Gambling for Love

By Martin Internet

Published on Mar 7, 2023


Copyright (c) 2005 by Martinc16. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to Nifty Archives, to archive and display this work. All other uses are expressly forbidden unless explicit arrangement has been made with the author. This copyright applies to all chapters and pages of this work. It may not be reproduced, posted, stored electronically, or archived, except for personal, non-public use, without the express written permission of the author.

Authors Note: This is my first story I have typed. It is inspired by fictional events. Similar names used in this story that pertain to people in reality are purely coincidental. Enjoy.

Previous Reading---"Yeah, its cool." Mark replied reluctantly. I offered out a hand. He took it into his grasp and I felt the warmth of his hand flow into mine. It felt beautiful and smooth. I even pulled him up to his feet as everyone else was standing up and getting ready to move down stairs with all the snacks and drinks. I wanted to keep on holding his hand from now till eternity. I noticed that I had been holding on for too long and was embarrassed. My cheeks began to have a burning sensation and thats when I knew I was blushing. He looked curiously at me but did not say a word. All the guys were downstairs yet we remained. I was kind of dissapointed at myself for being such a dork. We both got our things and went down to the basement where the rest of the guys wait. -----

We walked down the stairs to see the guys all chilling on the coach. There was only one chair left with big arms on it. I ran for it and sat there before Mark could get to it. Mark ran right after me knowing I was going to get the chair. I managed to get on the chair.

"Get off my chair!" Mark screamed.

"No, I got to it first." I shot back.

"How about this is my house and you will get no alcohol if you don't move!" Mark exclaimed. I could see the tention building within those eyes of his.

"I was only kidding man, just let me sit on the arm of the chair so I don't sit on the floor?"

"Yeah, sure." Mark replied. "Who's up for some NHL 2005!?"

Everyone said yeah and got out all the PS2 controllers and accessories. Before you knew it everyone was playing except for Carl.

"I don't have a controller I can use." Carl said.

"Oh well, we'll just rotate between rounds." Mark replied.

We never really played an actual hockey game on NHL 2005. We would just play half court shoot outs. Who ever got five goals first would win the game. My favorite player was Iginla, I picked him almost every time. Mark's favorite player was Bertuzzi, and picked him almost every time. Justin picked Sakic, I never really paid attention to what Jeremy picked because I knew he wasn't all that good at this game anyways.

The game started and soon it ended. Mark won of course, since it is his game. Justin lost so he passed the controller to Carl. Throughout the games Mark and I never passed the controller over. Us both were actually tied for wins, why was it that my favorite guy was also my equal opponent?

After an hour or so went by Jeremy hadn't won a game yet, but managed to keep his controller for the most part. After Mark had won again Jeremy was seeming to get frustrated. He would make more noise as he pressed the buttons on the controller, more noisey then it really had to be. I had won the next round. "This game fucking sucks, we never win. Its always Mark or you." Jeremy glaring at my eyes. "Lets get drunk now, I had enough of this dancing around the bottle bullshit. I want to do it now before it gets too late." said Jeremy.

"Ok, ok." Mark said. "Lets get the liquor out and put it on the little table." I helped Mark get the beer and glasses.

"Well Justin and I are leaving now since it's getting late." explained Carl.

"It's not that late." Jeremy said, "Why don't you guys stay and see us get plastered?"

"Well it's 11:00 and curfew is 12:00 for the licence I have so..." Carl trailed off in speech.

"Don't worry Carl, see you later. Hope you had fun!" I said to Carl reassuringly, looking off to the side I glared at Jeremy. Jeremy was giving me quite the gross look back at me.

Ever since grade eleven started, it seemed that Jeremy and I had drifted a little bit apart. We always had a little distance even when we were best friends. I could never tell him what really did bother me or my true feelings. He just didn't seem like that kind of person you would share those personal feelings to. He seemed ignorant and "I'm a tough guy" attitude. He would make light of complicated situations and was insensitive to others. The more rude and ignorant he became as time went on, the more I drifted apart from him. Quite frankly I would be better off without him now but Mark insists on having him hang out with us. I would do anything to make Mark happy though.

Justin and Carl left the door, and we decided that we would order some pizza. Mark and Jeremy started drinking almost immediately as I was making the call. I made the call as quick as possible so that I could chill with the guys and have my first drink with them. They were both sitting near a table and started popping beers open. I grabbed a beer and started to chug it, not knowing its bitter taiste. I almost coughed it up, it was soo new and bitter to me.

Jeremy started laughing at me hysterically, "Little baby can't handle a little bit of booze!"

"Hey shut up!" I laughed at myself for making a fool out of myself thinking I could just start chugging the beer.

"Here if you don't like it, I will have it! Mark exclaimed with his hand in my direction. I gave him the beer. He had three beers in about fifteen minutes. Jeremy had two and I still had no liquor. "You can have some rum'n coke after the pizza comes."

"Thank god, I thought I was'nt going to be able to drink anything tonight!" I stated.

"Yup! Your going to get hammed with us!" Mark smiling.

The door bell rang. "Hey get the door, we're too busy drinking." Jeremy said.

"Yeah, I'll be back in a second." I got the money I had won from gambling and payed the delivery boy. Damn he was cute with sandy blonde hair down to his shoulders, blue eyes and awesome smile. Too bad I couldn't just invite him in for a drink with us. I thanked him and went downstairs with the pizza.

"Pizza is HURRR!" I said in a gansta tone.

"Shut up, I want pizza now!" Jeremy advanced with a beer bottle in his left hand and right hand opening the pizza box. He grabbed the first two slices and put them right on the table.

"You fucking idiot, we need plates first you ass!" Mark screached. With that, Mark ran up the stairs and got some plates from the kitchen. He ran back down and in no time we were enjoying our pizza. The rum was on the table and poured some in a glass, then I put in coke. There was one third of rum and two thirds coke. Mark and Jeremy had been obvserving me as I was doing this. I felt a bit nervous as they were looking at me. The moment of truth, I started drinking the rum'n coke. After that I saw the looks on Marks and Jeremy's faces, they were both in shock. I was in even more shock, I never really thought I would ever drink until I am nineteen which is the legal drinking age. It taisted a bit bitter but it sure taisted a hell of a lot better than that beer. "It's good" I said. Then we all start eating our pizza and drinking. I drank 4 rum'n cokes before I was done my portion of pizza. I was starting to feel a little more loose but not all that much.

I was feeling the minor effects of alcohol. I couldn't really focus on one thing at a time. We started watching Napoleon Dynamite on his big t.v. Jeremy had as much rum'n coke as I did. I decided to get the beds ready as I know if we get any more alcohol in our system we might not be coordinated enough to do much of anything. I went to the spare bedroom to get some make shift matresses and put them on the hard wood floor in front of tv. Mark and I got the blankets and pillows. During sleepovers Mark would always have the matress closest to the tv. I claimed the next matress beside him. That left Jeremy to sleep on the couch.

"I don't want to sleep on this couch" Jeremy whined.

"Go cry, I got myself the mattress and I won the game tonight so you can sleep there." I said.

"Fine then, you can sleep with your boyfriend on the floor then." Jeremy snapped. I couldn't help but feel a little bit embarrassed at that moment. I really did have feelings for Mark.

"Hey guys come over here!" Mark yelled from the adjacent computer room. We entered the room and saw that he had mixed red bull with a whole bunch of vodka. It looked like a yellow mixture. This mixture could make it possible for me to get my way with Mark. With that he started sipping it, "It taistes good!" he sips some more out of it. "Here try some!"

Mark handed me the big glass of the mixture. I started sipping it from where Mark had. It taisted a bit sour, but it was really good! "This shit taistes good Mark! I want more!" I asked.

"No this is for me, you should have bought more red bull for yourself!" Mark said.

"Oh well, let me have some Mark." With that Jeremy took a couple huge gulps of the mixture.

"Hey, give me that I want to get hammed off this shit!" Mark yelled at Jeremy. "You guys can have more rum and coke you know. Just make sure that you don't make it obvious that so much is missing."

With that said Jeremy and I got another glass. After this I was feeling the effects of the alcohol. I went on the computer and started to talk to other friends from school and went on webcam to show I was drinking. Most of them who I showed were in shock and couldn't believe that I was actually drinking. It was all amusing to me but I had a very hard time trying to type properly. Oh well I thought to myself. Mark was still sipping on his mixture and I showed them what we were drinking. They were all happy for us. I signed off so I could have another drink. This time I was not able walk properly without stumbling over a few of my steps.

As I was drinking the last that I would drink tonight Mark was still sipping his drink, it almost seemed like he was reluctant to drink it or to finish it, one or the two. "If you don't drink it, then I will." Jeremy demanded.

"No, I'm going to finish it right now." Mark stated.

"No you wont, you will just take little pussy sips out of it." Jeremy retorted. I doubt Jeremy had been feeling any effects of the alcohol because of his size.

"Nope I'm going to chug this right now!" and with that statement he held the glass in the air, still half full. "This will be dedicated to James!"

"Why is it dedicated to me?" I asked.

"Why not? Cheers!" Mark held up his glass and we clinked our glasses together. "To James!" With that he started chugging it, after about half a minute he was done. I thought it was odd that he dedicated a drink to his friend who was standing right beside him. I don't really know why he would dedicate it to me, maybe I will never know, but I was happy he said my name rather than anyone elses, he was my best friend and crush He let out a belch and I saw his eyes roll back. "Wow that was a hell of a lot to drink. I think I'm done tonight!" He said and I started laughing.

I went back on the computer and started web camming with a close girl friend of mine. Mark followed me into the computer room. I could see in my own webcam screen that Mark was directly behind me on the chair leaning on it. He pulled up a chair and sat beside me. He was very close to the screen trying to read what I'm typing. But when he was close to the screen he was very close to me. I could feel his breath against my face and I couldn't help but feel aroused. As I continued talking to my other freiends on MSN I felt something on my shoulder. It was Marks head. I was personally amazed he would actually do it. When I looked at him, he sat right up again and tried his best. It was no use he lost his balance and started leaning on the wall.

My other friends were laughing at what they were seeing going on around me. I didn't care, Mark was my buddy and I would never be embarrassed of his actions. Then he leaned on me again. This time I didn't look at him. I just observed him through the webcam. He looked so cute. I was wearing a tee-shirt at the time so i felt his cold leather jacket on my arm. My friends watching this said he must be really drunk if he can't support himself. I agreed but let him keep on doing what he was doing.

Jeremy entered the room with his big feet pounding on the floor. "Aww look at you faggots all huddling on each other. How fucking cute is that. Maybe I should get a picture it will last longer!" As Jeremy said that Mark tried to support himself on the wall but failed again.

"Maybe its time I go offline and go watch Napoleon Dynamite." Mark mumbled something but I could barely hear anything. I logged off his computer and I helped Mark to his bed on the floor. Instead of lieing down on his bed he lies on mine. "Hey thats my bed there Mark."

"I don't care." he mumbles. The movie was half over and we had watched none of it so we restart it again. I got changed in the bathroom into my pj pants and just kept my t-shirt on. Jeremy started the movie and I turned off the lights and lied down beside Mark to watch the movie.

I lied down on Mark's bed, but I'm pretty sure its my bed now because it didn't seem that Mark was going to be moving anywheres in his drunken state. We quietly lied down watching the movie. I could here Mark behind me figiting or moving something around. I didn't pay any attention to it.

Fifteen minutes pass when Mark whines "I need to go to the bathroom!"

"You know where it is Mark, after all, it is your house."I whispered.

"I can't stand up, I need help." He whispered in my ear.

"OK, get ready then." I positioned myself beside him and held him up straight but it felt like he wasn't even trying to support himself, like he was just leaning right on top of me. "Mind to help Jeremy?" I asked.

"Don't worry you guys are good." he replied. I raised a brow at him. Jeremy didn't budge so I managed to get Mark to the bathroom in one peice, even though it would have been a lot quicker with Jeremy. Fortunately the bathroom was close to the room we were sleeping in, only fifteen feet away.

"Here you go!" I sat him down on the toilet seat. "You probably should stay seated when you do your thing because you don't want to aim in the wrong place."

"Thanks James." He mumbled. I left the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

I walked towards the room where we were sleeping in. "Aww thats so cute, helping your boyfriend to the bathroom. Did you make sure he aims properly in the toilet?" Jeremy spoke in a sarcastic tone.

" First thing he isn't my boyfriend, second of all, I'm not gay and third, maybe you should actually help your friends rather than be such a fucking prick. If you were so drunk that you needed help peeing or getting the bathroom you would expect us to help you."

"I wouldn't need your help because I would just whip mine out and take care of business where I please. " Jeremy snorted.

"Of course you would say something like that because you are an inconsiderate moron and have no respect for peoples property and have no sense of decency."

"Do you wanna get hit?" Jeremy asked seriously. His left eyebrow was raised and looked like he was ready to pounce.

"Bring it, I'm not afraid of you, you're all talk anyways, you wouldn't do shit." I muttered.

"Alright as you wish!" Jeremy started to advance on me and I got ready to defend myself.

"James, help me out of the bathroom!" whined Mark.

Looking into Jeremy's eyes I replied "Be RIGHT there, Mark!" I backed away from the situation but maintaned my eye contact with Jeremy. We weren't on good terms at all right now. This didn't help my situation at all, I had to chose between Jeremy and Mark. Mark would obviously win my attention. Jeremy was backing down as well with a very stern look on his face. I had actually pushed one of his buttons but he more than certainly pressed the wrong one on mine. I had enough of his anti-gay sarcasm and how he always made fun of me for being a "faggot" or whatever he would say. Jeremy then lied back down in his bed and watched the movie.

I walked in the bathroom, what a mess. Toilet paper on the floor and Mark barely even on the toilet seat anymore. I got him to put an arm around my shoulder and got a hand on his side and helped him to bed. We took it one step at a time. He started to fall down again but I managed to grab him before he fell. I grabbed his ass and I could not believe how nice it felt. It automatically made me aroused, my dick felt hard in my pajama pants. I still had my hand on his ass as I lead him to his bed. He lied back down again on his back and just stared at the ceiling.

"Here, Mark, lie on your side." I commanded.

"Why?" Both boys ask me.

"Just in case if you throw up, you will throw up to the side rather than choking on your own vomit and dieing." I knew he wouldn't throw up because he hasn't blacked out. They agreed and I propped Mark on his side, this made him closer to my own mattress which was right beside his. He layed towards the right.

We watched the movie and it was comming to an end. It was fairly funny, Napoleon is my new hero second to Mark that is. It was late so we decided to turn off the lights and sleep. Jeremy turned off the tv and i got underneath the covers.

"G'night guys."

"G'night" they reply.

When I sleep I always slept with one arm under my head pointing up. I would always have my body go to the left with left arm underneath my head. Since Mark was lieing to the right, I was facing him. Since it was dark I coudln't see if he was awake or asleep. I could only tell by the little clues, either him shuffling around in his sheets or making a small grunting noise. He slept quite like me but in the opposite direction. When I got comfortable I tried to get as close to Mark as possible without being on his mattress. I was litterally on the line between his and my mattress. So I got real comfortable in that spot and started to settle down in that spot.

I could hear that Marks breathing began to slow down along with mine. I heard him shuffle for a minute and then I felt it. His hand grabbed my wrist and then released again. I got excited over this small amount of physical contact but it was better than nothing. I could here light snores from a distance away so I knew that Jeremy was asleep. Mark usually breathes heavily when he is asleep, I did not hear it. He was still awake, and he had his hand on my wrist. I started comming up with excuses for why he hadn't moved his hand yet. He may be too drunk to realize. I couldn't really come to my senses, but I did not try and move so I could stay in this moment. I felt his touch growing warmer, it felt beautiful with his soft soothing hand on me.

Darkness soon took over my vision, and then I fell into a sweet slumber.


Next: Chapter 5

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