruptly by a hand on my shoulder. It was a nurse, she whispered in my ear that I had to get off Mark while she injects his medication. I looked up at a clock on the wall. It was only 9:30. A few minutes pass by as I watch the nurse stick needles into Mark.

"Why does he need medication. It's not like hes sick, he just got stabbed right?"I asked the nurse.

"Yeah, he was just stabbed." She replied. "But we need to inject him with medication because he might get an infection from the blade that stabbed him. Plus, these are sedatives, this will make Mark rest till the morning."

"Oh, Okay." I said.

The nurse quickly left me alone with Mark, but right now I wasn't too tired. I began to walk around the hospital, exploring its many vast corridors during the darkness of night. Most of the wards were dark now and it was sleepy time for the patients. I walked by this one room with someone who looked familiar. The door was closed but it had a window in it. I peeped through to see it was Jeremy, that bastard of a human being. I couldn't help but grin when I saw him on that hospital bed sleeping. His face was swollen beyond belief, even more than Mark's. "He's lucky he's asleep." I thought to myself.

"Excuse me but what are you doing here?" A strange voice said behind me. I looked around and saw a white uniform, it was an old man with blue eyes and glasses. Even his eyes looked like they were old, he was very tall but skinny, he had a pointy noise and kind of reminded me of a bald eagle.

"Uhh," I studdered for a moment. "I was just walking around the hospital, I was tending to a friend but I felt restless so I decided to walk around."

"Oh." he said. "You really shouldn't be walking around this part of the hospital you know that?" He paused.

"Why not?" I asked

"Well, I was the one who conducted a surgery on Mark and I know the situation. My name is Dr. MacDonald, and I understand whats going through your mind when you're looking at the young boy in the bed over there. The deed has been done young man, and you have to move on with your life, that boy in the room will pay dearly for his actions today. Mark has paid the price but he will move on with his life and become successful. Unlike Mark, this boy will have to struggle his way through life because of what he did today."

"It just hurts so bad." I said to the doctor.

"I know it does, you just gotta move on with life. You never know but when that boy in there matures, he may try to make good with you guys again and maybe even ask for your forgiveness for his actions."

I just stood there not knowing what to do. I just kept on looking at Jeremy, wondering if I or even if Mark could ever forgive him for his actions.

"I will leave you alone now, but you better go back to Mark. He needs you." The doctor then started walking down the hall until he turned down another corridor. I was still so angry at Jeremy, I wanted to break the door down and strangle the life out of him, but the doctor was right, he will pay for it his whole life. Death would be an escape from his harsh and bitter future.

I continued walking around the hospital, the light was dim, and I felt like a ghost walking by the many wards and offices. I didn't know what to do with my life, with Mark, with Jeremy, with anyone. I decided it was best if I sleep till morning so maybe time will clear up my problems. I walked back in the room where Mark was lieing. I sat down on the chair next to him and lay my head down on his rising and falling chest.

To be continued...comments/suggestions

Next: Chapter 9

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