Future Slave Michael

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 1, 2022


Maximus had the four: Gordon, michael, Rafael and ariel moved to separate "family quarters." He thought that it might be amusing to watch the family interact, and that he might learn just what the best way was to bring Gordon to submission. He absolutely loved dominating michael: the lad fought each time, and each time he lost. He tried to deny that he was aroused by what Maximus did to him: but the hard ones after nipple play, or suspension bondage, or a fucking session gave him away each and every time. He seemed to get aroused when he saw Maximus pick up anything to tie him up too. But Gordon.... Gordon was a wiry, muscular version of his son, and there was something about the gray temples in his blond hair, with the lighter shade of blue his eyes had that had begun to become an obsession with Maximus. "Of course, I COULD just take him. He IS my property" he thought to himself, but that wasn't sufficient. He wanted to break Gordon the way he had broken his son, and the way Protius had clearly broken ariel.

Every time he spoke to Protius, the man praised ariel's performance. Maximus smiled when Protius told him how he was investigating new ways to tickle torture men: ariel's feet were extremely sensitive, and he had studied all of the literature on foot torture and had "experimented" on ariel frequently. He did the same with ariel's pits, and his ribs. Protius was especially fond of putting the youngest son into a device he had built, that he had seen on some videos from Earth: a set of wrist suspensions kept ariel's arms in the air, completely still. His ankles were locked in the foot stock Protius had secured for both he and gemmex. Then he would have gemmex attack one body part while he attacked the other two. He could tickle that sweet blond boy for hours, and did so often. Of the four of them, ariel was at the family quarters the least: Protius wanted to ask if he could move ariel in with him, but he knew Maximus had a plan: he just didn't know what it was.

"Maybe I can leverage through Rafael," Maximus thought to himself. Rafael, for some reason, did absolutely nothing for him. Nor did he intrigue Protius. He saw the looks Baratas gave to the young man, and he knew: if he needed Baratas' loyalty, giving him Rafael would guarantee it. BUT... he'd have to renege on it. In other words, his plan was to threaten to give Rafael to Baratas if Gordon did not surrender. Once Gordon DID surrender - and he would, once he showed him some of the films of what Baratas did to other bed slaves - he'd have to break the agreement with Baratas.

"Perhaps.... perhaps...." he was thinking as he stroked michael's torso. He had his slave stretched out on his bed, naked, with his cock locked up. Even with the lock, michael's erection was so strong that it stood up in the middle of his pubes. He was moaning, and begging Maximus to release him for weekly milking. "Weekly? Who said it was weekly, slave michael" Maximus smiled. "I'm thinking you'd be more compliant if I milk you monthly." He laughed and when michael pulled at his wrist cuffs, Maximus calmly squeezed his balls until he whimpered and calmed down. "You forget, slave michael, that you have no rights. Should I want you milked twice a year, or not at all, that will be the rule." michael, now free of pain since Maximus released his testicles, responded mildly: "You are of course correct Master. I apologize for my insolence." Maximus smiled at how compliant this man had become: the man who had foolishly tried to fight him, now relaxed his legs so that Maximus could prop them up before he took his ass. "I AM serious about monthly milkings, slave. However, there may be something you can do to retain the current status." Maximus began pushing his dick into michael: he knew that michael had come to love the thrusts so much that this was where he could best press his advantage, especially with his fingers rising to michael's nipples. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. It is your choice Lord Maximus. OOOOOOH" Half of Maximus' cock had entered michael, and the thought, going through Maximus' head, that he could use this man to his end, was making him harder, and thicker. "I will set you a task slave michael. If you complete it, you have my word that the weekly edgings and milkings will continue. If you do not: they will first decrease to monthly, then every two months, and so on." The thought of controlling michael more thoroughly was driving Maximus, as were his thoughts. "OH MASTER. This is... this is the hardest you've fucked me. What would you have me do?" Maximus' smile was like that of a wild dog. "I would have your father. But I would have him willingly. By submission. You will help me achieve that." michael grunted. He was thinking: if Maximus spent time with his father, it was less time for him and.... but it was hard enough to not have access to his cock more than once a week. To have access only once a month..... Maximus stopped his thrusts and held his dick where it was. He knew it was leaning up against one of michael's most sensitive spots. "I will do what I can, Master. I have a suggestion to begin." "And you will advise me of that. After I have finished taking my favorite slave. "

As Maximus began cumming into michael, Protius was preparing ariel for a spit roast: gemmex was at his head, to be sucked, while Protius parted "those sweet man cunt legs," after a solid twenty minutes of tickling on ariel's feet and inner thighs. Protius had made a decision: ariel pleased him much more than gemmex did (although the boy did bring him pleasure); however, Maximus had sensed the change and had begun to plot....

Gordon was at the gym and the other two brothers were with their Masters, when gemmex went visiting. Rafael was alone. "Hey. " gemmex knocked on the entrance. "Ok to come in?" Rafael shrugged his shoulders. "Sure. Not doing much of anything. What's up. Is ariel ok?" gemmex shook his head. "ariel is more than ok. He really enjoys being Protius' sub." He saw Rafael wince at the word "sub." This was going to be a challenge. "Anyhow, I came to say goodbye." "GOODBYE? Gem, where are you going?" "Well, Master Protius decided that he really wanted to spend all his free time with your brother so.... I'm off to who knows where. Probably back to Raven for resale as used merchandise." Rafael looked up: "HUH? He'd dump you that fast?" gemmex laughed. "You folks from earth just cannot understand that we are all property here: slaves. They can do whatever they want. " There was silence for a minute. "Listen, Rafe, I came to give you some advice too. Maximus is planning on pairing you up. " "WHAT? With whom?" gemmex paused again. "Baratas. He's had his eye on you since the three of you joined the household. He feels a little left out because he didn't get any reward from Maximus. Protius told me that since you were still... 'pure', he'd let Baratas have you." "OH SHIT. He seems awfully.... violent." "He is. He's not as strong as Maximus but... he gets what he wants."

Just as gemmex finish saying that, he heard Baratas' deep voice behind him. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE SLAVE? SHOULDN'T YOU BE PACKING YOUR ASS UP?" gemmex lowered his head. "Yes Baratas. I just wanted to say goodbye. " As he walked off, Rafael saw the smile on Baratas' face and began to feel very scared. Baratas had a key to the quarters, and let himself in. He stood between Rafael and the door.

"I never get a chance to spend any time with you, which is too bad, pretty boy." He started walking toward Rafael. "I think we have to start changing that." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! HELP!" Rafael started screaming. "GET THE HELL OFF MY SON, YOU FUCKING ANIMAL!" Gordon was back from the gym. He jumped on Baratas' back, and Baratas laughed as he twisted, and tossed Gordon off to the floor. "Beating the shit out of a slave makes me even hornier than ever. Such a perfect opportunity." He stalked over to Gordon and grabbed him by the throat, lifting him up in the air. Baratas began to laugh. "I should make you watch while I make a man out of your son." "THAT WILL BE ENOUGH BARATAS" Now, Maximus was back, with michael at his side. "I told you we would TALK about it. I didn't say you could do it." Baratas snorted. "I don't know why I don't get a reward Master. I serve you well." Maximus nodded. "And you ARE going to get a reward, Baratas, trust me. " He paused. "Would gemmex do?" "USED GOODS? NO THANK YOU. " "Very well. I appreciate your view. But I ask you if you will give me a bit more time to make decisions. " He grinned. "I will need to have a talk with Rafael's father, before we make any decisions. Perhaps you can give me 24 hours, Baratas?" He smiled at his guard. "Twenty four hours Sir. I will grow MUCH hornier in that time." "I'm sure the recipient will thank me. Now please return to your duties. michael, you remain here. Gordon, this way please. " Reluctantly, Gordon stood up. "Do not tell me you haven't learned proper slave position yet." Maximus went to the collar control. "NO NEED. NO NEED. I know my fucking place." Gordon put his hands behind his back and dropped his head. Maximus took his arm and, when Gordon pulled back, he squeezed harder.

"I believe we should have a chat, away from your sons," Maximus spoke to Gordon as he bound his wrists behind him in the chair he used when he wanted to abuse michael's upper body. This may have been the first time that Gordon learned how strong Maximus was: he offered resistance, but it didn't seem to phase Maximus at all. "Why are you tying me up, Maximus? Oh, EXCUSE me: SIR Maximus." Maximus laughed. "I simply want to see if you're as handsome tied up as your son michael is. " "And what is your verdict?" Gordon cocked his head, and Maximus smiled. "Much more so, slave Gordon. Much more so..." He moved closer, and pushed his knee into Gordon's caged cock. Gordon closed his eyes: he had been avoiding stimulation so that he could keep his need to cum under control. Maximus was spoiling that, and he began to moan. "Ha ha. I hope you are understanding, Gordon, just how helpless you are. Even if I didn't have your sons, which I do, you can do nothing. Absolutely. Nothing." "YOU'RE A FUCKING BULLY MAXIMUS, KNOW THAT?" Maximus smiled. "Spoken by one who would know. michael has told me a great deal about your parenting skills, or lack thereof." "Michael is the weak kitten. Always was." "I believe I have heard Protius refer to ariel as his kitten." At that, Gordon tried to get up from the chair. "WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO HIM IS SICK. FUCKING SICK. " "He seems to like it. But enough of ariel, michael, and dare I say, Rafael. Let's talk about you and I, Gordon." "What's to talk about? " "How would you like to take michael's place tonight? " "In your bed? Getting fucked by you? You know the answer, pervert." "So... you love michael so much you'd let HIM get fucked instead of you?" "Why not? He seems to like it." Maximus paused. "Why are you so convinced you won't?" "Why don't you just let Rafael and I go? " "Because I have plans for Rafael...." "THAT BRUTE. THAT BIG FUCKING DONKEY. YOU'RE GIVING MY SON TO BARATAS?" "Maybe. " Maximus moved to a position behind Gordon and began pushing his thumbs into his shoulder muscles. "You're tense Gordon. You should relax." "You're threatening to give my son to some monster and you want me to relax? FUCK YOU?" "You really have a very limited vocabulary Gordon. I hope you have a wider repertoire of groans." Gordon changed his tone. "Please let us go. michael wants to stay with you, ariel wants to stay with Protius. Just let the two of us go." Maximus smiled. It was checkmate time. "No." And then Gordon began to cry. "Look. You've made up your mind that you're going to fuck me. Just do it. Please let my son go. Let Rafael go home." "The answer is the same. No. BUT.... your compliance may very well convince me to explain to Baratas that he cannot harm the lad." "I seem to not have any choice in this, do I?" "Again, No. But trust me, gordon... you WILL enjoy it." He took gordon's nipples in his long fingers, and twisted them the way he would twist michael's. A long, slow moan came out of gordon's mouth. "AH. You sound JUST like your son. Except he usually follows that with "Please fuck me Sir" Through his moans, gordon answered "You won't get that from me. EVER." "EVER is a long time, gordon. " Maximus moved a hand down to gordon's crotch. "How badly do you want to jerk off, gordon?" He gulped. "Real bad. REAL bad." "No trouble from you. When I untie you, get on the bed. Spread out like a star. I will consider letting you cum AFTER I have had your ass. " "Thank you Sir Maximus," slipped out of gordon's lips. There was no sarcasm.

"THERE. Nice and tight. Just like the younger one. He looks so much like you. Only not as good looking." Maximus was straddling gordon's chest, and continued to work on his nipples. "Please. Please don't do that, Sir Maximus. It.... OH..." gordon felt a small pulse and some precum leaking out of his cock. "Father and son bed slaves. How fine is that." Maximus slid down and pulled up gordon's legs. His thumb found gordon's hole and he massaged it, with gordon's moans getting louder and more frequent. Then he felt Maximus' tongue enter him. "FUCK!" he yelled. "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK" "You want me to stop gordon?" "NO. NO SIR PLEASE. Don't stop. Ever..." (They are like two peas in a pod), Maximus thought, thinking of how michael reacted to things. "OH SHIT MICHAEL TOLD ME YOU WERE ENDOWED...." Maximus said nothing as he slid his cock into gordon. "I have conquered you, gordon, haven't I?" Maximus leered as his cock penetrated gordon. "Yes Lord Maximus. You have. You have conquered all of us." gordon winced, but Maximus knew what he was doing and soon, as they would have said on earth, gordon was moaning like a whore. He moaned even more when Maximus stretched out and put his tongue in gordon's ear. Maximus wasn't thrusting. He was just holding his cock in place. "I'm going to breed you, gordon. You're about to become a bitch. Just like your son." gordon felt the jizz filling him. Maximus was right. He had lost his cherry to this man. "He owns me," gordon thought to himself. "He owns my sons. We are his." Maximus smiled as he withdrew. "I will finish you off gordon. You will learn: that cock is no longer yours." He produced the key and unlocked gordon. "Who owns this cock? " He asked as his long fingers circled it. "You do Sir. " "Indeed, I do. I own ALL of you. Every bit." gordon was so desperately horny that it didn't take much: a finger underneath gordon's balls, in the area they called the "taint" set him off. "My my my. SO much more than from michael. And from ariel. Who knows from Raphael?" "Can I see him before he goes to Baratas Sir?" "I'm afraid that's not possible because he's already with Baratas." "YOU FUCK. YOU SAID. YOU SAID. " Maximus laughed. He touched a button on the console near the bed. "Let us watch." A screen descended. It showed Rafael being speared by the much bigger man. He wasn't bound: Baratas was so big it wasn't necessary. "Two of you have lost your virginity tonight gordon. We will celebrate accordingly tomorrow. " Maximus' evil smile grew bigger.

Next: Chapter 8

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