Gambling for Love

By Martin Internet

Published on Feb 20, 2023


Copyright (c) 2005 by Martinc16. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to Nifty Archives, to archive and display this work. All other uses are expressly forbidden unless explicit arrangement has been made with the author.

This copyright applies to all chapters and pages of this work. It may not be reproduced, posted, stored electronically, or archived, except for personal, non-public use, without the express written permission of the author.

Authors Note: This is my first story I have typed. It is inspired by fictional events. Similar names used in this story that pertain to people in reality are purely coincidental. Enjoy.

The bright sun shawn through the frosted windows of the cafeteria in the City of Lakes High School. It was a friday, lunch time and many people moving about to get their tables that they have staked for themselves. I was usually the first one to sit at my table where I would wait for my friends to arrive.

The first person to arrive was Jeremy. The big guy of our little group we had. He stood 6'1 with a husky build, with blue eyes long brown hair running about 4 inches long. He enjoyed to talk about cars and about football. He wants to be a rally car driver when he is older and I believe him. Always driving and hitting orners sideways making you want to grab the shit handles.

The Second person to arrive was Justin. He stood at 5'10 and had a build for play hockey. He had black hair and brown eyes. Don't let his jockish characteristics fool you though. He was the smartest person in my advanced math class, with a 96 average.

The third person to arrive was Carl. He is probably the shortest person to attend at City of Lakes High School. Only 5'1 and very skinny, brown hair and blue eyes. He was very short but he was also very loud. Unfortunately he has made some enemies in his life, and its a constant struggle to defend him because of his mouth and small stature. Sometimes I wish he would really shut his big mouth.

The fourth and last person sat beside me, his name was Mark. He was the boy of my dreams. At 6 foot tall, brown hair and brown eyes. He had nice tanned skin, silky smooth arms, he really was a masterpiece. He was goalie of our hockey team and was the best in our division. Our hockey team was a steam roller on the ice and Mark was a part of their driving force.

As we all sat at the table unpacking our lunches Mark says "So whats everyone doing this weekend?"

All of us replied not much. "Well since you guys aren't doing anything I thought that we should have a gambling party at my house since my parents won't be around until midnight!" Mark exclaimed.

"Sounds like a good idea Mark, I'm in. How much is the buy in?" I asked.

"It's a ten dollar buy in, and we will have two games. Second place loses no money and winner takes the rest." Mark said.

"Whats the ante?" Jeremy asked.

"Twenty five cents." said Mark.

"Ok, what game are we playing?" Carl asked.

"If you weren't soo stupid you would know we only like to play Texas Hold'em. I never play any game but Texas Hold'em." Mark said.

"But I like black jack, we should play a game of that too!" said Carl.

"No, my house, my rules, take it or leave it. The pot will be pretty good. Oh, and the only reason why you want to play black jack is because thats the only game your semi good at."The group exchanged chuckles as Carls face turned a few shades red. Carl always got mad at people who made fun of him. He can never take a joke.

We all went silent for a little while enjoying our food. I noticed that Marks leg was touching mine, he always did this. In the beginning of Grade 10 when he first did that, I would always get aroused by his legs movements against mine. I always wondered if he was curious or gay. He never did any direct actions to make me wonder if he ever was. I just kinda made the excuse for him that it was just a small table and you can't help but touch legs. But when he always sat beside me and sometimes made unnessasary movements with his leg against mine I would start to wonder. Maybe its just me being hopeful, or maybe my its my gaydar working.

"I can't wait till we can gamble! Then I get to win all your money!" I exclaimed, trying to break the deafining sound of silence.

"Yeah right, I always win money of you, the reason why I never get a job is because of you!You always wonder why your money disappears and its because I take it away from you in gambling!" Mark shouted.

"Yeah right! I only ever bet more then twenty dollars a week and you know that. If you didn't forget I have a job and I have a fair bit of money, except it goes to pay for my car insurance." I chuckled.

"Oh well, I don't have to work for my money." says Mark. The rest of the guys chuckled. Mark always had the best insults and the best come backs. In a way he was my hero, I looked up to him even though he was shorter than me. He was the one that always made me laugh even though I may be the one getting teased. Anything we said didn't really offend each other. Both of us knew we were only joking around.

Another awkward silence broke out amoung the group. Silence always makes me nervous. We just stare at each other and try to figure out the other guys mind. I would try to find out what the guys were thinking just by his facial expressions. When I was looking across to Jeremy I noticed a michievious look.

"Whats in that crazy head of yours Jeremy?" I asked. Knowing that the face he made meant he was up to no good. He was really the bad ass of the group. He reminded me of the devil in my head. Trying to make me do bad things when I didn't really want to. Girls say hes really sweet on the inside but would always try to do things that could get him into trouble. I think he likes to show off and say to other people that he did something completely crazy. He liked the attention.

Jeremy's eyes lit up, "We should get smashed at Marks house since his parents aren't gonna be around. It will be fun when we are gambling" Jeremy said. Immediately I felt a sick feeling in my stomach. I haven't drank before yet Jeremy and Mark had. I hope they wouldn't expect me to drink that much since I never have before.

Justin flatly denied and said, "I won't be because I have a hockey game next day."

"You won't drink just 'cause you're too pussy to do it!" Jeremy snapped.

"You know what you can go fuck yourself because I actually play a sport. You can continue to sit your fat ass on a couch somewheres and drink if you want, but I got game the next day and I don't want to fuck up my team just for a few drinks." Justin replied.

Jeremy's eyes were wide, "Fine then pussy. What about you Carl? I bet you are too small to even handle 2 shots!"

"I bet I could handle more, but I also got stuff to do the next day." Carl explained.

"Like what? Go shopping with mommy to get you new diapers? Or wait maybe its your ballet that you need to attend. Oops I actually meant karate but its all the same things anyways." Jeremy chuckled.

"Who in the fuck do you think you are? As Justin said I actually have a life that isn't as shitty as yours. 'WOW I LIVE IN A TRAILER PARK! IM SUCH A FUCKING HICK AND I LOVE MY CRITTERS!'" retorted Carl.

Jeremy was getting furious at this point. He wants to have the support of his best friends. He looked over at Mark and I. "You guys better get smashed with me! If you guys are too pussy for me then I think I would have to ditch this group all together!"

What a dumbass I thought to myself. "Calm down Jeremy, I'm sure that me and Mark will have a few drinks with you. Right Mark?"

"Oh yeah, I will have a few I wanna have some energy drinks with it too so I get real fucked up!" Mark said.

"Good then at least I won't be alone! At least I have some real friends!" Staring down at Justin and Carl. Then smiling at Mark and I.

Then it creeped into my mind. While eating my sandwich I realised that if Mark gets drunk then maybe I will be able to have my way with finally. He will be mine if I get him drunk enough. I want to just be able to hold him in my arms. I want him to be my lover more than anything. Then I realised how are we going to get the alcohol.

"So how are we gonna get Booze?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, my parents have a cabinet full with shit, vodka, rum and a kinds of liquor. If we just take small amounts out of the bottles they won't even notice!" Mark said.

"Oh thats awesome our plan is soo going to work!" Jeremy said cheerfully.

"But how am I going to get home? I need a way home, I can't drive while drunk." I said.

"Get one of the pussys who won't drink to drive you home!" Jeremy said.

Carl glared at Jeremy. Carl was getting annoyed by the fact that he was getting called a pussy. "Yeah, I will give you a drive home, but Jeremy can walk his dumbass home!" Carl said.

"Fine then pussy, I don't care if you drive me home. I will just walk to your house and puke all over your lawn and chuck my shit at your house!" Jeremy chuckled.

"You know your such a dick. I don't even know why I put up with this shit from you all the time?" Carl pouted.

"Ok, calm down guys. No need for this, as long as Carl gambles its cool. Just because I can win his money." said I. The guys chuckled for a minute.

"The only thing your winning is a kick in the ass!" Carl exclaimed. Carls face getting redder by the minute. We all laughed at him for getting mad over the smallest of reasons.

The bell rang and we all dismissed ourselves from the table. I can't wait till tonight. Mark may be mine by the end of it. I just hope everything goes according to plan.

To be continued...


Next: Chapter 2

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