Fully Trained

By Peter Trip

Published on Oct 26, 2015


About 80% of the material that follows is "true" in the sense that the author experienced it as a submissive masochist. The 20% that is not true (for example I do not have a PA) is added for the benefit of the reader and author. Also, many Sirs in "real life" have been conflated here into one for brevity and continuity.

Feedback of anykind is welcome and may inspire me to more than these first 3 chapters. ptrtrip@yahoo.com:

Fully Trained--Part 1:

I texted to the number I'd been given in the email, "Sir, I'm now standing opposite garage as instructed." Less than a minute later the garage door began to open and I received the following message. "Enter the garage. Proceed to the back and pass through the green door." As I passed through the garage the door closed behind me. Upon entering the room, I saw Sir sitting at table dressed in a jeans and t shirt. Salt and pepper hair, pretty well built, not massive, but clearly took care of himself. He looked me up and down, "So, you think you're ready to be trained? I hope you're up to it."

"I think I am."

"Okay, boy, we'll just have to see about that. A couple things to get us off on the right foot. From here on out, when we are together, you're going to wear this collar. Putting it on and taking it off signify the beginning and end of our "session." He then came from behind the table and put the collar around my neck. "When you speak to me, the first and last words out of your mouth are "Sir." Understand?"

"Yes, Sir. I mean, Sir, yes Sir."

"I don't want to have to tell you again."

"Sir, yes Sir."

"Good boy. Now let's go over this list again. I want you to think very carefully what you are committing to. Now is your chance to opt out of things you find disagreeable or won't be able to handle. Obviously, these things interest me, so the fewer things you pass on, the more likely I'll be pleased with you and the more likely we'll both be satisfied. If you do agree to something and we later find you cannot satisfy me or will not satisfy me, it will reflect very poorly on your character and obedience. It will take us some time to get to all of these activities and I will do my best not to overwhelm you, to build you up and not push you too far, too fast. Do you understand?"

"Sir, yes Sir."

"Are you willing to sexually serve your master orally?"

"Sir, yes Sir."


"Sir, yes Sir."

"Are you willing to shave yourself from head to toe?"

"Sir, yes Sir."

"It won't be a problem with your family, friends or work?"

"Sir, no Sir."

"Are you willing to let Sir control when and how often you cum?"

"Sir, yes Sir."

"Are you willing to wear a piercing through you dick?"

"Sir, yes Sir as long as it is safe."

"Are you willing to wear a chastity device and allow me to hold the key?"

"Sir, yes Sir."

"Are you willing to be have your mouth and ass plugged with toys? Dildos? Ball gags?

"Sir, yes Sir."

"Willing, obedient endurance of pain is the central focus of your training. Your capacity to deal with this pain is going to free your ego and make you 100% content in submission. It won't be easy, but your conditioned, automatic obedience and submission will satisfy you in ways for which you will be grateful. On the wall behind me are the whips, paddles, canes, belts, floggers. These are going to be used on your ass and back and they are going to leave marks that take some time to heal. Go over take a look and make certain you are willing to be repeatedly trained with these instruments. They will bind you to me and unite your mind and body in obedience. Go have a look."

I walked to the far side of the room. There were at least two dozen "instruments." All were pretty impressive and looking at them I had to ask myself, "Which of these is the toughest? Which will push me to my limit? What kind of marks will this flogger leave versus that single tail? Can I really take all of this?" I had had some experience being fairly regularly paddled in high school, and while it hurt, it was something I easily tolerated and far preferable than alternatives like staying after school or having my parents informed of my misbehavior. It also became a challenge and thrill. How much could I take? More than I realized. Most of the boys had the same fascination with "mastering" the pain inflicted on us so regularly. As I touched and inspected these "tools" the understanding of how intimate I was shortly to become with these very painful devices began to become clearer in my mind. And yet, I wanted this challenge. It is why I was here. I truly did want to lose myself to the pain and create a space peace and of refuge through it.

"So what do you think, boy? Second thoughts? Now is the time to reconsider."

"Sir, no Sir. No second thoughts. Sir, I trust you to train me to be able to accept these tools as a way of building my endurance, Sir."

"Very good, boy. Strip and we'll get started. And bring me the belt off your jeans."

I proceeded to take of my shirt, jeans, and underwear. I pulled the brown leather belt from the jeans and handed it to Sir. Fully naked, Sir strapped leather wrist cuffs to my ankles and wrists. He positioned me in front of a low table, attached the ankle cuffs to some ropes attached to the legs of the table which spread my feet about 2 feet apart from each other. He attached the wrist cuffs to each other outstretched in front of me. "I want you to bend over this table, holding your wrists behind your neck, putting your weight on your elbows. Get your ass high in the air."

I responded, "Sir, yes Sir" and bent over as instructed, placing my elbows on the table and wrists behind my neck.

"We're going to start with six strokes of the paddle. Then six of your belt. We'll do

six from my single tail whip, and we'll finish with six of the cane. You think you can handle all that?"

"Sir, yes, Sir."

"Okay, now this is how we will proceed. When you are ready to begin, you are going to say, "Sir, one Sir," and I'll begin. When you are ready for the next, you'll continue counting in the same way. I will not inflict the blow until you've uttered the count. Do you understand, boy?"

"Sir, yes, Sir."

"Very good, let's get started."

I took a deep breath, steadied myself, bent over, elbows on the table, bound hands clasped around my neck head down, ass up,and clearly and firmly said, "Sir, one Sir." Within two seconds my ass felt the impact of the wooden, frat paddle. It stung a bit, by not too surprising and not too bad. I let about 10 seconds go by, cleared my throat and said, "Sir, two Sir." Again, same impact, same sting, and I quickly responded, "Sir, three Sir." The third one seemed to build on the pain of the first two and caused me to utter a small whimper of "Ow."

"What's that boy? Getting to be too much for you?"

"Sir, no Sir. Sir, forgive me Sir."

"Anything coming out of your mouth other than the count and that stroke will be repeated. Do you understand, boy?"

"Sir, yes Sir."

"Now, let's do three over again and make sure you can control yourself. Back to the count."

"Sir, three Sir." Careful to make certain I didn't inadvertently utter a cry, I took strokes four, five and six with about 15 seconds in between, allowing me to make certain I was prepared. After the sixth, Sir put the paddle on the desk and said, "Stand up, Boy." I did as instructed and looked straight ahead, not making contact with Sir's eyes. "You did pretty good there. You think you can carry on?"

"Sir, yes Sir."

"Okay, assume the position and we will see how much leather your ass can take with your belt." Once bent over, I said, "Sir, one Sir." The belt struck my right buttock. Compared to the paddle, the impact was light, but more of a sting. After the third stroke, Sir repositioned himself on the other side of me, put the belt in his other hand and in this way made certain that both my ass cheeks got equal treatment. The whip was something altogether more painful. It felt like my ass was being sliced. I wanted to scream, but aware of the consequences, I managed to keep my teeth gripped after each lash and make it through the six. Now that three of the four instruments had been used, I just needed to manage the home stretch with the cane. Sir asked me to stand. "Now Boy, before I finish you off with the cane, I am pretty impressed how well you can take this. However this cane is a challenge. Your ass is feeling pretty sore right now, but the cane is going to leave six stripes that will take about a week to heal and during this time you are going to feel these stripes every time you move. You sure you can handle this?"

"Sir, yes Sir."

"Very good, boy. You're going to show your respect and obedience to this cane by kissing it." Sir held the cane to my lips and I kissed it for about ten seconds until he pulled it away and ordered me to "Assume the position." I bent over. Sir placed the cane against my ass, tapping it a few times, rubbing it in small circles, teasing and caressing my ass. Finally, he ordered, "Begin the count, boy." "Sir, one Sir." I heard a swish of the cane through the air, I heard the impact, but I felt nothing. For five seconds, and then a tremendous pain shot from my ass to my brain. Now that hurt like none of the other tools. Sir began tapping lightly about 1 inch below the impact point of the first stroke. I was ready for the next. "Sir, two Sir." Again, just like the first. No sensation for about 5 seconds, then BAM." By the time I got to six, Sir had laid five stripes across my ass and upper thigh. After the sixth, Sir said, "Stand up, boy." I did as instructed, looking straight ahead. "You managed that well and are a good, obedient, willing boy. Your Sir is very pleased."

"Sir, Thank you, Sir."

"I think you've had enough for today. I'll see you in a week when this has healed. Next week we are going to mix in some sex and a bit of bondage. There's some equipment under those sheets that your body is going to spend a lot of time in." Sir removed the ankle and wrist cuffs, and then the collar. I got dressed, and walked through the garage, my ass glowing red against my loose boxer shorts. It felt great. I knew I'd found something that I had to have more of and I was eager and pleased that I'd reached out and submitted to this man. I was pretty sure this was going to be a very interesting journey and that Sir would give me an experience that I could not really even imagine in my kinkiest, most twisted fantasies. Now I was going to live the reality.

Next: Chapter 2

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