Future World

By George Worley

Published on Nov 2, 2003


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between male adults, male adults and teenage boys. The acts in the real world are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another but in this fantasy world may not be consensual but wish that I were George Robins in the story. If there is anyone out there that can help me make put of this come true please email. Any commits good are bad please write me: gworley1@hotmail.com

Copyrighted by George Worley, November 1, 2003. All rights reserved. The author retains all rights. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the author's consent. The author gives Nifty Archives permission to add to their site.

Chapter 2

The Sex Offenders Institute

After we park, the guard came to the back of the "van" and entered. He first went over to the control panel and pressed a button that caused the platform to rise. This relived some of the pressure against my balls and cock. Once the platform was up, he pushed the other button that released the rope pressure on my balls and cock. He then led me out of the "van" to the entrance of the Institute. A man that looked more like a doctor instead of a jailer came out and handed the man that drove me from the courthouse a pair of handcuffs and said this is to replace the ones on me. He reached down and put a leather ring around my balls and cock. It looked sort of like a collar that you would put on a cat or dog. He attached to it a "leash" that was about 5 feet long. He then introduced himself as Bob without a last name. I guessed that last names here aren't given. He then pulled on the leash and said come. He managed to walk just a little bit faster then me pulling on my balls and cock. I was just a little bit uncomfortable but not too much. We got to a central desk and I was told this is where I would be checking into the Institute.

A lady step out from behind the desk and introduced herself as Amy. She put a instrument around my finger which gave her my temperature and my pulse rate but she said shit it is suppose to give me your blood pressure. You don't have a chip implanted in you? "What chip?" I repeated. "Everyone is given a chip at birth", she said. You don't have one. I know I don't have one as I was born here. I cannot make any believe that I am 300 years old. She said, "I am not the one that you need to convince." "I am doing my job," she added. She got out the old fashion blood pressure machine and proceeded to take my blood pressure the old fashion way. Everything was normal. I realized that in the 48 hours that I had been a wake that I had anything to eat, in fact the last thing I had to eat was the morning of the day I went into the cryogenic machine. I asked about something to eat. I was told that I was not to speak unless spoken too. And, no I could not have anything to eat. She signaled for the man that had brought me to her.

He put the leash back on the collar around my sex organ and said come with him.

I had no choice but follow him. We went into a office where I was introduced to the director of the Institute. He introduced himself as David West but all the inmates call him Master. He started laying out the rules. The rules are this:

  1. You will call Director, Master, at all times.

  2. You will remain undress at all times.

  3. You will only when you are spoken too.

  4. You will do what you are told at all times.

  5. You will have sex whenever you are told too and it doesn't matter if

the person is male or female.

  1. Any faction of these rules will result in extreme punishment.

He asked if I understood the rules and I answered yes. He went on with the inductee speech by saying that we start things off right here and ended with take me to Torture Room 5. I didn't like the sound of "torture" but I guess that I didn't have any choice in the matter as my "guide" hooked the leash back on the collar and said to follow him.

We arrived at Torture Room 5. When I looked in I said "Oh my good". I was led over to the table in the middle of the room that looked much like one the medical tables that an ob/gyn doctor would use. There was a thing that looked like a cock in the middle of it. I was told to put my ass up against it, so I did fearing more torment then what I was going to get. He put some lube on the dildo and put some on his finger. Then placed it in my ass. I squirmed a bit and it hurt a little. Next he pushed me back against the dildo and lined my asshole up with the dildo. He caused the dildo to start entering my asshole. I was pushed further back on to the dildo. Finally I was had the dildo all the way in me. He the lifted my right leg up on the platform and placed restraints on my right leg so I could not move it. Next he lifted my left leg and placed it on the platform. He, also, placed the restraints on it. Then he pushed a button on the table. I felt pain in my ass. He told me the pain I was receiving was because the dildo in my ass was expanding and changing shape. He said that the shape would not allow me to escape even if the restraints were removed from my legs. After which he removed my handcuffs and said from to lay back and lay my arms on the platforms made for arms, so I did. He fastened restraints on my arms. He pushed another button on the panel and I felt something entering my ass and I was feeling bloated. I figured out what was going on - I was getting a forced enema and it didn't really feel good but it didn't feel bad either at this point. I wasn't ready for what was next. My "guide" taped my cock to my stomach. Then he produced a wooden spoon out of one of the drawers underneath the table. I was kind of concerned as what he was going to do with the spoon. He then fastened an electrode to each of my tits then place a button switch in my hand and told me to look over to the right. There was a wheel over there much like the one on the "Wheel of Fortune". There were numbers on it with the highest be 100 and the lowest be 5. He spin the wheel and the longer it spun the lower the numbers got. He stop the wheel and reset it. Then told me that each of the numbers represented the number of times he was going to hit my balls with the spoon and that I would go through the exercise twice. Once for the number times my balls was going to be hit and once for the hardness of the hit. He then said that I would be receiving electrical shock threw the electrodes placed on my tits and the only way that the pain would stop as for me to let go of the button that was in my hand. I would start out without any shock but the longer I held the button the more shock I would receive. Next he asked if I were ready, we would begin.

He told me to hold down the button, so I did. The wheel started spinning and the electricity threw the electrodes started flowing. The pain was not bad at first but soon it became too much to bear and I had to let go. Had it been long enough? I looked over at the wheel and I wish that it had been better as it was 40 but I guess that is better then 100. Then he pressed another button that reset the wheel for the second go around. He told me when you are ready press the button. I didn't have a very good grip on the device so it slipped out of my hands. I asked for permission to speak and I was denied. The wheel had stopped on extra hard. My stomach had begin to churn at this point because of not been able to release my water as much as I had tried there was nothing coming out of that end.

So I was going to have my balls 40 times extra hard with a wooden spoon. I didn't know if I can stand the pain but I would have to give it a try as that was what I was what was going to happened to me and I had no way of stopping it. I begged for the procedure not to be done but to no avail. Whack, whack, whack... Oh the pain and I could not protect myself. Whack, Whack, Whack... again. I lost track of how many times he hit my balls after about 15 hits. At this point I almost past out. He saw that I was about to pass out and stopped for a moment. He then grabs the smelling salts and placed it under my nose. I was brought back to life. He said, "We want you conscious for all of the hits." I looked down at my cock and I was hard as a rock. How could I be is hard as a rock with all of this pain? I asked myself. He looked down upon my cock in smiled. He started the onslaught of my nuts again. Finally he was finished. And, I thought that I would never be able to walk again after that beating.

He pushed another button on the control panel and liquid started entering my gut again. He said when I finish you will have a gallon of water in you. You will not be able to expel until we say so. The water stopped.

He released my arms from the bounds and told me to put my hands behind my back. Handcuffs were then placed around my wrists. He then released my feet and placed them on the ground. I tried to pull away from the table and couldn't. In my day this would be consider cruel and unusual punishment. He pushed another button on the control panel and I was able to move away from the table. My stomach was full even if I hadn't eating anything for almost 3 days now.

My "guide" reached down and places the leather collar back around my balls and cock. Then he snapped the leash on to the collar and said follow me. Again, I had no choice but to follow. I was led, once again he was walking just fast enough to keep a steady pull on my balls and cock, to an empty cell no bathroom facilities just a rope in the center of what appeared 8 feet by 8 feet cell. I was led to a point just below the rope. The rope was then tied to my balls and cock. My "guide" then went over to the right side of the cell and opens a box with several buttons in it and presses one. The floor where I was standing began to rise. After it had stop, he pressed another button. The rope around my balls and cock begin to tighten and soon I was standing on my tiptoes. Once the machine stopped he pressed yet another button and the platform underneath me began to lower itself where it once was when I had walked into the cell. I was now in pain once again. My balls were very sensitive to the touch and this rope was doing me any favors.

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