Gambling for Love

By Martin Internet

Published on Mar 15, 2023


Copyright (c) 2005 by Martinc16. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to Nifty Archives, to archive and display this work. All other uses are expressly forbidden unless explicit arrangement has been made with the author.

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Authors Note: I'm glad people are enjoying this story, comments/suggestions

Previous Reading:

"Yeah, love you Mark. I will see you in school Monday." gripping his hand harder.

"I love you too James." He looked around for a second and gave me a peck on the cheek. I didn't want to leave but I knew I better before my hormones get the best of me. I walked towards my house and looked back, Marks car was gone.

The rest of the weekend was spent on dreading the next day of school. I couldn't keep my mind off Mark but I also couldn't keep my mind off if anyone has heard about our relationship. Maybe I should pretend to be sick from school that day? Then I thought to myself, what if Mark is there all alone? I couldn't leave him at school by himself. Most of my weekend was either spent in bed thinking and doing homework or on the computer playing mindless video games. I didn't want to talk to anyone, I didn't want anyone trying to pry into my private life and risk for more people to know our secret.

Monday rolled around quicker than I would like it to. I found it quicker when I stepped off the bus in front of City Of Lakes High School. I looked up at the school, hundreds of kids were in front of it arriving on busses heading to there classes. I gazed at the school for a while, almost admiring it for its architecture, but dreading to walk inside the doomed structure. I walked slowly in the school, going through the main foyer. There must have been a hundred people in the foyer alone. With a school of 1300 news does take a while to spread around. I'm sure if news were to spread around about Mark and I, it wouldn't be me who would be ruined, it would be Mark. He was on the hockey team and they were in the main circle of popularity in school. I was not, so I might be safe for a little while. Its making me sick being so paranoid if someone knows about me.

I got to my locker and got prepared for my first class. It was a day 1 so I had Chemistry first. I got my books and put them into my bookbag.

"Good morning James." a whisper produced so close to my ear, I shuddered a bit to hear Marks voice comming from directly behind me. His whole body was behind me but his head which almost swooped around my neck. I thought it was a little bit close for school but if Mark was comfortable with it than I was.

"Hey Mark. What are you doing here soo early, I thought you have off class first?" I asked.

"Yeah I do, but I have to work on a project. I concentrate easier if I'm in the library and can find all the sources I need." he replied

"Ok, well I got chemistry first and its at the other end of the school so I will see you during lunch."

"See you then!" he said. Then I start walking to my chemistry class. It was a good two minute walk in my school, it wasn't just the distance that made it a long walk but all the people in my way. I tend to walk pretty fast but everyone else likes to go at a sloths pace. I finally made it to my chemistry class with a minute to spare, so I set up my binder and my materials I would need to use.

Carl arrived right when the bell rang. He was in my class and we sat next to each other. The class's seating arrangement had desks in pairs. I don't mind Carl, but I hate being in the same classes as him. He asks so many damn questions, he gets confused easily and always reads off your answers to try and find mistakes with them. I should be a little more thankful though, because when he does pick out the mistakes I get a better mark.

Chemistry class went with out any hitches. I was secretly dreading offclass though. Jeremy and I had the same off class together. I was praying that I wouldn't see him, usually we would hang out in the library so I went to the cafeteria instead. I hung out with some people I know from Band class. They took my mind off my fear, and fortunately there were a few gay people in the group so they are cool with the idea of being gay. They don't know I'm gay though, I don't want them to know because the guys in that group weren't the type for me. Although they were very nice, I didn't see them as "boyfriend material".

Lunch rolled around quite quick, everyone arrived but Jeremy. I couldn't help but feel a little bit relieved. I sat next to Mark as I usually did. Our legs touching each other's.

"So how was the drinking?" Carl asked.

I glanced over at Mark, he looked over at me and replied, "It was fun."

"Where's Justin?" Carl asked.

"I don't know, I don't care." Mark replied.

"What happened?!" Justin asked abruptly.

"Oh I will tell you what happened!" It wasn't from anyone at the table. It was that bastard's voice from behind Mark and I. "These little faggots were sleeping with each other. Having a good blow job, yeah them cum sucking faggots!"

"You mother fucker!" Mark screamed and jumped around and took a swing at Jeremy's face. They both got in a big fist fight. A crowd began to build around the fight. Mark was smaller than Jeremy but he held his own, Mark kept on getting hits in the face. He became bloody and with that came more rage from him, he fought like I never seen anyone fight before. Jeremy looked like he was getting beat, but then I noticed Jeremy was trying to grab something out of his pocket and thats when I saw he had a knife. The knife was sparkling through the crowd of people, dancing amid the chaos, screaming death. All these people were crowding around the fight cheering for Mark as he was a member of the hockey team. How couldn't those idiots not see the knife!

"Mark! Run, he's got a knife!" I ran through the people and jumped on top of Jeremy but the damage was already done. I put my whole body weight on Jeremy's arm in which he had the knife fully grasped in his hand. Justin came running now and grabbed the bloody knife out of Jeremy's hand. Then thats when I heard screaming. Girls were screaming bloody murder and thats when I looked at where Mark was lieing on the floor, lifelessly. A pool of blood was leaking to the side of his torso.

"Someone get an Ambulence!" Justin screamed. I saw Carl running out of the cafeteria going in the direction of the main office. I looked over at Mark again and the pool of blood was larger on the white floor.

"You mother fucker, you are gonna pay!" I screamed at Jeremy's face. I punched the living shit out of his face. Impact after impact of my fist connected with his face. I couldn't stop, I was in such a state of mind where nothing mattered, and he was the source of all evil in my life right now. His face got more and more red every time I took a punch at his face.

I felt something pick me up off of Jeremy's body. It was Justin, he lifted me off of his body. "James, snap out of it. You knocked Jeremy out." I suddenly came back to the horrible reality. I looked over Jeremy and he wasn't moving, then I looked over at Mark. The pool of blood was massive now, I couldn't even think straight now. My world was starting to spin around me, with both Mark and Jeremy lieing on the floor lifeless, blackness overcame my consciousness. I soon met them on the floor as well. My body nor mind could take this stress anymore.

To be continued.

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Next: Chapter 8

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