Fuzzy Slippers

By clintdear

Published on Dec 18, 2015



Chapter One

I grew up in what I eventually learned was an unusual, albeit intelligent and socially aware upbringing. And in spite of it, I consider myself to be relatively normal.

Mom gradually accepted the fact that I was on the feminine side of gay. There was a time when I was ten or twelve years old that she couldn't keep me out of her pink fuzzy slippers. She even hid them, but I'd find them and she'd catch me wearing them and sometimes wearing other articles of her clothing.

I still remember going to the doctor for a check up with Mom and him telling her:

"It's too early to make any determination as to what course of action to take." Zzzzz. What ever that meant.

But that comment stuck in my mind because right after that, she took me to Sears and took me to the girls slippers and let me pick out a pair all by myself.

She didn't show any surprise when I picked out a pair with pink glitter and with pink fur across the top. They were decorated with pink "Hello Kitty" pictures printed all over them. She was fine with it, and I was thrilled!

I especially remember how happy I was when Dad saw me in them and said he thought my pink slippers were "cute".

Today, I look back and shudder at how silly they must have looked!

My dad came around early on and was actually more supportive than my mom at first.

When Dad hugged me he called me "honey", or asked me:

"And how is my sweetheart today?" in a cadence used for a girl.

He often gave me a kiss on the top of my head when he hugged me.

I always beamed a huge smile when Daddy showed me affection.

Looking back, he played in to my gayness by being a proud parent and that all was right with the world. As it turned out, the more I cuddled with dad, the more understanding mom became.

For my thirteenth birthday, dad asked me what I wanted. I told him I wanted a pink bathrobe.

The one he bought me was quite feminine but not all that fancy. It was pink and trimmed with pink satin, and had a waist tie. Mom was not thrilled about dad's choice as I recall.

It is worth mentioning that my new bathrobe barely came to my mid - thigh. Ahem... what was dad thinking?

Mom, not to be outdone got me an assortment of lip glosses, hair products and a set of easy-off nail polishes I could experiment with but remove for school.

My dad seemed to have no problem treating me like a daughter. I love him for that and we are still very close, and I still call him "daddy" sometimes.

My boundaries were that it was OK for me to fem up to a point at home, but be very low key at school. I had to play it cool. The "Two Worlds" code of conduct was enforced. I had few friends. I wasn't bullied, rather, I was ignored. But I learned to live in those two worlds.

The important outcome of my life is that I'm fairly normal, considering. I just want different things than other guys.

Well, I'm all grown up now at 23 and all of 5'8" and 160 lbs with "girly hips and lovely lips" as my mom always said, kindly avoiding commenting on my girly nipples.

When I was in my senior year of college, my avoidance of getting emotionally interested in anyone other than myself was finally tested. I found myself attracted to a man and having sexual feelings for him unlike any I had ever experienced before.

Almost as night turns into day, I began to see life differently when I met my first love.

Mark was my psychology teacher, and we got to know each other when I was the leader of my class project group. Part of the assignment was sitting down with him in his office to report on progress, or anytime I needed help or advice.

His mannerisms suggested he was gay and I was fascinated that he seemed so normal and unaffected. He was around 6 feet tall, and all of 220 lbs, and intriguingly manly. When our eyes met during our first meeting, I definitely took notice of the stirring in my groin as I fantasized about what it might be like to have him as a friend if he would even look at a girly wimp like me

As I made up excuses for more visits to his office, they morphed into chats about each other and our other interests, only touching on my project at the end. It seemed as if he liked to look me over as if he were analyzing me, but in an affectionate way. He was very considerate and spoke softly to avoid intimidating me. When our eyes met he was quick to smile, almost as if he was amused at my nervousness.

He seemed interested in me so I thought it wise that I show some interest in him in return.

I saw a frame with a photo of a woman on his desk and asked him if that was his wife.

"No, that's my younger sister." he replied.

"I'm not married." he added.

"How about you? Do you have a girlfriend?" he asked.

"No." I said flatly.

"Boyfriend?" He asked with a hopeful looking smile,

"Uh. No boyfriend, either." I stammered, unable to avoid blushing.

"Are you interested in guys?" he asked, smiling as if moving in for the kill.

I blushed brightly and my cheeks began burning. My mouth was dry, and I felt like I was going to have a heart attack! I was dying inside but something told me to just spit it out.

"I think I might be."I replied, hesitantly.

"I'm pleased to hear that. I'm very attracted to you."

"I've never been with a guy before." I replied nervously.

"First things first. I'd like to ask you to be my date at a gay party after the semester is over." he said.

I was so nervous, my knees were locked together and my feet were twisted in pointing toward each other, and I was fidgeting in my seat like a little girl. I was tongue tied, but managed to squeak out,

"Yes, I would like that."

"I'm relieved to hear that. I'll call you in a couple of weeks when the semester is over. OK?" he said as he put his hand on my knee.

"I'll be looking forward to that." I said, smiling.

Then we discussed my project for a few seconds, signaling our meeting was ending.

On the way down the hall from his office, I was getting aroused thinking about what being a man's "date" meant.

Even though I was apprehensive about "coming out", I was intrigued by the idea of a man being interested in me as a boyfriend, and a masculine man at that!

I never really thought much about masculine gay guys existing. Up until today I was always kicking the can down the road, hiding my desires and avoiding all entanglements with either sex.

It all happened so suddenly. One minute we were chatting, and the next minute I was deciding whether or not to accept an offer to go out on a date with a totally hunky man! I was embarrassed that I began to get hard when he said "be my date".

It was all I could do to control my fantasies! When he sneaked a look at me in class and our eyes met, I immediately began blushing. It was embarrassing, and other students probably picked up on it, but it only served to help me to be truthful with myself and not deny my feelings for him.

Finally the semester ended and true to his word, he called me the first weekend and asked me out to one of the traditional "End of Semester" parties.

We made a little small talk, then he got right to the point:

"Nearly everyone there will be gay, and we will be there as a couple. Are you up to that?" he asked me.

I was nervous about taking such a big and sudden step, but if I wanted to be with him I really had to "come out of the closet" as they say .

"I think that would be fun." I replied, more bravely than I felt.

On the night of the party, he picked me up at 7 o'clock on the dot.

The party was at someone's very large and luxurious house.

When we went in Mark introduced me as his date and we shook hands with the host, and after appropriate pleasantries, Mark took my hand and we went to look for a drink. I was glad he took my hand since I was feeling very insecure.

As promised, the crowd was mostly gay and lesbian, and people were very open with their affection for each other.

As I got used things, I began to relax. I didn't feel the slightest bit strange being here on a date with a man, and holding hands with him.

Mark got me a drink and we chatted with friends of his as they wandered by and said hello. He introduced me to those he that he knew well enough. I felt proud being introduced as his "date" rather than just as a friend.

One very feminine guy came up to him, gushing about this and that, and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and telling me they were old friends and not to be jealous.

I was instantly jealous.

"You look great, Henry!" Mark said.

"Why thank you, Dear. Who's this handsome man on your arm?" he asked with a gay lilt.

Mark introduced me as his "date", so I held out my hand to shake hands and instead, he pulled himself to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, telling Mark what a sexy guy I was and not to let me out of his sight!

We shared a laugh, and moved on.

"Old friend?" I asked, wanting to show interest.

"We used to date, but we were young and went on different career paths." he replied, coldly.

I flushed a bit as I realized he was an old flame of Mark's. I was aroused by how feminine and sexy his embrace felt. I quietly admired his femininity and hoped Mark might want that from me someday.

As the night wore on and the dancing started most of the remaining couples were guys, the women seemed to have quietly filtered away. I saw many couples embracing and dancing in romantic caresses during the slow songs, with kisses openly exchanged. I'd never seen anything like that before. I found the whole scene to be quite arousing!

"Would you like to dance?" he asked.

"I'd love to." I said eagerly.

He took my hand and led me to the dance floor where they were playing a slow ballad to love. I left it to Mark to take the lead, so I could go with the flow and follow him since I was a lousy dancer.

He held me close as we danced, and for the first time I could appreciate him relating to me sexually. I could feel his ample cock touching me, and feel his breath as he gently kissed me on the neck causing me to shiver with encouragement. He kissed me again on the neck, then kissed my earlobe lightly as I begin to get hard. I let out a gay sounding little moan of encouragement that sounded quite a bit more girly than I had expected. I snuggled into him so as to make myself smaller as our cocks rubbed together as we danced.

I glanced around and saw that most of the other guys were dancing close with their boyfriends. Some of them seemed to act quite feminine with their partners, and I was turned on by the tenderness and uninhibited affection they showed to their dates.

I snuggled into him more tightly and purposely put my head on his chest as a girl might, and brought his hand close to my face. As we danced, I was very turned on and leaned up and kissed his neck. He answered by holding me tighter and pushing his hips closer to mine. We were both hard.

After the series of slow songs ended, he continued to hold my hand as we walked to the punch bowl and served ourselves a cup of Tequila punch.

We explored around the house looking for a vacant couch in a quiet corner where we could find some dim lights and some privacy.

All the rooms had couples making out so we were content just to find an empty couch! Finally we found an empty spot in a darkened room near the dance floor, and we sat down. It wasn't as private as I would have liked, but when he put his arm around me, I didn't care. I leaned into him and put my head on his shoulder and my hand on his upper thigh.

We sipped our punch as I looked around at two other couples in the dimly lit room.

One couple gave us a nod, and turned back to kissing each other.

I looked into his eyes, and he smiled and took me into his arms. I knew what was coming. I was so turned on at that moment I couldn't sit still! I closed my eyes as he slowly gave me my first gentle butterfly kisses on my lips, one after the other until I surrendered, and allowed his tongue to dance with mine.

And dance they did as we kissed and kissed deeply.

I felt very safe here and I was thrilled to cuddle and kiss like a teenager, not giving a care as to what others thought. I wasn't as daring as some couples, but for my first gay date, I went as far as I dared go in public!

Chapter two

The ride home was quiet. I think we were both planning our next moves.

"What did you think of the party?" he asked.

"I enjoyed myself. Thank you for inviting me."

" I'm glad you came. I had a great time." he said.

"So did I." I replied.

"Would you like to go out again?" he asked.

"I'd love to." I replied with a little lilt.

I realized how lucky I was to experience "coming out" at the hands of a man that I had feelings for. He was older, bigger, and more experienced, and it would come naturally that he would be the dominant man in our relationship making my transition quite effortless.

Finally we arrived at my place. We walked up to my secluded doorway and I turned to face him to thank him for a wonderful evening. He surprised me by putting his arms around me. We kissed passionately, as he guided me against the wall. I could feel his cock urgently pressing into me.

I felt very exposed and didn't quite know what to do, so I asked him in.

I showed him to my couch and I poured us some wine. I turned on some soft music and lit some candles.

I joined him on my couch and as if we were teenagers, we immediately began kissing and petting. He paid particular attention to my nipples, rubbing them sensually causing me to squirm with excitement.

He began to shrewdly unbutton and loosen my clothing as he needed access for his sensuous caresses.

I bravely touched his hard cock noting that it might be quite a mouthful for my first experience, but it was obvious that unless I stopped right here, we were going to keep going!

I wanted to keep going!

Gradually, my clothes began to get unfastened and I was afraid I might wind up naked on an uncomfortable couch. I began to start unfastening his but instead I blurted out:

"Shall we go into my bedroom?" I asked.

"That would be a great idea." he replied.

We went into my dimly lit bedroom and he immediately began undressing, bottoms first. I couldn't help but cast my eyes on his hard cock, and notice his was about twice as large as my puny cock was!

When he took off his shirt, and I got my first look at my naked boyfriend, I thought to myself:

"Oh my God! Can this really be happening?"

Sensing that it was time to quit being shy, I swiftly took off my clothes and quickly slipped into bed first.

He followed me and in very short order we were in a naked embrace, kissing and giggling like kids and getting used to being naked together, knowing we were soon going to be making love.

After many kisses on my lips and neck I became acutely aware of the tactile feel of his hard cock touching and probing me as we kissed. I was getting really turned on knowing that I might soon be kissing it too.

As his hands explored my body and glided across my aroused nipples, they traveled down along the inside of my sensitive thighs, causing me to shiver with desire. My eagerness to make love to him intensified as I felt the little cool spots where his cock touched me and left it's damp little kisses almost as if it were trying to make friends with me.

I was struck by how muscular and toned he was, given that I was soft and pliable as if designed for his personal comfort. His manliness was quite apparent, as was my lack of it, making me eager to yield to his assertive embraces. As I caressed his hard cock I was beaming with self confidence, thrilled that I now had a man to satisfy.

He gently pushed my head down to encourage me to go lower. I kissed and sucked his nipples as I gradually slid down little by little, triumphant that finally I would be able to give my first blow job.

Without hesitation I slid down and got on my knees between his legs and eagerly put my mouth on my first cock, and happily began exploring the contours and sexy texture of his hard, but spongy cock.

His moans gently coached me as to how to maximize his pleasure as he pulled his legs up and opened them more. I released his cock and then sucked his shaved balls into my mouth one at a time, then sucked both of them into my mouth.

I began kissing along the inside of this thighs, letting his hard shaft glide along my smooth face as my kisses progressed back to his cock. He ran his hands through my hair and along my face and neck, telling me what a sweetheart I was and how good my mouth felt on his cock as I tried to take him deeper with each attempt.

As I got used to having his cock in my mouth, I concentrated on getting into a comfortable rhythm as he moved himself gently in and out as I worked to maximize his pleasure. Soon, he began breathing differently and his cock began to swell and get more twitchy. He told me he was getting close and to be careful.

I did not want to be careful.

I wanted to experience my lovers climax and welcome his sperm home. I wanted to taste all of him as I held him tightly.

I began to vary my speed and pressure as I sensed he was on the edge, when suddenly, he began spurting his cum in my mouth.

I began to gag, but I managed to keep his spurting cock in my mouth and swallow some of it, but most of it went on him and the sheet.

I kept on sucking him as he softened in my mouth, finally sliding back into his embrace.

I was embarrassed to the point of tears.

"I'm sorry I ruined it for you." I whined, feeling vulnerable.

He bought me up to him so I could lie part way on his chest, and tenderly kissed my lips.

"That's OK, Honey. You were wonderful. I thoroughly enjoyed it!" he said.

"I promise I'll learn to do better." I said like an apologetic teenager, but buoyed by being called Honey.

"I'll make sure you get lots of practice." he said as he brought me close, and kissed me lightly on the lips.

He let me rest my head on his chest as he ran his hand through my hair.

"Anytime I want?" I asked sweetly, feeling an overwhelming desire to be effeminate and humble .

"Any time you want." he answered as he rubbed my naked back gently.

I pledged to myself I'd do better next time. I decided then and there, that this was for me. I liked my gay self and I would do everything possible to remain his boyfriend!

After I caught my breath, I began to kiss his nipples, causing him to get aroused again. I wanted to kiss him all over. I could not keep my lips from touching him.

"I want you to lay back and relax for me". he said.

I instantly got excited knowing that I was going to receive my first blow job!

He kissed me and moved down on me and began sucking my puffy nipples one after another, gently bringing as much of my ample breast tissue into his mouth as he could. The eroticism of his gentle suckling made me purr with passion, as my nipples became exquisitely aroused.

His hand moved lazily along the side of my naked body, and began tickling along the inside of my thigh as my high pitched submissiveness encouraged him to keep suckling.

"Your nipples are wonderfully suckable. I love them!" he said.

"You can do that whenever you want. It feels amazing!" I purred.

He moved down and kissed and licked along my stomach until he could kneel between my legs. As he reached my groin, he ran his tongue along the crease between my balls and thigh. He teased me for a couple more minutes as he tweaked my nipples with his fingers. As he kissed my balls and cock, I was ashamed that I had not had shown him the courtesy of attending to my pubic hair.

As he took my cock into his mouth it felt so warm and heavenly, I let out a joyful sigh of passion.

He began moving slowly up and down, maneuvering his tongue to where the sensitive spots were. He was not merely giving me a blow job, he was making love to me. As he sensed my passion growing, he gently squeezed my nipples lightly at first, then more firmly as my heat increased.

"That's it, Honey, Just relax and let it happen." he said.

He continued to take his time skillfully keeping me on the edge until I could stand no more. My knees drew themselves up and my toes clenched into tiny little fists, as I cried out softly trying to control my high pitched moans.

I began breathing raggedly until my climax came and began pulsing in his mouth. He continued to work his mouth up and down on my cock to milk the last of my cum out of me as I made subtle squeals of passion.

He held me in his mouth until I stopped twitching and began to soften, then he moved up and kissed me sharing the scant remnants of my cum as lovers should.

There was no after cum downer or feeling of apathy or anything like that. I was still aroused, and I was content to keep kissing him as long as he would let me, as I returned his sticky kisses with renewed passion for him.

"That was wonderful, Sweetheart." I said, wondering if it was OK to call him Sweetheart.

"I enjoyed that too." he said.

"Would you like to spend the night?" I asked him.

"If you will call me Sweetheart again." he asked teasingly.

"Would you like to spend the night, Sweetheart?" I teased.

"You bet!" he said.

We both got up naked and went into the bathroom and brushed our teeth. Happily, I had an extra toothbrush.

As is often my habit when I'm happy, I lean forward toward the mirror with my legs close together when I brush and gyrate my hips to stupid tunes in my head. Unbeknownst to me, I apparently make some very sexy gyrations as I brush my teeth!

I noticed in the mirror that he was staring at my butt.

"You have a wonderfully sexy body, Sweetheart" he said.

Not knowing what to say, I just beamed a bright smile at him and went to the toilet, undulating my girly hips as seductively as I could.

It felt strangely normal to take our turns peeing without any privacy. After I was done, I wiped the toilet and squeezed out any pee into some tissue. I was surprised to catch him looking at me strangely.

I found myself thinking, "Don't all men do that?"

Then he got in my bed and I followed him, and we shared a couple of brief kisses, then fell asleep together in the nude.

I woke up with my face very close to his open underarm while he slept quietly beside me. His manly scent was tangy and sweet. Rather than move away, I closed my eyes again and appreciated how familiar he smelled now. It was totally masculine and created a deep feeling of tranquility inside of me.

Pretending to be asleep, I snuggled in a little closer to his underarm hoping not to wake him up.

Smiling to myself, I wondered if nature was programming me to find him in a crowd of male strangers with my eyes closed. Knowing I might be able to do that felt special and excited me, not to mention getting to sniff all of those horny men!

I woke him up with a kiss, and began my journey downward and immediately began sucking his cock. I was determined to get it right and not embarrass myself again.

I worked up and down on his hard cock, and began playing with his nipples like he did to mine. In a very short time I had him convulsing on the bed with lust. As suddenly as he did last night he began pumping his cum in my mouth. Without him knowing it, this time I controlled the force of his spurts by compressing his urethra just a little, allowing me to gradually swallow it all!

When he was spent, he pulled me on top of him and kissed me deeply.

"That was wonderful, Honey." he said.

"See, I didn't spill a drop. My sweetheart deserves nothing less." I said childishly.

Chapter Three

After that first date, we were pretty much together all the time, and it seemed that we saw each other as soul mates and were heading to true love.

I got plenty of practice in being his partner when we were out and about and learning about "gay etiquette" in public like when and how it was OK to show affection.

I got accustomed to him opening doors for me, and paying for meals, and generally making the decisions.

We never engaged in "guy talk", and he never burped or farted that I know of. He even ends his texts with <3 just to let me know he cares.

Much to his pleasure, I shaved my balls like he did, and sculpted and groomed my bush to make a little landing strip above my cock. Later I learned that most gay guys really didn't do landing strips since it was more of a girl thing, but Mark liked it so I was happy to keep doing it.

After we had dated for about three months, I had mostly moved past trying to act manly. I was content to be sweet and lovable, and submissively compliant in our relationship.

I worked subtly on practicing my feminine mannerisms around him more and more, he seemed to be OK with it. I could swish if I wanted, I could kiss him at will, and I could gently adjust his tie and touch his face as a woman might and he never objected. And he let me know he loved it when I'd make my girly hips undulate when I walked.

Most importantly to me is that I finally learned to let my muscle tone vanish when he hugged me, so I could be as soft and as vulnerable as a most obliging woman should be in the arms of her lover.

We both seemed to have found our comfort zones. It was important for him to be manly, and I was relieved that I didn't need to be.

One time at his apartment, we had gotten stoned on weed and been drinking a bit. We were playing around on the couch and he asked me if I would like to try something different. I agreed without any hesitation.

"I'll be right back." he said.

He left and came back into the living room with a pair of pink lacy bikini panties and asked me if I'd get naked put them on for him. I blushed a little as I felt my self begin to get aroused, but we both knew I would do nearly anything he asked me to!

I took my clothes off and put them on a chair, but before I could even get the panties all the way on I was totally hard.

I began to blush with embarrassment.

"I'm glad they turn you on. I was afraid you wouldn't like them." he said, smiling.

"I feel a little "busted" right now." I replied, flatly.

"It's OK. You know I adore your feminine side. It's almost like you are female sometimes. It really gets me hot." he said.

"Really?" I asked.


"Why?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, Hon. But sometimes you act really feminine and I want to encourage you to do it more often because I really like it. I'm hoping that just this once, for me, you won't hold back. Will you try?"

"OK. I'll try." I replied, warming to being called "Hon".

I was intrigued.

I hadn't totally reached my comfort zone with sex yet. I was OK with the physical part, but mentally I was still holding back. I was totally chagrined at how girly my behavior often becomes when we're having sex and I begin to climax. I forced myself to stay in control so I wouldn't feel embarrassed.

He had me to sit with him in just my pink panties while he remained fully clothed. I attempted to unbutton his shirt, but he removed my hand and put it on his crotch.

He was very hard so I began to unzip him, but he stopped me, saying,

"That's OK, Honey. I'm fine like this."

"Are you sure?" I asked, confused.

"Don't worry about me. I want you to concentrate on your 'inner woman' tonight."

"For real?" I asked.

"Yes. One hundred percent for real."

He put his arm around me and began kissing my neck and face lightly, as he rubbed me though my panties. The situation had me so turned on, I was quivering with lust as if I were hypnotized. I felt like I was a female character in a movie love scene.

I was more than ready to take advantage of the moment, and being stoned was definitely helping!

I turned up my face and kissed his lips tenderly.

"I love you, Sweetheart." I said with my most gay and feminine inflection.

"Humm....that's my good little girl. I love you too, Honey." he whispered happily.

He ran his hands gently all over my exposed skin, causing me to become so turned on I began to tingle. I let out many quiet, girly sounding moans that he answered with his own masculine moans and kisses.

"I love the sweet softness of your voice, Honey." he said, softly.

"I'm so glad you like it, Sweetheart. It's how you make me feel." I purred.

He gently touched me between my sensitive thighs, and I immediately opened them wider for him.

He looked into my eyes as his fingers traced along the sensitive flesh on the inside of my thighs and then traced along the crease between my thigh and my balls causing me to close my eyes and quiver with lust.

He slid his fingers gently and sensuously over my hard chiffon covered cock.

"Humm. My little girl likes her panties, doesn't she?"

"Oh, I love them, Honey." I replied, breathlessly.

He began kissing my lips and neck very softly, as he rubbed my cock though the thin material.

He continued to move his hands all around on my body making me feel wonderfully loved as I let out little girly squeaks and purrs.

"That's my girl." he whispered.

He took his time alternating between kissing my neck and ears, then touching his lips to mine. He moved his lips down and gave my closest nipple a little sucking kiss, causing me let out a high pitched gasp.

As he returned his lips to mine, he moved his hand down again and rubbed me lightly over my panties.

"Oh, Sweetheart!" I exclaimed in a breathless exhale as I felt myself climbing the precipice.

As he sensed I was getting close, he stopped and began rolling a nipple gently between his fingers as I squirmed with heat. I felt like I was hovering at the edge of a cliff while being tickled with feathers.

His dancing fingers went back down to massage my cock through my panties.

"You are the only girl I love, Honey. Don't hold back. Please?" he whispered gently.

He kept me suspended in lust with my mouth open in a silent scream until I could hold back no more, and then kissing my neck gently as he nudged me over the brink.

"That's my sweet girl, Honey." he whispered as my powerful orgasm washed over me.

I held him tightly as I shook with orgasmic trembles and squealed like a teenage girl as I spurted into my panties.

"That's it, Honey. Let it out." he said, coaxing me to sound as girly as I wanted to be!

He kept milking me until I finally had enough.

"You are so sweet, Honey." he said as he kissed me again.

A wave of relief washed over me as I realized he had liberated me from the guilt of my uncontrollably feminine voice during sex.

As I held him tightly with tears of emotion, he gave me his approval by saying,

"Honey, I'm so proud of you!" he said sweetly.

Having him tell me he was proud of me was the nicest thing he could ever say to me!

I held him tightly and buried my face in his chest and let my tears flow, knowing that whatever pride or dignity I had tried to keep hidden had now been purged from our relationship.

"I love you Honey, and thank you." he said.

"I love that side of you a lot!" he added for reassurance.

I didn't think it would be possible for me to feel more submissive to him than I did right then, having just had an explosive orgasm in my panties with my fully clothed lover.

"I'm sorry." I said absently.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I'm proud of you." he said.

"And you can stop being embarrassed. I love it when you get all girly!" he added.

"Sweetie, can I do you now?" I asked submissively, in an almost infantile voice.

"Of course you can, Honey."

I got down on my knees in front of him and undid his belt and unfastened his pants. I pulled them down to his ankles, and removed them, trying not to show my desperation.

Although I was more in love with him than ever, I was feeling very fragile and vulnerable, and very insecure.

I proceeded to give him a most sensual blow job as much for his pleasure as for my reassurance.

I took my time to try to make it last until finally, he climaxed and I gleefully swallowed every loving drop.

"Oh, Honey. That was wonderful!" he said.

"I needed that." I replied.

"Let's relax a bit before dinner, shall we?" he said.

I wanted to take off my panties because they were soaked with cum and I was very self conscious.

"I should change." I blurted.

"I bought you an extra pair, Honey. Will you wear them out to dinner tonight?" he asked.

"Of course I will, Sweetheart." I replied happily with a big smile.

Chapter Four

Much to my disappointment, Mark and I never really played around with panties after that, but our sex life was stellar and I got to make any noises I wanted!

If I have learned anything about myself is that I don't see our relationship as man-man. I don't even see it as dominant - submissive. I'm really too into being feminine for him and I enjoy the balance his masculinity brings into my life.

We were having a lot of fun being together considering that I was balancing a job and paying for my apartment. And in the mix of all of that was finding enough time for us as a couple, too. So to mitigate the problems, I have clothes and toiletries in both places.

Little by little, I was moving in!

One night we were in bed watching TV and sipping some wine.

"Honey, what would you think if I told you I'd like to inseminate you some day?" he asked.

"Do you mean in my butt?" I asked stupidly.

I prefer the term "boygina." he said.

"Boygina?" I chirped up, quizzically.

"It sounds nicer than other terms I've heard, I guess." he said hopefully.

"This is true. OK. Boygina it is." I said, giggling.

"And?" he added, waiting for me to continue.

"And I haven't really thought much about it. I don't know if I'm up for that yet." I lied, coyly.

"I'm not interested in you doing me, but I hope you would be open to me doing you." he said.

"I can relate to that." I replied, innocently.

"I'm thinking you might like it, too. What are your feelings toward it?" he asked,

"I think I would be OK with it someday." I answered.

"Just OK with it?" he asked.

"Actually, I am more than OK with it and I'm relieved that you won't want me to do you. I would feel funny about it anyway." I said, thoughtfully.

"How so?" he asked.

"I feel that the feminine niche in our partnership has been filled, don't you?" I asked, trying to put putting him on the spot for once.

"Yes. But I like it that way." he said.

"And so do I, and I don't want to change it. " I replied, adding:

"And someday when the time is right I would love it if you were to be my first."

"That's very sweet of you to share that with me." he said.

"See? I do remember what you said once about being your wife, and I can't think of anything more wifely than carrying your sperm." I answered with a smile, knowing I said too much as usual.

But including the word "wifely" was smart, I guess. I later realized it would buy me some time and not make me look too eager to give it up. I felt as if giving up my virginity was an unnecessary complication that should wait.

And fishing for a marriage proposal was not off of my radar, either.

"When will the time be right?" he asked as he reached under the table and felt my hardening cock.

"Someday soon, I hope." I replied impatiently, blushing.

"I'm pleased to hear that." he said, as he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

The idea was a bit scary, so I quietly filed it way and we went on loving each other.

Each time his cum gushed down my throat, I was thrilled that I could once again validate myself as his dutiful sweetheart in the most intimate and personal way.

My needs matched his wants, and he never denied me.

He was my world, and before I met him, I could never have dreamed I'd admit to such a thing!

After thinking more and more about our conversation, I finally decided that I want him to put the cock to me so I can carry his seed as a good wife should. Since men like Mark need this breeding activity to feel masculine, it is my "wifely" duty to accommodate him before someone else does.

I hopped to stall him off, but maybe that wasn't the wisest course of action for me to take.

The idea of me being naked and vulnerable, knowing that the time is at hand for Mark to sweep me off my feet and breed me as a man would his woman, makes me long for that special day. The whole concept of Mark breeding me and me carrying his seed throughout my day makes me squirm with passion every time I think about it.

But he didn't seem interested any more. He never brought it up again.

After we had dated for around six months my lease was up and I had to decide whether or not to renew for six more months. I had been spending my free nights at his house anyway, so I made a point to bring it up casually one night.

I was crushed that he didn't say anything at all. Nothing. Nada. I began thinking that maybe our storybook romance was over.

One afternoon, we were on his secluded back deck sunbathing nude.

"Honey, I have something to ask you." he said.

"Oh?" I said.

Suddenly, he got off the lounge chair and got down on one knee and said,

"Will you marry me?"

Nearly speechless, I manged to blurt out,

"Oh, yes!" Afraid he would change his mind.

He produced a box from under his towel and presented me with a ring. It had six little diamonds on a stylized band of woven gold and white gold. Inside the band it said:

"To my loving husband, 2015."

"Oh Sweetheart, it's beautiful!" I said, tearing up with happiness.

He took my left hand and slid it on my finger and kissed me. I was truly in tears with his thoughtfulness.

He showed me his band. It was the same design as mine but wider with seven diamonds, discreetly acknowledging my lack of parity with him in our relationship.

I'm thinking to myself..."Hell, it all works for me!"

Instead of a long engagement, we gathered the families and made the announcement. Our parents knew we were lovers and were very "modern" about it, and gave us their blessing.

The wedding was simple and uncomplicated, and we exchanged our rings with each other at the wedding ceremony. Both of our parents attended, and all went well. The most embarrassing part for me was my new husband kissing me in a full on lip lock in front of my parents and friends!

Finally we were officially moved in together, married and getting down to the business of learning how to be married.

His apartment was a two bedroom with one bedroom as an office. We had to learn to share everything. Toilet schedules, shower times, chores, the works. True to my nature, I stood aside and found time for myself and made myself fit.

Chapter Five

Being married really is special. It is a journey of discovery and compromise, where you sometimes have to force yourself to give it your all and not hold back. You must love unconditionally, and be strong when exposing your intimate secrets. Anything short of that cheats you out of a fully fulfilling relationship, and the longer you wait the harder it is. You want your husband to know your kinks so he can help you experience them.

It had it's strange moments. I had never seen a guy take a crap before. I didn't ask him to close the door, instead I closed it when I went hoping he'd get the hint. I always did a once over with toilet paper around the rim after I peed. He never did and I never said anything even though he saw me wipe it often.

Little yellow drops should not be what an argument makes. I also squeezed and dried off the end of my cock after peeing to keep it out of my undies. He didn't seem do that for some reason.

And of course, he didn't like my flavor of toothpaste, so I adjusted to his, along with the gasoline he called mouthwash.

Soap? He used bar soap, probably Lava. I prefer scented body gel and a loofah. His shampoo was not getting near my hair. I used women's shampoos and conditioners. They worked better and I liked the way they smelled, and that was that.

We survived. We adjusted. Two dressers, two laundry baskets, a light powder blue bathrobe for me and a dark blue for him. I wasn't ready to wear the pink fuzzy slippers my mom sneaked in my stuff for me even though Mark thinks they are cute. I don't know if we are ready for that yet, so I got myself a pair of blue fuzzy slippers as a compromise.

It is boxers for him and very brief briefs for me. Fruit of the Loom t shirts for him, thin Calvin Klein t shirts for me (because I like my girly little breasts to show and I know he likes to peek, even if he won't admit it! )

I was happy about the way things were between us. I finally began to feel safe about relaxing and being myself.

So far there was nothing I did that bothered him enough for him to get mad at me, so I continued the long crawl out of my shell and let the real "me" develop.

I think the most liberating thing was Mark accepting my feminine vocalizations during sex. I've always been that way when I was single and masturbating, and no matter how hard I tried, they happened. I'm so happy Mark understood and accepted it.

I knew Mark loved to suckle at my breasts, but having him tell me in his own words that he really wanted to be my "breast baby" and that he loved to suck my nipples was really a special moment for me.

"Oh, you are so sweet. I love when we do that." I responded.

So not being one to deny my husband a pleasure, the first chance I got I put a pillow on my lap where he could rest his head. We both agreed that it was best that he kept his eyes closed when we played baby games. He could then nuzzle at my breast and search for my nipple just like a baby. Then he would take as much breast as he could gather up into his mouth and I would coo to him how wonderful he was as I stroked his hair and fed him my breast.

It was a turn on for both of us. It made my nipples a little tender and very sensitive for a day or two, but was a sweet reminder of our lovemaking. I'm grateful that he seemed to instinctively know how to suckle so as to not hurt my nipples.

I loved to baby him and let him suck on me as long as he wanted. Even if it got uncomfortable, I didn't have it in me to stop him other than move him to the other breast as a mother would do. It was nice to know we did it because it was important to both of us.

Always looking to improve our lives, I asked him if I could buy a breast pump to help stretch the tissue out more so I would have more breast tissue.

He loved the idea, and I was thrilled to try it!

After I got the breast pump, I was eager for Mark to leave for work so I could use it. I ordered one that had large cups and was designed for breast enlargement so if it worked at all, it would stretch the whole breast.

If I must enhance my breasts, I want them to look natural.

Shortly after I started pumping, I started wearing my pink fuzzy slippers my mom gave me. And for when we were lounging around and watching TV, Mark bought me a short pink bathrobe and more sexy panties,

"To match your slippers." he said.

I was very pleased that he was so intuitive, and grateful he didn't ask me to use my pump in front of him.

My "pumping" time became somewhat ritualized. As soon as Mark left for work, I would put on my mom's fuzzy slippers because they were feminine and pink, and it added to the way I felt when I was in my pink bathrobe and panties "pumping".

I bought an "B" cup bra to wear when I was alone to measure my progress and to "keep my eye on the prize", so to speak. As an afterthought, I bought a nursing bra hoping to surprise Mark with it sometime.

I changed my hair style to a "Pixie" cut with the help of my hair stylist. He was pretty feminine too, so I didn't feel shy telling him what I wanted. He intuitively knew what I had hoped to achieve.

Mark gravitated toward becoming a much more confident man of the house, and I accommodated him and accepted it as the natural way of things in our world. We shared many things about each other we hadn't shared before including my feeling guilty about him not breeding me yet, even though I was ready.

"Some day, my love, when we are ready." was his cryptic response.

Since I was on his insurance now I cut back to part time at work, and evolved into taking on the more nurturing role. My "wife role" as I called it came naturally to me and I did it without complaint. I did our laundry, made the beds, did the shopping, and did most of the cooking and cleaning, and did the bills.

I loved to have the table set and dinner ready when he came home. I always made sure I was fresh out of the shower and smelling nice - sometimes with a dash of perfume, and maybe short shorts and a thin shirt. Something to remind him I was sexual and here for him.

I loved that no matter how his day went, he made time to notice me and comment approvingly.

All in all I enjoyed pretending to be a housewife and of course, taking time to watch "Sex in the City" and use my breast pumper upper. And sometimes after I was done pumping I'd put on a house dress and a bra and panties and go about my housework. If he found out he probably wouldn't mind, but I'd be embarrassed as hell and probably in trouble for not sharing with him that I wore a bra and panties and a dress when he was gone.

One night we were watching TV in our bathrobes and joking around during the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, and he commented:

"I'll bet you would look gorgeous in that!" he said factually.

"Oh, really? You must be joking. That's Taylor Swift, your favorite hottie!" I replied in a surprise sarcastic sort of way.

"Baby, you are my favorite hottie!" he said.

"Awww. That's very sweet of you, Baby." I replied honestly.

"Besides, you are more feminine and a have a better body than she has! " he said, then added,

"And besides, we know who wears the panties around here, don't we?"

"True enough." I guffawed with a giggle, blushing.

"I'm disappointed you only wear them for me on special occasions." he said teasingly.

"Really?" I replied, stung by the word "disappointed".

"So, you want me to fem up a little more for you, is that what you are saying?" I replied, acting coy.

"I've been wondering how to go about asking you about it. What do you say?" he asked.

I smiled and put my legs under me, sneakily letting my pink bathrobe slip down off my shoulders, showing my bare chest. I leaned forward on my arms to bunch up my fleshy chest to emphasize my nearly "A" cup breasts, and leaned toward him like a little girl and replied,

"Yes Daddy."

He looked at my breasts then into my eyes and said, "For real?"

"Of course I will. I will wear anything you buy me, my dear husband." I said.

"OK. I shall keep that in mind!" he said, obviously very pleased.

He pulled me close and kissed me and began gently playing with both of my nipples, making me really hot. I couldn't wait for bedtime! My hard on let him know my true feelings! I was liking the attention!

"I think our little gadget is working, isn't it?" he asked

"I think it is. Are you still OK with it?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah. Keep doing it. I like them!" he said.

"Could hormones could be in my future someday?" I asked, hopefully.

"Maybe someday." he replied.

We kind of let the conversation drop. I was wishing we didn't. I was on a roll, and it was turning me on!

I had played around with wearing nighties at home in the past for a turn on when I was single, and I wouldn't mind getting back to that now that we are married. I'm thrilled that he is cool with it, especially because I was too shy to bring it up.

He had to suspect that I'd like it or he wouldn't have brought it up. Clumsy, he is not. Besides, discovery and fulfillment is a big part of what being married is all about.

When we went to bed I tried not to overdo it, but I was all over him. He must have been pretty excited too. We did a sixty nine, and I had him blasting in my throat in what seemed like a minute with me only seconds behind!

Chapter Six

The next weekend, Friday night after dinner, he called me into the bedroom.

"Honey, please come here. I need you." he called out.

I was thinking what could possibly be wrong. Broken pipe? Broken window? What?

I came in and I saw a bright red box sitting on my pillow. It was professionally wrapped in red paper with white lace ribbon and a pink bow. I removed the card, and it was from Victoria's Secret.

"Oh, Sweetheart, what is this?" I asked in disbelief as I opened the card.

The card said: "To my sweet husband, who can be the sweetest wife in the world. I could never ask for a better partner to spend my life with.".

I was off guard and speechless, blushing and smiling, and not really knowing how to act other than holding back my tears.

"Aren't you going to open it?"

I opened it carefully, with appropriate drama given the quality of the wrapping. I was trying not to look too excited, as I gently and carefully lifted the lid off and folded the tissue paper back sheet by sheet.

My hands were shaking as I realized it was a white chiffon baby-doll nighty, with matching sheer, nearly transparent white panties, certainly appropriate for this wife who was soon to lose his virginity.

"Oh, wow! That is really sexy. I can't wait to try it on!" I exclaimed knowing now was time to go "all in".

Attached to the top lace was a jewelry box."Hmmm... What's this?" I asked.

"Open it."

The little box had a tiny card attached that read, "Just for You".

I slowly opened up the little box and inside was the woman's engagement ring that went with my wedding ring. It had a diamond solitaire setting flanked by two smaller diamonds.

I practically gasped and looked at him quizzically.

Inside, the ring was engraved, "To my loving wife, from your loving husband".

"Hummm... It's beautiful, how did you know I was in two closets?" I said laughingly.

"I think that was a lot of what attracted me to you in the first place!"

Then he got on his knees again, and removed the wedding ring and slipped my new diamond ring on my finger, then followed it with my wedding ring.

"There, now that's the way it is supposed to be." he said.

"It's beautiful. I never want to take it off." I said.

"Well sometimes, some places, we may have to." he said, adding:

"Tomorrow is Saturday, and we will have been married for six months. That would be a wonderful day to finish consummating our marriage. How do you feel about that?"

"Awwww..." I said as I came up to him and kissed him on the cheek, then on the lips.

"Yes. I want to, Sweetie. It's all I've been thinking about lately!" I said.

"Maybe we could go somewhere special."

"I think right here in our home is special and would make me the happiest." I replied.

"Oh, one more thing." he said

He handed me a little bag, not nearly so fancy but from Macy's.

I peeked into the bag and shut it real quick and my eyes went from side to side and I was smirking with a funny face. It was bottle of reddish pink nail polish and a bottle of remover.

"Are you sure?" I asked, beaming with a stupid grin.

I felt like I'd died and gone to heaven! I've always wanted to put on nail polish but never did since I left childhood.

"I'd like you to do it to see if you like it. You don't have to do your fingernails if you don't feel comfortable doing that, but if you do your toes and no one will know but you and me." he said hopefully.

I gave him a big hug, hoping he didn't see the moisture in my eyes.

"I think it will be fun."

"I can't wait to see you in it." he replied, simply.

After Mark went off to work on Our Big Day, I went to the drug store and bought a douche bag and some silicon lube and an eyedropper. Thank God for the internet!

Saturday morning after a leisurely breakfast, Mark decided to take off and get my car serviced giving me the morning to myself.

I cleaned myself out several times with the enema kit allowing myself plenty of time to dry out so nothing would leak. I put a little silicon lube in the eyedropper and squirted it into my hole just for insurance.

I took a leisurely shower and for the first time in my life, I shaved my legs and underarms! I used a depilatory to remove any hair from my feet. Then I re-shaved my balls and my pubic hair and tidied up my little landing strip. Next, I took my loofah soaked in my favorite smelling body wash and gave myself a good scrub, especially between my cheeks. Lastly, I washed the depilatory off my feet, pleased to see they were nice and pretty.

After I dried off, I sat down in a towel and filed and shaped my toenails, then took my time carefully painting each toenail. I wanted them to look especially nice for Mark tonight.

When my toenails were done, I was surprised how pretty my feet looked. They were quite a sight and I couldn't stop peeking at them. I liked it. I liked me!

I decided to go ahead and paint my fingernails, too!

I kept peeking in the mirror and was very happy with what I saw, and I was hoping Mark would be, too.

I combed my hair forward so my Pixie cut would spill down on to my forehead, creating some bangs to give me a more feminine look. Then a quick shot of hair spray to nail it down.

Lastly a tiny finger tap of women's perfume (Oscar de la renta) behind my neck to be as subtle as possible with my fragrance.

Finally my body was done and I could finally put on my nightie!

I gave myself a once over in the mirror.

My fingernails and toenails looked really cute. My legs were smooth and shiny, and my landing strip was neat and clearly defined. My wedding rings sparkled brightly. My boobs finally had a crease under them. I felt pretty good about myself!

I eased the top on and as it cascaded down my body, I felt like a different person! It was loose and flouncy, and there were snaps at the bodice seam below the underarm, and floating modesty panels that covered my breasts but were loose for easy access.

There were two other snaps, one at the mid waist and one at the bottom so they could be opened completely allowing him total access to my body. My sweetie knows how turned on I get when he rubs his hands along the sides of my naked body!

I checked out the skimpy string panties for size and the tag said size 6, which was perfect. Then I noticed the brand was "Just for him". I wondered how he got Victoria's Secret to swap out the women's panties for these. Hmmm.... they do understand!

They were a perfect match for the nighty and after I put them on, I was happy that they were a little wider and had a little more roomy in the bottom of the crotch for modesty, but weren't tacky like a G-string. The sides had two thin bands with just enough material to be sexy. Thoughtfully, they put snaps on the bands for easy removal. Someone has been paying attention in class!

I posed in front of the mirror.

I saw that my landing strip showed clearly and ended just before the top of my panties. My breasts have gotten big enough to be called breasts and pushed up the panel on my nightie like they are supposed to. I lifted it and my breasts were perfectly presented, with my puffy pink nipples proudly erect and nicely centered on my pink areolas.

My fingernails and toenails looked great and made me feel sexy and hot!

I turned around to look at my rear and was pleased that the panties were plainly visible below my nighty, and my butt cheeks showed enough to make my girly butt look extra sexy.

For such little preparation, I looked pretty good!

I could hear him in the bedroom, so I came in cautiously.

I entered a room dimly lit with candles, and a turned down bed.

He was leaning back propped up on some pillows.

"Oh, Honey. You are beautiful!" he said smiling.

"Are you sure I look OK?" I replied cautiously.

"Without a doubt.Come here, Honey." he said.

I slipped into bed and put my head on his shoulder. He began kissing me lovingly, then brought my new diamond ring up to his lips to kiss it.

We chatted a bit about nothing and other things and he ran his hands over my nighty.

He he made me feel as if I were a most fragile and feminine lover as he began to move to my bosom. He moved onto his back and I was going to lean over to give him my breast. Instead, I decided we should play baby games today. It has become a secret bond we share.

"Here, Baby. Lets get you comfortable." I said.

I sat up and leaned against the headboard, and then put a pillow over the top of my legs.

"Come here, Sweetie." I said as I patted the pillow on my lap.

On que, Mark closed his eyes and lay his head on my lap, and began nuzzling at the modesty panel in my lingerie until my breast was exposed and he could search for my nipple.

It was very erotic fun for both of us.

After he nuzzled my breast out all the way, I was big enough now that I could use my hand to lift my breast so I could rub my nipple on Mark's nose and tickle his upper lip where he could feel it.

Then as he searched for my nipple, I would move it around his open mouth playfully until it was touching his lower lip where he could latch on properly. Then he would open his mouth all the way and take in as much of my breast as possible while pulling my nipple and areola into his mouth.

I'd gently rub his stomach and nipples as he gently sucked at my breast. I loved to watch him suckle as the motion of his mouth and my breast worked together. The rhythmic tugging on my nipple was a real turn on for me!

I'd let him suckle until he was content or my nipple got too tender, then I moved him to the other until they were both singing with ecstasy.

When he was finished, he suggested that he give me a back massage to help me relax.

I rolled over and he began to give me a most erotic massage, starting at my feet. As he kissed his way up my legs he gently pushed up my nighty little by little. When he reached my bottom he massaged my globes sensually, and gave them gentle tickling kisses. I gyrated my hips sensually, unashamed to show my heat.

As he continued the massage of my butt cheeks, he gradually unsnapped my panties one snap at a time, letting them fall away leaving my virgin hole naked and exposed as I let out a cute little purr of encouragement. My hips instinctively rose to present him my gift.

He added more lube, then began massaging my globes and sliding his thumb over my hole. He gently began massaging my tight little sphincter in a circular motion, encouraging me to relax as I purred softly. Ever so gently, his thumbs were replaced by his fingers as he worked in one, then another as my hips rocked in anticipation as he put one finger on top of the other. Finally he squeezed in a third finger on top of the other two, then gently and carefully worked in and out to widen up my tight passage.

I could feel myself loosening and pushed back against his fingers lustfully.

After a few minutes of kisses and loving encouragement he moved up and straddled my hips, then ran his hands gently along my neck and over my arms and along my naked sides. He slipped his hands underneath me to massage my sensitive nipples, as his cock traveled up and down along my slippery crack as if to tease me as to it's ultimate mission.

I instinctively rose to meet him to try to get in sync to catch his cock. He teased me with near misses as his cock probed my boygina. After a few tries, he finally allowed me to catch the tip of his cock in my soft entrance.

He paused and adjusted the angle as I opened and closed my tight boypussy giving slippery little kisses to the head of his cock. As he pushed in slightly I let out a high pitched gasp of pain.

To minimize my discomfort he very gently rocked ever so slightly, in and out carefully, pausing to let my virgin tissues adjust each time I showed any distress.

I could feel his cock head testing the outer gateway of my canal as he began his first shallow penetrations in and out. I started to get panicky as I began to feel some pain as he began to gain depth with each attempt.

Knowing what was coming, I grasped the sheets tightly and bit down on my pillow, determined not cry out and make a fool of myself.

Slowly with each gentle prod he worked in a tiny bit deeper, millimeter by millimeter. As he worked past the outer gate, he kept up his gentle but resolute pressure until finally, with a dull stab of albeit delicious pain, the tip of his hard cock finally pushed aside the final guardian of my virginity.

We rested there for a few long seconds. Then he rocked in and out with shallow thrusts and then pulled all the way out.

He added more lube, and then worked himself in and out again until the discomfort of his cock head entering and retreating from my canal entrance abated as my boygina got accustomed to it's new role.

Slowly, the pain increased slightly as he kept rocking in and out, squeezing himself bigger in the tight spots then pausing, then relaxing as the meaty center of his shaft continued to widen my entry as he sought his full depth.

Finally at last, the steady pain from my being stretched to accommodate him stopped and I could feel his balls touching me below my hole, leaving me no doubt that daddy was finally home deep inside me!

He held himself there for a few minutes, then slowly and gently moving in and out, I could feel him expanding himself to prepare me for the breeding to come. After a few slow and gentle thrusts I began to get more comfortable and confident and began meeting his rythm.

After a bit, he stopped and helped me get on my back and put a pillow under my bottom, so we could be face to face.

As he faced me on his knees, my legs instinctively opened up for him. I presented my "boygina" to him as he mounted me and pushed my legs back along my sides leaving my gaping hole wide open for him.

He placed his cock at my entrance, and I eagerly rocked my hips to welcome him as he slowly and gently worked in and out, deeper and deeper as we danced our lovers waltz.

He slipped in slowly and paused again when he was in as deep as he could go before he began to thrust with more power and urgency. He was usually tender and gentle with me when we made love, but this this time he was startlingly aggressive.

Though our act of mating was timeless, my kind and loving husband became driven by his masculine demons as he urgently drove his cock into me.

Thankfully, sensing my fear, he changed pace for a bit and slowed down and kissed me all over my face telling me how much he loved me. Thankfully, that calmed me down so I could appreciate the wonderful sexual and erotic feeling of his hard cock driving in and out of me.

I put my arms around him and pulled my hips to him with my legs. I was in awe at my husband breeding me with that special masculine power that only true men possess, leaving me to wonder why I waited so long!

Instinctively, I knew that his display of masculine dominance was sending a bigger symbolic message to me as to how my breeding tonight is as much about my husband and my feminine submission to him as it is about sex.

I was delighted to hold on for dear life and appreciate that my first breeding will be one I'll never forget as he pounded his cock into me, thrust after thrust as nature has programmed him to do.

He slowed down again and stopped to kiss me, and reassure me that he loved me, then he began to ramp up and start hammering my boygina again as my feminine emotions took over and I let out little girly pants of glee as he pounded his cock into me!

Once again, he began to grunt and thrust harder as his balls slapped audibly on my butt cheeks. I tightened my arms around him and pushed myself as far onto his cock as I could possibly go, as he worked himself in and out of me. We went slow for a bit, then fast for a bit, each working for the others pleasure as my feminine cries egged him on.

He'd take his cock almost all the way out, and plunge back in as I worked to squeeze my boygina muscles tight on each stroke, causing me to elicit a soft, pleasantly feminine gasp for air with each thrust.

Gradually, his pace changed back to his more powerful and assertive rhythm. It seemed his cock was getting harder and bigger as he pushed all the way in as far as possible and began to shudder as he made small in and out thrusts so as to not lose any precious depth.

The deeper he held his cock in me the tighter he held me. I was unable to move and could barely breathe.

He let out a truly intimidating masculine growl followed by a moan of pure primal passion. I gripped his shoulders as tight as I could and held him in as deeply as possible as my boypussy muscles squeezed his cock tightly creating tingling sensations within me.

He give me several more tiny thrusts as if to search out the perfect target, before he froze and his cock began to throb in powerful rhythmic pulses, as he grunted and shook with passion. I could feel each of his jets of sperm drive deep inside of me. As the pulses tapered off he began rocking slowly again. He kissed me deeply as he kept thrusting slowly freeing the last droplets of sperm into my slippery canal.

A few seconds later, he began pounding me again but with more determination. I squeezed my boypussy muscles as tight as I could to help him, causing a climax to slowly rise up within me. I kept squeezing as he kept thrusting and for the first time ever, I had a dry orgasm more intense that any wet orgasm I have ever felt, causing me to cry out lustfully as if I were a teenage bride having her first climax!

I squeezed my boypussy muscles tighter as my own orgasm rocked me until he stiffened again, spurting another throbbing cascade of pulses in order to lay in more of his feminizing liquid.

When he finally began to soften, we changed positions so he could remain in me for as long as possible. As he began so withdraw, I squeezed my boypussy muscles again to milk the rest of his sperm into me as he slowly slipped out.

I lay face down in the bed in a bit of a haze while he rested quietly beside. I wanted to make sure I didn't let any of his sperm leak out.

My thoughts turned to the hope that now that I was finally bred and carrying his seed, he would be beaming with pride, knowing that this breeding was only the first of many, and his sexual future was secure.

Having him so thoroughly dominate my sexuality the way he did was a little unnerving since I didn't know what to expect. But, I am at peace with his masculine dominance over me and I am eager to do it again!

I let out a sigh thinking most virgins probably feel this way afterward. Having sex strips us of our civilized patina and allows us to become the sexual animals we are. How could I not have expected him to act like a man? Silly me!

"Here, Honey. Come over closer to me. " he asked.

He had me roll over so we could still cuddle. I moved awkwardly as I was mindful not to let any juice sneak out of me, causing me to let out a little expression of discomfort.

"Oh. Are you OK, Honey?" he asked.

"I'm OK, Sweetheart. She's a little sore down there right now." I said quietly,

"I'm sorry, Honey, let me see if I can help you feel better." he said

He had me roll face down and put a pillow under my hips. Then he lay down between my legs and began kissing my globes and then licking my freshly deflowered boypussy causing me to open my legs wider.

He licked up and down my hole for many long glorious minutes. It was the most loving, sexually stimulating and relaxing experience I've ever had. He licked up and down slowly, sometimes spreading my cheeks to dip his tongue in deeper to lick my inner tissues causing my boypussy and stomach muscles to twitch.

It truly did seem to magically make my tender boypussy feel better. He ended my therapy by concentrating on licking the outside lips of my hole almost as if he were helping my body seal his sperm inside me.

I felt more cared for and loved than I ever had, and I really needed that after my tempestuous breeding.

This must be his way of making it right and reassuring me that my ordeal is over, and that his sperm is safe knowing that each flutter and tremble he creates in me, helps his sperm move deeper inside of me.

As he moved up to kiss me and let us go to sleep, he was still nude and I was in only the top of my nighty, having lost my panties somewhere in the bed. Being my usual modest self, I re snapped the nighty together, not caring to look for my panties. I smiled to myself as I caught a glimmer from my diamond on my finger.

I never felt more right with my femininity as I did just then, as I dozed off in the arms of my loving husband, knowing all was right with the world.

Chapter Seven

I woke up way too early, snuggled into his underarm where I usually found myself after sex. I was joyful and beaming with pride as I lustfully inhaled the wonderful scent of my satiated husband, as he slept peacefully beside me.

In this moment of reflection after a nights sleep, I realize I have undergone a sea change in my attitude after having intercourse. I experienced emotions that ran the gamut. In one minute I experienced primal fear and intimidation, yet in the next I was experiencing heartfelt waves of feminine joy and screaming it to the rooftops.

I have come to terms with my husbands carnal authority over me after my turbulent breeding. I will never feel the same around him, or any other man for that matter. This what I have become, and it is a role I was born to play now that my feminine spirit has freed herself.

Finally, I dozed off again and we woke up to a bright morning. We both got up and did our things in the bathroom and went back to bed.

He he began to rub and kiss me gently all over. After suckling at my breast for a bit, he had us turn around to a 69 position and gave each other a wonderful suck. He played with my titties slowly until I nearly came off the bed when I climaxed, and within seconds he was pumping his cum in to my waiting mouth.

Unlike straights, after sex there is nothing to clean up so we immediately snuggled again. He pulled me in close and put his left arm over me and was caressing my finger with my new ring on it.

"Honey. Will you lay over my legs so I can rub your bottom again?" he asked.

"I think she needs it. Did you have to be so rough, Sweetie? " I said, trying not to sound bitchy.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it." he said contritely.

I remained silent and didn't answer him, but like a good girl, I crawled over his legs like he asked.

I was a bit self conscious about him seeing my hole, but I lay my hips over his knees anyway. After all, he is my husband but I felt funny about being "inspected" so soon after losing my virginity. But I guess it's a guy thing so I didn't protest.

He began rubbing my butt cheeks, occasionally kissing them causing me to get turned on again.

He spread my cheeks a bit and remarked,

"You have a cute little hole, Honey." he said as he got some saliva and began to rub it like he did last night.

I relaxed as he began massaging the ring protecting my ravaged little hole. It felt wonderful. I was finally at peace again, as I moved my hips with approval.

"Honey, I want you to keep shaving your legs and underarms, OK? The feel of them drives me wild!" he said.

"I've been wanting to ask you if I could keep doing it. I'm not getting too girly for you am I?" I asked.

"No way! I like it."

"What do you like the best?" I asked, fishing.

"I like that you've got more boobies for me to play with since we got your 'gadget'."

"I like that too. I have a surprise for you." I added.

I went into my closet and got out my nursing bra and put it on, then put on my my bathrobe.

I got into bed and propped myself up with some pillows waiting for Mark.

"Come here, Sweetie." I said, patting my lap.

He laid on my lap knowing he was going to get my breast but he looked at me quizzically when I opened up my bathrobe, and he saw my nursing bra.

"I've never seen you in a bra before. That's cool." he said.

I preferred to sit up and lean forward to accentuate just how big my breasts were getting now that I've been pumping twice daily for six months. I'm a full "B" cup! Maybe even a "B+"!

I don't think he really knew what it was, until his head was on my lap, and I unfastened the clasp and released my breast for him.

"Oh, how wonderfully sexy you are, Honey." he said,

As always, he immediately closed his eyes and I lifted my breast and began to touch my nipple to his nose, then move it to his upper lip. He nuzzled around until he found it and latched on.

As a treat, I took some lube and slowly rubbed his cock up and down, as he suckled at my breast.

He was really loving that!

When he began to get close, I changed positions and got on top and facing him, lowered myself on his cock. I leaned forward and presented him both breasts.

He took his time and was very gentle, and slipped in very easily. In just a few minutes, he released his sperm into me as he suckled at my breast.

It was a wonderful way to cap our experience, and I went on to devote myself to becoming a better and a more submissively genuine manwife.

He seeded me often after that first experience. It became an every now and then thing, usually reserved for weekends, but I grew to like him to aggressively fuck me. Hard. Like a man does his woman!

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