Fun at Gwu with Clark

By Terry Green

Published on Jan 16, 2023


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Freshman year had been a whirlwind of changes. Coming from a relatively rural part of Kentucky, now I was in the far more active and diverse nation's capital. DC had amazed me during my visits with mom and dad, but living here was something new everyday. Growing up twenty miles from Louisville, it was not always easy being gay, yet here I was accepted as is. No one in this position, can understand the liberation, that's brought going from a repressive area to one of complete freedom. Actually some of my classmates did, from totalitarian countries, who had moved to western democracies.

This isn't to say Kentucky was all bad, as the city of Louisville is fairly easy going. Yet compared to DC it would be Baghdad. I was lucky in my small community. My parents knew and supported me, and Clay was a tremendous lover and good boyfriend. Yet even though Clay and I had parted ways, we were still friends, and he said the University of Kentucky was far more inclusive as well. I was happy for him. We had known each other since first grade, and after months of seeing each other, I allowed him to take my virginity. All of the information found on the net made it easier, but popping your cherry is rather uncomfortable. After that it became amazing, as our nights of passion were unbelievably sexy. My downstairs brain got excited thinking about this, and as my roommate Jeff wasn't around, I got down to nothing and exploded with a body erupting orgasm. There was so much shaking, as I remembered how good it was to cum when riding him as we kissed.

Yet now with the adrenaline rush, I came back to my senses. Tears fell down my cheeks, as he had found a new love. I knew it was inevitable, but his new boyfriend wasn't nearly as attractive as I am. Plus how could they have, anything close to what we experienced together? Traces of jealousy, and admittedly I was angry too. Yet even with the sadness and crying, it was time I moved on from what was and is. A lot of guys know what I feel, and it is painful to see your first love with someone else. I tried to smile at the universe and be happy for them, but I wasn't at that point yet. Who knew when I would. Maybe never.

Him and his physical education major lover, took the easy road of academia. I was taking 15 credits of computer science, and as usual the electives everyone despises. In other countries, you study classes only related to your degree. Here it was all over the place, and the literature class was taking up a lot of my time. Dr Jameson was vicious with his writing assignments. As a former marine, I think he really did like messing with us over our grammar, and just about anything else in sadistic fashion. All of my other classes were A or B, here I was surviving with a C minus. He always said "my job is to prepare you for the real world." This seemed extreme, as what boss would get uptight about a little punctuation error?

Sitting in his classes were a nightmare. That is until I spotted a cute guy. Kevin was openly gay, wearing rainbow flag shirts, and I wish I had his confidence. He was so damn tall, handsome, and built so nicely. I had masturbated over him multiple times, and even tried to get talking with him a little bit. Yet every time I got near him, Butterflies of apprehension would take over. This would lead to me barely being able to say "hi" to him, and in some cases I'd walk the other way. His 6 foot something frame, blonde hair, and blue eyes contrasted with my shirt and thin frame. He had his pick of the litter, as my mom was keen of saying. I had no chance, as while far from ugly, he certainly wanted absolutely vivacious guys to be with him.

Later that night I worked on another paper of Dr Jamesons nightmares. As I typed and cussed on my laptop, Jeff was on his, and he said "what's bothering you Terry?" "Literature." I was lucky to have a roommate who was helpful and a English major. His advice was excellent. Type out what you think is best, and I'll take a look at it. This boosted my confidence, and other than a few minor errors he pointed out, this was my best paper yet. Finally I was going to show the marine, that I had at least a bit of talent. Jeff was super chill, and we decided to order pizzas. We laughed about it being a "food pyramid member."

I got lucky in more ways than one. Jeff was always nice to me, and his girlfriend Katrina was a lot of fun. Her and I joked, that we needed to take Jeff clothes shopping and also get him a manicure and pedicure. Jeff was a good sport. Actually after weeks of non stop trying to work on his clothing, he agreed to let Katrina and I help him out. We all took the metro to Hollister. That was a pleasant day, and Katrina being from nearby in northern Virginia, also got us to an area called Tyson's Corner Mall. Here we had a lot of fun, and the upper scale one was amazing. I had never seen a Rolls Royce car parked in the mall commons in my life. This area definitely had a lot of money. Jeff looked better after our suggestions. We also found a place called Halal Guys, that served delicious gyros.

Katrina and I became really good friends. Also Jeff approved, and I wasn't the proverbial third wheel. I would help Katrina understand, that Jeff needed more sex, and other things to keep him in a positive direction. Both bounced ideas off of me. The funniest was when they asked me about anal sexual activities. We all had a lot of laughs, as Jeff wanted to try with her. I explained to him how guys have prostates, and women don't. Also I gave them advice. "Lots of lube and patience." A few weeks later they both confirmed "they liked it." Anyway I could help! Yet as happy as I was for them, I was lonely. Katrina was right. Join the campus gay alliance.

The first meeting was quite amazing. There we're transgender people, whom I had never met before, but found nice. They were correct. "Golden rule works." Tara was super sweet, and said "feel free to ask me any questions." Also there were fellow gay men and women. We discussed issues such as gay pride, civil rights, equality, marriage, and how we could get other countries more open minded to gay love being the same as any other. Even in one of these meetings, we were all disturbed by how angry graffiti and threats, were found on a gay night club in the district. Yet what made me happiest, was finding out there was a gay squad of DC police officers, who worked in the community to solve hate crimes and more.

Officer Flanagan was a great man. At our second meeting, he answered questions about his squad. I believe his rank was lieutenant, but I struggled with military language. Yet he was very approachable, had been married to another man in the DC fire department, and made us feel welcome in the nation's capital. I had always been afraid of the police, but he changed a lot of hearts and minds. All of us looked up to him, and he would sometimes stop by for coffee. What a nice man, as he would see how we were coping emotionally, which doesn't mean much unless you're gay. This was a relief and made the transition from relatively rural to urban environment easier. Tatiana our criminal justice major, had gone on ride alongside with Officer Flanagan's squad, and it sounded so exciting. She was considering joining DCPD because of this. All of us hoped she would, as she was very assertive and smart.

As the weeks and tests went on, I found myself more thankful to Starbucks. There was one at the student union building. Seeing Kevin I said "hey" to him. Finally my confidence was complete, but he didn't even acknowledge me. What the hell? He walked on and somewhere else, probably not giving a damn of another heart crushed by his indifference. As I nursed myself away from tears on a couch, a nice looking student with his GWU shirt sat next to me. All I heard was "are you alright?" Looking up I saw a kind and caring smile with beautiful green eyes. Stunned and flustered, I must have locked up. Then again, "are you alright?" I'm Clark." I apologized to him, and introduced myself with a fist bump, "Just a rough day." "Well it saddens me, to see a good looking guy upset." What? All of a sudden a veritable shock wave slammed into me like crashing riptides. He was hitting on me. We sat there with our coffees, and what was a routine day, soon became far more exciting and important.

Clark and I soon became inseparable. He was a sophomore, and a political science major. Also he had survived Professor Jameson, and helped me improve my understanding of his teaching style. He was actually a fair but firm teacher, yet he later on, would be showing us in class relevant research about big company CEO's. Clark was spot on, that yes he was gruff, but his intentions were golden. Also I didn't know this until now, but the teacher was an ally of the gay alliance. He had seen how the LGBT folks were treated in the military, and didn't like it one bit. He visited our gay alliance meeting one day, and with Clark we both laughed at his, "as long as you shoot straight be as gay as you want to be." He generously donated $250 to our organization. That was huge as professors weren't wealthy by any means. I paid more attention in his class, and working with him during office hours, saw my grades go up and self esteem too.

Going to movies with Clark, or catching dinners with him was a lot of fun. We were now kissing along with holding hands. That moment was now sooner than later. I started to use a dildo to be more ready, and as we got closer, I started to kiss him with more passion. One night it just happened, and it was all due to my kissing his neck and ears. I did this unconsciously or maybe it was on purpose, but I absolutely was smitten with him. His green eyes and soft velvety lips, and the smell of his Sauvage cologne, got me all kinds of worked up. The tension was unbearable, and I simply had to have my man. As we kissed and I messed with his neck, he moaned "let's go back to my apartment." Yes! Finally as he lived by himself slightly off campus, and I wanted to explore him. I knew from his crotch on my leg, he had the biggest cock of any guy I had seen or been with, and was scared but turned on too. His tall frame was anatomically correct. I whispered in his ears, "let's go baby, so I can suck you off." He grabbed my hands, and we were on our way. My feet were so numb it was like they had vanished, but my orange underwear was full of my smooth private parts and ass that was ready.

On his blue couch, we kissed and held each others faces in our hands. His touch was magical, and as I took his shirt off, he was so muscular. Those pecs and nipples screamed for me, and i instantaneously went for them. Kissing his nipples Clark moaned, and I was working on his pants button. Finally off after I kissed him more and tasted his body salts and pheromones, his blue boxers looked like a pitched tent. Oh my goodness. He was so hung, and as I took those off, I couldn't believe my eyes. What had I gotten myself into? 10 inches of a white guy? Having watched a lot of porn, he definitely could fit in that industry. Smiling and stunned. I just lost track of time admiring and also being apprehensive of how big his sexy cut cock was. His balls were like avocados, and they were definitely full of his man juice. The smell of his musky masculinity, took me awhile to absorb.

Yet I caught myself. Back to the present. Touching his hard penis that was enormous, he looked down at me smiling. So sexy and oh how did I want to empty him. On my knees I took his large sex organ in my mouth, licking on the sides before going in my lips as far as I could. Practically gagging on him, he was happy and content. I was too as I wanted to turn him on in every way possible. As I sucked I tasted his deliciousness. That precum was pure sugar. Warm in my mouth I had become an oven. Taking him down wasn't easy, but I wanted him so badly. It was like being a deer in the headlights, as I brought him further in my mouth, and heard his Moans and saw and felt his erratic movements. His breathing was labored. The smell of sweat and the taste of him were so incredibly good.

Finally he had enough. As I took his large erect penis down as far as I could, and he did howl out loud, Clark picked me up. Taking me to his room, he then put me on the bed. Looking at each other intensely, I took my shirt off, and then took my jeans off. Dropping my mesh underwear, he saw me completely exposed. I put my penis under my legs to establish his dominance and my submissive nature. The sight of my smooth groin turned him on more, and his penis looked angry. Yet he smiled as I bent over on his bed and said, "I hope you have lube love." Soon he was on the comfortable bed, on top of me. His large penis against my average six inches, my god he was so hung, rugged, and manly.

Yet even with this aggression, I kissed him and told him I loved him. He kissed me and looking in my eyes, his sweet voice said "babe I love you too." Kissing with vigor and passion. Pure performance of our desires, he before I could do anything, was holding my cock. His masculine hands stroking me and my balls, was nothing short of heaven sent. Then I just closed my eyes and made grunting noises. Unintelligible words as his mouth locked around my manhood. Hard I felt his warm saliva and cheeks. Seeing my cock that way drove me even crazier. Here we were completely safe to be who we are, and he literally soaked my penis like I never had ever experienced. As I closed my eyes and bit my lips, I got a jolt as I felt his well lubed fingers exploring my insides.

His thick fingers were so long, and I couldn't resist what he was doing to me. In and out. That lube sound as he used his hands to penetrate me. Catatonic paralysis. I was his completely. Taking the initiative, I put two pillows on the bed, and had my stomach down ass up. "Take me Clark. Take me baby." He was more than happy to, and I cried out as I felt his erect mammoth cock enter me. Oh I couldn't believe how huge he was. Yet I couldn't and didn't want to resist. This was my man, and I loved him, so he could now take me as he saw fit. When you love another, this is the point where you prove it to them. You become theirs, and they become a part of you. That ultimate connection.

He was gentle, but I was feeling overwhelmed. This was the best position for this encounter of love, and although I was grimacing, I knew that I had a wonderful man now. With trepidation I trusted him, and soon he was further inside my gaping ass. His penis was incredible, and I could hear his moaning. He really drove me crazy when he said "baby you're so tight and warm." More lube applied he was now railing me, and I held the pillows close to me, but with my hands grabbed the headboard. Bracing for this impact, I felt a lot of new pressure and changes than ever before. This love making was far more intense than I had ever been a part of.

Soon I was able to back up. My knees on the bed, he took me from behind with such pleasure. He was really enjoying it, and I was relaxing more getting used to how he poked me. The smells and sounds were so provocative. This stud was hammering away at my insides, curved as they were, and I just couldn't believe what he was capable of. He had a erect penis that kept penetrating me further, and soon I was riding him. We kissed as he grabbed my butt cheeks, and held my waist as I rode his gigantic tool. It was a true battle of passion, and I knew I had the lover of my dreams. Sometimes he'd roll his hips, and I'd feel the stretching and how good it was, to be full of his manhood in me. Our tongues danced together, and I whimpered, as he felt my sensitive balls as he split me in half. That pulsating man meat was omnipotent, and I was under his control completely.

From the side, we both were on the bouncing bed now. He touched my lips with his fingers, then kissed me as he fucked me with unreal energy. Our lips smacking and being tailed by Clark was a dream come true, and I knew instinctively he could only hold the explosive forces for so long. More kissing and soon he made a animal like noise. Tensing up I touched his large balls in my hands. Kissing he exploded inside my ass. His sperm bred me to a point that shocked me. I was shaking with him as he came inside me, and with cum sliding out, he kissed me and started tugging on my erect penis. With his DNA rolling out of me, I came all over the place, with bursts of contents under pressure. Liberating this orgasm kept lasting, and the pleasant post party was amazing. Bliss to me sure.

Falling asleep together cemented our bond even more. Kissing and hugging, we were so mentally whooped, from a session that had exhausted us to the brink. This was our first time, but we were sure to make love even more so. This hormonal release helped in so many ways. Yet the best part was our quality time, and the foundation of something special. That alone is a happy moment for all romantics, and I looked forward already for our next passionate rendezvous. I had found my partner and was very pleased.

Next: Chapter 2

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