Future Slave Michael

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 28, 2022


Protius and Baratas received the message simultaneously: the ship was landing. Raven was bringing back Rafael and the "cargo" as they had shortened their name for the men, who did not know they were now captives of Frilcius. They both ran out, each taking what they knew they might need. For Baratas, it was extra shock collars, and his most powerful stun gun. The word from Raven was that there were some "very big and beautiful men" in the ship. gemmex ran over to Protius' quarters as soon as he was alone. "ARIEL! ARIEL! I have to show you something!" ariel had never seen gemmex that excited, not even on the days when Baratas would let him out of the cock cage. "SEE WHAT I HAVE?" gemmex pointed to the golden collar around his neck. "JUST LIKE YOURS! BARATAS CLAIMED ME. NOW... NOW WE WON'T BE SEPARATED." ariel smiled. gemmex was, without question, his best friend on this planet. They had shared a Master for a while and ... he was thrilled. But he teased. "OH GREAT. That means I'm gonna be the beta boy FOREVER." gemmex smiled. "Now, really ariel. Is it THAT bad ? Am I REALLY that mean?" ariel smiled. "No. It's just that... it's just that... I'd like to win when we tussle. Even once." gemmex was brushing ariel's hair out of his face: Protius preferred ariel to have longer hair, while Baratas liked gemmex to have a short, almost military cut." "So you want me to let you win, ariel sweetie?" gemmex looked into ariel's eyes. "Yes. Just once." gemmex was silent for a minute. "NOT GONNA HAPPEN BETA BOY." He grabbed ariel and threw him on the ground. "You'd NEVER win if I weren't ticklish, gemmex. " "Oh well. Too bad, so sad beta ariel." He found an opening in the slot between the arms ariel had pulled so close to himself and began tickling his pits. At first, ariel struggled to not make a sound. That only made it worse. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHGAH. OK OK YOU WIN." "Open your arms. Prove I did." "Ok, OK. Just stop... TICKLING ME. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA" "I'm sorry. I didn't hear what you said sweetie. " gemmex had moved down to ariel's belly and was working on that. Then he stopped... and licked ariel's nipple. "Oooooooooooooh. gemmex. You never...." "Shhhhhhhhhh. We don't know where everyone is, and this is probably a no no. " He pressed his lips to ariel, and ariel took his tongue, the way he took Protius'. gemmex was gentle, careful . Of course, caged, neither one of them was going to climax, but the kissing, and the nibbling of his ear made ariel... excited "I can't gemmex, I can't. If I'm not ready for Master Protius when he comes back...." gemmex whispered "It's the ship. It's back. Let's just cuddle a little longer." "THE SHIP. MY BROTHER'S BACK? " He tried to get up and gemmex pushed him back down. "They'll come and look for you if they want you. Right now... Do what I say." ariel smiled. "Yes alpha boy. beta boy will do what you say" He smiled. On Earth, he couldn't get a date. Here, there were two very different men, each of which "had the hots" for him. There were more: he just didn't know it.

"Should ariel be here to greet his brother?" Protius asked Maximus. They were standing at a distance from where the ship would land, for protection. Maximus had arrived with michael and gordon, both collared and bound. He held a lead leash for each of them, one in each hand. "It would probably be a good idea for the two "boys" (he insisted on calling ariel and gemmex boys) to see what's happening. " He turned to a guard. "Fetch them. They're probably rutting like two minks. Probably think they have everyone fooled." Baratas grinned. "Master, it's another way to keep them in line. Now, neither one will try to escape if he has to leave the other behind." "It is superb planning on your collective parts. And I hope you are happy with your new possessions. " Protius and Baratas both smiled.

Raven was the first one off the ship, then her crew. Then the pilot. Finally, rafael was led off the ship. He was bound. gordon saw a bruise over his left cheek. "Greetings Master Maximus. Your faithful servant returns with news of a successful hunt. There were very few problems on the ship." She turned and looked at rafael disdainfully. "The ship stud had a change of heart and wished to return to Earth to release everyone. Hence the bruise. It came from Flora. "YOU LET A FUCKING GIRL KICK YOUR ASS" gordon blurted out. When Maximus whacked his crotch, he doubled over. "Apologies Sir. Apologies." "The fight is never going to leave him. Until... " Maximus began thinking about the brothel and his plans for his two sex slaves. "There was, unfortunately, not enough space to bring gifts to all. I do have two for you, Master Protius. First... " She held out a thick black bottle. "We visited a tickling club while we were on Earth. We saw this ointment being used. It has a very short term effect, but it seems to enhance tickle receptors to incredible levels. The second..." She handed him a book in a foreign language. "One of my scouts, Ming, found this. Her Chinese is less than perfect, but she advises me that it is a long suppressed manual on how to tickle an adversary to make him yield information." Protius bowed to her. "My princess, I am grateful to you. I will have the court translator get to work on this." He looked at ariel who was now with them. "And I will try the ointment tonight." "For you Baratas, I have a gift as well. It seems so simple, but... "Oh My. The workmanship...." Baratas cradled the anal hook she had just given him. "I have heard of these, and I have looked for them. I must say: earthlings practiced their hobbies FAR better than we did here.

Raven, I am in your debt. Now, you must excuse me. I have to be with my men as the captives are processed. Three guards had entered the ship to keep the earthmen moving. The procession took a while, as it would with 180 men and a very small walk way. "I am so sorry, guys," rafael muttered, as he saw them brought over to the side Some were scared, some were arrogant. In time, all 180 were bound at the wrists, and collared. "WELCOME TO FRILCUS." Baratas voice boomed. "YOU HAVE PROVEN YOURSELVES TO BE AMONG THE STUPIDEST LIFE FORMS IN THE UNIVERSE. YOU HAVE NO WAY TO RETURN TO EARTH AND ON FRILCUS YOU WILL STAY. ALL OF YOU SHOULD BE PREPARED TO SPEND YOUR LIVES DOING THE ONE THING ALL OF YOU ARE GOOD AT." "WHAT MIGHT THAT BE?" A deep voice came out of the group. It was from the man who was undoubtedly the biggest one in the group. It had taken three guards, and a stun from Baratas at "HIGH" level to subdue him. "Having sex. It seems to be all that you think about on earth. That is why it was so easy to entice all of you to the planet You had visions of ladies such as Flora, and Ming, for yours forever. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. It is MUCH more likely that you will wind up underneath a man who will pummel your ass as often as he likes. Because you are all here as SLAVES." "I WILL NOT BE ENSLAVED!" The voice yelled again, and fought to the front of the group. "Dad," michael whispered. "I don't believe this. They captured 'Ox'." "Ox" was one of, if not THE, premiere ultimate fighter on Earth. His record was unblemished, and he had fought, and beaten michael four times. The most time it took to defeat michael, was 8 minutes. That would be embarrassing, except the longest ANY fighter had lasted with Ox, was 13 minutes. As he charged to the front, Baratas stood and confronted him. "You would fight even bound, my friend?" Then he watched as Ox strained... and became the first (and only) captive to ever break the restraints. There was a gasp from the Frilcians, but not Baratas. Instead, he crouched into battle position "You'll have to get by me, giant. And I will not let that happen. " "WE WILL SEE" Ox yelled, and shot out a foot to Baratas middle. It connected, and Baratas laughed as he grabbed Ox's ankle. "You'll need experience getting these in the air. Why not start now." He sneered as he pushed Ox's leg further and further into the air. Ox, helpless, hopped until he lost his balance. He felt Baratas' foot on the back of his neck. "Admit your defeat, my friend. Or else, I will begin to end the anxious thoughts some of your colleagues are having. " He pressed his foot down harder. "Yes. Yes. You have won. " Baratas turned, keeping his foot planted firmly on Ox's neck. "Three levels of restraints for this one. And get a spiked cock cover. I will have the pleasure of placing it on him myself." One of Raven's scouts leaned into her. "I think one of the best ways to defeat this one is to humiliate him. Perhaps a wrestling match with Magda?" Raven smiled. Magda was a former member of a tribe of warrior women. She had joined with Raven because she preferred men to women. That made her an outcast in her tribe. "I shall speak to Maximus. I suspect we will need to use the largest arena if we were to do something like.. pair some of these fine specimens off and have them fight for the right to be auctioned slaves rather than hunted slaves."

"Lord Maximus, shall we begin the selection? " "High time we did, Raven." "This is what will happen, slaves. And you are ALL now slaves of Frilcus. More specifically, you are slaves of Mistress Raven and myself. I am Master Maximus. We are going to cull those of you we find most appealing. You will be placed on auction, to be sold to those who can afford the high price we will place on your heads. Not more than 15 of you will begin serving in a brothel dedicated to women. You will join rafael there: our first concubine. The rest of you... AH, you will take place in a ceremony that has not happened on Frilcus for over 100 years. When the time is right, you will be set free in our forests. You will be given an hour to orient yourselves. Then, citizens of Frilcus who cannot pay the price of a chosen sex slave, will hunt you. They will hunt you for the space of a day. They may take ONE of you, no more. SHOULD any of you remain free after the close of the day, you will be rewarded by being chosen for service on the estate. " He heard murmurings. Then he and Raven walked through the group. Most of the selecting was easy. At the end, there were approximately 15 men where they discussed what to do. Ox was one of them. So was Robert, the accountant to gordon's family. "Is there anyone on the planet who can handle that man?" Raven asked. "Baratas and I probably can, but he is far out of type for each of us. " "I do know that some of the women have expressed great interest in dominating such an imposing man." "Then we will save him for the hunt." Raven laughed. "And it will humiliate him further to know he is not one of the selected." "This one..." she looked at Robert. "I do not know why, but I find him appealing in a very strange way. He is terrified, but I feel he will make a fine slave." "You must keep him then princess. And you must let us see some of your training of him." Finally, they finished the separation. The 50 for Raven's auction house were brought to vans for transport. The 15 chosen for the brothel were taken, with rafael, to their new home. Robert was led to Raven's private van, and the remainder were taken to a large compound , under heavy guard. As they were let into the compound, their bonds were released, but they were also all fitted with the same type of device that had been put on Ox. "Very easy to pacify a man by his penis" Maximus gloated, as the compound was closed.

"ariel, Raven brought us back some rather unique gifts from her trip," Protius spoke in a deep, slow voice. He had ariel on his belly, and he had just crossed his ankles before he tied them. Normally, he tied them together, but he thought that the reaction he got tonight might be... stronger. He pulled the ankles up to ariel's wrists, which he had already bound. "What are they Master?" ariel knew that Protius was always looking for new ways to tickle him to submission, and he surmised that the gifts were along those lines. "One is a wonderful old book: a manual from a sect who found ecstasy through tickling. I'm having it translated. The second... is a gel that is supposed to render the nerve endings exquisitely sensitive and.. much more receptive to tickling. And what better way to try it out than on your feet?" "MY FEET? Lord Protius: my feet are my weakness. You conquered me by tickling them. How could they be more sensitive? " "Let us find out..." ariel was already giggling as Protius applied a think coat of the oily liquid to each of his feet. He felt a sense of a warm tingle going through his feet. He knew Protius wasn't touching them, but he was already squirming. "I've tied you extra tight tonight, my lovely. Because I expect.... " He ran a nail down ariel's right foot and a squeal went out from the captive. "Ah... just as I expected. Fingers first, then the manual brush and then.. the electric brushes. " "NO SIR. Please please. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. " "Do you feel more sensitive ariel? Because your laugh is more high pitched. As if I am reaching.... " Protius slid his nail down ariel's foot again. "Depths of feeling we haven't reached before." "OH NO. OH NO. NOT BOTH AT THE SAME TIME. PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAAHAAHHA." Protius stopped for a minute and whispered. "What will happen when I apply it to your armpits. " "OH SHIT. OH SHIT SIR PLEASE.. PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA." "Now to the brushes. I know how much your LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE them..." They were wire brushes, and if Protius pressed hard enough, he could draw blood. He didn't. "SIR. SIR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? You can have anything you want. You know that.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA." "Oh, but I'm going to compel you to do something I KNOW you don't wish to do ariel. We are going to take a trip to the auction house, and then to the herd before the hunt. And you're going to point out anyone you know who is ticklish. Who knows? Maybe our family will grow..." ariel heard the buzz of the electric brushes. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. OK OK OK. I WILL I WILL. I saw three today without looking who told me they were ticklish. " "As ticklish as you?" "I doubt it Master. They have not been trained the way I was. Please. Please. Please can I have a break?" "No." Protius said one word and continued to work on ariel's feet for ten minutes. As gordon and michael were marched back to the quarters, they heard the squeals. "If we stay long enough, you will hear him BEG for his Master's cock. The way michael does. And the way you WILL gordon." gordon stiffened, but he knew Maximus was right. He had broken him. He knew how to make him beg, and he knew Maximus would have no hesitation in making him do so, in front of people to humiliate him. "Most of the new captives know you. They know your family. I wonder if they would enjoy a broadcast of the infamous gordon, BEGGING for cock. The man they came to save, BEGGING for what they thought he didn't want. Or maybe... maybe... a broadcast of the two of you receiving my mark: right on your butts: 'property of Maximus'. "Why isn't it enough for you to just take us the way Protius took ariel? Or Baratas took gemmex?" "AH . You do not understand our laws, gordon. To use that provision of the law, one must agree to have only ONE bed slave. Any others must be... released. Would the two of you wish to take the chance of one of you being returned to the hunt? Or the auction house? " "I would make a deal with you Maximus" gordon spoke. "I will participate in the hunt on behalf of my family. Should I avoid recapture, we will be permitted to return to earth. ALL of us. My family, our friends.. EVERYONE. "And should you be defeated, gordon? What is there for me to gain? " "My taking of the vow of submission in front of your people. A public acceptance of the role of slave."

Maximus was impressed. The "vow of submission," a very old ritual that had been practiced during times of war. If the Frilcian armed forces defeated a rival, as was often the case, the head of that rival would be bound, brought to a public stage and with bowed head, agree to accept the yoke of submission on behalf of all of his people. It was both humiliating and exhilirating: often, the defeated general would be taken in front of the watching public. (Maximus wondered if gordon had learned that part of the rite). "Hmmm. Tempting. Seeing you surrender in public... an interesting proposition. To be given thought. And you should consider it as well tonight. You will have the quarters to yourself, for I desire michael tonight. " He smiled. "We are preparing a very interesting entertainment before the hunt, gordon. A festival of wrestling. Perhaps you would like to assist me in choosing opponents. " He grinned. "Or perhaps you would choose to wrestle ME in public for your freedom. " "MY freedom, or my family?" "Well, gordon, remember, michael does not desire freedom and neither does ariel. So it would be you, and rafael. And I believe that after a day or two of all the women he can handle, rafael may wish to remain with us. " "I will help you choose opponents, Maximus. And I would prefer to be part of the hunt. " "EXCELLENT. Having you take the yoke of submission before an audience would give me immeasurable pleasure. "

There were several hours remaining before Maximus would bring michael to his bed. In that time, he contacted both the head of the brothel where rafael was assigned, and he spoke to Protius. He explained the situation to both of them. Protius was more sanguine about being able to get the information that Maximus had requested than was Raven. Maximus was certain he could get the information he wanted from michael. They were all to find out what they could about what strategy gordon might take at the hunt. The more information maximus had, the easier it would be for him to capture gordon - or to prolong the hunt if he was enjoying watching the man suffer sufficiently. Protius contacted his translator and asked him to provide whatever materials he had. He needed to read them quickly. Raven instructed the administators at the brothel to (i) make sure that rafael was kept busy for the entire evening and (ii) none of his clients were to bring him to climax. Maximus had his own plan.

"Lovely lovely ariel. I DO believe that next to watching your ass gyrate as you walk, seeing you bound as you are, is the sight I most enjoy." ariel was naked, spread eagled. His ankles were bound, but Protius had used the elastic rope he sometimes did. He would not have to untie ariel's ankles to take him. "Did you enjoy the ointment, ariel?" He grinned as he held up the vessel holding it. "No, Master. It's too intense. " "Is it? So... if I were to apply it , for example, here..." He put a drop of it in his hands and rubbed it over ariel's balls - these might become even MORE senstive?" His finger moved up and down ariel's eggs, and ariel burst out into loud squeals of laughter. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH. PLEASE SIR PLEASE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Protius was pleased. He remembered what the partial translation revealed about the sensitivity of the underside of a man's arms. He applied ointment to each of ariel's exposed arms. "Master... You've never " "A first time for everything my sweet slave." Protius ran his fingers along ariel's arms. He circled the bend at his elbow, and cackled. "Most sensitive here, is it not ariel?" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. PLEASE MASTER PLEASE. CAN YOU JUST TAKE ME. I WANT IT. I WANT YOU SO BADLY." Protius stopped. "And I will take you ariel. As I have so often. But first, you will tell me some things I would like to know, about your father." He asked his questions and when ariel insisted he didn't know, Protius reached for the ointment again. "NO! NO! NO MORE PLEASE. PLEASE MASTER PLEASE. I WILL TELL YOU."

And he did. Protius listened carefully, gently circling ariel's nipples as he told him, breathing hard all the while. "You have done well, ariel. " Protius climbed on the young man, and his tongue found the sweet spot on his neck. "I will reward you in two ways. First, you will get to climax tonight. And second, you will have gemmex tomorrow. That is a promise. But now... it is my turn" "Yes Master. Yes. Thank you Master." Protius put ariel's feet on his shoulders. He thought of all the fun he would be having with them in the future, and he slid his dick into his slave. ariel moaned in pleasure as Protius slid back and forth, teasing out the man's most sensitive places. And when he had finished, he unlocked the cage on ariel's penis and began slowly, slowly edging him. ariel's moans changed in quality. It had been some time since he had been allowed to do this and... "THANK YOU SIR. THANK YOU. THANK YOU...."

At the brothel, Flora had scheduled five sessions for rafael. He did not know that, and when the first client entered: an older, wealthy woman, he smiled. This would be easy. He would think of some of the crew members on the voyage and climax quickly. He heard the woman moaning, and he increased his frequency. Then, when he was about to cum, she squirmed. "Thank you. That is enough. " "Ma'am, but I haven't finished." She smiled. "But I have. And I am the customer." She gathered her clothing and left. "Your next client, rafael" And so it went, four times. Each time, the client left before rafael had climaxed, and the next one was brought in before he could relieve himself. The fifth time, Flora walked in herself. She was smiling. "What a stallion! You weren't ever that stiff on the voyage." rafael knew enough to put his hands behind his back when one of the scouts were in the room: scouts were considered elites on Flicius. He was clearly suffering. "I never had what happened tonight happen to me, Mistress Flora. " She smiled. "That is because we did not want... information. So consider yourself being tortured like a captive spy. And you can end the torment, right now." She let her tunic fall to the ground. "I would like to talk to you about your father." She explained what she wanted. At first, rafael refused. Then he saw the prod. "I presume you've seen the shackles in the wall, rafael? None have taken the opportunity to try them on you. This will be the first." He gulped. "I will tell you what you want to know." Once he had, he found that he could become even harder at the hands of a partner like Flora.

Now we turn to Maximus and michael. michael had a big smile on his face. He had been craving Maximus' cock for the entire day. "What is my Lord's pleasure tonight?" he asked "On your stomach, slave michael. Legs splayed." "Yes my Lord. " Once he was positioned, he felt Maximus put a collar on him. Then he bound michael's wrists, and attached the end of the binding to the collar. michael felt Maximus caressing his ass cheeks. "I DO find your ass most pleasing slave michael." "Thank you my Lord. I've increased squats at the gym so that I continue to please you." "So I have heard." Maximus placed the tip of his cock at michael's hole. michael pushed back, but he was shoved back to the bed so that Maximus' cock barely grazed his ass. "It is, of course, possible that there will not be many opportunities for me to have it." "Master, are you selling me?" michael pushed back again, and again was pushed down. The touch of the cockhead was driving him crazy. "Well, you were here when your father accepted my challenge. Should he be victorious, you will all be returning home." michael laughed. "You will defeat him. You defeat ALL your opponents."

He couldn't see Maximus smile. This was going PRECISELY where he wanted it to go. "Ah, but this is different. Your father has experience with survival in nature. This is more his expertise than mine. I do not know that I can defeat him." "He has his weakness, Master." "Does he? Tell me." He pressed his cock harder against michael's ass. "Sir, please do not ask me for that." Maximus withdrew his cock. "I have asked you michael. Perhaps you should begin to accustom yourself to not having me in you." "Please. Please Sir. I want it. I need it." "Yes, michael, you do. But to get it.... you must tell me."

When michael finished speaking, Maximus speared him like a large fish. He was more excited than he had been in a long time. He knew from the lights on his computer panel, that both Flora and Protius had succeeded in gaining information. Now, it was his to synthesize. That would come tomorrow. For tonight: "TAKE MY DICK YOU FUCKING BITCH SLAVE. PUSH YOUR ASS BACK AND TAKE IT!"

Next: Chapter 12

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