Funfair Surprise

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Oct 12, 2004



WARNING - This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may (and probably will) involve sex between men, youths and boys. If such material offends what the hell are you doing on Nifty.

My characters do not use condoms or other safeguards but this story is fiction ... get it. I write my stories in 'full screen' text, they are best read that way.

Onto the story. Enjoy. Donate a coupla quid. KEEP NIFTY FREE

I wrote this shorty short after reading a comic, the story line was briefly about a pair of American boys of around eighteen going to a visiting fair and the experience they had there and the end result. For obvious reasons I had to make the kids English and around sixteen, no way could I handle American youthspeak although I'm pretty well up on the English variety. ..... for comments and criticism, all mails answered excepting flamers.



G. Cutter

Saturday night again and the carnival was in town. Jim grinned at his mate Jack and cast his eyes around the scene, the carousel spinning festooned quite literally with kids screaming and clowning, the cheap rifle ranges, the hooplas, all cons and all quite ordinary, nothing but a rather noisy Saturday on the local playing fields. The carnival or fair came to town about four times a year and just as regularly Jim and Jack paid their visit. They'd arrived with a couple of younger mates but these were currently enjoying the bumper car rides and our heroes were wandering around, in all honesty, they were getting just a little bored.

Both were sixteen and both worked at the local supermarket, neither were University material but they were happy, they worked with a gaggle of youngsters all around the same age, the work wasn't onerous and there was room for advancement if they could be bothered ..... at their age they weren't, they were quite happy having enough to pay their housekeeping and being able to afford the odd night out. They'd been in the same form at school and were almost like brothers, in fact, they even lived in the same street, their family homes being virtually opposite one another.

'Not much in the way of fanny,' Jack growled. 'Sex city ... Not!'

'You wouldn't know what to do with a decent girl,' Jim laughed and cocked his baseball cap on the back of his mop of blonde hair.

'I'd think of something,' Jack grinned in spite of himself. He was as dark as Jim was fair although Jim did have a decent tan with it being the tail end of a long and very hot summer. Both suspected that the other was a virgin but neither really mentioned the fact, some things were better left alone. They were mates and that was enough. Once girls, birds or totty came on the scene it would be the time when their boyhood came to an end and their adult lives began.

'Hey Jack, we could check out the freak show,' Jim grinned suddenly spotting a caravan advertising oddities.

'Yeah, look at them titties,' Jim's dark face split in a big grin. 'Now there's something to munch on.'

'Poseur,' Jack laughed knowing full well that Jim would probably run a mile if he saw a naked breast.

'Hey, guys. Hang about,' a high pitched voice came from waist hight and both boys looked down to see a dwarf in a miniature top hat smiling at them. 'That load of old tosh ain't worth a carrot.'

'Good advertising you are,' Jack smiled trying to be polite to the little guy.

'We've got a bit of a private show going on around the back,' the dwarf gave a suggestive leer. 'Just what good red blooded boys need.'

'Really!' Jim's voice broke in a squeak and Jack laughed.

'Yeah, really,' the dwarf laughed his moon face splitting 'Interested?'

'How much?' Jack asked.

'Ah,' the dwarf waved dismissively. 'It's just and end of season thingy, no money involved, you don't look to be the richest kids in the world.'

'You can say that again,' Jack looked at Jim. A bit of free entertainment with the fairground people, sounded like fun, he looked around as he saw another two dwarfs appear out of nowhere and felt himself being guided from the lit up area into the darkness surrounding the main site.

'Friends of mine,' the original dwarf murmured reassuringly.

'OK.' Jack and Jim following the original rather rotund little person, felt their hands grasped and looked down to see a merry face smiling up at them. The boys looked at each other and smiled uncertainly. The second dwarf had the biggest nose in the world. The word dicknose sprang to mind immediately but very wisely our two boy's held their peace, they weren't stupid enough to blow out a free show even if it was with a load of midget oddballs.

'Here's my other pals,' the original dwarf announced cheerfully as they approached a small rather battered caravan well out of the way of the others, a pair of rather ugly faces peered around the part open door and flung it open.

'Come in boys,' a grinning dwarf with a red knitted cap on wiggled his fingers at them and grinned. 'They call me Wriggler.'

'I'm Cheeky,' the lead dwarf patted his friend with the big nose on the shoulder. 'This is Nosey.'

'Figures,' Jack muttered as he felt someone's hand on his butt pushing him up the small steps. He looked at Jim and smiled, the scent of pot wafted from the open door.

'And this is Nibbler, Slurper and Gobbler.' Cheeky introduced another three dwarfs as they fell into the caravan to be met by another extraordinary sight.

Sitting on a huge cushion was a female dwarf dressed in a pink outfit like an obscene inflatable doll. 'Hi,' I'm called Snowy,' she grinned at them.

'I'm Dongo,' a deep voice came from the end of the caravan and the boy's jaws dropped to the deck, the far end of the caravan was filled with a huge bed and perched in the middle was a black dwarf who seemed larger than the others. What caught the eye immediately was the fact that this character was naked and he had a small beard and was quite handsome. The kicker was that he had a huge penis and sported a twenty four carat hardon. His erection was massive.

Jack and Jim tried to do a quick retreat but the door had closed and they were hemmed in by little people, Dongo gave his massive organ a gentle strokle and looked at the boys with a smile. 'Welcome.'

'You boys came for a fun night,' Snowy snuggled back onto her cushion. 'You came for a show ...... you're it, kids.'

'Shit,' Jack and Jim spoke as one but it was too late they were pushed onto the bed and they next thing they knew was that tiny hands were at their clothing, dwarfish faces leered and cackled at them as they felt their shoes and socks being removed but that wasn't the worst of it, Jim cried out as he felt Wigglers fingers inside his fly and then Dongo's lips on his cheek.

'You are so cute,' Dongo crooned and Jim nearly fainted as he felt the negroid dwarf's wet tongue slip across his cheek.

Jack was faring no better, he struggled as Nibbler, Slurper and Gobbler attacked him and started to rip his clothes off, Slurper's huge tonue tickled his ear and Nibbler's teeth clicked at his crotch as he felt the zip going down exposing his dark skin to the avidly watching dwarves. Snowy and Cheeky looking on were almost drooling. He looked with shock at Jim and his blonde friend had his eyes tightly shut as Dongo's thick lips moved across his smooth neck and then clamped onto his mouth.

'The bastard, kissing my mate.' That was Jack's last thought before he felt himself being stripped naked and attacked by various, teeth, lips and tongues, he swore he could feel Nosey's huge hooter between the cheeks of his arse, as he suffered and watched Jim also being abused he felt himself stiffening up. Jim was absolutely beautiful writhing and suffering in the dim light with his golden tan a contrast to the dark brown of Dongo, Dongo and his massive erection.

Jim struggled desperately, God know's what they had gotten themselves into but even two reasonably strong sixteen year olds stood no chance against these perverts. He could feel the cool air on his legs as his jeans went dowm. Glancing across the bed he saw that Jack was down to his white singlet and briefs and had four of the dwarves on him, they seemed to be lapping, kissing and nibbling every piece of exposed skin they could find. He was in trouble himself, he suspected that Dongo wasn't going to be satisfied with a mere kiss and he was right. He felt the remainder of his clothing go and his head being forced downwards.

'No,' he croaked.

'Come on,' Dongo hissed. 'Suck the big dick that's gonna fuck you.'

He tried to fight off the powerful dwarf but when he felt Dongo's massive slippery glans nudge at his lips he gave up. As he screamed a silent protest his mouth was full of hot cock, he shook with fright and tears sprang from his eyes as he felt a hot mouth engulf his own cock which was now fully hard and another mouth with flickering toungue at his pucker. He was being totally raped by a three man crew.

Jack was faring no better, or no worse. He had Fiddler playing with his tightening balls and bumhole, Slurpy sucking his cock and Cheeky's wriggling bum on his face. He gasped for air but the little people were on the move. He felt Cheeky slide down his body and Slurpy exchange places. A second later Slurper's wide mouth and huge tongue were down his throat and he felt Cheeky straddle him and hold his erection upright.

'Please, no,' he tried to talk around Slurper's probing tongue but gave up as he felt a tight little arse nudge against his now weeping knob and begin to descend. Cheeky was raping him in reverse, Cheeky's fat little bum was engulfing his cock and now the little chap was bouncing up and down taking more and more until his soft bottom ground against Jack's darkly crisp pubics.

'Aargh,' Jim coughed and spluttered as he felt Dongo's organ swell and spurts of thick creamy spunk splatter into his mouth and across his nose, he also felt the spash of wet warmth across his bottom, one of the little bastards had cum onto his butt and now the little fucker was rubbing it in and between his cheeks. He was being prepared and he had a pretty good idea what for. 'No,' he pleaded but no-one was listening. The trouble was that he'd come himself, someone's mouth had milked him and he felt drained for a few minutes but under constant asault he was back to being hard again. The pleasure pain was intense and ongoing.

'Cute,' he felt Dongo move and the black dwarf leant over and fingered his cum smeared hole.

Jim opened his eyes for a moment and imediately closed them, he had time to see his friend Jack with two dwarves fucking his mouth, another on his cock like a limpet and a fourth with his small fist and arm right up Jack's grossly distended bumhole, his pal was getting just as bad as he was.

Jim moaned, someone was kissing him, he could feel Dongo's spunk on their lips and a tonue in his mouth but then to his horror he felt his legs being parted.

'I've stuffed his face - now it's time for his little arse,' Dongo spoke and surprisingly kissed him on the butt. 'Spread 'em wide kid.'

Jim didn't have any choice, he felt Dongo's legs within his opening him up for what was to follow. He tried to object but the tongue in his mouth had been replaced by another smaller cock, his face was being fucked again.

'Open up your boy pussy, chicken ..... 'cos I'm just aching to screw you,' Dongo grinned as he placed his massive glans at Jim's cum smeared pucker.

'Aaaieee. Aarrgh,' Jim screamed around the cock filling his mouth as he felt Dongo's huge cock push against his virgin sphincter and then tear it's way in through his tender flesh. God, it was so painful and so big he may even have passed out for a minute. When he came to his senses Dongo was fucking him hard, someone else was sucking his reawoken penis and he still had a thick cock in his mouth. The guy holding his head grunted and Jim was treated to anothert mouth and throatful of warm liquid as the hardness in his mouth spurted and splattered a massive load of cum over his teeth and into the back of his throat.

Jack could see what was going on but he was helpless, Cheeky was still riding him, in fact, the little man had cum himself all over Jack's belly. Jack had Nosey between his legs and the little bastard actually has his nose inside him fucking him with his proboscis. There was a cock in his mouth and he didn't have the slightest idea who it was. He actually gave up as he felt his own sperm force it's burning passage up his shaft and splatter into the still bouncing Cheeky.

'Good boy, good boy,' Cheeky squealed and forced himself down onto Jack's pumping organ.

'Yeah, yeah,' Dongo cried out and slipped free from the well fucked Jim, swiping his drooling cock over the boy he shot his load over Jim's face as Slurper attacked Jim's bruised hole and Fingers wanked him off. Jim groaned as he felt Dongo kiss the side of his face smearing him with cum and then the final shame. He felt himself cum with the nimble Fingers aiding him and then Slurper's tongue and mouth on his spurting cock.

Things went quiet for a while and the boy's dozed in a well fucked daze, the air was thick with pot smoke and both boys felt soggy joints slipped between their lips. A few puffs and the smokes were withdrawn.

'Shit,' Jack yelped. A grinning Drongo had flipped him onto his back and hoisted his legs into the air. 'Aaaargh......' Jack moaned as he felt two stiff fingers ram into his bottom and Dongo work them to and fro.

'Just as nice as your friend,' Dongo grinned and positioned himself and pushed.

'No,' Jim pleaded yet again but it was no use. As Dongo started to fuck Jack, Jim felt a pressure at his own sphincter and then he was entered. The only consolation was that it wasn't as big as Dongo but he was being fucked all the same, in fact he was being fucked, he was being sucked and again he had a cock in his mouth. The night was going to go on forever.

Jim woke up and he was wet. Shit, it was raining but luckily it was warm enough to be compared to a tepid shower. Shit, shit and more shit. He was naked and his pal Jack was by his side, needless to say Jack was also naked. He raised hishead and looked around. God know's what time it was, dawn was barely breaking and there was a curious half light, he wasn't normally up that early.

He sat there and thought about the night, was it a dream, was it a drugfest. No way, he could feel an ache in his bottom and in spite of the refreshing rain he could feel the smear and even smell the scent of spilt cum. It had happened right enough.

'Never thought I could take something that big,' Jack spoke and looked across with a sheepish grin. 'Was it a dream?'

'Don't think so,' Jim frowned and then smiled at his mate. 'You are rather tasty you know,' he ran his hand over Jack's rain slicked flank.

'You like?' Jack purred as he felt Jim's hand move across his bottom, he shuffled in closer. 'All that we did last night I'd rather have done with you, Jim.'

'Goes for me too,' Jim croaked and then on impulse dropped his head and kissed Jack full on the lips.

'Yeah,' Jack grinned as they hurriedly broke apart. He reached out and grabbed the back of Jim's neck bringing them together again.

'Crack o' dawn on a Sunday and here we are naked as babies in the pissing rain.'

'Let's go to my place, my people are away until Monday morning,' Jim avoided Jack's eyes. 'We can have a cleanup and have something to eat.'

'We could have a lie down, it's awfully early,' Jack suggested.

'We could do that,' Jim agreed then he laughed. 'We learnt something last night.'

'We sure did,' Jack laughed as he rolled around in the wet grass trying to dress himself. Five mintes later they were on their way. One of the dwarves must have confiscated two pairs of briefs for a souvenir but neither boy felt in the mood to start a war. They had their wallets, keys and other odds and ends all they'd lost were their underwear and their virginity, it was time to run.

Fifteen minutes later they were back at Jim's soaking wet but relieved to be home, home and safe.

'I can't be bothered with a bath,' Jim looked at his friend. 'We going upto my room.'

'Please,' Jack replied huskily.

Once in Jim's room with the door closed and the rest of the house empty they both flopped onto the bed in their damp clothing and embraced as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

'I found out one thing last night,' Jack looked at Jim shyly. 'I fancied you something rotten when them bastards were giving you the treatment.'

'That's good,' Jim laughed and stood up and started to strip. 'No bastards here now ..... and I've got a taste for it.'

'So have I,' Jack grinned and stood up with his mate. Gently and almost lazily they undresed each other until the were both naked, naked and erect.

'Fuck me, Jack, and then I'm going to do you,' Jim forced his young friend onto the bed and kissed his belly and softly kissed the other boy's jerking cock.

'After you, lover,' Jack raised his legs and smiled. 'Come on, fuck me.'

'OK,' Jim smiled And slowly wanked himself moving closer to his friend. How the Hell he was hard after what he'd gone through overnight he had no idea but he craved for Jack, he had to take his dark skinned friend all the way like right now. 'Oooooh, Jack,' he sighed as he sank into the delicious warmth and tightness of Jack's tight sixteen year old bottom.

'Excellent,' Jack grinned as he felt his teen lover fill him. 'I thought I was going to be as slack as a sack after that lot........'

'Shush. You're nice and tight,' Jim smiled and dropped his head sealing Jack's sweet lips with a kiss. His hips started to move up and down and he slowly and gently sank deeper and deeper into Jack's warm body. With his blonde pubics tight under Jack's balls he started to fuck slowly at first but then getting faster and ramming in deeper.

'Harder. Faster Dongo,' Jack cried out pressing his calves on Jim's slippery back binding them together.

'Dongo, you prat,' Jim laughed and started to fuck for real, drilling and hammering into his lover. 'Sheesh, I'm cuming,' he wailed and pounded in hard and fast as he felt his hot juices rising. When he came the nightmare was over, he thrust in deep and hard and spurted and squirted massively until he felt his limpening cock slioping in and out effortlessly as he wound down to a stop.

'Jeez, that was some cum,' Jack grinned up at him. 'My lover boy?'

'Yeah, we are now. Lovers I reckon.' Jim slipped carefully from his new boyfreind and flopped onto his back. 'Come on, Jacky. Do your stuff.'

'Yessir,' Jack beamed and got to his knees and between Jim's light golden tanned legs. 'Gonna fuck you to death.'

'Please,' Jim grinned up. 'Til lunchtime anyway.'

'You've got it,' Jack kissed his boyfriend lightly and pushed parting Jim's bruised pucker like a hot knife into butter.

'Aaaaah, Jack,' Jim moaned and clutched his friend. Sod the fairground, this was the way to make love.


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