
By moc.eticxe@dlorrah

Published on Nov 3, 1999



The following story is not intended for minors. If you are not of legal age or sexually explicit material is not allowed in your locality, do NOT read further. This story contains descriptions of sexual activities between two consenting males. Do not copy or distribute this document in part or in whole without expressed consent of the author.

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I met Gabe at work. He reminded me of Ricky Martin. He didn't really look like Ricky Martin, he was just a young, good looking Hispanic guy, who dressed really well. My wife and daughter are all into Ricky Martin right now, so I guess that's why I thought of him when I looked at Gabe.

Gabe was new at work and all the women were melting over him. I imagined he was lining up targets one after another. We have many fine ladies at work. One day I opened the door for him and he was very friendly, big smile and instant conversation. After I started noticing him more and more. I would see him in the halls and he would smile and shake my hand. He'd wink at me in meetings and show me that big smile.

I started to think maybe Gabe was bisexual, or maybe I was and I was just making more out of this in my head. I started to seek him out, find ways to talk to him, be in the same room, etc. I noticed how he would always touch me in some way when we were close. Whether it was just to shake hands or a hand on the shoulder, a pat on the back, always something. Then I noticed he did it to everyone. I got jealous. Can you believe it, a married man jealous of the attention this good-looking guy was affording others.

Not long after that, we were at a reception in the office when I could have sworn Gabe walked by me and touched my ass. Now granted, the room was crowded, but I felt it, and he was just sliding by me. I looked around to make sure no one saw, than looked right at him. He winked at me. He winked at me and nodded toward the door. I excused myself and immediately left the room.

I went back to my desk and a few moments later Gabe was standing outside my cube, with that big huge grin on his face. He said, "You needed me, Mr. Brown?" I stammered a bit, asking him to retrieve something from the second floor, than said finally, "oh come on, I'll show you where it's at." And with that we were off on a trip from the fifth to the second floor.

We didn't say a word on the elevator. My head was reeling and I thought my heart would jump right out of my chest. I exited the elevator and walked down the corridor to the men's room with Gabe just two steps behind me. We went into the men's room and in the back is a room with a two-person shower and some locker boxes. Gabe followed me in and I locked the door behind us. What was I doing? I'm married, I'm straight. This could end my career. Those were the thoughts going through my head at that moment. Those were the thoughts that disappeared when I turned around from locking the door and saw Gabe taking his clothes off.

We still had not spoken a word, and I noticed that Gabe was already hard as he sat on the bench pulling off his shoes and socks. He was about 5'8" and 175 pounds. A tuff of hair on his chest and around his cock, other wise he was smooth. Smooth and beautiful. I dropped to my knees while he was still sitting on the bench and without thinking I began sucking his cock.

It was my first, but I tried real hard. I tried to emulate the women who had given me head in the past and I guess that worked. It wasn't long before I was rewarded with my first taste of cum. I swallowed as much as his skinny, cut five-incher would spit out. Gabe was moaning and holding my head tight as he shot his load down the back of my throat. I kept sucking until he pulled out and got into the shower. I stripped down as quick as I could and joined him in the steamy water.

We kissed and groped a bit in the shower and before long Gabe had pushed me back down to service his rising cock. I didn't seem to mind, completely lost in the passion of the moment. I proceeded to give my second blowjob of my life, both within the last fifteen minutes, and this time I must say, better than the last. Gabe pulled me up and spun me around against the back wall, somewhat roughly I might add. He spread open my legs like a cop frisking a thief, poured some shampoo on his cock and down the crack of my ass, and despite my protests, within seconds he was long-fucking my virgin ass with the rhythm of a woodpecker.

My ass was on fire with pain and I don't really know when it began or when it stopped. I just know that as quickly as the whole thing had happened, it was over. Gabe was gone and I was slumped over in the shower with a throbbing butthole. Now I began to feel violated, I also began to feel like I had made a mistake. Gabe didn't seem so sexy to me anymore.

We avoided each other in the halls and at meetings; he didn't smile at me anymore. I saw him talking to others and I began to think he told them what had happened or that I was gay. Everybody seemed to be watching me, and watching with pity. I no longer held my head up when I walked, my job began to suffer, so did my home life.

About a month and a half later Gabe came to my cube. He said we need to talk, privately. I agreed and we went to a vacant conference room. I closed the door but didn't lock it. I sat down and looked at him. He didn't look the same, he looked beaten as I did. All the things I wanted to shout at him washed away and I just wanted to hold him and tell him it was okay. He told me he missed me, he had never had such good sex and he wanted to meet me sometime and repeat our dirty little secret. He got up and locked the door, turned to me with that big toothy grin and said, "please suck my cock, Mr. Brown, please suck it now."

I was furious. To think after all this guy had done to me, after the way he left me feeling. The nerve of this asshole. I was ready to bolt across the room and kick his little ass. Then he dropped his pants and I immediately dropped to my knees. I couldn't believe myself. I couldn't believe how much I needed his cock in my mouth. How good it felt. How wonderful it tasted. I savoured the flavor. Like before, it didn't take long and I was rewarded with a mouthful of cum. I swallowed it all and wiped the sides of my mouth as Gabe pulled his pants back on.

I asked him if he was going to at least suck my cock, or jerk me off. He said he couldn't, he was late for a meeting. I asked him if he wanted to fuck me again, he said "later, I'm really running late." I asked him if we could meet for a drink or something. He said that sounded like a good idea, he'd call me. He didn't call. He didn't come by my office, in fact, things returned to the way they had been. All the walls begun closing in on me.

My wife couldn't take my moodiness and left me. My boss reprimanded me for lack of production and threatened to fire me if I didn't shape up within 90 days. I really didn't seem to care. I moped around for a couple of weeks and tried to avoid contact with anyone. I was doing a good job of it too, until I saw Gabe flirting with a mail room guy at lunch one day. They looked at me and whispered something, than both of them started laughing as they left the cafeteria.

I was crushed, completely. I was typing my resignation letter when Gabe came by my desk. He said he needed something from the second floor and asked if I could help him retrieve it. I said no. He asked if I could talk to him in private. I said no. He leaned into my cube and whispered in my ear that he wanted to suck my big throbbing cock until I came all over his face. I said lead the way!

I followed Gabe down to the third floor mail room and into an office in the back. It was a storage room, there were no windows and a door that locked, looked good to me. I dropped my pants while Gabe locked the door and when he turned around he was greeted by my rock hard, throbbing eight-incher, staring him right in the face and spitting mad! Gabe wasted no time crawling over to me on his hands and knees and taking on my monster like a circus sword swallower.

I was in heaven. He was a master. He bobbed all the way down until he got a nose full of pubic hair, then he slid all the way off. His tongue never left contact with my cock and I was building to eruption very quickly. He fingered my ass, and fondled my big hairy balls. I stood with a hand on his shoulder and one on a box as my body moved completely with the motion of his mouth. I bit my lip as I sent a shuttering orgasm down the back of his throat. He swallowed as much as he could but some spilled out the sides of his mouth and a couple of spurts hit him on his beautiful face.

I didn't go soft. I held the sides of his head and continued to fuck his face until I was ready to blow again. This time I pulled out and lifted him up. I unbuckled his pants and dropped them to the floor along with his briefs. He never protested once, in fact he moved himself to a better location to position himself over a stack of boxes in the middle of the room.

I lubed his ass with my tongue and quickly sank my meat missile deep into his waiting rec. room. I took out months of frustration on his tight little ass. I slid in and out, over and over, slamming my hips into his ass cheeks. I think we were both a little noisy so I didn't notice the door being unlocked. But I did notice Randy from the mail room peak his head in and say, "oh, sorry Mr. Brown, I heard noises, sorry" than he closed the door. I was so close to cumming again and now I was stuck, like a deer in the headlights. Gabe told me to finish what I'd started. He said not to worry about, Randy was his buddy.

So, I started up again and not long after, I came up Gabe's ass. I wasn't as happy as I thought I'd be. Randy's face and comments kept rushing back to me. I pulled out, pulled my pants up and left the room. I didn't even look back at Gabe. I presumed he was doing the same. I went back to my desk and tried to concentrate on work. I couldn't. I couldn't get Randy out of my head. I started to finish my resignation letter. I was just about to print it when Mr. Ballaugh, our Human Resources Manager, came to my desk and asked me to follow him. I thought about printing my letter and bringing it with me, but I didn't.

Like the little puppy that I was, I followed Mr. Ballaugh into the conference room next to his office. There were two sheriffs there, but it still didn't dawn on me as to what was going on. They arrested me for rape. Rape of Gabe with Randy as their 'eye' witness. I was fired on the spot. They took me out in handcuffs, down the back stairs, out of respect for Gabe, of all people. Respect for Gabe? Can you believe it?

I plead guilty to a reduced charge and am now doing 18 months in a minimum-security facility. A couple of good things came out of this though. I think I finally realized I'm gay. My cellmate is very cute and treats me nicely. And I'm learning a new trade so I can be a more useful American when I get out. Ain't life weird?

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