Fully Trained

By Peter Trip

Published on Oct 28, 2015


About 80% of the material that follows is "true" in the sense that the author experienced it as a submissive masochist. The 20% that is not true (for example I do not have a PA) is added for the benefit of the reader and author. Also, many Sirs in "real life" have been conflated here into one for brevity and continuity.

Feedback of anykind is welcome and may inspire me to more than these first 3 chapters. ptrtrip@yahoo.com

Part 2

The reality was sooner than I imagined. That very same day, shortly after I returned home, I was admiring the welts on my ass when my cell buzzed with the following text. "Boy, I've made an appointment for you at XXXX piercings tonight at 7pm. You are getting a Prince Albert. Confirm you've read and accepted this order." As it happens, I'd been considering a PA for some time, so it only took me a few seconds to text, "Sir, yes Sir." By 715 that night I was pierced with a silver 10 gauge curved bar through my dick. It hurt, but did not bleed much. At 730, Sir texted me, "Send me a photo of your pierced dick." I dropped my trousers, snapped the photo, send it off with simply, "Sir, thank you, Sir."

The next morning on my way to work, I received another text. "You are to be at XXXX barber shop at 530 tonight. Ask the barber to give you a number one crop all over. Not shaved to the bone, not a fancy fade, but a number one all over." I looked at my reflection in the window of the train. I then typed, "Sir, yes Sir."

I tried to concentrate on work all day, but knowing how different I'd look when I turned up tomorrow kept me on edge. What could I do? I'd agreed to all of this. Sir had been very upfront and even gave me the "choice" to reject this from the very beginning. Why did I want somebody ordering me to change my body at his whim? What was I going to tell my boss tomorrow? I've actually always had a thing for short cropped hair, but could never bring myself get such an extreme cut. I began to realize that, like the Prince Albert, not having any input in these decisions was exhilarating. There was no question of yes or no, or maybe, or why? It simply had been decided and I was satisfied to obey. Knowing that my instant, unthinking obedience also pleased Sir, made me more eager than ever to hear his next commands.

After work, I headed to the shop. It was pretty crowded with the last minute rush of people dropping in for a trim after work. There were two barbers and two guys before me. As I was waiting, four others came in. By the time my turn came the barber with the chair in the window finished up his customer and said, "Next." I got up, sat myself in the chair, barber pulled the cape over me, tightened around the neck.

"What can I do for you?"

Now was the moment, and there was to be no backing out. I swallowed, visibly nervous, "I want a number one all over." Barber turned to face me in the mirror. The four guys that came in after me stopped talking and looked up from their car magazines.

The barber said, "I don't think you know quite how short that is. How about we start with a flat top or high and tight? I can taper he sides and back real close. I think you'll like that." The guy before me, who was putting his wallet away after paying, had heard me ask for the number one, stopped outside on the sidewalk wanting to see if I'd go through with it. The guys waiting in the chairs three feet away from me lined up against the window also appeared mesmerized to hear how I would answer.

After a good fifteen seconds of silence in the room, I looked straight ahead at the mirror, just like I would if Sir was in the room, and repeated, "No, I know what I want. Number one all over, please."

"Okay, very good," he said. The barber then swiveled the chair so that I was facing the window, the four guys in the waiting chairs, and the guy on the street. As it was dark outside, and the shop was brightly lit, I was basically on stage. Barber took the guard off his clippers, clicked them on, put them right at the very front and center of my forehead. Very precisely he pushed them straight back to the top of my head. I felt a big lump of hair roll down the back of my neck. And I felt a bit of chill as the as the now exposed white skin was not used to the change in temperature. I would have liked to have seen it all coming off. My audience sure did, and not one of them could look away. A couple more people had stopped on the sidewalk outside. This was turning into quite a spectacle. However, now that it had started I was very pleased I had not lost my nerve. I couldn't care less what these strangers thought. I was doing this because Sir told me to do it. That was reason enough. Barber made about a dozen strokes from front to back and I could tell more than half my head had been cut. He then pushed my forehead down and started from the base of my neck upwards to the top to finish the back and sides. Before I realized it, it was over. He then turned the chair away from the window and I faced the mirror. I can't say it exactly looked good, but it did, in a strange way, look pretty sexy. I was hoping Sir would think the same.

Seven days after I first encountered Sir I found myself about a block away from the entrance to his garage, very excited to see him. I had no idea what to expect. My dick has pretty much recovered from the piercing, I've been careful to clean it twice a day, and it now cause very little pain or discomfort. As for my scraped scalp, I'm still surprised when I catch my image in a mirror or window, but I love not having to mess with hair. I stand opposite the garage, take my cell out and text, "Sir, arrived, Sir." The door opens, I enter as before. Sir is standing in the small entrance to his play room. "Very nice, I like the haircut. Makes boy look like a boy. You are to go to that same barber every two weeks to maintain it like this."

"Sir, yes Sir," I reply and I am strangely pleased at the prospect. Sir puts the collar around my neck and orders, "Get undressed," and I do as instructed. Upon seeing my PA for the first time, Sir says, "Your PA is beautiful and is going to give us both a lot of pleasure."

"Sir, I know it will, Sir," I reply.

"Put these on," and Sir hands me the leather wrist cuffs. Once cuffed he instructs me to follow him into the main part of the play area. There is large object in the middle of the room, covered in a drop cloth. Sir pulls the cloth off and I see in front of me an A frame whipping post. At the bottom of the structure, a few inches off the floor, is a horizontal beam with two padded carve outs where my legs just above the ankle are to be secured. I approach and put my legs in. Sir bends over and places a 2nd bar behind my legs with slight carve outs that secure my legs firmly. The two horizontal beams are held in place by two large iron pins at the extremes. It's a snug fit and my I'm standing on the balls of my toes with my heel about 3 inches off the ground. Half way up the A frame there is another padded horizontal bar that presses into my abdomen. Above that, towards the top of the device are two dangling hooks about 2 feet forward that attach to my wrist cuffs. Sir then tightens them which pulls my upper half forward causing me to feel even more stretched and spread out. I'm pretty firmly locked in place, but I can move my ass a few inches side to side. Although I feel completely vulnerable, I am unafraid and resolved to take anything Sir inflicts on me gratefully and eagerly.

Sir comes up to my left ear and whispers, "Boy, you look so hot and vulnerable trussed up like this, I don't even know where to begin. Oh, wait, I forgot, you're going to start learning how to deep throat tonight. I'm going to prep your throat with this rubber penis. Open wide." Sir then inserts a large, wide rubber dick attached to leather pull ties. I am gagging slightly, but Sir makes certain I can continue to breath. When it is just deep enough in my mouth that I'm struggling, but not so far deep that I cannot breath, he adjusts the two leather straps around the back of my newly shaved head so that it fits snugly. Sir remarks, "Your cropped skull makes it so much easier to attach these toys. And you look so hot and helpless without that hair." Of course, gagged as I now am, I can say nothing.

"Now Boy, its time to tan that strong back of yours. I'm going to use a flogger. I want you to relax your throat after each strike. Let the penis open up your throat, breath through your nose." Sir began to flog me with a leather 3 strap flogger. It hurt, but not too painfully. Unlike last week, we are going at Sir's pace. After the first six painful strikes, I just will myself to no longer count. I concentrated on my breathing and the big rubber dick that was actually sliding deeper down my throat. Luckily being tied up and stretched so tightly, I did not have to worry about maintaining my balance or falling over. After about two dozen strokes, Sir stopped. He put the flogger on the table and walked back and forth behind me admiring my now reddened and stripped back. "Your skin simply loves being tanned. Remarkable. Now I want to give you a break, for a few minutes. You've a lot a sweat coming off you head." Then Sir placed himself right in front of me and looked me straight in the eyes. "I don't want to take that gag out of your mouth as your throat needs stretching. If you are okay and can continue I want you to close your eyes for ten seconds. If you need some more time, just keep your eyes open and listening to me. I do not want to go too fast, but I think you are okay." The heat coming off my back was delightful, warming and welcome. I suspected that if I closed my eyes and asked to continue, Sir was going to step it up a few notches, but I was ready. I closed my eyes, counted slowly to ten and re-opened them. Sir was less than a foot away and smiling, "Oh Boy, I am so pleased you are so eager to learn and go farther than expected. Your eyes and face are so expressive without all that hair. Its so important that I can 'hear' you without you speaking." Sir then picked up his single tail whip and quickly belted out six from on the right side of my buttock, then switched positions and gave me six on the left side. I really was about finished at this point. Sir then put the whip down and started to caress my ass. After the abuse I'd just been through it was almost a torment to be gently handled this way. Suddenly, Sir bent over and started to tongue my ass. Had I not been stretched and trussed up on the frame, I think I would have fainted. Sir backed off and quickly stuck a finger up my ass. Playfully stretching me, he pulled out and stuck two fingers up there, then three. "Oh Boy, I'm glad to see your keep yourself so clean up there." Sir then unhooked my arms from the overhead ropes. He bent me over so my hands were touching a bar on the wall about 18 inches from the floor. I remained gagged and was a little unsure what was coming next. More whips? Caning? Paddle, perhaps? Suddenly, I felt a cold liquid being squirted at the top of my ass crack. It started to dribble down my crack. Sir started pushing it in and around my hole. It was so warm and slick. I had a pretty good idea about what was next. I felt a silicon tip pushing its way gently against my hole. Sir said, "Open yourself up Boy. Press down, I know you can take this. That's the way, it's halfway in. Come on, boy. You know what you want..." Just when I felt I couldn't go any farther, it was in and my sphincter closed up around the base.

Sir unpinned the board holding my feet in place, untied my hands and had me stand up. "You're doing great boy, now stand up, I'm taking this gag out." He did so and then offered me a swig of water. "Now boy, Sir is feeling very hot about how well you've taken all this, how beautiful your new Prince Albert is, and how it complements your shorn head. Come give me a kiss." Sir then plunged his tongue down my throat. We continued for about 2 minutes. Then Sir, grabbed my shoulders and pushed me to my knees. "Boy, get busy down there and do not stop until you got my cum in your mouth, but do not swallow. Hold it in there."

I got to work as instructed. Sir must have been really excited as I was just getting into a steady rhythm and he shot a huge load into the back of my throat. I didn't know what to do, but he quickly pushed me off his dick and said, "Remember, do not swallow." He then reached for my hand, brought it to my lips and said, "Spit it out onto your hand." I did so. Sir then raised my hand to my head and rubbed his cum around my skull until it was all spread out and sticky on my 6 day stubble. "Boy, my cum gives just the right shine to your complexion." I was pretty spent by this point, but also pretty happy. I had managed each of Sir's commands without failure. I felt proud and judging by Sir's smile, I knew Sir was proud of me, too.

"Sir, yes Sir."

Sir removed my collar. I removed the plug in the bathroom. I dressed, and soon left by the garage. Once on the street, the sun came out behind some clouds and gave a quick little hit of warmth. Sir's cum baked into my skull and the 1/4 inch stubble on my head. Best type of gel I'd ever had. And Sir was right, his spunk left a glow on my head and in my heart that I hoped everyone would notice and appreciate as much as I did.

Next: Chapter 3

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