
By ozzalone65

Published on Sep 19, 2023


These are short stories about the hot duration images and drawings that I have seen online in recent years. Half human and have beast creatures that the artist make so damned hot that it gets me as horny as with a real life male body. Not to mention how they are all so well endowed. It's called 'furnation' or 'furries' or whatever phrase us being used now a days.but but I feel such gorgeous creatures need to be celebrated.


FurNation (Stag Slave (10)

... I had had relations with my hot coach many more times after that initial encounter. Gotten a royal ass fucking by the man with the huge balls and intense cum dumps. My hole left gapping and drooling out excess cum ever time.but then I graduated and was fine from school. Now out there in the real world. Finding myself in several relationships throughout the next year or so. But my desires would always fall back in the hot coach and his huge dick and nuts. He was and to this still still is the alpha man of my dreams. So it was to my delight that he an I crossed paths again. 3 years after I graduated. I was out with friends on the town on Saturday. Shopping, lunch and just hanging about the city. I had just stepped into the sporting goods store to get some new workout shorts. Just perusing through the stores merchandize. I looked about to see if my friend was around, as I had found the right pair and was ready to pay out and leave the store. But as I looked up to survey my surroundings to search for him, my eyes fell upon him. My old hot coach from high school.

"Holy fuck me" I huffed as my eyes fell on him "It's the coach"

I instantly felt a tugging in my shorts as I looked at the hottest man alive also shopping at the same store. He was a few aisles away and looking through sweats. I gulped down a wad of saliva that had quickly collected in my mouth. Trying to decide if I wanted to go up and say hi. But found myself frozen to the spot. Scared that that may be inappropriate here. Then I felt a hand in me and it scared me and I yelped slightly. Frightened by the unexpected touch. It was my friend and he grabbed my arm

"Jeesus man. Did not mean to scare you" he said "No, no it's okay" I huffed out "Was just in a fog. That's all,"

Then my friend looked away from me and smiled a sly smile. Then said something that told me my coach was headed towards us.

"Damn, who is that?" He huffed in a gay hunger

I turned back to see the coach headed towards us. He raised his hand to get someone's attention. I quickly looked about and saw no one. But I know he was looking at me when he motioned.

"Hey buddy. Is that you?" He asked "Ohh. Hey, hi" I chimed back

Then my friend saw that I knew the gorgeous stag of a man. Looking him up and down like he could eat him alive. Of which I did not blame him. I knew what lay beneath the hot man's clothes.

"You know him?" He then asked "Uhm, yeah" I said nervously "This is my old coach from high school"

I introduced them and the coach shook my friends hand. I could see him swooning at the touch of the big hunky man. The coach then leaned in to me ear and said to me softly that we needed to hook up.

"Nice to see you again buddy" he said "Why don't you come to my place later" "So I can fuck yer brains out" "Umm. Okay" I huffed softly.

He grabbed my shoulder and squeezed it. He grabbed my phone and gave me his address. Handing the phone back to me. Then he said farewell to us with a sexy wink. I felt my dick throb madly in my pants. I stared wantonly at the man as he walked away from us. Looking at his hot ass in his own pants as he left us behind. I licked at my very hungry lips as I stared at the man. And my hand instinctively reach down to adjust my staring dick. My friend looked at me with utter jealousy. Knowing that I was gonna have the hot stag of a man tonight. So he proceeded to assault me with questions. Like had the coach and me hooked up before. His eyes hurt with and sordid info if sex with the big hot man.

"Alright fucker" he said to me "He obviously wants you" "Have you guys? I mean. You know?"

I looked at him and smiled a sly smile. Then told my friend that the coach was on of my first men to have. That it was in school and it was the best times in my life. "And how i had missed those days" I said back

He looked at me , again with a great jealousy. Annoyed that I had been so lucky to learn from such a stud. Then he asked the next obvious question about it

"How big?" He then asked

I smiled a big greedy smile. Then placed my hand in front of me. Spreading them apart, a space to indicate to my friend the size of the man's big dick. I looked at him as he had a drool starting to form at the edge of his mouth. I then just told him that it would be one hell of a night for me. Because I knew wheat I was in for with this hot stud. I knew the pain and pleasure that would befall me soon. And it was an exhilarating thought.

"Well. Let's get back to drinking" I told him next "Let's!" Came the reply.

We partied on for a few more hours. Mr getting tipsy and needing to get back home. I called a cab to get me back to my place. I was in no state to drive. So I got picked up by an Uber. I stepped into the car and gave the guy my address. Not even looking up at him. But then he called me out by my name. So I could it odd. I looked up and who should be my driver. But none other than the coach.

"Hey buddy" he said to me as we sat there for a bit. "What are you doing here?" I came back "I am your driver"

It was weird. Somehow fate pulling us together like this again, twice in one evening. He smiled and then drove us to my place. Chatting with me along the way. He told me that he was still the coach at our school, but he needed the extra cash. So he did the Uber gig at night for a few hours. That when he saw me earlier he was out the door to start making pic ups. I smiled back at him and then sat back. I almost fell asleep in the car as he drove me home. We got to my place and the coach stopped. He got out of the car as I was still a bit tipsy from before. So he figured I needed help to get into my place.

"Come in buddy" he said let's get you home

He grabbed me and picked me up, getting me to my feet. Then he lead me to the front door. He grabbed my keys from my hand and opened the door. Pulling me into it. He plopped me down in the sofa and then asked if I was gonna nna be alright. I love ked up at him and then asked him to help me to my bed. He almost laughed at me but helped me back up. Then helping me down the hall and to my bedroom. Dropping me onto the bed. He dropped my keys on the dresser and then said he would lock up when he left. He turned and left me there in my bed. I looked up to see the stud was not there. And I wanted him to stay. I wanted him to stay and fuck me as I was still very horny for him.

"Coach!" I shouted out "Come back baby. Come back!" "I want you too..."

I didn't finish as I felt a huge burp come on. But he had heard me. He came back and said he had some Ubers to pick up. That he could not stay. I sat up and reached for his hand. Grabbing him and pulling him closer. The big bulging crutch mog more than a few feet from me. I stared at it and licked at my lips. Then I reached for it. Groping at his crotch He pulled my hand away and said again he could not stay. I protested and again reiterated that I needed him to fuck me.

"Please man. I need it" I crowed "Gotta have that monster"

I opened mouth and stuck my tongue out. Letting the man know how much I wanted it. He smiled and then suggested he might come back later. Grabbing the key to my apartment from the key chain. Then he again said he had to go. I huffed and grumbled my displeasure. But then just lay back down into the bed. I drifted off to sleep as I heard the door close. He locked it behind him...

To be continued

Next: Chapter 29: Stag Slave 11

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