Fury of the Phoenix

By James Bernard

Published on Jan 19, 2011


Thank you, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, for making X-Men and Marvel even possible.

Fury Of The Phoenix:Chapter 2

I woke up, looking at a 6ft.5in. god-like guy, he had russian features. Blue eyes, reddish-brown hair, and a smile that could light up the room. I was fixated on his smile, the dimples they just looked so cute. I wanted to kiss him, but could tell that would be going too far.

"Good Morning, Sleeping Beauty." He said his slight Russian accent showing, he seemed to try to hide it. "Hey...What time is it?" He looked at his watch before turning back to me ot answer, "7 A.M. class starts in an hour." He said, getting up and walked to his wardrobe and started taking out clothes.

"It's time for you to go back to your room. The Professor just asked me to escort you there, so you may get ready for class. Then head to get some breakfast, and then go to class." He said as if he was a robot, he walked out the door and I began to follow him. After passing through the hallway, we reached a room that's door was huge. The place was huge and made of classical design. I felt like I was committing a capital offense, just by walking inside of this place.

"This is your room...." He said, as I looked around, my stuff was there. It was huge, it was bigger than my lunch room, at my old school. I loved it twirling around, this place is now my home. "Thank....." I started, but realized he was gone. A slight swinge of loneliness and betrayal for leaving me alone set into my stomach and I felt like throwing up.

I seemed to forget about everything when I was with Pioter...wait he said to call him Peter. I wanted him back, he made me forget about everything.

Anyways, might aswell get that shower in.

Stripping my clothes off, and getting in. As the warm water hit my back in a rhythmn I felt at peace. This place wasn't so bad, I mean...I want my old life back, but I have to make due.

After scrubbing myself and drying off I was all clean and smelled rather delicious if I do say so myself. I loved the smell of my strawberry-kiwi, it made me feel tropical.

As I got dressed in Gap Mens Vintage Easy Fit Jeans, white wife-beater (Not the best name for a shirt.) A Diesel Lympt Leather Jacket. The weather was chilly out, I could tell by the sky and since it was winter...and in New York City...yeah, it's gotta be cold. And black leather boots that go to my knees, I felt dangerous for some reason.

As I walked through the halls, I felt like I knew this place. I seemed to be going the right place, kids were even going to the place. I entered and saw kids eating Breakfast...the most important meal of the day.

Getting my food and sitting down to eat, I could hear whispers and felt the eyes on me. I even seemed to be hearing them...at first lowly. I closed my eyes, I could hear all of them and they were getting on my nerves. I seemed to either focus on it, or they just spoke up.

I was hearing it as if they were all talking to me, in my ears. Grabbing my ears in pain, they were getting to me. I put my head in my hands in pain, and began to cry. They wouldn't stop, it was as if my head was being split open very slowly with cold dead hands.

It got so bad that I couldn't take it anymore, I got up and ran outside. I was out by the fountain, crying. The pressure wasn't so bad, but it was still pretty bad.

I wanted to be alone, but I could tell I was being approached by people.

"Hey are you oka..." One guy started, "Get away from me!!!" I yelled stopping him from completing his question and sent them all flying, with a telekinetic wave.

"Oh sorry...I just it hurrrts too muuuch." I said grabbing my head and putting it between my knees. I felt like my head was going to explode. I wanted to die, it just wouldn't stop.

"Calypso. Let me help you." A voice said, in my head. "Stay out of my head!" It hurt with a splitting headache but it was worse to have someone in my head.

Then the voice appeared next to my ear as I felt hands being around my head, the pressure relaxed and then dropped off completely.

I stopped crying and lifted my head to see the professor smiling down on me, in a fatherly way. "Thanks." I hugged him, and he hugged me back. "It's alright my boy, your powers are very strong. I have to tell you something and would like for you to follow me." I nodded listening to the professor as he led me somewhere.

"You are by far the strongest Class 5 mutant, I have ever come across. When you were asleep we did some tests. It turns out I was correct. Psychokinesis...a power that consists of using all parts of the brain. Every mental ability that someone can have comes from a different place, within the brain. It appears that, you had slight control, but with your mother's death...it seemed to break through the walls. Your powers are running rampant within your mind, and they cannot be controlled so easily. Have you tried using them?" He asked looking at me, I shook my head, "Well, then we shall change that...." I looked around to finally see where we were.

It was the metal hall, I didn't realize it but I had gotten back to where the Medbay was. Except he went somewhere else, he turned to the side and a door slide open. "Hey, bub." It was Logan who greeted us, "You okay, heard you were having a freak attack." He seemed to be concerned about me.

"I'm fine....thanks." I assured him, "Alright, get suited up and then meet Logan, here." I walked away into the room that was pointed out to me. I got in a leather/spandex mix it was black and tight. Showing off my goodies, I felt like I wasn't wearing something...but I was.

It must've been made to be good able to take damage, but still allow me to move freely.

As I met up with Logan, I felt eyes on me. Peter, Bobby, Scott, Jean, and Ororo; were gathered together and staring. I just kept to myself and without blinking a signal went off and Logan came at me.

Like lightning his moves struck, I was on the floor in a second. I heard snickering, looking to see who it was from. It was Bobby, he was snickering at me as if he knew I wasn't a threat at all to him what so ever.

(You can do this.) I thought, but it was mixed with the voice of a woman. I breathed in and out, and calmed down. As he came at me again, I was ready. I just let my body take me. He threw a punch left, I ducked and grabbed it. Back handing him across the face, he went flying. "Wow, looks like someone is finally ready to fight." Logan smirked, He kicked at me, but I flipped over his leg.

Landing on his shoulders, striked down on him with a drop kick. He was on the floor, unconscious. I felt like a monster, for taking someone so big down.

I went to him checking his breathing, everyone didn't seem to be bothered by what was happening they only laughed. I leaned on Logan's heaving chest, it was all hot and sweaty.

My face was close to his, when he opened his eyes. He smiled at me, "Hey bub, if you wanted to get action, you should've just waited. I'm much better when I'm awake." He said laughing my face got hot at the joke and his teasing. "Just kidding, I'm not gay. Not that it's a bad thing, just not into the guys." He said, smirking. I got off of him and could see the boner in his jeans, I averted my eyes.

"Sorry." I said running out and to my room. I couldn't believe I was being turned on by these guys... I never seemed to be interested in anyone...but it's like I can't help it but get turned on.

I took a shower and headed to bed, wanting to clear my head from everything that happened.

(That's the next chapter, I hope you like it. Loving the feedback, keep it coming. I love to hear from people. Good, bad, or constructive doesn't matter; just send it in. Reach me at james17bernard@yahoo.com .)

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