
By jhol7689 H

Published on Mar 3, 2011


Usual Disclaimer, if your under the age of 18 don't get caught reaing this. 2. if sexual acts between two consenting teenage males are illegal from your from please leave 3. This is my story, it's fiction and all the charactors are strictly from my imagination. Do not copy onto another site with out my consent 4. thankyou to my editor CD Mathews for editing this :) 5. The only way you'll get chapter two is if you email me for feed back, bad or good at

sincerly, your straight girl

and furthermore i hope you enjoy!

I had a feeling deep inside of me that I was different from the other boys in my town. The realization hit me in the fifth grade.

My best friend Marty Reed had a crush on Cynthia Patterson, although his feelings for her didn't surface until he received a valentine from her on February 14th. While he declared that she was the love of his life, I was secretly crushing on Anthony Morris, the boy who sat next to me during English. He was so unbelievably cute in an attractive way that had the snake in between my legs stirring. He had dark brown hair that came across his forehead, the darkest blue eyes I've ever seen, and an incredible smile that could light up the room.

It dawned on me that instead of Cynthia, Anthony had entered in my sexual fantasies while I practiced my masturbation skills. I knew I was what kids called a homo. I wanted to talk to my fourteen year old brother Chad about this dilemma but he and his friends called each other `fag' for put downs.

The only person I felt I could turn to was Chloe, my thirteen year old sister. She was talking to her boyfriend Turner Hayes and told me to go away, but once she saw the tears in my eyes she told Turner that she would call him back and gave me her full attention. I spilled my guts, telling her about my feelings for Anthony and asking for all kinds of advice. She cradled me in her arms and told me she still loved me and that anytime I needed her for anything, I could always count on her to be in my corner.

Let's fast forward to the year 2010. I am now a freshman at Richmond High School. My alarm went off and the radio is blasting Taylor Swift's new song "Fifteen," which seems like a perfect fit for today.

You take a deep breath and you walk through the doors It's the morning of your very first day and you say hi to your friends you ain't seen in awhile try to stay out of everybody's way.

It's your freshman year and you're gonna be here for the next four years in this town hoping one of those senior boys will wink at you and say "you know I haven't seen you around before."

Cause when your fifteen and somebody tells you they love you you're gonna believe them and when your fifteen feeling like there's nothing to figure out well count to ten, take it in this is life before you know who you you're gonna be fifteen.

As I look into the mirror after taking a hot shower I see a boy who stands at 5'6" and weighs 120 pounds with absolutely no muscle definition. I've platinum blonde hair that curves across my forehead but shows my barely visible eyebrows and hazel-green eyes. My skin is creamy white and I've been told by a few people that it's as soft as a baby's bottom. Thankfully I have no acne, a button nose, small ears, and a bubble butt.

I unplug my radio, grab my backpack, and head downstairs. Dad is sitting at the kitchen reading the morning newspaper and sipping his coffee and mom is standing over the kitchen finishing breakfast.

"Morning, guys." I say before I give dad a pat on the back. Mom turns around with a sly smile on her face. At the age of thirty-nine she's petite with long blonde hair and with my hazel eyes. She stands at 5'7" and you could visibly see the features that say 'I'm her little boy.'

"Good morning honey. The bus will be here in about ten minutes so hurry and grab yourself a plate."

"Son did you think about joining a team sport this year?" Dad asks as I sit down across from him. I sigh as this conversation is becoming extremely annoying.

"Yes dad and no I'm not going to. Those people and I don't get along much. Their job in life is to make mine a living hell." I spat, thinking how Anthony had dropped me in the trash can last year to impress his buddies.

"Language, Gabe!" My mother warned, but I just rolled my eyes. She had been so against cussing that if she ever heard you say words like that more than twice you either had to put a dollar in the swear jar or do the dishes for the rest of the week. I snickered to myself at the fact that Chad had to wash dishes this week for saying 'fag' at least three times at the dinner table.

Before I could get another word in the back door opened and in walked Marty. He had grown over the summer, now was standing at 5'8" and weighing 140 pounds of muscle from swimming and playing basketball during the break. His voice had changed from boyhood shrill to sounding like a growing teenager while I was stuck with the same squeaky voice I had last year. He had jet-black, spiky hair and light blue eyes that always seemed to be giddy with excitement. After ten years of being best friends we no longer knocked on each other doors and always switched houses for meals.

"Hello Marty, are you here for breakfast?"

"Yes ma'am, is that ok?"

"Sure thing. Just take a seat next to Gabe." Marty flashed me his million-dollar smile and patted me on the back.

"I'm going out for the football team after school today. You should go with me."

My dad's eyes instantly lit up. I grumbled under my breath for Marty not to say another word. He knew about the obsession my dad had to making me into the perfect son, next to Chad. Marty brought this up on purpose because I could see the amusement in his eyes as he tried not to burst out in laughter.

"You should listen to the boy son. You shouldn't let others stop you from reaching your dreams. You need to be out there enjoying life, having fun like Chad." Marty snickered as he made his comeback.

"Yeah, plus I'd kick some ass if they tried to hurt you. You're safe with me bud."

"Boys, LANGUAGE!" Mom roared, which broke the tension in the room and we both exploded with laughter. The fun ended though when the seriousness came back to the situation.

"Dad you said my dream, but it's yours. I have no interest in sports and never will." As I said this, Chad walked down and rolled his eyes. He knew what the conversation was about.

"Dad, leave Gabe alone about sports. He's his own person and it's his life to live it the way he wants. If he doesn't want to play sports, don't force him or he'll fail at it."

We all sat in silence as we ate our breakfast. Two minutes later there was honking in the driveway.

"Chloe, Turner is here!" As Chloe rushed down the stairs my school bus pulled up in front of the house. Chad has his own car but his friends fill it up to the point where there is no room for me, plus I would have felt bad anyway if I had to leave Marty behind.

"Bye guys love you!" I yelled as I rushed to the front door.

"Thanks for breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Walker! Can Gabe eat dinner with us tonight?"

"Sure thing hon. Have a good day at school, and Marty, look after my son please." Mom looked as though she was about to cry. We all rushed out the front door at the same time and one verse had stuck in my head since my alarm. Hoping one of those senior boys will wink at you and say, "You know I haven't seen you around before."

*** Marty and I had to split up as we headed to our lockers since his was on the other side of the building. I didn't have long to wonder who my locker partner would be and my heart dropped when Anthony came walking down the hallway, as if he owned the place. He sat his backpack on the ground and opened the locker. I didn't go unnoticed though.

"Hey queer, looks like you'll be sucking my dick the rest of the year. Let's get this straight, you stay out of my way and when my friends are around just act like you don't exist and you won't see the bottom of the trash can. Got it?" He sneered as I shut my locker and I stared him right in the eyes.

"Yeah, whatever asshole." I mumbled as I walked away.

"What the HELL did you call me?" I gave him a taste of the middle finger as I continued walking away without looking back. I wasn't going to let him control me this year. That was for damned sure. Everybody had been telling me high school is a lot better than middle school and I'm going to enjoy it. I was not going to go run and hide under a rock every time that jerk off came my way. I can't believe I ever had a crush on that kid in the fifth grade.

I looked down at my schedule and this was how it looked:

1st Geography 2nd Chemistry 3rd Geometry 4th English A 5th Gym 6th Choirs

I did forget to mention one small detail.

I had been on the honor roll since the fourth grade and my parents and teachers tried skipping me up a grade but I refused. I was already an outcast to my classmates and I wasn't about to be the freak of nature with proof attached to it. So they had me take higher studies and right now all these classes that I am taking are for juniors and seniors. It is my choice to graduate earlier but as I've said before I want to walk across the stage and graduate with my peers.

I am a little nervous since I know none of these kids. Even though I'm starting out at grade nine I will be with the juniors and seniors. I walk into my Geography class Mr. Sims, the teacher, gives me a strange look.

"Son I think you may have the wrong class." I sighed angrily knowing this is what I was going to get all day, cause of my height.

"No, I'm in the right class. Here's my schedule sir." I handed him my schedule, he read it over, and handed it back to me.

"My mistake. Umm, take a seat anywhere for today but we will have seating arrangements sometime this week." I looked behind me and was ecstatic to see the room was empty so I took the chance and grabbed the seat in the very back, next to the window. I looked up to see Mr. Sims looking amused as he watched me.

"Are you shy son?" The question caught me off guard as I had already started staring out the window.

"Shy? Yeah, you could say that." I answered back quietly, but he heard me.

"Well if you want to keep that seat for the rest of the semester that's fine with me. My only stipulation is that you pay attention to my lessons, don't let me catch you day dreaming, and don't stare out the window, you hear?" I nodded, liking this class already.

Just like before, my nerves revved into overdrive when the bell rang and students started filing in the room. Butterflies entered my stomach when I realized the back was a reserved spot for the jocks, who liked to stay far away from the teacher as much as possible. They wore their blue and white football jerseys and all had broad shoulders with heights that were at least 6'0". I was immediately intimidated and wished I had chosen one of the front seats.

One boy entered the classroom and I knew as soon as he strode over in my direction I had stolen his seat. I turned three shades of red as he stood over me, my whole body shaking.

"Mr. Sims, some kid is in my seat!" He said, obviously irritated.

"Take a seat somewhere else Mark." Mr. Sims replied without looking up from his desk. I decided I didn't want any trouble so I picked up my stuff.

"Sorry. I'll move." I more or less whispered. I got up and saw that the only desks available were up front. I took a seat next to this Asian kid, who in my book looked kinda hot. He had brown skin, spiky black hair and dark brown eyes. He looked up at me as soon as I sat my bag down and smiled a warm smile.

"Hey, what's up? My name is Joe. You're short for an eleventh grader," he noted with suspicion in his eyes.

"That's because I'm not an eleventh grader. I'm 14. I'm taking junior and senior classes. My name is Gabe." I tried to keep my anger under control as I didn't want to pass up my chance on making a new friend.

"Ahh, the next Bill Gates I see. Well, welcome little man. Maybe you could help me because I failed this class last year." I grinned and nodded as Mr. Sims hushed us and took roll.

I found out that Joe was in my next two classes and my brother Chad, who was a senior, was in my math class.

First lunch followed third period. First lunch was for the juniors and seniors and since I was taking junior level courses it was my lunch period as well. I sought out Joe in the lunchroom and asked if I could sit with him at his table. He shrugged his shoulders and said he didn't care. On our way to sit down he explained he kept a close-knit group of friends and he introduced me to all of them.

First was his girlfriend Julia. She had tanned skin with long, flowing dark red hair and green eyes. She stood 5'7" and had a petite body with a cute smile. She was the president of the debate team and captain of the girls' soccer team. I seemed to get a friendly vibe from her and shook her hand.

Next there was Steve, who was Joe's best friend. He was captain of the wrestling team and the only senior sitting at the table. He stood at 6'0" with broad shoulders, light brown spiky hair, and the kind of body for slamming some kids around on a mat!

Then there was Steve's girlfriend Kimberly. She had light red hair, a few freckles on her nose and light blue eyes. She was on the cheerleading squad and I recognized the look in her eyes as she looked me up and down. She seemed threatened by me and I couldn't understand why. She hooked her arm through Steve's and started kissing his neck.

"Jesus, you two get a fucking room!" Laughed Joe as he punched Steve in the arm. When Kimberly stopped her assault on Steve she turned her attention to Joe.

"Who is this dweeb and why did you bring him to OUR table?" Joe gave her a stern look as he grabbed my wrist as I started to walk away. I didn't want drama this year, especially from a snot nosed red head bratty cheerleader!

"He's cool. Don't be a bitch Kim." I raised my eyebrow as I felt the tension in the air; this couldn't have been just about me. Obviously something serious had been going on with the group before I arrived today.

"Sit down Gabe. It's just her time of the month, if you know what I mean." Joe smiled evilly over at Kim, who gave him the finger. Steve just shook his head, wanting to stay out of the drama.

"Are you just going to let him treat me like that Stevie?" Kim asked, turning to him with puppy dog eyes and pouty lips. `What a drama queen,' I thought.

"Babe, he's my best friend. Give the new kid a chance before treating him like he's dirt on the bottom of your shoe." Joe kept his head down as he tried not to burst out with laughter. I jumped in my seat as Kim drew her hand back and slapped him across the cheek.

"Good luck using your right hand tonight, jerk off!" Steve sighed out in frustration and covered his face with his hands.

"God, sorry man but she's such a bitch! Why do you put up with her? You could do a lot better man." Steve shook his head before responding.

"You don't get it Joe. We've known each other as long as I've known you and she has me wrapped around her finger. I can't imagine life without her man." Joe rolled his eyes and clapped Steve's back.

"Look, let's skip fourth period and we'll talk. I'm going help you but you have to stick by my side dude." Steve nodded and we finished our meal in silence.

The bell rang and I wondered if I had established myself in the group. I wondered what I did to piss off Kim. I've never met her in my life and she already has this grudge against me. Women, I'll never understand them.

*** Gym, I hate it with a passion. I have such a thin, skinny little body that I'm an easy target for kids, like all the Anthonys in the world.

As the other kids started entering the room I noticed one familiar face. It was Mark. I watched from a distance as he took off a piece of clothing, his muscles rippled and little strands of hair went down from his V-shaped six-pack to his member. My hands began sweating, my body started shaking and my member started swelling and, let me tell you, it's big enough to get noticed.

I came out of my trance as one of the boys pointed out my problem.

"Hey Mark you gave the runt a boner, ha ha!"

Oh no, here comes the tears...

"The shrimp is crying. What a pussy!"

I sniffled and wanted to hide under a rock like I refused to do earlier...

"Ha ha what a fag! I bet he's a cock sucker. I bet he wants to suck yours Marky!"

Please let this be a dream!

"Hey queer you can suck mine."

Please God....

Well that's chapter one, what will happen to Gabe? Until next time...

Comments are what keeps the stories going, send them please and I will reply :)

Next: Chapter 2

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