Gambling for Love

By Martin Internet

Published on Feb 28, 2023


Copyright (c) 2005 by Martinc16. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to Nifty Archives, to archive and display this work. All other uses are expressly forbidden unless explicit arrangement has been made with the author. This copyright applies to all chapters and pages of this work. It may not be reproduced, posted, stored electronically, or archived, except for personal, non-public use, without the express written permission of the author.

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"The bell rang and we all dismissed ourselves from the table. I can't wait till tonight. Mark may be mine by the end of it. I just hope everything goes according to plan. "

The afternoon dragged on as usual. With math and gym class it really didn't seem like it would end. You think a straight acting gay guy would like to go to gym class and check out the scenery. I for one didn't like it, most of the guys in my class were a bunch of stoners or losers that probably won't make it far in life anyways. They would all try to fight each other in wrestling while in class and the teachers wouldn't care too much about it. It seemed like when they were wrestling in class whoever won would be the guy thats on "top" of the class. Personally, I thought it was a way for them to jerk off their egos.

Math on the other hand isn't that bad of a class, with smart people in it I felt comfortable in their presence and didn't feel threatened by the other classmates. I was one of the smarter members of the class and everyone liked to sit next to me. The people who I enjoyed most sitting beside me was Jessica and Michelle. Jessica used to be a huge bitch until she got to highschool and started opening up to other people. Michelle was a big bitch at the beginning of grade 10, kind of funny how I didn't like both of them till later in highschool. They really became good friends of mine, even though we didn't talk much out of school. I found them to be most comfortable to talk to about my closer friends who I hang out with outside of school and my problems. We would also joke around and cause a little bit of mischief in math class. But the teacher didn't care because we were the top students in the class.

I got home around 3:30 like usual and followed the general routine I when I came home. Fixed myself a snack and talked to my friends on MSN. Mark was online and told me to go up to his house ASAP. I wondered why he was so excited to have me over at his house early. But without hesitation I left a note for my parents that I was going to Marks for most of the night.

I arrived at Marks house around 4:00. He came running to the door when I knocked. He is never usually this excited when I arrive at his house. He opened the door.

"Hey man, why are you so excited to see me at the door?" I asked with a grin on my face.

"My parents called, they said they won't be home all night but they said that they would let me have you and another friend over tonight!" Mark exclaimed.

"Oh my god thats awesome!" I was quite happy to hear the news. That meant that I could sleep beside him tonight. I was kind of jealous that someone else had to stay the night. So then I asked, "Who else is spending the night with us?".

"Jeremy will because he will be drinking with us." My heart sank a little. He was the one that I least wanted to spend the night with. Even though he was a friend he would probably ruining my chances of making my relationship with Mark go any further. Maybe I shouldn't be too hopeful about Mark being open or gay either, because maybe its just my heart that wants him, he might not even be gay.

"Oh, thats good I guess." I sighed.

"Is there any problem?" Mark asked with a an defying eye.

"No of course not!" I exclaimed. "Can I come in now its started to get cold outside."

Mark laughed, "Sorry, don't want your nuts to freeze off now won't we!"

"Oh well, I think they already are, maybe you need to help me warm them up!?" I joked.

Mark looked at me with that same defying look. "In your dreams!" I laughed it off, but I couldn't help but be dissapointed. We were home alone in his house with his parents not even to arrive till morning. This would be the most awesome opprotunity for me to test Mark and see if he really is gay or not.

"So would you like anything to drink, or eat?" Mark asked.

"No, I'm fine, I had a snack at home." I replied

"We should go get some supplies for the game tonight. I'm thinking we should go get some chips, pop, red bull, and a video game before company arrives." I couldn't help think that red bull was going to be involved with the drinking aspect of this party.

"Lets do it then!" I replied.

We got in his green Volkswagen golf and drove off to the grocery store. Every time I went driving alone with him I felt like I was an important person to Mark. It was a weird sort of feeling. It kind of felt like when a husband and wife are driving together. I felt like his right hand man while I was in the shot gun position. On the way to the store we talked about what happened at school. It was a pretty uneventful drive.

We came home with the supplies. We got red bull, coke, root-beer, doritoes, chocolate chip cookies and a good first person shooter game to pass the time before we gambled. As Mark and I unpacked the groceries he suggested that I call my parents and ask if I can spend the night at his place. I did and my parents said yes, so my parents won't know about what things happen tonight.

After I called my parents Mark suggested that we make something for supper before the other guys come around. So we got frozen mini pizzas and put them in the oven. When the pizza was getting cooked we played the Goldeneye game for PS2. While we were playing the game I noticed that Mark kept on looking over towards me. I don't know if it was to see my reaction if he killed me or if he looked at me for the hell of it. I dismissed those thoughts as the bell rang for us to get our dinner.

Mark got out the pizzas and put them on plates while I got the milk from the fridge and poured them into the glasses. As we sat down to eat there was silence amoung us. It was of a comfortable silence though. I enjoyed being in his company and we let our faces do all the talking. I sat opposite of him from the dining room table. So I could look directly at him and he could look at me without each other feeling embarassed. Mark and I are good friends but we don't talk as much like I would with my other friends. We were more like the kind of friends you could chill out with and not speak but feel comfortable about it. It made me feel humble inside. When we would have our long periods of silence amoungst ourselves I would wonder what he is thinking when we're looking at each other.

It was around 7:00 and we started phoning everyone to get ready and come on up for some good gambling action. Most people said that they would be there by 8:00 so Mark and I decided to play more Goldeneye as we waited for the guests. Again there was a silence between us. I think most people would find us weird with our lack of talking but I think our communication made up with facial expressions towards each other. Didn't Mark have one of the hottest faces around. With his lightly tanned skin, full red lips, a chizzled chin, and the best part of his face was his eyes. The outside of his pupils were of a light shade of brown, but as you worked your way towards the center, they became more and more dark until it became completely black. I could always see how he felt just by looking at his eyes. When he would be sad, or upset no one would be able to see it except me for it wasn't his face that showed it but his eyes.

Mark has been my obsession since last year when we reunited in highschool, we always went to school together but never really took the chance to get to know each other. Whenever we were on class trips or in new classes I would find myself close to him. I never really thought about it till now but we always seemed to be near each other but never had the courage to be friends outside of school because we had different friends and interests.

How we became friends was actually the best thing that happened to me in highschool. I went into highschool with barely any friends, I really only had one good friend and that was Jeremy but that was about it. So I was feeling nervous the first day. I was dreading lunch time because I didn't want to seem like the loser with one other person at one table. Then Mark came by and asked me if this seat was taken. I told him he is welcome to sit with us and we have been friends ever since. Later Carl and Justin showed up and sat beside us starting our erra of high school. The best group of friends I could ever have.

To be continued..

Next: Chapter 3

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