Future Lord and Prisoner?s Balls

Published on Feb 28, 2015



Future Lord and Prisoner's Balls

Day 1

Prisoner 102 knew that it was a privilege to be tortured by the Lord. That bastard would make him tremendously suffer and milk every drop of cum from his cock, but he would not damage his body. Only the most beautiful prisoners were selected for his pleasure. The other were tortured by the guards and subdued to any sort of injuries and horrible mutilations.

He knew, he had not to speak if not asked and did not make any resistance as he was led naked by the guards in the middle of the torture hall. This was an ample cylindrical hall with walls and ceiling covered with milky blue glass. At the walls there were shelves full of torture devices, ropes, whips, canes, vices etc. His magnificent body, smooth but well built, thanks to the forced training of the last months, slightly tanned, stand alone in the middle of the hall.

He was looking at the floor and waiting. He wiped his dark blond hair away from the forehead and freed his nice brown eyes. A ray of ultraviolet light let the bar code which was tattooed on his chest become visible for a second, then blue laser lights began to scan his body for about a minute. With a whispering sound the force field was activated. It felt like a jolt of electricity and heat invading his body, he could not breathe for a minute and his muscles were all trembling like in an epileptic attack. Then the field relaxed and he could breathe again and everything was feeling again normal.

The Lord came in.

  • Hello 102, let us get started

He looked at the boy's muscular body, the long shaft of his flaccid penis hanging on his low hanging generous ball sac. He caressed the chest and thighs covered with soft dark blond hairs. Then kissed his neck and licked his protruding Adam apple, while his hands began fondling his balls. The prisoner instinctively tried to retract, but could not. The force field was keeping him immobile in position. He tried to move his arms, his muscles flexed, but he could not move even a millimetre. The only thing he could move was his head. The Lord moved in front of him:

  • As you may have understood, your body is controlled by the force field, therefore we will not need any sort of restraints and you will be tortured in all positions I want. But I have good news: no matter how terrible will be the violence of the torture, the field will also protect your body from being damaged. But the pain will be full and real.

With this he slammed his foot with full force into the boy's balls. The prisoner coughed all the air from his lungs, his head fell on his chest with his mouth open trying to catch again air. The muscles of his legs, arms and abdomen were contracting, trying to instinctively protect the genitals, but no movement followed. The Lord took his smooth hair and raised his head and spoke directly into his right ear:

  • We will have a lot of fun, boy.

Suddenly a desktop appeared on the glass wall, the Lord went there, programming the control system.

  • At first, I like your cock erected all the time, so we start with a moderate erection stimulation...

The prisoner felt again a mixed of heat and electrical jolt inside his guts and his cock began to grow slowly and steadily. Slowly and steadily. Also when he thought it was already completely erected, he felt it grow and grow. He thought he would cum at any time, but then two holes appeared in the floor, ca. 2 m away from him on his left and right side. Steel self moving ropes came out of the holes and approached his groin. Each rope wrapped itself at the base of each testicle, then they began to pull the testicles in opposite directions. His cock was hard as stone, now pulsing with the rhythm of his heart and drooling precum.

The Lord switched the system to vocal command and went to the prisoner.

  • Spread eagled - he ordered

His arms raised in the air and his legs spread apart with his feet dangling ca. 10 cm from the floor. He was now in the air, kept by invisible bounds in that position, feeling his weight being distributed mainly on his arms but also his back, as if he had shackles on his wrists and feet and a ring around his waist. The Lord wiped the precum on his cock with a cloth soaked in a volatile liquid which felt at first cool on his cock but suddenly after that his cock head began to burn unbearably and the prisoner screamed. Nevertheless his cock went even bigger and was now pulsating forth and back like mad, as if it would burst at any second, but the pull on his balls prevented them to retract and to trigger his orgasm.

The Lord ordered:

  • Pull body and balls level 3!

His arms and legs stretched wide apart as if they were pulled by ropes, his muscles were all tensed, he was sweating. Then the ropes on his balls began to slide like a snake and winded more loops around each trapped ball, blocking it better, and then began to pull and stretch each ball in opposite direction. The young prisoner was gasping for air, his head was shaking in all directions, he was sighing in ecstasy between the pain in his fully stretched muscles and his balls, and the sexual excitement keeping his cock as hard as it had never been before, bouncing against his abs at the rhythm of his heart and producing a drop of precum each time it hit his abdomen.

The Lord wiped again the precum with the cloth soaked in that ether-like liquid.

The prisoner screamed and screamed as his cock burned under the effect of the liquid.

The Lord kept the cloth on the cock for some minutes. The prisoner was trembling, all his muscles tensed, agitating his head, with his mouth open, screaming, gasping for air. Then took the cloth away and let the fluid evaporate completely from the cock. The prisoner calmed down and his head dropped exhausted on his chest with his nice hair hanging over his forehead.

The Lord began to lick the stone hard pulsating member. He licked very slowly the tip, sliding his tongue in the piss slit, than circled with the tongue the corona sending jolts of pleasure to the prisoner. He licked along the shaft up and down many times and then engulfed the penis in his mouth, enjoying to feel the hot rigid member pulsating in his mouth. He was sliding slowly his lips along the shaft, just only with a slight sucking and the each time he came up again he licked the head, circling his tongue several times on the corona and licking away the salty precum from the piss slit, before engulfing again the penis in his mouth and sucking again.

He went slowly and constantly, while the prisoner was desperate willing to cum, his cock seamed to want to explode. He was now again calm and his eyes were shut, his head seemed to follow a periodical movement: it was falling back leaving a moan from his nice open lips and then falling again on his chest, after a pause then again raising, falling back, moaning and again on his chest.

The Lord thought that it was time to awake a bit the prisoner and ordered

  • Pull balls slowly until level 10!

And began to suck again while the ropes made their job: this time they slid like thin anacondas at least 5 or 6 more loops around the base of each ball, blocking the testicles for the following pulling action. And the pulling began, slow, almost not perceivable but steady.

A counter appeared in red light on the wall "Ball pulling Reached: Level 3 Target: Level 10"

The prisoner woke up from his ecstasy and in his obfuscated mind only one thought appeared: "If this is only level 3, how terrible would be level 10?" It would tear off his balls. But he did not have the time to think a lot, as his feelings were mixing again between the giant arousal of his cock teased by the slow sucking of the Lord and the increasing pull on his balls.

The Lord began to suck the cock harder, creating more vacuum in his mouth, which caused even more blood to come to the already incredibly swollen member. But as the cock pulsed inside his mouth as it would cum, the pull on the balls increased and the orgasm was delayed by the pain.

The Lord looked at the display " Ball pulling. Reached Level 6 Target Level 10" The increasing pulling on his balls awaked the prisoner from his trance and he was again moaning and agitating his head, gasping for air and tensing all his muscles. The Lord began to caress his abs and thighs while sucking now eagerly and hard on his cock. He enjoyed to feel under his hands the contracted muscles struggling for the tension of the body and for the pain in the balls. Therefore at Level 8 of ball pulling he decided that his body had also not to be neglected and ordered

  • Arch body slowly to 50% and stretch body Level 5

The arms and legs stretched again in all 4 directions and the prisoner screamed. Then both his arms and legs began to move backwards whereas his groin remained in position, thereby arching his body. It was an unbearable mixing of pain in his balls which was still increasing, tension in his body and now also the arching and the sucking of the Lord in his painfully swollen cock. The arching continued and his head fell between his shoulders and he had no force to raise it again, his mouth open, moaning and with a weak pulsating breathing. The Lord accelerated the pace and he sucked eagerly the cock. The arched body exposed even more the genitals towards him. Level 10 of ball pulling was now reached. He ordered suddenly "Release balls" and went immediately back on the cock engulfing it in his mouth and sucking as mad.

The ropes slid suddenly away from the trapped balls which slapped immediately back, hung for some seconds low in their sac, but then contracted quickly at each side of the cock and the cock exploded in the mouth of the Lord. The prisoner raised his head his mouth open wide, but he could not suck any air, his eyes wide open, all his muscles contracting while the cock spat one after one his cum wads hitting vigorously the throat of the Lord. And the Lord swallowed and sucked without mercy the cock, bouncing like mad in his mouth releasing 10, 12 jolts of cum. Then the Lord noticed that the contraction of the balls had just started to relax again, the prisoner head fell again back hanging between his shoulders, exhausted, giving sign the giant orgasm was finishing, but the Lord knew what he had to do. While still sucking the cock, he began punching energetically with his fists the balls still contracted at the side of the cock, left, right, left, right. The prisoner awake again from his pleasure ordeal, raised his head again with open mouth seeking for air and with the eyes open wide, wanting to scream but not managing to do anything but cumming again in the mouth of the Lord, spurts and spurts of cum, at each punch to his balls the cock tensed in the mouth of the Lord and released a spurt of cum. Unending minutes of orgasm in which the Lord sucked every drop of cum. Then the Lord raised his head from the cock flexed his head back, closed his eyes and moaned as he also came even without touching his cock. This is what he liked. Cumming with no other stimulation than torturing a young prisoner. He also came many times with spurts of cum wetting his blue trousers.

Still in the arousal of the orgasm the Lord raised from his kneeling position, positioned himself standing in front of the prisoner and vigorously kicked him in the balls 5 times in quick sequence. The prisoner's cock came again jetting a spurt of sperm 1 meter in the air. The Lord slammed again one last time with all his strength his foot in the battered balls of the prisoner and the prisoner passed out. The Lord took the balls of the prisoner in his hands: they were soft, empty but not damaged: the protection of the force field had worked.

The Lord went taking a shower and the guards released the unconscious prisoner and by keeping him under his arms took him back to his cell.

#Day 2

The next day the Lord wanted again Prisoner 102. He knew that the prisoner had still not recovered completely from the torture of the previous day and his drained balls were probably still aching. But exactly this merciless thought was arousing him.

When the guards took the naked prisoner in the torture hall the Lord was already there, programming at the touch screen. The field force immediately took control of the body of the prisoner raising his legs wide spread against the ceiling and his arms behind his back, so that the prisoner was in a sort of Y position. His voluminous balls were hanging over his limp cock. The Lord fondled the balls of the prisoner taking then between the thumb and forefinger, one for each hand. The prisoner moaned. The balls were now not so hard as in the previous day, but anyhow turgid and for sure enough full of cum for another round.

  • Still aching?

  • Yyess – moaned the prisoner – Please do not hurt me!

The Lord punched with all his force the prisoner in the gut

  • You only answer my questions, clear?

The boy coughed out all the air in his lungs and could not say anything. The Lord punched him in the balls

  • Clear?

  • Y..ye..s - moaned the prisoner in agony

The Lord started again to roll the sore balls between his fingers and slowly the cock began to grow. He took the balls in his mouth and began to suck them and rolling his tongue around them. The cock went to full erection, then the Lord started to lick and suck also the cock pointing to the floor. The cock was hard, but the Lord wanted more:

  • Maximum erection stimulation – he ordered.

102 began to remember that the day before he had programmed "moderate erection stimulation" and his cock was exploding, how could be possible more? But suddenly the answer came alone. His cock began to grow and swell as he could have never imagined. The Lord was meanwhile again rolling the balls in his fingers but now putting more pressure and squeezing the orbs. The prisoner was moaning and sweating as his heart began to beat faster, flooding his cock with blood. The cock was now so big that its tip passed his belly button and so hard that it was arched, pulsating and hitting violently against his abs. The pressure in his cock was unbearable, it was aching terribly. The prisoner thought that this could even take to madness, and if the prisoner had the possibility to, he would probably take a spike and cut a hole in his cock just to relief the pressure. As the Lord drew back his fingers from the balls, they immediately started to contract and the prisoner thought that he would cum within seconds, but the Lord had other plans.

The Lord took a cane and began to hit the testicles, hanging upside down on the stone hard cock. One hit on the right testicle and one hit on the left. One hit ca. every 5 seconds, precise as a Swiss clock. The prisoner shook at every hit and was coughing and moaning "o..h..ah...oh..ha ..h ...ahh hh" contracting the muscles of his thighs and abs.

The Lord began to increase the force of the hits concentrating now only on the left testicle. Every 5 seconds THWACK. For the prisoner this was excruciating, his right testicle still aching, the left was assaulted systematically, each hit increasing the pain more and more and more. His cock was now so hard, that it was not pulsing any more but pressing hardly against his abdominals, the skin completely tensed and red. The Lord now started to beat also the internal of the thighs between the hits to the left testicle. Then also the abdominals and the arse. But always hitting only the left testicle, changing always a bit the angle, so that the testicle was hit from all sides.

After good 20 minutes of torturing of the left testicle the prisoner was starting to loose consciousness of the time and his head was hanging down, also his moans had been reduced. At each thwack on the poor ball his body shook a bit and then went back in his agony. The Lord then accelerated the pace and started to hit the left testicle with furious quick hits, thwack thwack, the cane never stopped hitting the left ball from all sides.

  • Ball press on right testicle, increase quickly to level 15! – he ordered

A steel arm came from the ceiling carrying a vice on the tip, two clamps slightly oval shaped took the right ball of the prisoner and began to squeeze it harder and harder between them. The Lord continued the beating of the left ball while the right ball was being squeezed, the closing of vice was visibly fast as the poor ball was flattened This asymmetric torture was the preferred of the Lord, as it gave many pain forms at the same time. The squeezing of the right ball generated a constant dull pain, while the hitting of the left a more acute pain at every hit. The quick following hits did not give any recovery possibility and the pain in the left testicle became more nervous, fibrillating without rest and could only increase. The prisoner was exhausted but shaking and coughing and moaning, all muscled tensed. His head shaking nervously in all directions. Then the Lord stopped the caning and let the vice open.

He gave only 5 minutes for the prisoner to breathe again and stop shaking his body, then ordered

  • Prisoner in curling position, head blocked back!

From his upside down position the prisoner moved until his arms were stretched together above his head, pointing to the ceiling. His torso was vertical while his legs were spread wide parallel to the floor. His head was curved in direction of his back, and his kin pressing against the stretched arms.

  • Balls stretched to floor!

A steel rope winded itself around his balls and pulled towards the floor

  • Feet hard tickling!

He felt his toes spread wide and his feet tense to expose their tender flesh. Steel arms came from the ceiling carrying a series of rounded spikes which began to run up and down the soles of his feet. The tickling was intense so that it did not produce laugher, but more an unbearable stimulation of the reflexes. His feet were trying to ball up in order to protect the sensitive sole, but of course this was useless. The prisoner shook all his body and could hardly breathe with his head stretched in direction of his back.

The Lord let increase the pull on the balls to level 10 and then began to suck the cock. The stimulation of the feet seemed to land directly in sexual excitement, so that the cock was oozing a lot of salty precum. The Lord sucked the cock while caressing and tickling the male abs and armpits with his nails. The prisoner thought to die, he was just a fibrillating bundle of nerves, shaking desperately under the tickling stimulation, the pressure of his erected dick, the sucking of the Lord and the pull on his balls, preventing him to cum. While the Lord was sucking, he came himself without touching his cock. But he did not stop the sucking, decided that this time he wanted to see the boy come even with his balls trapped, no matter how long it takes.

  • Prostate squeezing - said the Lord.

The prisoner felt a warm sensation within his guts and then another sort of pain added itself to all the rest as his prostate was squeezed by the force field. His cock however reacted instantly, growing even more inside the mouth of the Lord and precum flew almost continuously from the tip, which was constantly wiped away by the incessant tongue stimulation of the Lord on his piss slit.

  • Ball pulling increase slowly to level 15

"Oh god!" was the only thing which the prisoner could think in his mess of sensations.

He thought his balls were being ripped from his body as the steel rope wound at least other 10 loops around his stretched balls and began to pull and pull and pull.

But then all the explosive mixture of pain on the balls, in his prostate, the tickling of the feet, the sucking of the Lord on his painful enormous erection worked. The stretching on the balls, preventing them to retract and trigger the orgasm, was overwhelmed by the unbearable stimulation mix and he came. He screamed. The Lord retracted his mouth and a huge wad of cum flew in the air with enormous pressure reaching at least 4 meters above the ground, then another, and another. With each wad the cock flexed against the stomach of the prisoner, it seemed it would not stop. While he was still cumming, the Lord ordered

  • Ball pulling level 20!

The prisoner screamed again, the ropes pulled squeezing additional cum from his balls and the Lord began to suck again the squirting cock swallowing all the cum. And the cock came and came at least another 15 times, each time with less cum and less pressure of the wad. But the Lord continued sucking. The cock was still rock hard in his mouth and squirting producing however only drops of sperm.

-Release balls!

The rope let the balls free and they flopped back. Blood flowing again into them. The prisoner screamed, the cock tensed and relieved another wad of cum in the mouth of the Lord.

The Lord went in front of the prisoner, and the prisoner knew what was coming: he kicked the balls of the prisoner with all his strength, then again and again. After the tenth kick the still erected cock tensed and started again his pulsating movement against the abs of the prisoner. As the twentieth kick hit the balls the cock came with another enormous wad like the first flying at least 3 meters in the air. The Lord did not stop the kicking and then he came himself again, always kicking the poor boy balls until his own dick went limp. The dick of the boy did not go limp and he was brought to the cell still with his erected cock pulsating against his guts.

Day 3

The Lord thought that he was really a cruel bastard, but he could not resist the temptation also on the next day to take again Prisoner 102. Even the guards, who usually have even less mercy than the Lord, had compassion for the poor boy as they brought him back to torture hall. His balls were aching terribly and he could hardly walk, so that the guards had to help him along the alley. The Lord had already prepared the program and the force field took control of the body of the naked prisoner putting him in a curved position with his groin pointing to the ceiling and his arms and legs wide spread and bend towards the floor. The Lord placed himself between the legs of the prisoner, took the testicles in his hands and began to roll ad gently squeeze them, but as they had not recovered from the past treatments, this was enough to make the prisoner moan in pain.

  • Today I will get every drop of cum from your nice balls... but before I have a prepared a LONG session of pain for you

  • Please, no...

After some minutes of ball massage, he began to slap the testicles with his hand, very quickly and with increasing intensity, until the slaps were really loud and had the force of punching with open hand. The cock of the prisoner was limp at the beginning of the treatment and bounced with each slap, but then began to grow and stand erected resting on the stomach of the prisoner for all the rest of the slapping torture. Every 10 minutes of ball slapping he left the prisoner recover for a couple of minutes before starting again with quick weak blows and ending with hard blows but less frequent. He went like this for about an hour.

Then ordered:

  • Arched positions, sequence number 1

The prisoner began slowly to move in the air like he was floating, his groin being the only fixed point. Keeping his arched position he rotated on 90° to a vertical spread eagled position remaining however arched and exposing his groin towards the Lord. The Lord kicked his exposed balls, then let him recover for a minute and kicked him in the balls again. He continued like this increasing progressively the violence of the kicks. Every time the foot slammed his balls, the prisoner raised his head coughed out the air in his lungs, moaned then let his head fall back and breathed again revealing his nice Adam apple.

After half an hour the prisoner began to rotate in front of the Lord, always keeping his arched spread eagled position until his legs were pointing to the ceiling and his head dangling towards the floor.

  • Ball pulling opposite directions toward ceiling, level slow increasing until 15 – ordered the Lord.

From opposite sides of the ceiling the well known self moving snake robot-ropes came to his balls, winded themselves many loops around each ball and began to pull the balls wide apart and upwards. The Lord took a couple of wooden bats, looking like a small version of a baseball bat and ca. 30 cm long, one in each hand and began to hit the trapped balls at the same time clutching the bats together from left and from right on the relative testicle. He left only some seconds recovery and then again, simultaneously from both sides, the bats hit each the exposed and trapped testicle on its side. The pulling of the ropes meanwhile was increasing and the Lord was also increasing the violence of the hits to the balls.

Then the Lord began to insert some asymmetry in the treatment and hit the left testicle with less intensity but increasing the frequency of the hits, while he left more time for the right testicle to recover, but then slamming with all force the bat on the trapped testicle. Every ten hits on the left testicle, one big hit on the right testicle. When the ropes were stretched at maximum he then began to increase the strength also on the left testicle but without decreasing the pace, so that the left testicle was receiving the most severe torture.

When the 30 minutes were over the ropes retracted away from the balls and the Lord was sweating from his intense beating action, so that this time he stripped naked, keeping only his shoes on and revealing a muscular body covered with rare dark hair. His huge dick was fully erected. The prisoner was in agony and panting, all is muscled tensed. Again keeping his arched spread eagled position he began to rotate until his abdomen was parallel to the floor and his arched back towards the ceiling. His balls were dangling at the lowest point of his body. The Lord kicked the balls from behind a few times than went to the front of the prisoner took his hair and raised his head:

  • Now you will suck my dick - he said.

He offered his big member to the prisoner and then ordered to the computer:

  • Prostate squeezing!

"Oh god" was again the only thought of the prisoner as the pain in the prostate began and his cock grew and grew. It reached quickly its maximum erection, again pulsating with the heart beat and oozing precum. The prisoner sucked the cock of the Lord without enthusiasm, so that the Lord ordered

  • If you do not suck good I will increase your torment: Erection stimulation maximum!

  • Oh no, please NO – dared the prisoner say, but then went diligently back to his sucking action on the dick of the Lord.

Blood flew to the prisoner's penis as in the previous days until it was painfully erected, stone hard, swollen. He sucked eagerly the cock of the Lord and the Lord came many times into his mouth. The prisoner did not stop to suck and knew he had to swallow all the cum until the Lord was completely satisfied and his cock again limp. Then the Lord went again between his legs and kicked his hanging balls from behind with all his force until it was time to move again.

For the final round the Lord wanted his prisoner to suffer really for a long time. According to the program the prisoner moved to a spread eagled position with his head towards the ceiling, but the system started to arch his body back even more until maximum, as if he was wrapped around a cylinder of always smaller diameter. But in the same time the stretching of his limbs was increasing also, slowly but steady. The Lord positioned in front of the extremely exposed genitals and slammed his foot really hard in the balls. Then he left ca. 3 minutes for the prisoner to recover before slamming again his foot in the exposed testicles.

He went systematically like this for interminable hours: every 3 minutes he kicked brutally the balls with all force and then left the prisoner in his agony, gasping for air and moaning and tensing all his muscles. Towards the end of the 3-minutes pause, the prisoner started to relax a bit but was then again tensing in the expectation of the next kick, as he knew it was time again. And then SLAM, the next merciless unavoidable kick hit his balls again.

The Lord liked to watch this succession of feelings and pain in the poor boy. During the 3-minute pause he always walked around the arched body and admired the tensing of the muscles and the agony in his eyes, his broken breathing and slow relaxing. But especially the fear and tensing of his body preparing for the next inevitable kick was driving the Lord mad. He adored it, he took always his time while he walked back in front of the exposed genitals: the boy could hear clearly the sound of his shoes on the floor, and shut his eyes and pressed his lips together in the expectation of the kick, then the Lord swung his leg with force and SLAM! After the kick in the balls the head raised, his kin hitting his chest, the boy's mouth went open, coughed the air from his lungs, his eyes open wide, all his muscles tensing at maximum. The boy remained paralysed in this position for at least half a minute without being able to breathe, then the head fell back hanging between his shoulders, exposing his nice Adam apple, and with a weak breathing the prisoner began to relax and drown in his agony. Until it was time for the next kick.

It seemed to last for an eternity and never to come to an end. The Lord came 2 times during this merciless systematic kicking of the poor boy balls. After he came the second time then he eventually ordered

  • Pulling balls, opposite sides, plus electricity. Increase both slowly until level 20!

"Oh god, oh GOD, how can I take it?", thought the boy.

The ropes came from the floor, wrapped around each ball and began the well known pulling in both directions. The Lord started to lick the enormous shaft of the cock, then the cock head and the prisoner shook at this stimulation of the extremely sensitive member. Besides the pulling on his balls the prisoner became conscious of an additional dull pain, which began to flow in his testicles: the ropes were sending electricity from one ball to the other and the voltage was also increasing together with the pulling. Form dull and undefined the pain for the electricity began to become even sharper and harder.

The Lord sucked while the prisoner was trembling and shaking his head in the mixture of pain coming from the pulling and the electricity in his balls, the squeezing of the prostate by the force field, the painful erection of his cock and the stretching of his extremely arched body. When the pulling on the balls and the electricity reached their maximum the Lord increased the pace of his sucking on the rigid pulsating cock. The prisoner eventually came in his mouth with violent jets of cum, an interminable sequence of orgasms which seemed never to come to an end. The jets of cum decreased their force slowly and the Lord took back his mouth only to say:

  • Ball squeezing quickly level 20!

and then he continued sucking.

The ropes on his balls still pulling and sending electricity began to slide like snakes also on the balls themselves trapping them completely in their windings and powerfully squeezing the poor orbs. The prisoner thought to die, and his penis shot again powerful jets of sperm into the sucking mouth of the Lord, liquid salty diluted sperm consisting probably only of prostatic liquid. The Lord continued the sucking until the exhausted dick was just shaking in his mouth not giving any more liquid, but still cumming in a series of dry orgasms. The Lord came also, without touching his cock, many times, and then let the prisoner cock out of his mouth, trembling in the air.

The ropes freed the prisoner's balls and retracted in the floor. The balls fell in their sack, hanging low and exposed. The Lord had a bit of pity for the boy, but then he could not resist the temptation and kicked his balls repeatedly. The prisoner's cock was still erected and bounced at every kick. Restlessly his balls were being kicked in always quicker succession and increasing strength. And then the cock spurted one last wad of cum high in the air. But the kicking in the balls did not stop and after a while the cock spurted other 3 wads of cum, this time with less bursting pressure. The Lord continued his assault on the balls until the cock, then, after shaking another 3 dry orgasms started to go limp and the prisoner passed out.

Day 4

The Lord let the guards take prisoner 102 again. He started to cry and implored the guards that he could not take any more. But he was led again in the torture hall. There stood the Lord who was kicking the balls of another prisoner, kneeling spread eagled in front of him.

  • Hello 102, I introduce you to 220

Prisoner 220 was a giant boy, tall and muscled. His dark hair was hanging on his forehead as his head was laying on his tanned chest, exhausted from the pain. His muscled thighs were covered with soft dark hairs, as it was his pelvis and the middle of his chest. The giant cock was still limp, hanging on his huge balls. The Lord gave another powerful kick in the balls of prisoner 220, who moaned a deep sexy masculine sound before falling again into his agony.

The force field took control also of Prisoner 102, brought him next to 220 and moved him to a reversed Y position, i.e. with his arms stretched together above his head pointing to the ceiling and his legs painfully wide spread, with the feet just a couple of cm above the floor. His smooth body looked small and fragile beneath the tanned muscled giant.

The Lord kissed him in the mouth biting slightly his smooth lips and caressed the soft dark blond hair on his head. Then positioned in front of him and slammed his foot in the exposed boy's balls. 102 had still not recovered from the torture of the last days and his balls were still aching. He felt everything become black and was nearly passing out, but then fell simply in a no name agony.

  • Maximum erection stimulation, both prisoners! – ordered the Lord.

"Oh not again!" thought 102, as his cock swell until it was painfully ready to explode.

220 woke up from his agony and screamed as his gigantic cock grew and grew to an enormous pole, revealing a mushroom shaped glans and pressing against his upper abs. The Lord positioned in front of 220 and slammed again his foot in the now fully exposed apricot shaped balls. The nice manly head of 220 fell again on his chest. The Lord ordered

  • 220 stretch head towards back!

The head of prisoner 220 stretched towards his back, exposing his protruding Adam apple and muscled neck. The Lord caressed the athletic and tanned body of 220 while letting him recover for 3 minutes. Then went in front of him and slammed again his foot in the low hanging voluminous testicles. 102 knew the procedure and had pity for 220. In order things not to become boring for 102 while he was torturing 220, the Lord ordered:

  • 102 single ball stretching and squeezing rotating directions, slowly until level 20!

"Oh no, please no. What is this now? " Thought 102

The well known steel snakes came outside of the floor and wound themselves each around the base of one testicle, then wound themselves further, covering the complete testicle and squeezing it. They began to pull the testicles in opposite directions, but this time they continuously changed the directions according to a program. So that the testicles were pulled in all possible directions, left- right, up-down and always towards opposite sides.

The Lord kicked systematically 220 in the balls every 3 minutes for about one hour. The sight of the huge muscled male kneeling so exposed to him was arousing and he came himself 2 times while slamming his foot into the big balls.

Meanwhile 102 was suffering from the ball stretching and squeezing, which was somehow preventing his swollen cock to cum.

The Lord began to suck the swollen cock of the giant 220, very slowly, swirling his tongue on the tip and along the huge shaft. Meanwhile he massaged his free hanging battered balls and caressed the nice abs and thighs. Then he sucked for a while the balls. He went up with his lips until the tip of the cock, swirled his tongue on the corona and then left the member for licking the abs, the pectorals and the exposed Adam apple. Again he went down licking the well defined tanned abs. Then he engulfed again the cock in his mouth and doing this the Lord came again in his trousers. The masculinity of 220 was simply intoxicating. He positioned again in front of him and kicked him repeatedly in the balls, then ordered

  • 220 paddling level 7!

From the floor a robot arm carrying a plastic paddle came out and starting hitting the hanging testicles energetically from all directions. 220 was trembling and tensing all his muscles and could hardly breathe.

The Lord went to 102 and sucked slowly the erected cock. 102 was moaning as his balls were stretched in all directions and squeezed. The Lord enjoyed sucking the prisoner for a while and usually he would have now let the system squeeze his prostate, but he had mercy of 102 and ordered instead

  • Stop ball torture on 102!

before blowing again the cock. The steel snake slapped away from the balls, 102 screamed and came immediately in the mouth of the Lord with copious wads of cum, vigorously hitting the throat of the Lord. When the boy's orgasm was finished the Lord decided that the boy had received enough torture on his gonads, but not the rest of his body, so he ordered

  • Whipping 102 level 3!

Two sneaky steel ropes came out of the ground, one in front and one on his back and began whipping everywhere on his body systematically, the tensed thighs, the abdomen, the back, his still hard cock. The field force avoided that the whipping could rip his smooth skin, but without attenuating the pain.

Meanwhile 220 was having his balls paddled incessantly from all directions and all his muscles were tensed at maximum, his head would have been shaking if it were not blocked towards his back, he moaned continuously with his deep masculine voice "aah, ahaa, ah h hhhaaa" and so on. The Lord sucked again the cock of 220, which was hard as a rock and seemed ready to explode at each moment. He decided to increase the pain

  • Paddling 220 increase slowly to level 20!

Prisoner 220 was desperate. The intensity of the paddling increased, now it was really a loud and incessant THWACK, THWACK, THWACK... The prisoner was trembling as was also doing his cock in the mouth of the Lord. THWACK, THWACK, THWACK. The hits on his balls were so painful that he did not even manage to breathe. His cock was swelling even more, incredibly. THWACK THWACK. At level 15 prisoner 220 flooded the mouth of the Lord with his huge sperm jets. The Lord spat the cum and went on sucking as a series of other gigantic sperm wads invaded his mouth.

As 220 came his balls were retracting towards the cock, but the program controlling the paddle knew what to do and the paddle kicked constantly the balls away from the cock, prolonging this way the duration of the orgasm. THWACK THWACK at every hit the cock spat cum in the mouth of the Lord. The intensity of the paddling was still increasing. Before level 20 was reached the cock had spurted 30 times, but the Lord knew that it was still not all.

He let the paddling stop, and positioned himself in front of 220. The prisoner knew what was coming and tensed all his muscles in anticipation. The Lord slammed his foot with full strength in the exposed balls of the giant, and continued kicking this way until his cock spurted the last huge wad of cum, which flew high in the air.

The Lord left 220 in his trance and moved to 102.

  • Stop whipping 102 – he ordered

As the whipping stopped and the ropes retracted into the floor, the Lord kicked 102 in the balls. He decided to subject the prisoner to another session of kicks every three minutes until the boy would cum without other stimulation than his periodical excruciating kicks. But the boy was drained and needed 3 hours of torture before he came again.

After the first spurt of cum flew in the air the Lord slammed his balls without pause, kicking them in quick sequence. After 10 kicks the cock spat another wad of cum. For collecting the third orgasm the Lord had to slam restlessly 30 times his foot in the poor dangling testicles. The Lord did not stop and after other 50 kicks the cock finally came with his fourth orgasm. This was the most powerful the Lord had ever seen, three cum spurts were jetted in sequence in the air and flew 3 or 4 meters towards the ceiling. The cock remained trembling and shaking after the orgasm in his painful erection. The prisoner was panting and gasping for air, all his muscles were trembling and contracted. The Lord decided to stop. He was also sweating and panting for the effort.

The young prisoner was exhausted and almost unconscious. The Lord kissed him and caressed gently his hair. Prisoner 102 responded kissing the Lord with tears in his eyes. He did not know what to think, what was happening to him. He kissed the Lord and while crying he whispered


The Lord gave the prisoner a warm and gentle gaze, and smiled to him full of affection. The Lord looked not very surprised, as if he knew it would happen. Nevertheless he was moved and felt love for the nice prisoner. He embraced his chest and caressed his back with his hands. He kissed the neck of the prisoner and tears began to form also in his own eyes.

Then he let the two prisoners be returned to their cells.

He was sure, prisoner 220 would one day also start to love him. All prisoners did. Once they tried it, they could not live without the insane intensity of his torture hall.

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