Future Slave Michael

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 29, 2022


"YOU TWO" the voice of the guard was directed to gemmex and michael, in the corner of the slave quarters. "HERE. NOW. Your Masters desire you. BE QUICK ABOUT IT." gemmex gave his usual "scared rabbit" look but got up quickly. He placed his hands behind his back, because in the short time he had been on Frilcus as the slave of Protius, he knew he'd be bound. He walked slowly: his feet hadn't recovered completely from his last session with Protius, but they had recovered sufficiently for him to walk without help. Grumbling, michael got up. He muttered "Is he EVER gonna fucking get tired of my ass?" He didn't put up a fight the way he had in the past, because of his new "accessory": the shock collar. The last time Maximus had summoned him, michael had put up a fight the likes of which had never been seen in the slave quarters before. Four of the guards weren't able to subdue him, and he wasn't brought to heel until Maximus walked in. When he did, michael gulped: in his experience, none of these Frilcians were "man enough" to take him except for Maximus, and he took him easily. "Shall we fight michael, or do you recognize yet, I have conquered you." "FUCK. YEAH YOU DON'T HAVE TO REMIND EVERYONE. I'M COMING...." When he got to Maximus, one of the guards whispered into Maximus' ear and Maximus shook his head. "I agree. We cannot have it that I am the only one who can control him. BEND YOUR HEAD SLAVE." michael was about to resist, but when he saw the look on Maximus' face, he did what he was told. He saw the glint of the metal, and felt the "click." "A very old device, used mostly for the control of wild animals... like you." Maximus smiled. "Each of the guards, and of course myself, has a control panel that will...." he stopped and sent a pulsed charge through the collar. michael yelped - just like a wild animal who had been shot. He reached for the collar and tried to pull it off, which resulted in a second, stronger stun. "OK OK OK. FUCK. AS USUAL YOU WIN." "slave michael, you have received one charge at level 3, and one at level 4. There are 20 levels of increasing intensity built into the device, and there are others which are more advanced. When you are told to do something by a guard or sentry and do not comply, they have my authorization to use this. " He paused. "And I will use it as I see fit. Are we clear?" "AS CLEAR AS FUCKING CRYSTAL MASTER. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH" Maximus administered a further shock. "I am NOT fond of your abusive tongue. Were it not as much fun to play with as it is, I might have it removed. Perhaps your new adornment will suggest restraint in that language. Now place your hands behind you and let us go. I desire you. "

Indeed, Maximus did. As Maximus drove his cock into michael's ass that day, michael wondered if the use of the stun collar had stimulated his Master. michael was ALWAYS sore after Maximus took him, but that day's fucking had left him especially sore.

The guards were leading Gemmex to the section of the mansion where Portius had his quarters, but they took a different turn with michael: they were going in a direction away from where they led him when Maximus called. "What the.. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" He had let the words slip out and one of the guards - Baratas - whom michael thought truly hated him - had given him a shock that was clearly more than he had received so far. "You should be LEARNING what is and is not acceptable behavior , slave. HOLD YOUR TONGUE!" "I apologize. I forgot myself." michael winced when he said that, and the guard gave a tight smile. "One day a stud, the next day a slave, the day after... a lab rat" he said as they led michael to an immaculate laboratory, with three workers in white coats, and Maximus . "EXCELLENT. Has he given you trouble, Baratas?" "SHIT NO!" michael thought to himself. "Not a bit, Lord Maximus. The therapy is working." "Very well." He walked over to michael, who bowed his head. Maximus took his chin and lifted it up. "You are SUCH a prime specimen michael. SUCH a prime prize." "Your praise flatters me," michael forced himself to spit out. "But there is so much to learn about you. SO MUCH. And we are going to do some of that today. Please remove your clothes and then lay on the table. Relax. There will be no cutting, nothing other than probing. There is much information to learn about you." michael had been taken to what was nicknamed the "pleasure laboratory." It was anything but. Here, a slave could be examined to find what his or her "hot spots" were: what did he or she like? Dislike? It was a useful tool both for assigning slaves to appropriate noblemen, but also... for probing captives to determine how they might best be tortured. Both goals were on Maximus' list, as michael took a place on the table, and locked his wrists into the metal chains. "Master Maximus, the stun collar should be removed before we begin." Maximus smiled. "Indeed I am aware of that. That is why I used the shackles first." One of the lab workers then strapped michael's body down at three positions, with broad, synthetic strips. michael could barely move. Just before they began attaching the probes, another laboratory worker placed a secure gag on his mouth. "Let us begin."

Protius smiled as Gemmex was led in "My sweet boy! You ARE looking well. I am SO glad that you are following the regime that the instructor has assigned you. I can see your biceps growing already." Gemmex blushed. He had always been teased about his slight physique, and while he tried to "bulk up" it had never worked. Protius' compliment made him feel like he was glowing inside. And growing. "Ha ha. My boy is glad to see me too. That is good. For we have something new today. Something new to try." Gemmex saw a wooden device at the bottom of the platform Protius used at times. "It's called a foot stock, Gemmex. We will use it today. It will be fun. For one of us." Gemmex gulped. He HATED being tickled, especially on his feet, but when he was restrained, the way Protius restrained him, he could not defend himself the way he could against his former colleagues. "I hope you are not picking up too many of the habits of that michael, sweet Gemmex. Your neck is beautiful and I would not want to conceal it with a collar." Protius had stepped behind his slave, and had slipped the dark green tunic off his slight, almost hairless body. His tongue probed where Gemmex' neck joined his head, and Gemmex moaned. "You are a late beginner, but we will make up for that, sweet one." As the tunic fell, Gemmex felt Protius take his wrists behind him. They were so slender that Protius could hold them both in one of his hands. He used the other to enjoy Gemmex' nipples while his tonguing and nibbling of Gemmex' neck grew more intense "OH STARS. OH ... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" Protius had wanted to brag that Gemmex had been a virgin until he took him that first time, but the young man was SO agreeable. SO pleasant. So unlike that pugnacious michael. And he clearly enjoyed everything that Protius did to him: his long, skinny cock standing out in front of him was evidence of that. He enjoyed everything except the one thing that Protius enjoyed most. Tickling. "The palette, gemmex. Lift your arms high." gemmex moaned, but he felt Protius press against his buttocks and he felt the hand encircle his penis "Yes Lord Protius. " Once he was on the palette, he lifted his arms. The restraints held them away from his body, and a winch behind the palette allowed Protius to pull the restraints taut. Then he took each of gemmex' legs, and placed one in each canal on the stock, before locking it. "You shouldn't be afraid gemmex. Have I hurt you yet?" "No Lord Protius. Never...." He began to giggle. Protius was running a finger up and down his left sole. "MMMMMMMMMMPHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" gemmex tried to suppress his laughter and failed. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "With just one finger. How about one for each foot, lovely one" "NO. NO. PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." As gemmex squirmed, he thought about how Protius was a much more delicate, more gentle tickler than his friends had been - but he felt the sensations so much more strongly. He saw Protius reach for the foot oil and the brush. "NO SIR NO PLEASE. I'VE BEHAVED TODAY." "You have, gemmex. And that is why I'm rewarding you." He began moving the brush back and forth on gemmex' foot, and then moved to the other one. "AH. Master is enjoying himself. The less stress he feels the better off we are," one of the guards muttered, as gemmex' laughter careened off the walls. "Shall we move to the rib cage now? Hmmmmmmmmmmm?" gemmex smiled. He hated it and loved it, and Protius' long nails had a way of finding whatever spot was most sensitive that day. "You did pee before coming to me, did you not gemmex?" "Yes... mmmmmmmmmmmmph. Yes............Yes Master. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " He had wet himself once, and Protius made him wear the soiled garment for the evening. Now he knew better. "OH, those LOVELY ARMS. Would they be more sensitive shaved? We'll have to find out at some point." Protius' fingers dug into gemmex' pits and all the squirming to escape just made Protius more aggressive. "AH, my little sweetie. My lovely, pretty boy." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAAHAHAHA." gemmex knew that after pit play, Protius would do what gemmex liked best. The stocks were opened. Protius grabbed gemmex' ankles. "How does my boy taste today? MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Better than yesterday." gemmex groaned and moaned as Protius went deeper, and deeper. THIS was the part he wanted to never end. It was even better than what followed, as Protius stripped, climbed onto the palette, and aimed his cock at gemmex ass. "BEG FOR IT BOY. THE WAY I TAUGHT YOU." "FUCK ME MASTER. FUCK MY TIGHT HOLE. USE ME. USE ME HARD. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" "Oh, he is SO sweet, " Protius was thinking. "I believe I will keep him with me tonight. I may not sleep well, but I will remain awake with a smile." "YES MASTER YES. FLOOD ME. FLOOD ME PLEASE..." "Flood me please." One guard outside turned to the other, laughing. "We HAVE to throw out those novels he reads."

michael remained restrained on the examination table, as Maximus walked out with the scientists. Any hopes that Maximus would forget about the stun collar were dashed right after the experiment ended. Maximus replaced it, and instructed the scientists to leave the gag intact. "Well, Lord Maximus. The results are not at all what we expected. I believe you will be surprised too." "Why ? What did they show?" "Well... we always take measurements immediately after a subject is prepared. The level of arousal hormones in your slave's blood were.... shall we say, off the charts?" "Did you determine them before?" "We did. Our conclusion is...." "That being restrained excited him." The director of the laboratory smiled. "That is correct Sir. Now beyond that, when we blindfolded him and subjected him to visual stimulation... again, we were surprised. His hormone levels, when he was shown men and women in sexual congress - both with and without restraints or domination, were rather low. However, when he was shown visions of men.." "THEY WENT UP?" "They did Sir. They were even higher when Domination and submission between two men was shown to him." "FASCINATING." "There is more Sir. When the results began coming back, we used images of different men in different positions, different skin tones, different builds.... " The director paused. "His levels rose most significantly when a muscular blond man was the submissive partner." He paused again. "Sir, I wish for you to see the snippet that aroused him most." He showed Maximus a film of a man wearing a robe identical to one that Maximus wore, torturing the nipples of a bound, blond man. Seeing the film was giving Maximus thoughts. "So... is what you are concluding doctor is that..." "I am concluding that the resistance he puts up is a facade. He may be doing it to curry favor with you, but it does NOT reflect his feelings." Maximus felt for something to hold onto. "WHAT AN ACTOR! He even fooled me. HA HA. " "Sir, there is one more bit of information. We then showed him clips of different forms of ... as you put them, toys. These. " he held up nipple clamps. "And this..." he held up a vibrating anal plug "Scored the highest." "I've never even USED one of those on him. " He turned to the doctor. "This has been a fascinating session doctor. If I may have a few minutes in the laboratory with the slave before you return." The doctor smiled. He tossed Maximus the anal probe. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH..." michael grunted when Maximus entered the room. "You may struggle if you like, michael. I DO give you my word that I will not use the stun collar. " "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!" michael was skeptical, but to be sure, Maximus had not lied to him since his capture. He felt Maximus' hand on his belly. His moans dropped nearly an octave. "The test results suggest, michael... that you are actually ENJOYING what I do to you. " Maximus smiled. "Are they accurate?" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" michael shook his head NO, vigorously. Maximus laughed. "I DID say I wouldn't use the stun collar, michael, but .... are you lying to me? Lying means... our deal is off." michael saw Maximus pull out the control switch. He fell back on the table, and shook his head yes, submissively. "Hmmmm. Then you DO enjoy it." He saw tears forming in michael's eyes when he shook his head yes again. Maximus reached for a nipple and tweaked it. "That is fine michael. I enjoy your play acting. You are good at it, and I was fooled. But of course, this means.. things WILL change between us." michael shook his head yes. "Now, we also learned today that you recognized something and reacted favorably to it." He held out the anal probe. michael's eyes grew wide. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH," and he began to cry a little as his cock grew. Maximus removed the lowest restraint, so that he could reach between michael's legs. The device he had was a smaller one, but there were others. He inserted it, and saw the blissful look in michael's eyes. "You will tell me how you learned of the wonders of this toy, michael, but for now... you will retain it until I summon you for the evening. I believe it is time for a shave, and perhaps a haircut...." He grabbed michael's hair. "Although I must admit, I am fond of this longer hair."

He grabbed michael's nipples. "DO YOU LIKE THAT SLAVE?" michael moaned as Maximus twisted. "Honesty brings a reward." He turned up the anal probe and then looked for and found a flesh light. michael moaned and tried to scream out "THANK YOU MASTER" when he came.

And while this was all happening , three blond men were huddled around a computer, watching a video of a fourth blond man - michael - taken at the banquet where he was "presented." Raven's voice over was dark and calm. "I am told that he is a nobleman on Earth, and his absence has been noted. He is to be sold unless there is interest in rescuing him. My coordinates are provided at the end of this video. Should any of you earthlings be interested, I suggest you contact me quickly. I do not know how long it will be before he is no longer available." The three blond men were michael's father, Gordon, and his sons Ariel and Raphael. All blue collar workers, they would never have seen this clip had it not been for a friend of a friend of a friend, who worked in astro intelligence. "My son..." Gordon gulped. "My son. He's a prisoner. We need to figure out how to rescue him. " He turned to Ariel. "You're the one who knows computer's best. CONTACT THE SENDER." Raven smiled when the message came in. Ariel did not have the capabilities of masking, and she saw a younger version of michael. She also saw Raphael in the background. "OH, the market is about to become flooded with muscular blonds. I'd best make sure my cells are empty."

Next: Chapter 5

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