Gabriel's Hope Plantation

By Chris Johns

Published on Apr 15, 2024


Gabriel's Hope Plantation

Chapter 3

The next day was another involving manic activity.

Josh's mother, Oprah, came to work with Gabriel's mother, his father Landon went to work with the blacksmith and the small children joined the slave children to play while Gabriel sorted education.

Josh and Gabriel went into the slave cottages to talk to Abe. Working together they sorted out the location for the new cottages for families.

"Don't go over the top Abe, but make the cottages big enough for an average family to live comfortably. Work out how much timber you need for two, to start with, and give your order to Josh."

Josh broke in then.

"Perhaps I'd better stay Gabriel. I don't suppose any of these men write."

Gabriel blushed.

"I'm sorry, I never thought. Ok Josh I'll manage without you for the morning. Lunch with me and then after lunch we are taking horse riding lessons."

The day turned out to be tiring, but satisfying. The final bit was the meeting with his work supervisors who reported their progress.

"I'm just starting to learn this business, Zeke, so you could bullshit me easily. I won't know for sure until after the harvest has been sold. If it is down on last year's figures I`ll go into reverse on trusting you and bring in a white manager and overseers, and I won't restrict what they do to get results."

The message was loud and clear. There would be no more rapes of their women, or punishment beatings provided they didn't let the master down. What they didn't know yet was that some of the young men would be gracing the master's bed on occasions.

End of day two and the happiness on Gabriel's Hope was breaking out all over.

Water was not an issue with a substantial stream running through the property. The problem as far as Gabriel could assess it was that it would take a lot of man power, or more precisely, woman power, to bring sufficient quantities to the house and slave village for his thoughts on hygiene to be realised. A few days later after a trip to town to talk to some metal workers the problem was potentially solved. A lifting pump would be made, capable of pumping water from the river to storage tanks he would have made and fitted at the village and the house. It took time but a month after taking over he had what he wanted. The village was dominated by a water tower and one was constructed close to the house as well. Several strong men were allocated part time to pump water up to the tanks through a series of pipes. In a similar time scale many new cottages had been built for families and larger barrack type cottages for the single men and women. Zeke had quickly assumed the role of senior overseer and was on excellent terms with Gabriel.

"Zeke, I don't know how the old master handled the mating of the women, but this is my law. No buck will have sex with a girl without my consent. Break that rule and get a girl pregnant and I'll strip the hide from the back of the buck. Where possible I will allow young couples to marry and set up home in a new cottage, but that is it. I want to see all men as they reach sixteen when I will assess them and decide how and where they will work. I still have to think about a good breeding programme to keep the plantation in workers in the future."

Assessing the young men at sixteen was a nice way of saying, I'm going to check out future bed partners, or more precisely sex partners. Josh was being very co-operative with man/man sex, but Gabriel wanted to be the top and Josh wasn't happy with the idea of a cock up his ass. He had bowed to Gabriel's desire to be fucked, but more on that later.

To get to this point after only one month had taken a huge amount of work on everyone's part.

Sarah had the running of the house sorted very quickly, she had also put seamstresses to work making dresses for the women and eventually new clothes for the men. They wore their old ones in the fields but in the evenings Gabriel was so happy to see them congregating in the centre of the village to sing and dance, all looking smarter and happier than they had done when he arrived. Zeke and his co foremen were working the crews so hard that Gabriel kept Abe and his eight men on permanent maintenance on the plantation. The stableman very quickly got Gabriel, Joshua and Jess to a good standard riding.

Joshua didn't sleep with Gabriel every night, he laughed when he told him.

"I sleep with you as a special treat Gabriel but I think you need to empty your balls into another boy quite often."

They had laughed and Gabriel knew he had the best of both worlds. The love for Joshua was deep and his greatest joy was feeling Josh enter him on the nights they slept together. He sat back and thought about that first time, just a few days after moving in to the mansion. He had planned it well, getting some refined animal fat from the kitchen to lubricate his anus and Josh's cock.

"Josh, I want you to fuck me tonight. We can pleasure each other and you can open up my anus before trying to put your cock there."

Josh knew it was coming and didn't object, after all, look what his family had now compared with just one week ago.

Bathed and smelling sweet the two young men piled into bed and with Joshua on his back, Gabriel started to kiss him.

"I love you so much, Josh, I will never ask you to take my cock in your arse, but if you ask for it know that it will bring me more joy than I have any right to expect."

Both boys laughed at that and Gabriel started moving down Josh's body with his kisses. His tears of happiness left a trail and Josh wondered at his luck. He did genuinely love Gabriel and he was sad that boy/boy sex was something he had reservations about. Gabriel thrilled him as he started to attack his groin, no reservation on the enjoyment level there. His long cock got even longer as he felt the warm wet tongue lick it and his balls and then swallow the head and send him into space with the sensitivity of the tongue working his glans. Despite the size of Josh's balls, Gabriel still managed to get them both in his mouth and drive Josh crazy as his tongue worked them over.

"Oh, God, Gabriel, that is driving me crazy."

"You had better start opening me up then, Josh because I want you to cum in my arse."

For the first time, Josh took Gabriel in his mouth as he started to finger him. Gabriel was in heaven, this was more than he expected from his best friend. When he could feel four of Josh's fingers in his anus, Gabriel knew it was time.

"Now, Josh, lubricate my arse and your cock. Fuck me, I want this more than anything else in the world, apart from me in you."

"I'm sure I'll hurt you, Gabriel, I don't want to do this."

"I know Josh, but please for me."

Josh was very reticent as he positioned between Gabriel's legs, but he could see the lust and the love so he pushed. His head disappeared inside his friend and he stopped still as Gabriel screamed.

"Oh, God, Josh that hurts, but don't move."

The pain took some time to abate, but when it did, Gabriel smiled and whispered, "More, Josh, feed it all to me slowly."

Josh couldn't believe how sensuous it felt on his cock as the soft tissue of Gabriel's anus gripped him, and Gabriel used his muscles to massage it.

"Oh, Gabriel, that feels amazing. After you have done it also you won't want to waste time being the bottom, you'll be fucking every young buck on the plantation."

They both laughed, but the fucking was so incredible they were soon lost in the sensuality of it until they orgasmed and everyone in the house must have heard the screams of pleasure from both of them. They calmed down slowly in each other's arms and Josh's words set the tone for years of joint pleasure.

"I love you Gabriel, and I'll do that as often as you want, but know I want to marry and have children."

Gabriel kissed his soul mate hard, and replied.

"And I want to build you a house for your family and be a special uncle for your children."

Gabriel could not have been happier, well maybe a little, if he could have fucked Josh, but he would never force the issue even though he knew he could. His love for this black man would never be stronger than it was that night.

Jess became the recipient of and centre of Gabriel's sex life for the next month, and to start with accepted a cock in his arse reluctantly. He knew he had no choice and in all other respects the master was a marvellous person to work for, it really was a lot like having a friend. The reluctance disappeared the first time Gabriel let Jess fuck him.

"You are being such a terrific lover, Jess, would you like to fuck me tonight?"

Eyes out on organ stops he could barely splutter a `yes', but when he did Gabriel laughed took him in his arms and kissed him.

"Well, go ahead, I have done it to you often enough for you to know how."

There was no problem with Jess, he was smaller than Joshua. The result was a very happy slave and a contented master. So contented that for the first time Gabriel allowed Jess to stay all night, not just for the sex.

The next morning Gabriel asked for Jess's recommendation.

"Jess you are working for Joshua and me so much you really don't have time to be the butler here, who would you recommend taking your place. I need someone to meet and greet visitors when we are doing other things and help mother run the house."

Jess laughed and replied, "I know one boy Master, I'm sure you would like him. He has an enormous cock."

Gabriel looked at Jess and then laughed.

"If you get cheeky I might use him to fuck you as well."

Jess wasn't sure if Gabriel was serious until he found himself wrapped in his arms receiving a very serious kiss.

"You had better send him to me after breakfast then Jess, and then you can join Joshua for the morning."

Blaine was the young man Jess recommended and when he entered the study, Gabriel was pleased, he looked smart and he smelt fresh. He expected the slaves to have a musk about them but he didn't like it to be too strong.

"I am looking for a man to become the major domo in my house, do you think you could do the job?"

Blaine looked shocked.

"I'm only a field hand, Master, but I sure would like to try."

"How old are you Blaine?"

"I'm 22, Master."

"Very good, one of your duties will be to keep me happy, sometimes in my bed. Do you think you could handle that?"

Blaine had heard the stories about the master and Joshua, and the master and other young slaves like Jess.

"It ain't my thing, I don't think, Master, but I would sure try hard to please you in any way that I can."

"In that case, provided I like what I see when you shuck down for me I'll get Jess to start training you, and my mother will measure you for your new uniform."

What he saw when Blaine was stood naked before him made Gabriel's eyes water. Blaine had the biggest cock he had ever seen. It must have been longer than 12 inches soft, and it was also thicker than Joshua with an erection.

Gabriel couldn't resist it, he walked up to Blaine and started playing with it. When it was erect Gabriel's jaw hung open. It was the most awesome piece of man meat he had ever seen.

"If I can ever get that in my arse Blaine, I may never want you to take it out again."

Blaine was completely lost now, he had no idea the master wanted to take it, he thought it was he that would have the master's cock in his arse.

"Go to see my mother now and tell her you need uniforms to take over from Jess, then find Jess and tell him to train you when he has time. Do a good job Blaine and you'll have a much easier life than the field hands.

Gabriel knew that without any doubt he was going to spend many an evening playing with, and sucking on that enormous appendage. He loved all the things about gay sex but his favourite was without doubt sucking on a great cock and Blaine had that in abundance.

Meeting other plantation owners and milking them for knowledge very quickly brought Gabriel up to speed in managing the plantation. He knew that Zeke was doing a good job as senior overseer and the boys worked hard for him, because they knew that they were being looked after properly, their families as well.

It was against the law to educate slaves but it wasn't against the law to show them how things worked and how to maintain them. From an early age, Gabriel had small boys watching and learning from carpenters and builders, blacksmiths and repair men. The stableman had lots of little helpers as well. Many of these boys would end up working in the fields, but they would still have other skills.

The biggest change for the slaves came after the harvest. The fields were cleared ready for replanting and then Gabriel told Zeke they were going to build a dam on the river to make a swimming hole. He had already noted the perfect place for it. There was a green glade near it and it was downstream from the pump for the accommodation areas, so he could organise swimming parties for the slaves at different times.

The sound of axes rang out around the plantation and Gabriel soon had a very good dam that gave a fine swimming hole once it was full, and then the flow to the plantation fields resumed unabated. Gabriel watched some of the work delighting in the nudity of the men as they worked in the water. Some of them were stunning to Gabriel and he knew he would be trying them in his bed at some time. A side benefit was that Gabriel had some more cleared land, and for this he decided to start a vegetable garden so that he could feed the whole plantation as well. Once it was dug over the women could look after that so he would need no new manpower.

"Zeke, I'm going to ask my mother and some of the ladies to organise a picnic for the families at the swim hole. On the same day I'm going to organise a party for the single men and women on the lawns of the big house. Do you think they would all like that?"

Zeke was dumbfounded, he had never heard of such a thing.

It happened, and from that party he knew there would be some more slave marriages, meaning more cottages. He would have to be careful that this didn't get out of hand.

The harvest was sold, Joshua completed the financial books for the year and was delighted to show Gabriel the accounts.

"You've done it Gabriel, you've made more money this year than your uncle ever did."

"Thank you Josh, we've had quite a year haven't we.

Next: Chapter 4

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