Future World

By George Worley

Published on Nov 2, 2003


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between male adults, male adults and teenage boys. The acts in the real world are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another but in this fantasy world may not be consensual but wish that I were George Robins in the story. If there is anyone out there that can help me make put of this come true please email. Any commits good are bad please write me: gworley1@hotmail.com

Copyrighted by George Worley, November 1, 2003. All rights reserved. The author retains all rights. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the author's consent. The author gives Nifty Archives permission to add to their site.

Future World

Chapter 1


Introduction of Main Character: George Robins, a scientist born January 31, 1959 that is currently working on a self-sustainable cryogenic machine. And, he was his own test subject for the device. The story is told from the point of view of the main character.

Journal entry: Today is November 1, 2003: All test have gone well and today we will test it on a human subject. The test subject is myself. I should be in a frozen state for 24 hours. I am preparing myself for the test.

My colleagues place me in the machine. I am placed there without any clothes on. I look at the clock and it is Noon. My colleagues turn on the machine as I have instructed them to do. I feel myself getting very sleepy and the last thing I remember is reading the clock at 12:15 pm.

I wake up to find it very dark. I am dazed because I came out of the cryogenics too fast. My head is spinning too fast. I see 2 teenage boys that look to be about 16 or 17. They are staring at me but I don't cover up my nakedness as they have already seen me. As I start gaining my senses, I see that all around me is in ruins. I ask the boys why they are staring at me. Their reply was, they thought that I was dead and they were kind of scared when I started moving. I asked what had happened. Their reply was, that an explosion had devastated the area a long time ago. I said that couldn't be as I had only been in the cryogenic machine for 24 hours as that was my instructions. I quickly found out that the year was 2303 and I had been in the cryogenic machine for 300 years. 300 YEARS!!! Oh my God, what had happened? All of my questions would be given in due time.

Suddenly I found that we were not alone. There 2 men with flashlight approaching us. The 2 teenagers started running. I wasn't sure what to do so I stayed put. As the 2 men got closer, I determined that they were police officers and I had done nothing wrong. One of the police officers shined his flashlight on me and said stay where you are and I did as I was told. When they got close to me, they told me that they were placing me under arrest and handcuffed me with my hands behind my back. They walked me towards the top of the rubble pile. The rocks hurt my bare feet but they didn't care. So I determined that cops haven't changed in 300 years. As I got to the top I saw the 2 boys were also in police custody. I asked what I was going to be charged with? And they replied, "Being in a forbidden zone and indecency with a minor." I asked what forbidden zone and indecency? The reply was "The magistrate will explain all of that to you when you get processed."

The ride to jail was different then I had ever experienced. The police office driving the vehicle said where he wanted the vehicle to go and off we went. The vehicle didn't have wheels. There were no potholes in the road. We floated about 2 feet off the ground and we there in no time. The 2 boys were transported with me. We were taken into a building that only had one entrance and no windows in the building. I was lead into the building first with the 2 boys following. They took the handcuffs off the boys but left them on me.

One of the boys was processed first, his name was Tim McAllen and he was 16. They told him that he was being formally charged with being in the forbidden zone and he was found guilty of being in the forbidden zone. I thought to myself what no trial? What have we done to ourselves in 300 years? The sentence was 20 hours of public service and 24 hours in jail. I thought to myself, no big deal.

The second boy was then processed, his name was James Anderson and he was 15 almost 16 as they said happy birthday to him, 2 days early. They told him that he was being charged with being in the forbidden zone and he had been found guilty. The sentence was like Tim's, 20 hours of public service and 24 hours in jail.

They place the handcuffs back on the boys and cuffed them to the bench while I was being put before the magistrate. The magistrate said that they had no record of me as they could not find my fingerprints on file nor could they find my likeness on file. I was asked my name and I told them her, "Tim Robins". I was told to wait a minute. She did a computer search and still could not find anything on me. She asked me about me. So, I told her my story. I am not sure she believed me. She said that the charge of indecency with a minor could not be tried online but for the charge of being in a forbidden zone could be tried online. She said that I was found not guilty for knowingly being in a forbidden zone. She explained that for sex crimes that I was automatically guilty until I was proven innocent in a court of law. I asked getting some clothes? Her reply was, "Those who are charged with a sex crime get no clothing."

3 officers then escorted the 2 boys and me to the elevator. One office took the 2 boys off the elevator on the 2nd floor. The 2 officers took me to 7th floor. I was taken to a 2 feet by 2 feet by 5 feet ceiling. They placed me in so that I was almost kneeling. This also placed my dick on the outside of the cell. There was a bar placed across the back of my calves almost to my knees, this made so that I could not stand up any further. Once in the position, they placed this device around both my dick and balls and hooked it somehow to the bars that were on either side of my dick. The officer then pressed a button on the device. The device started to make a whirling noise and then a lot of pressure was being placed on me. I was becoming painful. Then it stopped. Then another indescribable noise started and I was in more pain as it started to stretch my balls and dick. The device stops stretching my balls and dick and must have stretch my sex organ about 6 to 7 inches. I was in more pain then I have been in my life. They turned off the lights and said they would be back in the morning.

The morning came and I was released from the confines that I was put in. One guard escorted me to what looked like courtroom. I was placed in a special chair that had only one shackle in the middle of the seat. The guard placed me in the chair and took the shackle in placed it a round my balls and dick and closed it to it was very tight. Then he pushed a button on the back of the chair that causes the shackle tightens even more around my balls and dick. It was tighten to the point of been very painful. The bailiff calls the court to order and tells every one to stand for Her Honor Dorothy Fibes. The only ones left sitting are another guy and myself, as we cannot stand with our sex organs shackled to chair. The first 2 cases were appeals, which were denied. Next was the other so called sex offender. We plead guilty and given the choice of life in prison or 5 years at the Sex Offenders Institute. He chooses life in prison. I could not understand why he would choose something where he would be in prison the rest of his life instead of 5 years of his life. I would find out the answer to this question later.

I was called next. The guard that brought me in came over to chair and released me from the confines of the chair. Then he escorted me to in front of the judge's bench. The judge started out that they could not identify me by normal means. I found that all people are put into a central database at birth now and I was not in it. I tried to explain that I was over 300 years old but she would not listen to me. She orders me to come up to the right side of the bench so I did. The bailiff follows me. Next the bailiff tells me to put my cock and balls through the hole on the side of the bench. As I put my cock and balls through the hole, I feel something grab a hold of them. They are stretched again. I feel a ring being put around them and I try to pull them out of the hole and I cannot. I then feel my cock be pulled upon. I feel something being put into my cock then I realize that something is being guided down the urethra. It isn't especially painful but it isn't all that pleasant either. Once it about three fourths of the way down my cock (I would estimate about 3 to 4 inches), I felt something that felt a band being placed around my cock just below the head where the mushroom begins. Next I felt the band being tightened around my cock to a point of being tight but not to painful. Then I felt my cock being stretched upward to point that it was just becoming painful. I felt my balls being pulled upon and stretched out with a band being placed around them to keep them in place. The bailiff the put a wooden "gate" around behind me that attached to both sides of the judge's bench and then place a pole in the back of the "gate" that had a leather strap on top of it. He adjusted the pole so that the leather strap was at neck level. He placed the leather strap around my neck and pulled tight. I now could not move at all. The judge then rendered a statement that stated that she could not preside of this case until my identity was determined. She then orders that I be taken to the Sex Offenders Institute until I was identified. Well, I wasn't sure what that meant and I was sure I wanted to find out but I was sure that I would find out. With that decree, she took her gavel and brought it down against my balls. I thought that I was going to lose my lunch and I could even protect myself. She brought the gavel again against my nuts. Any movement that I made caused me to choke. For a 3rd time she brought the gavel against my nuts. And, left the courtroom.

The bailiff undid the restraints hold me up and I slumped over on the bench. He undid the "gate" and reached over the judge's bench and pressed a button and my cock and balls were free. I then slumped all to the floor. The guard that brought me into the courtroom helped me up. He took me to the transfer point. There were benches that he told me to set upon one of them. He brought up from underneath the bench a shackle that he placed around my cock and balls and tightened it. Here I was in pain again and not knowing what I had done to deserve this kind of treatment. There was another guard showed up and released my cock and balls from there confines and told me to stand up. Once I stood up he guide me to the back of the transport vehicle. Helped me up the stairs. When I entered the "van" there were not any seats. There was a row of 4 ropes hanging from the ceiling and at the time I thought that it was very strange but I found out what they were for very quickly. The guard pressed a button on a control panel close to the exit door. There was a platform that rose from the floor of the bus that was about 5 to 6 inches high. I was told to stand on the platform and I did. Once there the guard came to the front of me and said since I haven't been told the position you are to ride in, you can have your choice facing forward or backward. I said facing forward. I didn't have to change anything as I was already facing that way. The rope hanging down from the roof of the "van" was tied around my balls and cock very tightly. Then the guard walked over to the control panel again and hit another button. I could feel the rope tighten around my balls and cock and then stretching them up ward. After the motor on the roof stopped, the guard pressed another button and I felt the platform underneath me start to move and my balls and cock starting to stretch even more. I was now in even more pain. I could barely stand on my tiptoes. The guard said, "Now that you are all situated, we can now leave for the Institute" and added, "I know that you are going to have a good time there." I didn't like the sound of that at all. I was wonder why I was restrained like I was and I was soon to find out as we started out of the driveway. I could feel every bump in the road on my balls. And, this "van" was the only vehicle on the "road" with standard wheels that I was used to seeing. When we took curves, my balls and cock was stretched even more. I was in lots of pain and still didn't know what I did to deserve this kind of punishment. I didn't know what to expect once I got to my destination, I did however know that a person before me on a sex charge didn't want to go here and this was where I was headed. The guard made right turn on a dirt road and I was unprepared for what was next and was glad to be facing forward so I could see what was coming. The guard didn't slow down. I felt each and every bump on my cock and balls. On the curves, I thought that I was going to hang myself by my balls and cock. We finally arrived at the Institute.

Next: Chapter 2

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