Further Down the Yellow Brick Road

Published on Sep 22, 2023


Further Down The Yellow Brick Road 8

Further Down The Yellow Brick Road 8!!!!!

This story is copyright 2006 by yours truly Paul Walker. You may not copy or posy it to any other website without the prior consent of the author. All of the characters are a figment of my imagination and any resemblance to people either living or otherwise is purely coincidental. The mention of various celebrities and famous people is purely fictional and for the purposes of the story. The story contains descriptions of acts of a sexual nature between males and if this offends you, then please leave now.

Check out my music at www.soundlift.com/BRAINCHIPS.

I also have a new site at www.myspace.comy2k6/http://www.myspace.comy2k6.

Have fun if you pay me a visit at either of these sites.

Further Down The Yellow Brick Road 8!!!!!

The month in the south Pacific passed by all too quickly. It was a Friday morning as we headed in to the harbour at Noumea, the capital of Fiji. It had been a really fun packed month spent visiting the Islands of Western Samoa, French Polynesia, Fiji and we even visited the Pitcairn’s. This is the Island where the descendants of the crew from the mutiny on the bounty lived.

It had been a fantastic and relaxing time. We spent our days swimming. Diving and just chilling out and it had proved to be a fantastic way of just recharging the batteries. As for the guy that had tried to kill me, he was till stranded somewhere, as far as I knew. I had instructed a couple of the agents from FI to go and pick him up once we got to Hawaii. I was looking forward to getting to Honolulu and being back in civilization. Don’t get me wrong, I loved being miles from anywhere and anyone but after a while you kind of miss the hustle and bustle of a big city. From Hawaii we would be flying to San Francisco and then driving down to Malibu to visit Josh and Angela. It would be nice to see them again; even it if had only been few weeks since the wedding.

Anyway, as I was saying it was Friday morning as we sailed in to the harbour at Noumea. We would have breakfast on board and then spend most of the day exploring the town and doing some gift shopping for friends and family back at home. We where also hopping to find a nice restaurant for lunch. I was looking forward to eating some meat, ( as in the kind of meat you get from animals as opposed to the meat that I could usually be found eating……he he he he he ). We had basically lived on fish and shellfish for the last but we always knew that it was fresh as we had caught it ourselves. We also both agreed that no one back home would recognise us with our fabulous tans.

After taking a shower and putting on some shorts and t-shirts, we headed up on deck for breakfast. It was the usual feast that we had come to enjoy during the trip and consisted of freshly baked croissants, fresh fruits and juices, a variety of cold meats and cheeses. Fortunately all of the swimming and diving had helped to burn off the calories otherwise I think we would both have looked like a couple of beached whales.

As we sat eating breakfast with the crew, Gary asked, “So have you enjoyed it?”

“Yes, it’s been fabulous but I am sort of looking forward to getting to Honolulu. It’ll be like being back in civilization,” I said.

Gary and I had also written a lot of new songs. One thing that we planned to do to after the big world tour next year was to take a year out from the band and do our thing as individuals. Gary and I were planning on making an album together and that is why we had been writing so many new songs. I had also spent some time on some other work that I had undertaken. For the first birthday that he had with us, I had bought Liam some software called REAKTOR 5, which is produced by NAYIVE INSTRUMENTS, a German company. Anyway, this particular piece of software came loaded with over thirty synths, drum machines and effects devices, not only that but you called also design and build your stuff with it. Liam and had designed quite a few things and then uploaded them to the user area on NI website. Eventually someone at NI had caught on to who we where and as a result we had been offered a contract as sound designers with the company. This basically involved programming sounds into new software instruments that the company were developing. It was something that both Liam and I enjoyed doing and for us it was more of a hobby than a job.

After breakfast, Gary and I left the yacht that had been home for the last month or so for the last time. We had a walk around the harbour and bought a few gifts for people back at home along the way.

As we walked along, Gary asked, “How about we renew our membership on the flight to Hawaii?”

“Sounds like a great way to kill some time on the long flight over the Pacific,” I responded.

He was talking about our membership of the mile high club, which even Chris and Steve had joined with their respective girlfriends, Carla and Kate. Around eleven we stopped at a little coffee shop for a mid morning coffee and some pastries. Then we explored Noumea some more before we found a nice little restaurant for lunch. As soon as I looked at the menu, I decided ion the fillet steak with a green peppercorn sauce as I knew that this would satisfy my craving for some meat. Lunch was a leisurely affair that lasted until around three thirty in the afternoon and then the Rolls Royce that had been arranged to take to us to the airport arrived. We would be flying with Air Pacific and would once again be crossing the International Date Line. We had done that a few times during the last month and had sort of gotten used to losing a day here or gaining a day there.

As soon as we got in the back of the Rolls, I put my arm around Gary’s shoulders and pulled him towards me before planting my lips on his. His tongue was soon begging for entry to my mouth and as son as I knew he would be hard, I pulled away.

Of course, as soon as I did this, Gary said to me, “you can be such a tease.”

I smiled at him and said, “I know but I wanted to give you a little taste of what we will be doing on the plane.”

Considering the increased security procedures that had been introduced in the UK after the terrorist threat to blow up nine Trans Atlantic flights a few years back, I was surprised at how relaxed things were here. It was probably the more laid back attitude of the people of the South Pacific. We were soon sitting in the departure lounge sipping Krug champagne. A short while later we had boarded the Boeing 747 and were settling into our seats in the first class section of the aircraft. During the first hour or so of the flight, we had a look over the accounts that dad had e-mailed to us for the previous financial year. The band had made a net profit of £100,000,000 and this meant that each member had earned around £16,000,000, (divide the total figure by six if you want to know exactly how much we earned). Gary and had I had made an additional twenty five million from the record company and then the publishing company and merchandising company had made each member of the band an additional eight million a piece, definitely our best year to date.

“So, I guess the accountants were right, you will be a billionaire before you are thirty at this rate,” Gary said.

“Correct that, we’ll be billionaires before we are thirty. Now that we are married, we share everything,” I said

“Mmmm…….so you are not going to say what mum usually says to dad?”

“Oh and what would that be?” I asked, knowing full well what he was on about.

“You know, when mum says to dad, ‘what’s yours is mine but what’s mine is my own’.”

“No, I always thought that was a bit silly anyway.”

By the time we had eaten dinner, we had passed over the Date line again and it was just after midnight on Friday, which meant that we would be getting the whole day all over again. I made my way to one of the first class bathrooms and after I entered, I waited for Gary to give the secret knock that we had developed for whenever we did this.

We began with some passionate kissing whilst we fumbled around loosening belts, popping buttons and lowering zippers. During this we changed positions slightly and began to nibble on each others necks. I know that Gary was getting really turned on by this as I was holding his stiff dick in my hand and couldn’t wait to take it in my mouth and taste it. Having said that, Gary wasn’t the only one who was getting turned on by all of this, I was too. I worked my way down Garys body, stopping to give each nipple a good going over. I was going to take one of them in my mouth, bite it and pull on it at the same time. But I thought better of it as this was not the ideal place to be getting rough and inflicting pain on my liver, ( even though we both enjoyed doing things like that from time to time). I finally fell to my knees and looked up in to Garys eyes, flashing him a huge smile before taking his stiff, throbbing cock in to my mouth.

I worked away on that big thing for ages, letting my lover fuck my mouth and enjoying every minute of it. Judging by the moans of pleasure coming form my lover and life partner, he was enjoying this as much as I was. I inserted a finger in his butt and found that magic spot, which I began to stroke gently. Of course, I didn’t want him to cum too soon and so I grabbed a hold of the perineum to prevent this from happening. Once I knew that Gary had pulled back form the point of no return for me to continue, I did and the finger that I already had in his butt was joined by a second. I knew that I was deriving him totally crazy and so I decided that it was to claim my reward. I made one last push against his prostate and Gary called out, “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……………….. I’m gonna cum.”

I was rewarded with shot after shot of his creamy cum. There was so much that I couldn’t swallow it all fast enough and it was running out of the sides of my mouth and down my chin. To me this was such a turn on that I began to shoot my own load all over the floor of the bathroom. Once Gary had finished cumming he pulled me up and licked all of the cum form my face and then kissed me. He held some in his mouth and we snowballed it between our mouths before I finally swallowed some more. Needless to say that we both still felt really horny and I said to Gary, “Are you ready for some more?”

“Yes,” was all the reply that I got?

“Well, in that case I want to feel you inside of me,” I said.

Gary knew that I had a tube of lube in the pocket of my jeans and he quickly retrieved.  The next thing that I felt was the cool jelly being massaged in to my butt and my cock getting stiff once again. Then Gary asked, “So do you want it to go in nice and slow or should I just put it all in at once?”

I was desperate for this and wanted Gary to show me how much he loved me in the best way that I knew of. “Just put it straight in,” I panted.

I moaned with pleasure as I felt that very familiar sensation of Garys dick pushing its way up my love tunnel and hitting my prostate. As Gary worked in and out of my ass, I stroked my own dick. I was facing the full length mirror and watched as I wanked myself to a second orgasm. I smiled to myself as I also watched Gary, who was standing behind me, pushing in and out of my butt. He had his eyes closed but I could tell from the expression that he was wearing that he was getting as much pleasure from this as I was. I couldn’t hold out much longer and as his cock pressed against my prostate, I called out, “I’m gonna cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm……………………..”

I stood and watched as I shot another huge load all over the bathroom mirror. This was more than enough to send Gary over the edge and I felt his second load filling me up. Once it ended and he popped out of me we kissed for a little while before I turned to him and said, “I guess we better get this mess cleaned up. We cleaned up every last trace of the huge wads of cum that I had shot everywhere and then we cleaned ourselves up. I was the first to return to our seats and I pushed the call button for the flight attendant.

When she arrived, she asked, “and what I can get for you sir”.

I was going to make silly comment along the lines of, ‘you don’t have to call me sir as I turned down the knighthood,’ but I thought better of it and just ordered a couple of glasses of champagne.

By the time that the drinks arrived, Gary had retuned to his seat. He leaned over to me and whispered in my ear, “I hope that our love making will still be that intense when we are really old.”

I didn’t respond to this comment but just smiled at him.

Shortly after the drinks had arrived, the cabin crew began to serve breakfast. It was a much welcome energy booster after the exertion that we had just gone through in the bathroom. It was also good to be eating a breakfast of bacon, sausages, tomatoes, hash browns and eggs for the first time in over a month. Once breakfast was over, it was time to fasten seat belts as we were on the final approach in to Honolulu. I remembered watching old movies from the 1950s of planes arriving in Honolulu. As the passengers disembarked, they where greeted by local girls in their hula skirts placing flower garlands around their necks while a group of local musicians played their guitars. I wondered if this still happened. It was around twenty five minutes later that we were making our way off the aircraft and I was disappointed that there were no musicians, no girls in hula skirts and no flowers. It would have been such a romantic arrival Oh well, as they say, times change.

After clearing immigration, baggage claim and customs we made our way out of the terminal and found our hire car and headed off to the hotel. The hotel that we were staying at was on the main coastal road over looking Waikiki beach. I had a good feeling that this was going to be a great week.

End of chapter eight.

I heard from Ryan, Mark, Kyle, David Lee, Steph, Neil and John. Thank you all for writing. Drop me a line at wdreamtime@aol.com. I look forward to getting your e-mails.

Don’t forget to check out my music sites, you can do this by clicking on the links at the top of the page.

Lol Paul.

Next: Chapter 9

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