Gambling for Love

By Martin Internet

Published on Mar 12, 2023


Copyright (c) 2005 by Martinc16. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to Nifty Archives, to archive and display this work. All other uses are expressly forbidden unless explicit arrangement has been made with the author. This copyright applies to all chapters and pages of this work. It may not be reproduced, posted, stored electronically, or archived, except for personal, non-public use, without the express written permission of the author.

Authors Note: I want feedback (will ignore flames).


Previous Reading: I could hear that Marks breathing began to slow down along with mine. I heard him shuffle for a minute and then I felt it. His hand grabbed my wrist and then released again. I got excited over this small amount of physical contact but it was better than nothing. I could here light snores from a distance away so I knew that Jeremy was asleep. Mark usually breathes heavily when he is asleep, I did not hear it. He was still awake, and he had his hand on my wrist. I started comming up with excuses for why he hadn't moved his hand yet. He may be too drunk to realize. I couldn't really come to my senses, but I did not try and move so I could stay in this moment. I felt his touch growing warmer, it felt beautiful with his soft soothing hand on me.

Darkness soon took over my vision, and then I fell into a sweet slumber.

It was the early hours of the morning, at the time I woke up for a brief moment. I looked at the clock, it was six o'clock. I noticed something, Mark wasn't where he was the previous night. I felt nothing on my hand, so I looked in where Mark's bed was, and there was no-one sleeping in it.

It wasn't normal that Mark would just get out of his bed during a sleepover. So I got up quietly making sure I didn't disturb Jeremy's sleep, in which he seemed to be in a deep one as he was snoring. I crept my way towards the bathroom to see if the door was closed or not. No one was in the bathroom so I decide to check the guest room. Mark was in the bed sleeping. I came over to his side and just sat beside him as he slept.

I couldn't help but wonder why he moved to the guest bed. Maybe, I did something wrong? A wave of wonder came over me as I tried to figure out why Mark had moved over here. I ran different scenarios in my head, maybe I had touched him, or did I snuggle against him? I denied those thoughts because I don't move during my sleep. I couldn't stay there for too long as I needed to back to sleep so I won't be so fucked up later in the day.

As I stood up to go back to bed I felt an something touch my side. It was Mark, his hand had grabbed my side. "Wait, before you go." he mumbled with his face in the pillow.

"What Mark? What do you need?" I asked

"Can you help me to the bathroom? I'm not feeling too hot." he said softly.

"Sure. Just let me help you up." I said as I helped raising his back off the bed. Then he grabbed my shoulder and I put my arm along his back and hoisted him up. He felt very heavy but it might have been because I was tired. I walked him across the hall into the bathroom and sat him on the open toilet bowl.

When he got himself comfortable I looked at his face and he sure did look terrible. Bags underneath his eyes and his hair going in different directions. I thought he was cute how he looked like a scruff, he was helpless and I was the friend to help him. "I can take care of it from here." Mark said. Not noticing how long I had been staring at him I closed the door and leaned against the wall thinking to myself. Is he worth it? Is he really Bi or Gay? Maybe this is a waiste of time and that its not worth it to get my hopes up.

The toilet flushed and I heard a groan. I knocked on the door and I heard another groan. I took that as a "come in" and opened the door slowly. He was hunched over on the floor and looked very sick. "Help me to the bed please?" Mark said in a pleading sort of voice.

"Don't worry, you will be fine. You just had a few too many drinks last night." with a smile. A low chuckle came from Marks throat. With that said I hoisted him up off the floor and helped him back to the bed. I pulled down the covers before Mark lied down. "Make sure you go back to sleep, I don't want you looking like shit when your parents come home!" I said in a soothing voice.

"I feel cold." Mark moped. Slowly tossing around in his bed.

"Well how am I supposed to help you? I can get another blanket if you want, just tell me where they are and I'll get you one."

"No thats fine." an awkward silence fell between us. "Just sleep here and if I need your help later you won't have to move far to help me."

"Ok." I walked to the room where I previously slept in and just brought a blanket and a pillow. I laid my pillow and blanket on the floor.

About the time I was getting underneath my blanket Mark said "You know you don't have to sleep on the floor."

"Where am I going to sleep then?" I asked. Hopeing I knew the answer.

" Well, you can sleep up here with me if you want." in a low tone.

"Okay." It was hard to hide my excitement. A smile breaked through my face. This is what I have been wanting to do for so long. I gathered my pillow and put my blanket on the bed. But then I thought out loud, "What if Jeremy sees us in the bed together?"

"He won't be up till late and you know that." he replied.

"Your right." I crawled underneath the sheets and Mark made some extra room for me. The bed wasn't very large, I estimated a double sized matress. He lied with his back towards me, so I did the same, so that I would not seem to be very eager. I couldn't go back to sleep because I was too excited. I could feel his warmth seeping through the sheets and running up against my back, it felt quite magical.

For about ten minutes I had been staring at the wall. I heard Mark breathing normally indicating that he wasn't asleep. So I tried to slow down my breathing and maybe fake Mark out into thinking that I was asleep. I followed through with my plan and kept my eyes shut just in case he looked somehow.

Ten more minutes went by with nothing. I was about to just give up this whole deal when at last Mark moved. It sounded like he rolled over on to his other side. I did not move and pretended to be asleep. Nothing happened for about five minutes, Mark had moved closer to me and I could feel his torso against my back. My plan had worked, he was actually laying down right beside me and it felt so awesome. I tried to keep my breathing the same but was hard to not hide my excitment. I tried to move back on him without being too obvious. Now I was pressed up against his body, nearly shoulder down to the above my buttocks.

Not wanting to push things far I kept my position there for about another five minutes. What happened next truly surprised me, he had actually moved his arm and wrapped it around me. It was a little bit under my armpit and he put his hand over my chest. I was getting so turned on by this situation, I did not want it to end. He was right about being cold though, I could feel the lack of heat going through the shirt I was wearing.

Mark's embrace made me feel so much better about persuing him. I felt so lucky, to feel him against me. I felt like I was safe from everything, like I could be his partner. He had his arm around me and I didn't want to stop, but the way I was lieing down now felt extremely uncomfortable. So I tried moving without him thinking I were awake or move away just because of reaction. I felt his arm starting to move up as I started to move. Before his arm was off my side I managed to grab and hold it, then I pulled it almost underneath me which pulled him closer to my body.

I was so shocked at my actions, but I knew it was a now or never. I still had my hand wrapped around Marks hand, did it ever feel smooth. His hand was surprisingly warm, compared to the rest of his body. I kept hold of his hand, there was no way I'm going to let go of it. I heard him trying to move around but I didn't feel any tugging from my hand. I felt his legs on top of mine and his whole body pressing up against me, and I mean everything. I could feel something a little bit hard against my butt. I thought that must be his hard dick. For so long I have wondered how it would be to touch it, but I still couldn't as Mark may actually be asleep and not realizing what he is doing.

It was not long before I felt something else on my body. I felt his breath against my neck. It felt warm, his face was so close yet so far away. I could feel the air getting stronger and stronger as it came into contact with my skin. The pressure of the air against my neck was gaining strength, I knew his lips was very close to my neck. I had butterflies in my stomach, I didn't know what to do. Whether to just turn around and give him kiss on the lips or I don't know. But he solved that problem for me, I felt his lips against the back of my neck.

I felt his lips against my neck, his tongue slowly pertruded from the crease of his lips and started to lick my skin. I let out a soft moan, now he knew for sure that I was awake. He continued to lick up and down my neck, then slowly making his way to behind my ear lobe. His licking was driving me over the edge. I never wanted something so bad in my life. Turning around I gazed into Mark's eyes. A small grin crept across his face. "I've waited so long." I whispered.

"Me too." he replied. Then kissed me on the lips. I have never been kissed by a boy before. Everything just seemed to dissapear, the only thing that mattered was my relationship with Mark. His soft lips were touching mine, the wetness of his lips, the heat, was all so new to me. We continued to kiss, his tongue was slowly slipping through the creases of our lips and entering my mouth. I let him discover what was in my mouth, his tongue was prodding through my mouth and our tongues met many times. I took my turn in feeling around his mouth with my tongue. Slowly I could feel Mark's hands going underneath my shirt and slowly pulling it up from my waist, I lifted my arms so he could remove my shirt. For a split second the shirt separated our lips, but then regained contact. I threw the shirt down to the floor while I started to move on top of Mark. As we were continuing to kiss I moved my hands up and down his sides, then slowly lifting up the shirt, massaging his nipples and then he leaned up and let me take his shirt off. Our cocks were slowly grinding against another. I laid lightly onto Marks chest and kissed him madly, I was in love with this boy and nothing could ruin it.

To be continued... for comments, questions etc. No immflamatory emails.

Next: Chapter 6

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