Fury of the Phoenix

By James Bernard

Published on Jan 9, 2011


Thanks Stan Lee and Jack Kirby for creating the X-men. I have been getting some messages about making my own X-Men story....following the Phoenix Force. So here it is......... Reach me at james17bernard@yahoo.com

I get alot of feedback, but would love some more. My stories can't grow without you guys. I need to know there's more of you out there. I want to entertain the masses......not just shoot blanks into the sky.

Fury Of The Phoenix: Chapter 1

I was home relaxing, watching tv. Flipping channels and the news came on. "Mutant crime levels are on an all new rise. A mutant known as Magneto has made many attempts to destroy our human way of life. As of yesterday, he is the number one terrorist threat against human life. His latest attempt with.........." I couldn't watch anymore....mutants scare me. Well, not mutants....just the ones that want to hurt innocent people.

Heading to my room, looking at the mirror I took a look at my features. 5'9, sky blue eyes that seemed to look at your soul. Light red-ish brown, that goes to my shoulders. 175 pounds of slender lean muscle. I have lightly tanned skin, reddish brown lips to match my nips. Nice tight 6 pack and bubble butt.

I have never considered myself beautiful....or cute, or hot. Some call me 'pretty boy', even when I'm wearing trashy clothes. I only wear them to show that anything 'good-looking' can come ordinarily.

Suddenly I wasn't feeling well. I shed my clothes, getting into the bath tub. I scrubbed myself, and then layed there. I wanted to sleep. As I got out a head ache struck me, I grabbed at my head and the wall to find something to hold me up. A pulse came from my head knocking everything off of the shelves. The headache grew and grew. As I tripped and fell on the towel, my head hit the wall, knocking me out.

(Waking up on bed.)

"What happened?" Trying to find the ground, not feeling anything around me...it took me a minute to realize I was floating. Instead of freaking out like I totally should be, I just breathed calmly. Soon I floated down, it took me a minute to realize that everything in my room was floating. The more I calmed down, the more things seemed to relax in the room.

Jeez, what's going on....what do these people want? A voice said, I could hear it....in my head. I walked down stairs, the window was open and blew my hair back as the sun light hit me. There was a bald man who happened to be in a wheel chair. A red headed lady who could be a super model, with a african looking lady, who's hair was snow white and had blue eyes. A scruffy bearded man, who was hairy all over and his looks screamed bad boy. A guy with clear blue eyes and a guy wearing red glasses.

They were talking to my mom....my dad died along time ago, car crash. They all turned and looked to me. "Hello, my dear boy. My name is Charles Xavier....and I would like to invite you to "Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters." " The bald man said, getting my attention.

"You see, I am a mutant. As we all are....aswell as you are.The school is to help teach and learn about your powers and help you control them." He finished, lightly smiling. "I don't know.......I only......I don't know what powers I have...I don't want to be dangerous." I said, frightened about myself. "Well....I can do a light scan of your brain. It will allow me to get the jist of your powers..but you will have to be completely tested.At the moment you are not a danger." He smiled and I walked towards him, he urged me near. I got on my knees infront of him, he put his hands on my head and as I closed my eyes. I felt a door in my mind appear, and Charles' pushed his way in, opening the door.

After a few minutes he gasped, and immediately took his hands off of me. "Oh, um.....your powers are psychokinesis....never have I seen one with the ability to use all mental states and abilities. We will help you with them....but you must come with us too..........." Before he could finish there was a huge explosion, the wall of the house was knocked down. Walked in a group I instantly knew to be The Brotherhood. A big blobbish guy picked up a car and threw it at me. My mother pushed me out of the way, but was crushed by it. "MOM!!" I yelled running towards the car, but she was crushed I fell to my knees and held myself crying. I knew if I didn't hold myself together, I would shatter. A shatter, I turned looking and the people from the Xavier Institute were using their powers.

The red headed lady communicated with me telepathically and filled me in on everything. Jean, was using her telekinesis. She flung blob away, but due to his massive size it seemed to take a toll on Jean. Scott was shooting optic blasts from his eyes nailing Avalanche in the helmet. He fell, but not before sending rocks flying everywhere. Instinctively putting my hands in my face to protect myself, the rocks stop. My vision began to get blurry as the last thing I saw, was the storm clouds gathering above with Storm, looking down as if she was a storm goddess.

The darkness took me, as the coolness of water could be felt against my skin. I woke up with prongs up my nose, and an IV in my arm. "What happened??" I asked not knowing someone was around. "You fainted.You have been out for weeks." It was an angel, "Am I dead? Cause you are an angel...." He laughed as I said that, "It's my mutation." He pressed a button and the professor came in, along with the X-Men.

"Well it's good to see your up. Why don't you go get something to eat?" When the professor said that, my stomach growled. "Sounds good." Was the only thing I said, and Angel took everything out of me, and we went through a metal hall to an elevator.

"Professor...theres more isn't there.?" Jean asked looking at him, who had a grave look on his face. "It appears an old friend of ours has arisen from the ashes...." He said, and everyone gasped. "This time...not for you Jean. It's for him.....

Finally upstairs kids were starring at me as we went through the line and got food. I picked out Chicken Parmasian, and cookies and an apple. With water to drink...I liked to be on a good balance of food.

Bobby and a few other kids came and sat with us. "Hi I'm Bobby, this is Juby or Jubilee.Jamie, Rogue, Kitty, Amma. And you are?" Bobby asked, "Calypso.....my mother thought I was going to be a girl when I was born....but I turned out to be a guy.........so she kept it, having already done the paper work.Oh God." I said, beginning to cry...my mother was crushed by a car. I saw her corpse.....I threw up on the table and ran away. Throwing up even more, outside. I couldn't help but feel so lonely, I curled up into a ball and fell asleep.

Waking up with the feeling of arms around me, it was a huge cute guy with a russian accent, "Are you okay? You don't look well." He asked, as I turned my head into his chest and cried. I slowly told him what happened and he just held me. He picked me up and took me to his room, it smelled just like him. He placed us in his bed, I felt like cuddling to him and never leaving.

Soon sleep took me again.....

(There's the first chapter. Sorry, I have had issues, Christmas....and I have a gigantic boyfriend....I gave it to him and my ass is numb now. I hope you enjoy this story. send me feedback at james17bernard@yahoo.com)

Next: Chapter 2

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