Future Slave Michael

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 13, 2022


The Frilician ship was getting close to Earth. Their technology was far superior to that of Earth, and a trip that would have taken months would take just under two weeks. The ship was equipped to carry 160 passengers comfortably, 170 if pressed. Raven did not plan on taking more than 150 earth men back with her. Her compound , if stretched to maximum, could hold 70 "properties" if she kept two men in each cell. She did not plan to do that. The deal she had arranged with Maximus would haver her select 50 of the "tourists" as they called them, jokingly, and then he would use the 100 others for... you'll see.

In addition to Raven and Rafael, there were five of Raven's "scouts:" Flora and four of her best "scouts." The compound, empty at this time, would be full in a few weeks. The ship also carried their pilot, Xtars, (an excellent pilot, chosen by Maximus. The Frilician ships were complex and the training to pilot them was rigorous), and two of Baratas' most trusted lieutenants, in case muscle were needed. This was an excellent opportunity for Raven, bankrolled by Maximus and to be abetted because of the intransigency of Rafael.

Speaking of... she looked around. She didn't see Rafael. That was part of a pattern. The ship WAS large, but it was like a very large airplane: there wasn't much other than seats and empty space. Yet, every day, she realized, Rafael could not be found. "Flora, have you seen our young man?" she asked, and did not receive an answer. Flora was not to be found either. Then it dawned on her: whenever she couldn't find Rafael, inevitably, one of the scouts would be absent too. Was it possible that....?

She went to the back of the ship, where the other scouts were playing some involved card game. "Have any of you seen Flora?" she asked. The blank stares, and then the coloring in their faces provoked her thinking. "Or Rafael, for that matter?" Again, the looks, and the coloring.

There is enough "white noise" on a ship to hide most sounds, but at that moment, a moan - a LOUD moan of pleasure broke through. She knew the tone. THAT was Flora, and she only made that sound when.... "Is Flora fucking Rafael?" She asked her scouts, her hands planted firmly on her hips. As far as she knew, Flora slept ONLY with women and in recent memory, ONLY with Raven. The answer that the youngest of the scouts, Narcissa gave, stunned her. "She is, Raven. We all are." The look they gave her collectively was one of resigned guilt. "YOU ALL ARE?" She didn't know whether to laugh, or to be angry. "It started with me, Raven" Misty began speaking. "I encouraged it. He gave me a look once, and I asked 'like what you see? Too bad you'll never have it' " He answered with "Too bad. You have no idea what you're missing." "Then he dropped his pants." There was tittering among the scouts. "I'm sure you've all seen bigger, thicker cocks than his. He's only, what... in his early 20s..." "He's mature for his age, Raven" a third scout added and she saw the smiles and head shaking among all of them. "IS THAT RIGHT? So, let me see if I understand this: each of you takes a turn with him: one every day?" "Actually, Raven, it's two of us. He still has a very fast recovery." Now, Raven began to laugh. Her calculating mind began thinking as follows: Maximus had confessed his inability to find a place in the household for Rafael. He had his hands full with michael and gordon, and Protius was smitten with ariel. Baratas seemed to be happy with gemmex, although no one ever knew if Baratas were really happy unless he were pummeling an opponent. She thought of the abandoned building she had seen on the outskirts of the city. How many rooms? Fifteen? Thirteen? Her mind jumped around. And if Rafael could satisfy ALL of her scouts, and if the ship COULD hold 160 passengers.... She needed to hail Maximus. Rafael was still his property, and of course, he was funding this expedition. Perhaps...

"Raven. It's good to hear from you. And perfect timing. There is going to be some interesting activity at the house tonight, and it will start soon." "Do not let me disturb you, Maximus." She smiled. "Who will be the lucky recipient of your gifts tonight: the boy or the man?" "Ah, tonight, my dear, I think it may be both." "My my. Maximus, you remain forever young. And given your plans, I think you may be more receptive to what I have to suggest. Have you given thought to what you plan to do with Rafael when we return?" She saw Maximus frown. "Sigh. I think I may have to find some woman to marry him off to, and hope that their children are more... amenable to suggestion as they grow up." Raven smiled. "I believe I may have a better suggestion, Maximus." She then outlined her plan: Frilcus had plenty of brothels, but all of the models were women and all of the clients were men. There were alternatives for men who preferred men but, for women of means who wished for a night out... nothing. Raven was proposing a brothel where all of the models would be men. At least at the start, they would be men she brought back from Earth. She explained what she had learned about Rafael. "Raven, you are BRILLIANT. I do believe, as they have said on earth, you have just turned lemons into lemonade." "Ha ha. I will have to do one last thing Maximus. My scouts say one thing, but again, as they say on earth 'the proof of the pudding is in the eating I plan on trying some Rafael pudding this evening." She called Rafael to the section of the ship where she had her quarters. She had private quarters: the scouts shared a much large space, and Rafael share space with the pilot and the guardians. "My scouts tell me you are... 'gifted'. I wish to learn how gifted you are." Raven had not had sex with a man in 20 years. If all of her experiences had been as enjoyable as her night with Rafael was, she might still be sleeping with men. Now, however, she knew that her plan was a good one.

She sent a coded message back to Maximus: "suggest you buy this property... Renovations can begin. 50/50."

Maximus had told Raven that it would be an interesting evening and he was right. He was feeling somewhat frustrated: michael had been so easy to break, and he enjoyed dominating the man. His father Gordon on the other hand, still resisted. He would yield when forced to, but his spirit wasn't broken, the way michael's was. Breaking that spirit had become Maximus' obsession, and he was working on that . He had begun a few days earlier. He had discussed the situation with Protius and Baratus (Protius had big news as well, as you will find out). They both agreed with the part of his plan he told them about. "GATHER ALL OF THE EARTH SLAVES IN THE AREA. THEY ARE GOING TO LEARN.. FRILCUS IS THEIR HOME NOW." There were about 17 of the original group that had accompanied michael's family to the planet who were still in the area: bed slaves of people of means, or house slaves, and then ariel, michael and Gordon. Maximus had no worries about ariel and michael, but Gordon? "Have him bound. TIGHTLY" he told Baratus. "TRY IT FUCKER" Gordon yelled, just before Maximus delivered a level 7 shock to his collar and held it for ten seconds. He put up no struggle as his wrists were tied behind him. All of the earthlings were brought to a metal house with a triple paned windowed wall in the field where their ship, damaged and dormant, was sitting. Their ship was surrounded by large brown cubes. "Are those... explosives?" ariel asked. "You're so smart, young man," Protius smiled and slipped his fingers under ariel's arm, and got to work until he giggled. Gordon noticed that the collar ariel wore was no longer black metal, but gold. "I see Protius has given you a trinket, slut!" Gordon nearly spat at ariel. "It is MUCH more than that slave gordon" Maximus sneered. "It will be explained to you as soon as you watch.. the destruction of your ship." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Gordon ran at the window just as the explosives were set off. They were far enough away that the debris was not an issue, but he had to turn his head, because the flame from the explosion was so bright. "Let me give you earthlings some trivia. The examination a pilot of a Frilcian ship must take in ordr to fly, can only be taken after 6 years of intensive class and field work. The pass rate is less than 10%. In this city, unless I am not up to date, there are a total of six people who can fly these ships. Baratas is one of them, and one of them is flying to earth right now to bring back.... merchandise. Am I correct Baratas?" "Yes Maximus. " He smiled. "I will not be flying inferior beings back to earth. rest assured. " "So, my fine men, Frlicus is now your home. Your chances to return were, shall we say limited. Now they are non-existent. " He paused and wet his lips. "Even less so for ariel. Will you explain the 'trinket' Protius?" Protius smiled. "There is a provision in our laws that allows us to make a slave something much more permanent: not a spouse, that would imply rights the slave does not have. The golden collar indicates, however, that I have agreed not to transfer ariel to any other owner. And it means that at my demise, ariel will inherit part of my estate." He put a hand on ariel's shoulder. "In return, ariel will continue to give me uninhibited access to any part of him that I desire." "Yeah, like you didn't have that already, BASTARD" Gordon was angry. VERY angry. He tried to rush at Protius, and Maximus grabbed his arm firmly. "Protius, you once said to me that there is no such thing as not being ticklish, did you not?" "I did say that Master Maximus." "Slave gordon insists he is not. I would ask you to perhaps give us a tutorial tomorrow evening. You should bring ariel. He may very well have information to help." "If he does, ariel will provide it to me tonight. Will you not, gumdrop?" He tickled the side of ariel's neck: a spot he had recently found. "Enjoy your new partner tonight, Protius. We will celebrate in the near future. " He turned to michael. "You will be returning to quarters. Slave gordon, we shall be going to the laboratory. I presume michael has advised you of his own time on the examination table." michael blushed. "I have not, Master Maximus." "EVEN BETTER. Everything that happens, shall be a surprise. Have you told him of the twisting clamps?" "Nor that Sir." "Heh heh. The evening stretches before us."

"You look even hotter strapped down like that than you usually do, slave gordon." Maximus ran a finger over Gordon's left nipple: straps above and below his pecs forced the flesh up and the sensation as Maximus pinched it. "You'll never get me to talk, asshole," Gordon started joking. Maximus smiled. "But you will, Gordon, you will. By the time the examination is completed, I will know everything there is to know about you. I will know things even YOU do not know." "Overnight, gentlemen?" He looked at the scientists. "Yes Master. As your ordered, a complete probe. michael will be delighted that I am bringing him to my bed. " He stopped by the family quarters and when he came to the door, michael stood immediately. Maximus opened the lock on the gate. "You are with me tonight, slave michael. I hope your ass has not re-sealed itself." Then he laughed. "Actually, I hope it has. You should hope it has not." michael's cock throbbed in his cage. He had waited for this for a long time. "Resist me , slave michael. For as long as you can. I wish to conquer you and take you as my prize." michael was not bound, and he tried to fight. When Maximus knocked him from his feet to the bed, he formed a tight ball. He could see the bulge in Maximus' pants growing, as he began prying michael to a position where he was on his back. Pinned down, and then bound, michael's knees were propped up and before Maximus plunged his cock into him, he lubricated michael with his tongue so thoroughly that michael thought he would break the cock cage and his moans resounded through Maximus' quarters. michael was not the only one who made an impressive set of sounds. In Protius' quarters, ariel had been grabbed by his Master and taken off his feet to the bed. He flipped ariel to his belly, and then hogtied him. "Our first night in our new state. You will yield everything to me, ariel. Everything." ariel felt a gag go into his mouth and get tied behind his head, and then Protius' long nails began running down his soles. He squealed. "The more you are tickled, the more sensitive you will become ariel. And we will discover new areas. Such as...." ariel felt the silk string start passing through the spaces between his toes. "WHATTHE...." He wished the gag weren't wrapped around his mouth. He needed to scream, to laugh. He needed to do it more as Protius' nails found his ribs and instead of moving vertically, he tickled each rib horizontally, doing so slowly as ariel fought futilely against his ropes. "I'm going to fuck my fine lad. Aren't I?" "mmmmmmmmmph" ariel shook his head yes. "And my fine lad is going to beg for more. Is he not?" "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" Ariel quivered from the tickling, as he felt Protius press a finger to his ass. He heard the "snip" as his ankle bounds were cut, but his wrists were left bound as Protius speared him like a fish. And over in the science lab, Gordon fought against the straps, but made no progress. He had been blindfolded, but he "saw" various sights as electrical images passed through his brain. They had unlocked his dick and now... he felt gushes of cum releasing . It was the first of six such orgasms he had that night, while the scientists collected and analyzed the data. "I've never seen resistance levels this high" one said to another. "Yes, I agree. But look...." He showed his colleague a series of graphs. "This may be a case where a combination of three, rather than a single point, or a pair, is the key. Let's set up the experiement." Gordon, unable to see, and unable to tell whether it was night or day, had a sense that his body was being probed, but he knew little more than that. Then the blindfold was removed. He again strained against the restraints and not only couldn't move, but he felt the attachments to his nipples, his ears, and the base of his balls. "Let's start with a very low level two." One of the investigators touched a control box . The triple ZAP stimulated Gordon so strongly, he DID break one of his restraints. The rest held firm. "Try level four." "FUCKERRRRRRRRRRRRRR." Gordon yelled. "Move it back to a constant 2" came the order from the senior scientist. They had him. Gordon struggled, and then began to whine, to whimper and to beg. "Please. No more. No more..." Tears were forming in his eyes. The key was not his nipples, or even his ears, but the base of his balls. His wife, when she lived, could always get what she wanted if she snuck up behind her husband while he was dressing, and point a finger right on the point where his balls joined to his body. He became, in his own words, "a weak kitten. " And now, his captors knew. And he knew it was just a matter of time before Maximus did. It would be a few hours. Just as the investigators were writing up their report, Maximus rolled michael over for one last round. He smiled at the blond. "You're so compliant. You didn't get that from your father." "No Master, I didn't. " He moaned as Maximus licked at his neck. "He always called me the weak one. The runt. " "Even though you're so big and so muscular." He chewed on the bottom of michael's lip. "He could always take me. ALWAYS. " michael laughed. "I wish I knew what my mom did. She seemed to be able to control him. She's the only one." Maximus grinned. "My investigators will find out how to control him. Just as they helped me control you." He dug his facial hair into michael's neck. "It will be to your benefit. If your father is broken, I need not bring him to bed every night. You will alternate." michael sighed. "I will make you happier." "Ha ha. Did you ever think you would promise to make a man happy, sexually, michael?" "No Master. But I did not anticipate you." "AH, the joys of interspace travel." There was a knock on the door. "Master Maximus. Baratas here. I detest barging in but... the report of the scientists is ready. " "EXCELLENT. Bring michael back to the quarters and.." "Bring you the father? He is already here." He was: naked, re-caged, wrists bound. "AH, slave gordon. I have the perfect way to keep you occupied while I confer with the scientists." "What are you gonna do? Have Protius try to tickle me? Have michael cut my toenails?" "Hardly. You will experience something your son has experienced, but with an extra level of challenge for your intransigence. Bring him to the twister." michael winced when he remembered that diabolical toy. Maximus had used those clamps on him when he was first purchased: they turned every fifteen minutes, changing position. Now, he saw his father fitted into the clamps and... then he saw Maximus tie a slip knot to the base of Gordon's balls. He ran the rope through the room and attached a strange device to it. It was a sinker, with a small timer on it. "There is a weight at the end of this rope, Gordon. And a timer. Every fifteen minutes, the time will pull the weight forward one half inch. Just as the twister will rotate on your nipples. Trust me, slave gordon: I may not be able to break you, YET. But I will. " Gordon's instincts were to pull back on the rope. The rope yanked back immediately, and he howled as he felt his balls being ripped from him. "IF I GET FREE I'LL KILL YOU BASTARD" "I will be back after I consult with the scientists. I shall see you shortly. For your sake Gordon, I hope I keep my promise."

As michael was led back to the quarters, he realized seeing his father tortured like that aroused him. Whether it was because HE wanted that torture, or because his father was suffering, was something he did not know.

Sitting in the laboratory, Maximus listened carefully. They told him about the three pronged attack that had left Gordon as helpless as he was. "Master Maximus, there is something else we believe you should know. In probing his fantasies - no easy task, let me tell you - we found only one of interest. There was a recurring fantasy of the subject running from hunters. Hunters with a net, and lasso. Always something like that. And a fantasy that actually produced three orgasms: being snared in a net, and left hanging from a tree. "Very old school, gentlemen. Thank you very much. I am going to investigate this right now."

One would think Maximus were drained from his night with michael, and he was; however, the chance to break Gordon had presented itself. Now, he had to try it. There was no requirement that he take his prize after getting him to submit: that could wait until that evening: after the tickle test, when both of his sons were watching. He returned to his quarters and saw a sweating, quaking Gordon fighting desperately. "Well, Gordon, I shall be releasing this toy. We will be trying something new though." "GREAT. I love surprises. " "Oh, you are going to love this one. " Maximus released the rope from Gordon's balls, and took off the tit clamps. Again, he kept Gordon's wrists tied. "Now Gordon, let me get positioned properly for this. " Maximus put Gordon on the bed, but then rolled him over so that his back was pressed against Maximus' front. Had he just a bit more room, Gordon could have grabbed for Maximus' balls. Instead, he felt Maximus' hand at the base of his balls. He groaned "OH FUCK. OH FUCKING FUCK." He felt Maximus lips at his ear. "Oh fucking fuck indeed, Gordon. " He rubbed the overnight scruff on Gordon's ear, and every time he pushed his tongue into Gordon's ear, he slightly squeezed the base of the man's balls. The moans coming out of Gordon were of a different quality than before. Maximus whispered. "Submit." "NO. Please NO. I'll do anything just don't.... " Then Maximus' second hand went to Gordon's nipple. He squeezed and whispered "I said submit." There wasn't a refusal this time, just a beg, a plea and then more moaning. It took less than ten tries. Gordon began to whimper and to beg Maximus to stop. Maximus didn't. He said nothing. "I SUBMIT. I SUBMIT. I GIVE. I SURRENDER. I ACCEPT MY SLAVERY. YOU ARE MY MASTER." "So simple, yet so obscure, gordon. You have lost." "Yes, I have Master. " Maximus pulled gordon to his feet. "You are a man of honor, gordon. I know that you treat this seriously, so I need not fear you." He untied the ropes binding gordon's wrists. Then, he reached into a drawer, and pulled out a key. He tossed it to gordon. "That will release your collar. I will not need it anymore. You realize: you have been beaten. " "You are correct Sir. A victory is a victory." He opened the collar and took it off. Then he began to cry. "I NEVER thought I would be another man's slave Sir. EVER. " "You put up a splendid fight, gordon. The most challenging one I have ever had. But now... you understand your position?" "Yes sir. I am just like michael, just like ariel. A beaten slave." "And you will come to me, willingly the next time I summon you." "Yes sir." "Let us return you to your quarters. You will have much to discuss with michael."


Light years away, the pilot was announcing entry into earth's atmosphere. "Time to send the communique to your contacts, slave rafael." Raven roused herself as well. She would make sure there was no coded message sent . "Robert...." Rafael was contacting the family business manager. "This is Rafael. " "RAFAEL. We've been worried sick. Horribly. " "I am on a ship, Robert. We're entering the atmosphere. Let me give you coordinates. Father and I, and my brothers. We are well and... well, you will see . I come with friends from another planet. Frilcus. Michael arrived their first and found his... partner. As have my brothers . Now, we invite you to join us. Please meet us. You will see what I mean when we meet. "

Next: Chapter 10

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