G and D Film Productions

By Johnny Jones

Published on Sep 27, 2010


The entire story is fictional, all character are over 18, to make comments see note below story.

Chapter 2: Training

Not realizing the door lead to the main hallway of the building where dozens currently occupied, Brutus went red with embarrassment as eyes all flashed his way, taking a look at his beautiful body. Each on there knew who he was instantly and also knew he was going to make a great addition to the team. As he saw everyone looking at him he took his hands and covered his cock as he walked nervously. Hans turned back to Brutus and laughed when he saw this.

"The first lesson you need to learn is that you are being constantly watched by hundreds of people at a time. Every breath you take, every little movement, will be noticed. Pick your nose and people will see, scratch your cock and many will be masturbating to it on a computer. Don't try to be modest because you never will."

"Yes sir." Brutus took his hands off his cock and walked normally to show he was learning. "Sir when do the cameras start following me?"

"They have already." Hans explained. "They started in the office." Headed towards an unlabeled large metal door Hans opened it with a key car, a large burst of musky air flew out as he did so although the lights were dim and Brutus could not see anything past a few feet of a damp stone hallway. Brutus followed Hans into the hallway as the door was closed behind them. As he walked by a number of rooms with more lighting most of the doors were closed but some where also open. Inside one room open he saw he could see a heavier man but fucked hard in the ass by a thinner man as he was bent over a table and the thinner man was grabbing his hair to trust harder.

Hans moved at a quick pace until he suddenly stopped at one room and walked inside of it. Brutus followed quickly into the room and was hit by the sudden bright lights surrounding him. It took his eyes half a minute to adjust but by the time he got use to it he saw it was no longer just him and Hans alone in the room. Also in the room was another man, a large muscular black man with a shaved head and barley any clothing. The clothing he did wear was straps around his muscular chest and some sort of belt that carried a number of things. The man's thick and shaved cock hung out as well. Also in his hand was a small leather whip.

"This will be your new master." Hans explained to Brutus. "His name is Sir Lonnie, but you shall refer to him only as to sir during your training and afterwards."

"I thought you were going to be my master sir." Brutus pleaded to Hans. He clearly loved Hans large figure as he had been staring at his bare chest for a while now. When he tried to protest though Lonnie came up behind him and whipped him hard on his bare ass.

"Shut up pup." The master demanded. "You think Sir Hans here has the time to tend to all one hundred and two of his slaves all twenty four hours a day while running the most successful bondage internet site on the internet?" He hit the whip hard against Brutus's ass again to prove a point.

"Yes sir!" Brutus responded, knowing that he had no control over anything right now. Master Lonnie walked up to Brutus and took his hand to feel Brutus's rock hard abs. Walking in behind Brutus, the master took his hands to feel Brutus's body once again, this time feeling his thick arms and then moving them over to his large pecs, squeezing them and feeling all of his well toned muscles.

"Mm, I am going to have fun with you pup. Growing up in high school with you white crackers, do you know how hard it was to be somebody? I was always the kid made fun of, teased, by you jock that think you ruled the school. This is my chance to prove who's the real boss." Brutus shivered when he felt his masters cold lips press against his back and then pinch his skin with his two front teeth. "You will obey my every command boy, you understand?"

"I don't follow no orders from anyone but Hans" Brutus barked back. As soon as Brutus had said that he felt a hand smack hard against his ass. He yipped high pitch like a little girl and jumped a little as he felt the sting. As soon as he as could think about what happened though he felt another hard slap against his ass.

"You call me master you slave, or I will be smacking the front of you next!" Lonnie turned around to be face to face with Brutus as he said that. Brutus, not wanting to give up domination, looked at him squarely with a cold look in return. "Let me hear it from you Slave Brutus."

"I will never obey you." As soon as he said that he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his balls. Looking down he could see Master Lonnie holding onto his balls and squeezing them as hard as he could. Although he could easily fight back he didn't, instead he stood there moaning in pain, as if he didn't want to fight back, like it wasn't his place to fight back.

"You're a dumb football jock. I bet you got nothing in your head but more muscle from working out. Can't even think two seconds ahead."

Grabbing his large exposed shaft Lonnie pulled on it hard as Brutus stood there unable to do anything. Finally having enough Brutus went to stop it with his own hands but suddenly felt a smack on his hand. It was Lonnie prepared for him to do that.

"I will do what I want with you when I want" Letting go for his rod, Lonnie grabbed Brutus's balls, squeezing them both hard and pulling forward. "Do I make myself clear?"

"No way." As soon as he said that Lonnie pulled on Brutus's balls further, stretching them.

"What was that?" Lonnie asked again as he continued to pull, Brutus starting to breath hard.

"Yes sir. I will obey you." Letting go of Brutus's balls and letting them hang there, Brutus let out a loud sigh as Lonnie went over towards a table and picked up a small and thin wooden paddle. Walking up to Brutus he smacked the front of Brutus's chest hard with the paddle. Brutus jumped and turned his head towards Lonnie upset.

"What was that for sir? I did nothing wrong." Getting hit once again hard with the paddle in the same spot on the chest.

"You don't question what I do. You accept it or face more punishment. You understand?" Lonnie then put his hand back, ready to smack his chest one more time but Brutus quickly spoke up.

"Yes sir, I understand." Even with him agreeing Lonnie took his paddle and smacked Brutus hard on the chest once again to prove a point. This time Brutus did not put up a fight, instead he stood there and took the abuse given to him. After taking it without complaint Lonnie walked to the table and put down the paddle, picking up a black belt and then walking in front of Brutus, looking at him face to face.

"On your knees." Brutus did what he was told and slowly got onto his knees, facing Lonnie's large dick. He could smell the musky odor it gave off.

"Put it in your mouth." Brutus hesitated and shivered but for even hesitating Lonnie was quickly to smack the belt against Brutus's back. Brutus stopped hesitating and quickly grabbed Lonnie's rod to place it in the mouth. Suddenly he felt another sharp whip to his back from the belt. "Do not use your hands to do it, use your mouth."

Taking down his hands, Brutus put his mouth towards Lonnie and stuck the shaft into Lonnies mouth.

"That is good. Use your lips, not your teeth or receive an even harder beating." Lonnie put the belt high in the air with his arm, ready to strike Brutus if he did it wrong. Brutus was quickly to wrap his lips around Lonnie's rod and suck on it by moving his head back and forth without using teeth. Lonnie was moaning. "You're a natural at this."

Brutus was a natural, he had never put another mans member inside of his mouth before but the second it entered he knew exactly what to do, even deep throating the cock as far as he could take it without gagging. Pleased with what he was doing Lonnie stood there moaning until eventually his ejaculated into Brutus's mouth.

"You swallow the entire thing." While Lonnie said that though Brutus was already swallowing it as it poured into his mouth.

Finishing up Lonnie took his rod out of Brutus's mouth by taking a step back and looking at Brutus who continued to stay on his knees. Training for him was going to be easier then Lonnie once suspected. The guy was a dumb jock but could easily accept his role as a slave, which meant he was also going to go far.

"Stand up." Brutus did as he was told and Lonnie walked in behind him and felt his tight hole with his finger but just the outside and lightly. "Master Hans has ordered me to leave this alone for now. He wants the first time to be something special, something that will bring in a lot of cash. You are going to be hot stuff around here."

"Thank you sir" Brutus said, not sure if he should take that as a compliment or be scared as to what was to come.

"I want to reward you though. Not many trainees get a reward on the first day, nothing this nice." As Lonnie said this he wrapped his body around Brutus's, his hard cock pressing against his back, and with his hands was feeling Brutus's cock, stroking it slowly and getting it hard.

"Thank you sir." Brutus repeated himself but was once again unsure if he really should be thankful for what was about to happen or not. Lonnie took his hands and body off of Brutus and walked over to the phone, he seemed to be requesting something but Brutus was unsure what.

Within the next ten minutes two men dressed similar to Lonnie, which made them masters as well, wheeled in a cart. On it a pommelhorse and on that pommelhorse a slave tied on his stomach with his ass hanging in the open on the end. Lonnie then grabbed his belt and walked towards it. With is free hand he slapped the ass of the slave who returned a grunt but then kept his ass on the slave, feeling up his hole at the same time.

"I want you to experience your first fuck. It's easy for you, it's set right to your height, just come up and stick that hard and beautiful specimen into him." Brutus was easy to accept sucking off another guy for his first time but now he had a problem with this.

"I don't think that is a good idea sir. I am not uh... gay. I wouldn't know what to do" Brutus came up with any excuse he could think of but really he remained hard the whole time and couldn't take his eyes off the large ass presented to him with the balls hanging down underneath.

"It's simple slave. It's just like fucking a women in the ass except it's better because it's a man." Walking up to Brutus, Lonnie took his belt and whipped the heel of Brutus, making him jump forward and towards the offered slave.

"This is something we should check with Hans first." Feeling another whip on his heel he jumped forward again, this time standing in front of his offering.

"You either accept my gift and are grateful for it or I will put you in the same position he is in right now."

That was a threat Brutus wasn't interested in exploring knowing that it was possible for Lonnie to do anything to him. Position his hard cock with his hands he pointed it towards the slaves open ass, the ass was so wide when the slave was bent over like that he could see inside of it, and then stuck his dick into the slave quickly. It seemed to go in almost like warm butter the slave was so loose and then from that Brutus started to trust in and out of the slave at a quicker speed it came so easily.

Brutus started to get use to the feeling, loving being the top and the control he had, and soon enough he trusted his body so hard against the slave that his hips would meet his ass and make a large smacking sound in the process. Although the slave was use to getting fucked all day long like this even he started to breath hard and moan as it had been a while since it was this hard. Brutus went for a long time to until eventually he felt his body shiver while he cummed into the slaves' ass. Although he kept his dick in him the entire time so much cum came out that it squeezed back him and dripped out of the slaves hole.

When the process was over though Lonnie didn't let him linger and pulled him back. The two master took the slave away on wheels to another room so the slave could receive the same treatment, it was his job in the film company.

Standing there once again Brutus was then ordered to walk into the hallways again and follow Lonnie. Eventually he was led to a very large room with a series of jail cells, only separated by bars. Many slaves were inside of these, most two to a small cell with one bed and a toilet. He was led to one room and suddenly pushed into it. When he was pushing into it he fell on his knees and hands and could hear the clank of the door closing behind him.

Soon after that a large shadow overpowered his light. Looking up he could see a large harry man who looked to be about in his 40ies standing there with his arms crossed. The man wore no clothes and had never shaved anything before except for his baldhead.

"Well, well," the man contemplated out loud in a sarcastic tone. "What do we got here Echo?"

Although he couldn't hear where it was coming from, Brutus then heard another voice from a close distance, most probably the cell next to them on the left side.

"Well I donno Fry," The voice said back in the same sarcastic tone. "It kinda looks like a new virgin slave to me."

"Virgin?" Fry said, laughing out loud. "Not for long around me."

This concludes chapter 2.

If you like and wish for me to continue please send me an email to johnny_drama123@hotmail.com. All suggestions and comments welcomed. If you wish to read anything I previously wrote I also wrote "Hockey Fetish" in the same section.

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