Gambling for Love

By Martin Internet

Published on Mar 31, 2023


Copyright (c) 2005 by Martinc16. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to Nifty Archives, to archive and display this work. All other uses are expressly forbidden unless explicit arrangement has been made with the author.

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Authors Note: I hope it didn't ruin the plot. comments/suggestions

Previous Reading:

"I know Mark, I didn't want it to be this way either." I then gave him a big hug, holding him in my loving embrace. I didn't really care what anyone thought of Mark and I. As long as no one took the boy of my life away from me.


Almost a week has passed by since the incident that happened at school. My parents let me stay home for the rest of the week from school so that I could cool down and not face the pressures of being critized by students and teachers alike. I never talked to anyone but my parents and Mark. I didn't even talk to Justin or Carl, but I didn't really feel like talking to them. I wanted to figure out how I'm going to deal with the controversy at school.

My parents told me I must go to school tommorow. I dreaded the fact. I didn't want to face the rest of the population and be asked questions and being critized. Worst of all, I didn't want to see how Mark would be treated when he goes back to school as well. The night before I went back to school I decided to call Mark. I was in my room and dialed his digits and waited for him to pick up the phone. I really needed to talk to someone about my feelings and since Mark was the closest thing to me I couldn't resist.

"Hello?" Mark's dad asked.

"Hello, is Mark there please?" I asked

"Hold on a sec." His dad replied.

I waited for a moment before I heard Mark picked up the reciever. "Hey whats up?" I asked.

"Oh, its you thank god." he said.

"Why? What's wrong Mark?" I asked.

"Oh, the coach has been hounding me to go back to school so I can participate in the practices and games of the team." he replied.

"That sucks, but hey at least your fit enough to stay on the team you know."

"Very true, I have to go to school tommorow so I can make it to practice afterschool."

"You know what? I'm going back to school tommorow as well. I'm so nervous about going back though." I said.

"You're not the only one. I dread the fact, but hey! You have to, and if people ask about us, we can just deny it."

"We can deny it, but you know that will be a complete lie."

"I know it is. But I don't want anyone to know our business. They don't need to know, no-one needs to know as it has nothing to do with them." he replied.

" People are already gossiping about us, and if the persist we might as well give in, how bad can it really be. I mean most of the people I heard that talked about this issue were quite okay about it."

"You were talking to fucking nurses. They are at least half decent people. What about my team? What about the students? Most of them are retarded and won't accept us for who we are anyways."

"I forgot about your team mates. Nevermind, I will try to keep it secret as long as I can."

"You best." is all he said.

"Well, I have to go and get ready for tommorow. I love you."

"Good night James." he said and then hung up.

Little did I know is that my mom had walked into the room when I said I love you to Mark.

"Hey hun, who were you saying I love you to?" She asked.

I immediately blushed, but right after the embarassment I became angry that she had walked into my room without knocking and not making a stir. My door had been closed and she just snuck into the room without making a noise.

"Why are you in my room?" I replied her question with another one. I was clearly trying to sound annoyed.

"Answer my question first, I asked it first." She replied.

"How about no, it's none of your business!" I retorted.

"Why are you so ashamed to tell me who you love?" She asked. "You should never be ashamed of who you are and who you love."

"I don't need to be told how to act and I don't need to tell you who I Fucking Love." I was screaming by the end of my statement. I was soo enraged by this intrusion to my private life.

"Don't you swear to me. It doesn't matter if you tell me or not, I know who it is. I can just redial the number on the phone and find out who it was." she said with a raised voice, her eyebrow was raised.

"You wouldn't dare!" I screamed and grabbed the phone and began dialing random numbers so it would be impossible to for her to redial.

"I know who it is so stop being such a little bitch about it." mom screamed.

"Then," I said quietly first. "Who the fuck do you think it is?!" I screamed.

"Mark." she said quietly and staring me right in the eyes. Her eyes were digging holes into mine, it hurt so bad. My eyes felt like they were stinging, and then the water flowed out. There I was, big boy crying in front of mommy. I never felt so embarrassed in my life, she figured me out and now I'm crying like a baby.

"Don't worry James. We knew ever since the incident." she said in a soft soothing voice.

"Who's we?" I asked but knowing the answer.

"Dad and I." she said quietly.

My stomach began to cringe and I couldn't stop tearing up. "It's ok James. Dad and I accept you for the way you are. We didn't want to ask you directly if you were gay. I just wanted to know if you were or not. That's all." she said.

"I didn't want you or dad to know." trying to regain composure.

"Don't worry hunny. We accept you for the way you are and thats fine."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I'm sure. After all, your sister has a boyfriend and she will probably have kids later in her life so I'm quite content. Even if you were the only child we would still love you." she said.

"Well thats good, I guess. But how did you know that I was gay?"

"I knew for quite a while. I just didn't want to bring it up because I didn't want to be wrong or make you feel uncomfortable. When I heard your conversation tonight I had to ask you. I wish you could have told me a long time ago because I wouldn't have had to spend three years of wonder." she said.

"You've known it since I was thirteen!?" I asked.

"Yup. I noticed it when you would give guys a look that would be very different then what you would to girls. You didn't have any girlfriends, you also didn't attempt to get them. I noticed whenever I went shopping with you, you would always give guys a second look. I have had my reasons to suspect that you were gay." she replied.

"What about dad?" I asked

"He clued in later about last year. He realized you never dated girls and you didn't really talk to him about those kinds of things. He thought you may just be a late bloomer or just shy to talk about guy things. "

I couldn't think, I was absolutely stunned at what my mom said. Both of my parents conspirisized of me being gay, and I had no clue that they knew for that long.

"Oh." Is all I could muster to say. With that said mom left the room. She was leaving me to think about everything that happened. It was early in the night but I felt quite drowsy. I fell asleep with the thoughts of Mark in my mind, and how greatful I am that he is alive. ------------------------------------------------------------------

There I am again, facing City of Lakes High School. The school building itself scared me now. It reminded me of when Mark got stabbed, it reminded me of many things, including Jeremy and his horrible existence as a human being. The school was pirched up on top of a hill casting a shadow down towards the parking lot and lawns. The building was so long it would take two minutes to actually walk from one end to the other. There were stairways that would lead to its main entrance and other entries to the building. Inside the school it was worse, a cool, dark, damp place to learn. The first floor was partly submerged underneath the ground and gave it its basement effect to it. The hallways were poorly lit and the classrooms always seemed to be chilly. Yet when you went upstairs to the top floor they had skylights every so many meters in the hallway in attempt to make the school a brighter place to learn. Unfortunately the school was almost fifty years old and was falling apart. There was no doubt you got one of the best views of the city from this School. You could see the mall, downtown and lakes that dotted the city.

I walked in the main foyer and turned left to the math wing where my locker was situated. Mark wasn't at his locker but I could tell someone has already been there. The locker seemed like it was beat up, dents all over it. In big black letters, possibly from a marker wrote "FAGGOT" in large letters. My stomach seemed to turn inside out and twist and contort in different directions. I felt sick to my stomach, I didn't want to go near my locker but I knew I had to, my books lie there. I then got paranoid of everyone near me, it all seemed like they were staring at me and whispering to their friends while walking by. I knew it, everyone was talking about Mark and I.

I quickly walked to my locker and checked my schedule. It was a day three, quite possibly my worst dreaded class was first. PAL, in abreviation, Physically Active Lifestyles. In other words, gym class. I walked quickly to the gym so I would get there before everyone else and get changed in peace. I was successful in changing by myself and decided to run some laps before class actually started.

The bell rang and attentance was taking place. I sat beside the person who I felt most comfortable with in that class which was Jenn. She wasn't exactly the most popular or most good looking girl you ever have seen but I knew her since grade one and I felt like I could trust her with anything. She had dirty blonde hair with blue eyes, about five foot six and pretty slim.

"I heard about the incident." She said to me first.

"Who hasn't?" I said sarcastically.

"Well, mostly everyone knows it in school. After you were knocked out or whatever our school was sent to lockdown. We weren't able to leave the class until the bell rang for dismissal. All the doors were locked and all the teachers seemed to be on edge with us, the police kept on walking up and down the hallways making sure no one would try to start another fight or whatever."

"Oh wow!" astonished I was.

"Yeah, now you left a shit stain on our schools reputation thank you very much!" she chuckled. Even though she was probably serious because she was very patriotic of being a student of City Of Lakes High. She was a member of student council afterall.

"Ok class." said Mrs. MacDougall. "We're going to do some warm-ups first consisting of running laps around the gym and doing push ups on the side. You guys know the drill!" I ran around the gym with Jenn, a couple of guys or girls would pass us as usual. We took our time running around because it would leave us room to talk about our days and problems.

"I need to tell you something."

"What?" Jenn asked.

"Well," I trailed off in the sentence. She knows everything about me except for this.

"You don't need to say it because I already know." she replied.

"Really. Well then how do you know?" I asked her.

"Just the way you look at them. I knew it ever since the beginning of gym class. If these were all boy gym classes then you would have a constant hard-on wouldn't you?" she chuckled.

"Oh god." I replied and then started laughing myself. She always made light of serious situations.

Before you knew it gym class was nearly over. We were told to go the change rooms and get ready for the next class. We had showers in our school but never used them because they were only used by sports teams and I guess parents got angry before becuase teachers would force the students to shower against their will. I began changing as usual and then I heard chuckling.

"James your such a faggot!" was all I heard comming from one of the guys. I looked up to see who it was, it was one of Jeremy's friends, Harris Mulroney. He was a very tall guy, six-three and about two hundred pounds. I mean I was a fairly big guy myself but not as big as Harris Mulroney. He was quite possibly one of the biggest guys in school. I do admit, he had a pretty hot body and he was actually book smart, but he was all into drugs and smoking so that didn't make me really interested into him.

I didn't say a word, I just minded my own business and hoped it would go away but all the other guys laughter just added more fuel to the fire. "What's wrong? Got a cock stuck down your throat? Maybe its that faggot Mark's isn't it?" He said in such a harsh tone and started laughing afterwards.

I tried so hard not to say anything back, it hurt so much inside to know how cruel some people can be. Again I got more shocked at how cruel he could be and I was sent over the edge in anger. "Your boy-friend Mark disearved to get stabbed, that faggot." That comment sent me into fully fledged rage. I did not say one word. I pounced from where I was changing and unleashed fists of fury. I got on top of him and started pounding his face in. One after another was hitting him in his cheeks, blood splurting left and right from his mouth. I thought I had him beat but then some guys from the change room grabbed me off of him and pushed me against the wall. I looked behind me to see Harris get up from the floor and wipe the blood off his beaten face.

"Thats it faggot, you are gonna get it where you like it." He screamed at me. He then unzipped his pants and let lose his strikingly large cock, almost nine inches long and very wide. It was uncut and dripping with precum. Two guys held both of my arms above my head onto the wall while another boy unzipped my pants and put them down to the floor with my bare ass facing Harris.

"Your a little bitch you know that James." He said in a low tone very quietly. He was directly behind me and I could feel his breathing against the back of my neck. I felt the tip of his penis touch the outside of my asshole. I began breathing harder, I struggled to get out of the grips of the young teenage boys surrounding me in my impending doom. I wanted sex but not this way. I wanted Mark inside me for the first time, not Harris. I started screaming trying to get the attention of Mrs. MacDougall.

"Help me, Help me!" I kept on screaming. That is when Harris turned me around to face not a wall but another dick in my face. It was another guy in my gym class named Cole, he had an 6 inch cut cock and he had jammed it in my mouth and started to fuck my face. I could see his six pack contracting as he was fucking my mouth with his. His medium sized brown hair was swaying with his violent movements of fucking me in the mouth. I couldn't yell let alone breath. I felt like I was going to choke, I couldn't do anything to stop this from continuing.

As if I hadn't suffered enough I then felt Harris cock puncture my asshole. He started pumping his huge dick into my ass, I couldn't take the pain, it hurt so bad, my guts were getting ripped open and I couldn't do anything to stop it. "Yeah, you take my big cock in your ass pretty well. Boys this ass feels tighter than any pussy I have ever fucked in my life." Harris grunted.

The pain in my ass didn't go away and I tried to scream but that dick was still getting ploughed into my mouth. I was in a perogatory state, inbetween heaven and hell. I gave up all hope of trying to get out of this situation.

I felt Harris's pubes hitting the back of my ass as he was fucking me and the pain seemed to subside. I got used to his large cock ripping my insides open and it actually started to feel good. Even though my mind said I didn't want this my body refused to obey my commands. I got hard and all the boys seen it. They all shouted to Harris that I was getting hard and called me a faggot and everything else you could call a gay boy.

With that Harris punched me in the rib saying "I always knew you were a faggot." He leaned over me and I felt his whole stomach on my back, he felt so smooth to the touch then I felt his tongue against my ear. Then with a small rhaspy voice that I think I could only hear was "It feels so good to have my dick up your asshole. I should have fucked you a long time ago. Your ass is soo tight." His voice sounded like a slithering snakes tongue.

"Whats going on in here!?" I heard Mrs MacDougall's voice snap. I heard her footsteps walk in the change room. Harris pulled his dick out of my ass and Cole pulled his dick out of my mouth and I was lieing on the floor naked.

"What are you doing on the floor James!?" asked Mrs. MacDougall.

I mumbled for a few seconds before Harris came cutting in. "We were just having a little fun, weren't we James?" He gave a cold hard look, I knew he wanted me to keep my mouth shut. I was too embarrassed in the position I was to speak to the teacher. She looked curiously at me and then turned around and walked out, she probably thought its a boys will be boys situation. But that wasn't the case, I had just been raped, even though it was from one of the hottest guys in City of Lakes High School, didn't seem to help my feeling of embarrassment and shame.

The bell rang and all the guys filed out of the change rooms except for Harris. He just stared at me from the doorway, looking me up and down with his crystal blue eyes. Trying to walk by, Harris grabbed my dick with his large hand. I was expecting him to rip my dick off until he whispered in my ear, so close I could feel his breath against my earlobe "I want more of you, and your hot ass." He sounded so seductive yet he just raped me. I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself but then he rubbed my now hard dick through my pants. "I'll make it worth your while if you come to my place sometime this weekend. Saturday night at seven thirty at Four Gerald Crescent. My parents won't be home, be there." He then gave me a kiss on the lips, his lips were full and moiste and I had the butterflies. I could not believe I was getting kissed by one of the most hottest guys in school, and previously a member of the football team.

He walked away before the next class came, and I just stood at the doorway, shocked at all the events that had happened today. First he called me a faggot, then told me Mark disearved to get stabbed, fucked me then kissed me on the lips. I did not know what to do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

To be Continued... coments and suggestions

Next: Chapter 11

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