Gambling for Love

By Martin Internet

Published on Apr 7, 2023


Copyright (c) 2005 by Martinc16. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to Nifty Archives, to archive and display this work. All other uses are expressly forbidden unless explicit arrangement has been made with the author.

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Authors Note: I hope it didn't ruin the plot. comments/suggestions

Previous Reading:

He walked away before the next class came, and I just stood at the doorway, shocked at all the events that had happened today. First he called me a faggot, then told me Mark disearved to get stabbed, fucked me then kissed me on the lips. I did not know what to do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

I walked out of the gym, horribly confused. It was like it was a horrible dream. Why would he have humiliated me in front of so many people? I didn't know what to do.

Eventually I came across Mark. I was embarrassed to even look at him after what happened.

"Hey James! You look like you went to hell and back. You look almost sick whats wrong with you?" he asked.

"I don't know, don't want to talk about it." I replied.

"Of course you know, and I know you want to talk about it with me or else you wouldn't have mentioned it to me." said Mark. He was right, but I didn't want to tell him in school.

"I'll tell you later after school. Anyways I got to get to class."

"Ok." He gave me a funny look but kept on walking.

The day went on and on. Lunch time came and passed, I didn't say a word to the other guys. They didn't even ask about the incident that happened the previous week. I was surprised yet I didn't really care because I didn't really want to talk about it.

I just got in the door when I got a call from Mark. "Hey, are you comming over to my house now?" he asked.

"Hold on, let me get a snack and I will be right over." I told him, we said our byes and that was the whole conversation. I fixed myself a snack as I usually did after school, and had a drink of pop. I didn't even sit down this whole period but just walked around the house. I then left my house and went to Mark's.

It took me about seven minutes to get to his house. I knocked on the door and it opened almost instantantiously. "Well that was quick!?" I said.

"Well I was waiting by the window. Anyways, anyways come on in." He pointed toward the back of the house and waved me in. He shut the door behind me and took my coat. We sat in the living room downstairs and played his PS2 for a while.

We sat there playing NHL 2005 without saying a word to each other. Mark eventually broke the silence by saying, "So... What happened today James?"

I struggled for a moment to get the words out of my mouth. Tears flooded from my cheeks, and I didn't know what to say or do. "There there James. You can tell me anything." he grabbed a hold of me and squeazed me with his body.

I told him what had happened in gym class today. How Harris and Cole had raped me.

I could feel that Mark was getting angry. His eyes became narrow slits and his face red. "Why didn't you just bite off Coles dick?" he asked me.

"I don't know, I didn't want it to get bloody. I was helpless Mark. If I were to have done that then I was sure to get beat up by all the guys in the change room. They were all there, just laughing at me and I couldn't do a thing." I began to cry, I never felt so ashamed in my life.

"It's not your fault James. If I were in your position James, I would have bitten off his sorry dick. Harris though, he disearves to get his ass kicked. That fucker thinks he can just slap you around and make you give him a good fuck ever once in a while. Well that won't be happening, I won't let that happen to you."

"Thanks, you're the only boy who I want." I murmered. Mark then gazed up into my eyes and his face came closer and we shared a short but passionate kiss.

"They will regret what they did." Mark whispered into my ear. I pushed him back from me.

"I don't want you to go all crazy over this. I don't want you to make it more worse than it already is. I'm sure it won't happen again. I won't let it happen. Please don't do anything to Harris or Cole, please! I don't want it to be worse, I won't be going to Harris's house on Saturday, I'm going to your's. I can't believe that swine thinks that I would actually go to his house. I'm not a slut, and I don't plan on being one either."

"It will be hard for me not to fucking kill them both tommorow." Mark replied.

"Please don't. I will figure this out on my own, I need to do this for myself. I don't want to rely on you to fight all of my battles. I need to figure this out by myself so that later in life I will no that I didn't just sit and let things go by me."

Mark looked at me, frowning but with a hint of anger crept across his. "Ok, but promise me that you won't let them take advantage of you ever again. And if you can't prevent it, tell me so that I can do something about it. You can't just fight this battle on your own." He paused and looked at me to see my reaction. We continued to play video games for the next hour or so before his parents came home. It was around five oclock before I left.

The whole week went by uneventfully. No one tried to pick a fight with Mark and I. We continued to live our lives normally, even though I would like to express how much I care about him in school. We didn't get to spend much time after school with each other because he had hockey practices everyday. The hockey team was training very hard for Regionals and Mark seemed excited over it so I let him have his fun, even though I missed him whenever he was gone.

It was Friday afternoon and I had math first and gym last. Math class passed on as usual with the terrible droaning of my math teacher and his explanations of the quadratic formula and perfect squares. Even though my math teacher was really boring when he was explaining something related to math, he was a really cool guy. Mr Herold was old, tall,balding and lanky, but he sure knew how to make people laugh when he wanted to. I have heard rumours that he has a crazy tattoo on his back, and that he used to be a kickboxer when he was younger. He was the best teacher I had because he never checked homework and was slacked about most things. The only thing that annoyed him was if people ask too many questions. Whenever something confused me I would wait for someone to ask a question first so that I wouldn't have to be ridiculed in front of that class. Actually Mr. Herold had a lot of respect for me, as the feeling was mutual, I was one of the smartest people in the class and whenever the whole class was stumped on a problem I would be one of the people who would come up with the answer. Math was truly one of my strong points.

I left math class to head for gym class. It was a complete contrast, one class I did very well in, the other not so much. I went through the regular routine of warming up and playing a game or two of some organized sport. Thank god gym class seemed to go faster than math. I walked into the change room to see all the guys chatting and changing as usual. I saw Harris changing and pretended like he never even existed. I managed to get myself changed and was about to leave before the bell, I felt a large hand on my shoulder. I need not look behind me because I knew who it was.

"My house tommorow night, 7:30. Be there." he whispered into my ear.

I turned to look at Harris right in the face. "No." and turned around and went on my own way.

"Why not!?" he yells, causing all the guys in the change room to look and see what the commotion was. The bell rang.

"I don't need to explain to your or the rest of the guys here. Now if you will excuse me, I have to catch a bus." I replied trying to keep my cool. I then walked away from Harris hoping that the situation would go away.

"I know you like this James." I heard the guys laughing and I imagined he grabbed his crotch or something. "Your such a little flamer, you will never change, just accept it and suck my dick like a good little faggot!" He kept on yelling, by that time I had made it to the other side of the gym and left. I ran to the bus and couldn't wait to get home. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comments/suggestions?

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