Gambling for Love

By Martin Internet

Published on Mar 2, 2023


Copyright (c) 2005 by Martinc16. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to Nifty Archives, to archive and display this work. All other uses are expressly forbidden unless explicit arrangement has been made with the author. This copyright applies to all chapters and pages of this work. It may not be reproduced, posted, stored electronically, or archived, except for personal, non-public use, without the express written permission of the author.

Authors Note: This is my first story I have typed. It is inspired by fictional

events. Similar names used in this story that pertain to people

in reality are purely coincidental. Enjoy.

Previous Reading---How we became friends was actually the best thing that happened to mein highschool. I went into highschool with barely any friends, I really only had one good friend and that was Jeremy but that was about it. So I was feelingnervous the first day. I was dreading lunch time because I didn't want to seem like the loser with one other person at one table. Then Mark came by and asked me if this seat was taken. I told him he is welcome to sit with us and we have been friends ever since. Later Carl and Justin showed up and sat beside us starting our erra of high school. The best group of friends I could ever have.---

It was 8:00 and the first person to show up was Jeremy. Of course I thought to myself, he was soo excited about drinking that he would get there early to see if he could sneak a few before the actual gambling began.

"Hey fags!" Jeremy shouted as he entered Marks house.

"Hey..." both Mark and I replied, we both looked at each other. I was wondering what Mark was thinking as Jeremy entered the house. I knew I was thinking here we go again, Jeremy with his rude comments and to neglect other peoples feelings for what he says.

"Since you are drinking Jeremy, I decided that you should stay the night?" Mark said. My heart immediately sank at that moment. I knew Mark was going to invite another person to spend the night, but why Jeremy? He was always calling other people faggots and just didn't are about what other people felt. I would have fancied any other guy, but him to spend the night.

"Oh thats good, then I won't have to face the parents then when I get home, thanks Mark." Jeremy replied. Damn it I thought to myself, "Why him" I kept on repeating in my head, why him. "Why are you so sad?" looking directly at me. "Sad that you can't spend the night with us, sorry if your faggot dream didn't come true!" Jeremy said in a bragging tone.

"Uh, actually hes staying the night to Jeremy so don't get so excited." Mark replied to Jeremy's rude comment.

"Oh well, at least I won't be alone with Mark, at least if he tries to put any moves on me while I am drunk I will have a witness!"

"Would you just shut up Jeremy, your anti-gay remarks aren't all that amusing anymore. I'm starting to think you're gay because all the things that have come out of your mouth has been bashing gay guys! Maybe you are just uncomfortable with yourself and your too pussy to come out to yourself. Why don't you just go shove a stick up your ass, maybe you will feel better!" I wowed myself after that expression of extreme anger. I never really exploded in that kind of way. But all this talk about being faggots and how wrong it is really did effect me and it did piss me off.

"Ok, just don't get your bra straps in a knot." Jeremy says. He begins stare at me with cold eyes. As if he were trying to figure out what I was thinking. I gave him a cold stare back. The air felt thick and hot. I was afraid that Jeremy was going to punch me for implying that he was gay. Usually he doesn't take bad attitudes from no one. But I was around his height, and he knew I was faster than him so he knew that if he were to punch me or anything like that he better be ready for a good fight.

As we stood there for a moment at the door just giving each other looks before Jeremy actually entered Marks home. I couldn't help but notice Mark was looking at me an aweful lot. It seemed like since I told Jeremy off he looked at me more often. Before we all got lost in our thoughts the doorbell rang. It was Carl and Justin.

"Hey guys!" Carl said rushing through the doors and untieing his shoes almost immediately. Jeremy starts staring at Carl with a raised eyebrow but did not say anything. Carl seemed to be intimidated and just slowed down and didn't make too much of a commotion. Justin arrived\ right after Carl but in a slower pace.

"What you sayin." Justin asked as he walked in the house. Giving us props and being cool. Jeremy seemed to lighten up to the comment and the room didn't seem as stuffy anymore.

"Well, who wants to gamble!?" asked Mark. We all got the gambling supplies, the chips, doritoes, cards, drinks everything. We raided Marks parents liquor cabinet which was right beside the table in which we were going to gamble on. How convenient I thought.

I got myself some coke and poured it in my glass and took my seat at the table. I had a special spot at the table in which I always sat at. it was the best spot because there was no glass behind me, no one would be able to see what kind of cards I have because there would be no reflexion comming from behind me. Also, it was in the middle of the table so I could see everyone perfectly.

Jeremy approached me with a bottle of vodka. "How much do you want gansta?" He asked.

He put the tip of the bottle on my glass before I blurted "No! I don't want any until after gambling!"

"Why not!?" He snapped at me.

"Because if I'm messed up while I gamble you fuckers will win my money, and that ain't happening!" I chuckled. The rest of the group chuckled amoung each other. With that said, we started gambling. We started playing Texas Hold'em, We all loved that game, it was easy, and fun to play.

After a half an hour of playing Carl is the first one to drop out. He lost all ten of his dollars and was not able to buy in again. As the game progressed we all teased each other about whos going to lose their money and whos going to win it. Justin was eliminated ten minutes after Carl was. Jeremy kept on making fun of them as us three were still playing the game.

Fifteen minutes go by and I notice Jeremy's stack of chips getting shorter and shorter every hand we play. My eyes grow wide as my stack is getting larger and his dwindles to a mere two white chips. Fifty cents of chips were left for Jeremy to play, Mark puts fifty cents as the ante even before the cards are delt. Jeremies eyes go red with fire but complies. He puts his fifty cents in and we play, I won that hand. Jeremy was now out of the game. I felt quite happy knowing that I beat him and took his money away from him.

The game was not over though. I know I would not lose my ten dollars because I am automatically second place. So either way I keep my money. But now the game was narrowed down to just Mark and I. What a coincidence I thought. Now that it was just the two of us the game had really began.

Mark was excellent at gambling, at least against people who didn't know him as well as I. His face remained stern even when he had the best or worst of hands. I, on the other hand was the complete opposite, I would smile when I got a really good hand and try to smile when I had a horrible hand. This game between us now has escalated to a whole new level for me. This was my chance to see if I could really figure out his intentions.

An unsaid rule amoung us friends was that the stakes were a lot higher when it narrowed down to the last two people. We would double our bets and double the ante. Generally the Ante is twenty-five cents but its increased to fifty.

Our stacks of chips were nearly equal of height. Both of us had around twenty dollars in each stack. Lots of money for teenagers to play around with but oh well. We both put in our ante and Justin deals the cards to us. Mark was to the left of me so whenever I wasn't looking at the cards I was looking directly at him trying to ignore distractions around me. This kind of gave me and excuse to check him out but it was also to study his facial expressions to the cards dealt.

I recieved a Jack of clubs and a Queen of spades. Excellent I thought, not a very bad hand at all. I probably had a smirk on a face because Mark was looking directly at me. We both checked until we saw the flop. Jack of Diamonds, ten of hearts, and a two of spades. "Check", Mark agrees. The next card was a Queen of clubs. I was celebrating in my mind, I have a better hand than Mark. I saw his face but he also had the littlist smirk on his face. I raised him two dollars and he payed up as well. The next card was a Jack of Spades. I win, automatically but I didn't want to reviel that to my opponent. I bet three dollars. Mark surprisingly complies again. We both flipped our cards, I was the obvious winner, he had a two of hearts and king of diamonds. I am hoping I am going to win tonight.

The next round started. Before I could make any attempt to cound all the chips I won, Mark automatically put ten dollars as his ante, before he even looked at his cards. "Are you mad?" I asked him.

"Nah, actually I just wanted to make this game more interesting, and make it end faster." he replied. His eyes were burning the back of my sockets. "Damn it!" I thought to myself, if I lose this hand I will most likely lose the hand for sure! I put my ten dollars in though. Half of my stack was in teh middle of the table while Mark had approximitely five dollars for his stack. I was dealt a two of clubs and a four of clubs. "Shit." I thought to myself, really bad cards. We both said check before the flop. The flop was a King of spades, Jack of hearts and a five of clubs. I started thinking that I could possibly win this game if I make him go all in in thinking that he is going to win. So I gave a sad look as I saw the cards and mumbled "Check." Mark bet three dollars. I complied. The next card was a three of clubs. I looked dreadful while his face seemed to brighten. He goes all in. Yes my plan is working I thought to myself. When we both flipped our cards I acted mortified. He had Jack of Spades and a King of Hearts. He was smirking but when I flipped my cards he noticed how I could possibly win with the last flip of the cards. His face went from bright to dark and dreary. He knew what I had been up to all along. The next card was flipped. It was a six of clubs. I had the best hand in the game. A straight flush. The guys went absolutely nuts when they saw taht awesome hand. I won fourty dollars. I was soo happy to win all their money and I wasn't afraid to show my satisfaction. I laughed in everyones face as the ass hole I was.

Carl and Jeremy looked at me in pure discust. I just simply smiled at them. Justin was neutral about the situation because of how cool and relaxed he always is. Mark just sat there staring down at his chips and seeing his money being collected by me. This was the first time I had won a big game against him. He looked like he was in complete shock. I couldn't help but feel victorious over him even though he has been the crush of my life. " Hey man, don't feel bad about it. It was an exciting game man!" I know I said man twice in one paragraph. But I usually say that when I am nervous or excited. I think I was a little bit of both in that situation.

"Yeah, its cool." Mark replied reluctantly. I offered out a hand. He took it into his grasp and I felt the warmth of his hand flow into mine. It felt beautiful and smooth. I even pulled him up to his feet as everyone else was standing up and getting ready to move down stairs with all the snacks and drinks. I wanted to keep on holding his hand from now till eternity. I noticed that I had been holding on for too long and was embarrassed. My cheeks began to have a burning sensation and thats when I knew I was blushing. He looked curiously at me but did not say a word. All the guys were downstairs yet we remained. I was kind of dissapointed at myself for being such a dork. We both got our things and went down to the basement where the rest of the guys wait.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 4

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