Fun in New York

By Melissa Carmichael

Published on May 6, 2005


"Rachel is wild," I said to Joey as I sat in front of him with no shirt on. "I love her." "I think she loves you too," said Joey, staring at my naked upper body. "Wow, Bobby, you're as skinny as me." "I know, I don't have any muscles," I said, lifting my girlish arms and showing him my total lack of biceps. "Neither do I," he said. He looked at me and flexed his slender, pretty little arms. "Nothing," he said, giggling. I thought he was beautiful. Suddenly Rachel burst in. She was wearing my white satin shirt with the bottom pulled up and tied in a little knot around the front, showing her navel. She had the three top buttons undone showing most of her pretty little breasts. She looked very sexy in it. "I love it!" she exclaimed, dancing around the room. "Bobby it's so pretty!" "Oh, you do look good in that," said Joey. Rachel came over and sat next to me on the couch, handing me her pink blouse. "Here, Bobby, you have to put my top on," she said, smiling irresistibly. "You promised." I took her pretty pink top, popped it over my head and put my skinny arms through the sleeve holes. It had really short frilly sleeves that pulled down over the shoulders, leaving my arms all bare. I slipped it down over my chest. The feeling of the soft, silky material against my bare skin was indescribable. It had a low-cut front with more frills around it. It felt nice having a lot of my bare chest showing. I felt so feminine and sexy. My heart was pounding with excitement. "Wow, Bobby, I knew it, you look so pretty in that," said Rachel. I turned my head and looked seductively over my shoulder at Joey. "Oh," he gasped, his mouth open,"Bobby, you look just like a girl." I felt a thrill of excitement through my whole body. I wanted to be girly and pretty for them. "Joey, you're right, it feels lovely," I said. I pushed the top down a little over my shoulders and teased out my long hair. "Bobby, you look SO delicious," said Rachel, and she suddenly moved towards me and kissed me on the mouth. Her lips were soft and moist. I kissed her back as sweetly and girlishly as I could. I felt the tip of her tongue touching my lips. I opened my mouth a little and our tongues touched. We spent several minutes kissing softly like two girls. I wondered if Joey would get jealous, but he just sat and watched us, fascinated. He didn't seem to mind me kissing his girlfriend. In fact it seemed to turn him on. "He kisses just like a girl," said Rachel, turning to Joey. She looked back at me. "Joey kisses like a girl too." "I love kissing," Joey said, and he came and knelt between us. "Bobby, you look so pretty in that," he said, gazing at my bare shoulders. He reached out and started playing with the pretty frills around the top of my blouse. I felt sweet butterflies in my tummy. He looked into my eyes. "I'd love to..." he said softly. Joey leaned in closer to me, his silky blonde hair falling over my knee. I could smell a delicious perfume on him, very faintly. It was intoxicating. I sat enthralled. I stared at his pretty, cupid's bow mouth. His lips were a beautiful rose colour, full and peachy looking. I remembered how earlier in the bath I had wondered what it would be like to kiss him. His pretty face was so close to me. Rachel was watching us with a dreamy expression on her face. I could taste her lipstick. The whole scene was incredibly erotic. "Bobby, you're lovely," he said softly, and moved even closer. "I want to...but you're a boy..." "Joey," I whispered, "kiss me." I came slowly towards him. He kissed my lips softly, sweetly, like a girl. The touch of his lips on mine felt so beautiful. I had never kissed another boy before. It was absolutely heavenly. Oh, Joey. I felt a lovely tingling all through my body. My cock was starting to swell. Rachel, watching us kiss, gave a soft little moan. "Oh, that's so beautiful," she said, "pretty boys kissing." "Bobby I love kissing you," Joey said breathlessly, "you look so pretty! You have such a cute little mouth." He kissed me again, his soft, girlish lips parted slightly, a gentle, lingering kiss. I rested my hands lightly on his shoulders and caressed them ever so gently as we kissed. His skin felt so smooth to my touch. Oh, my sweet pretty Joey, I can't believe I'm kissing you. He moved his hands down to my waist and held me gently. I kissed his beautiful lips again, my mouth open this time. Joey opened his mouth too and our little tongues slipped easily into each other's mouths. Rachel watched as we gave each other lovely wet, girly kisses. I put my arms around his slender little body. "I love kissing you too," I said, "you do kiss like a girl." We kissed again, gorgeous, wet, sexy kisses, exploring each others pretty mouths with our tongues. Joey got up and came and sat next to me. He snuggled up close to me and slipped his hand under my pink top. He started stroking my tummy. My cock was very hard now. I adjusted it to a more comfortable position in my tight satin pants. Rachel saw me and gave me a wicked, sexy look. "Joey, let me make your really sexy for Bobby," she said. She reached over me and slipped the straps of Joey's turquoise camisole top down over his shoulders. The effect was incredibly seductive. He looked even more like a girl, his beautiful smooth shoulders all bare and lovely. I looked at his sexy pouting mouth, red and wet from our kissing, and his big blue eyes with their long lashes. Oh, Joey, I love you, I thought. I bent down and kissed his pretty shoulders, then his beautiful slender neck, my soft boy's mouth moving slowly upwards until I was kissing his lips again. "Joey, I fantasized about kissing you for ages," I whispered in his ear, "I never thought you wanted to kiss me too. Boys aren't supposed to kiss each other." I stroked his pretty shoulders softly and kissed him again. He shivered. "Oh, Bobby," sighed Rachel, "Joey told me he had fantasies about you too." Joey looked at me shyly. "I think you're beautiful," he said. He gave me another soft, girly kiss on my mouth. "I wanted to do that since I met you," he said. "God, I love watching you and Joey kissing, it makes me so hot," said Rachel. I felt her thigh pressing against mine. I felt Joey's hand moving under my blouse. He was feeling my bare chest, his sensitive little hands moving in slow circles up and down, caressing my bare skin, touching my nipples. I shivered with pleasure and kissed his lovely mouth again. I wondered if he was as hard as I was. "You two are just too sexy," Rachel said, "you make me so horny." She reached over to me and ran her fingers softly over my bare chest above the frilly blouse, making me tingle. She lifted her hand and touched her fingertips on my lips. "I love your mouth," she said softly. She came towards me and kissed me, a beautiful, soft, wet kiss. I kissed her back, softly and sweetly, touching my tongue lightly against her lips. "You kiss like Laura," she said. "Who's Laura?" I asked, intrigued. "She's my girlfriend," replied Rachel, "we all share this apartment. She's in California right now doing a photoshoot for a band. She'll be back tomorrow." She touched her beautiful mouth lightly on mine in sweet, butterfly kiss. "She's a freelance photographer," she said. "Laura's wild," said Joey, "you should meet her." He was sitting close to me, his hand under my blouse, still stroking me gently. "She would love you," he added, giving me a soft kiss on my bare shoulder, "especially if you wore this pretty blouse." "She loves taking pictures of pretty boys," said Rachel. I felt a sexy thrill of anticipation at meeting Laura. I sat back between Joey and Rachel and pulled my blouse down again, revealing more of my slender shoulders. "I've got some great pictures she took of Joey," said Rachel, playing with the frills around the top of my blouse, "do you want to see them?" "Oh, no, not those," protested Joey. "Oh Joey, please, they're beautiful," she urged. "OK," said Joey sheepishly, "Bobby, this is embarrassing." Rachel got up and disappeared into the bedroom. Joey snuggled up close and slid his soft hand around me under my blouse. "Kiss me," he said. I turned to look at him. He was such a beautiful boy, so feminine, irresistible. I gave him a soft, wet, tender kiss on his gorgeous mouth. Rachel appeared with a big brown envelope. "Ooh, what a beautiful sight," she said, seeing Joey and me in each other's arms, kissing sweetly. "Two pretty boys in love." She sat down next to me and pulled out some photographs. Now I was really curious. "This one's incredible," she said, handing it to me. It was apparently a picture of a beautiful girl with long blonde wavy hair, with a pretty red satin dress on, red stockings and red high-heeled shoes. She had silvery-blue eyeshadow and red lipstick. She was standing in a sexy, feminine pose, her hands on her hips. She had a lovely curvy body, fantastic legs, long, slender and shapely. It took me a few seconds to realize it was Joey. "Oh, God, Joey, you're beautiful," I said, staring at the picture, my heart racing. Joey hugged me gently and kissed my cheek. "I love being a girl," he said. Rachel brought out another picture. It was Joey, sitting on a stool, looking absolutely gorgeously sexy in black lingerie, a cute little black bra, black panties, stockings and garter belt. He was wearing black pumps with very high heels. He had his hair tied up in a girl's style with black satin ribbons. "Joey, you've got beautiful legs," I said, "you should have been a girl. You look fantastic in those heels." "I tried to walk in them and I fell over," said Joey, giggling. I loved the way he giggled, it was so girlish. "It's not easy being a girl." Rachel pulled out another picture. "Oops, I don't think you should see this one," she said, holding it to her breast. "Oh, please, let me," I pleaded. She handed it to me nervously. As I looked at it I felt a rush of sexual arousal. It was such an erotic picture. It was Joey, sitting back on a couch, looking so pretty with pink lipstick and blue eyeshadow, with a blue satin camisole top on, a pair of sheer blue stockings and a blue lacey garter belt and nothing else. His lovely silky blonde hair was cascading down in soft waves over his bare shoulders. "God, Joey, that's so sexy," I said, staring in disbelief. In the picture his little cock was hard. It was sticking up, naked, slender and beautiful, nestling in a tiny patch of golden pubic hairs. His thighs above the stocking-tops were beautifully smooth, like a girl's. He was looking dreamily at the camera, his head tilted, his pretty mouth pouting slightly. "Joey I love you," I said. I hugged the picture to my chest. I turned to him and stroked his pretty hair. "You have a beautiful body," I said, showing him his picture. I ran my fingertips down the image, then slowly up over his thighs and cock. I stroked the picture of his cock. "Oh, Bobby," Joey said, pressing his little body close to mine. "I'd love to see you dressed like that," he said softly. I had a mental picture of both of us, naked except for nylon stockings and camisole tops, kissing, our cocks sticking up, hard. Ooh, Joey. Rachel took out another picture. "Definitely not," she said and put it back in the envelope. "What's that?" I asked, my curiosity aroused. "It's a picture Joey took of me and Laura," she said, "its very naughty." "Oh, shame," I said, disappointed. "Bobby, I think Laura would love to take some pictures of you," she said, running her fingertips down my bare arm, "you're such a pretty boy, exactly what she likes. Why don't you come over tomorrow?" "I'd love to," I said, She kissed me again. "I have some pretty things you can wear," she said, "it'll be so much fun."

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