Full Moon Rising

By Tom

Published on May 15, 2000



Full moon arising

It's not easy finding easy, fast, and hard sex with another man out here in the boonies of B.C., Canada. However, it's a Friday night and the moon is full and bright, my cock twitches and lengthens in my pants, unencumbered by underwear, the skinless cock head making an outline down the other leg, matching that of my stretched nuts protruding down the other leg of my jeans, every step down the dyke sending shock waves down to the tip of my throbbing dick head. still crawling its length down my pant leg. I'm horny!

The full moon is just rising over Mt Cheam, my step falters as I inhale deeply on my joint. it glows warm, reminiscent of the afternoon spent naked in the sun on my favorite outlook of my world. the heat of the day now lessening, but still mildly suffocating. I walk on, glancing over my shoulder I see a pair of headlights pull into the park. My profile catches in the lights for a moment, the brake lights go one, the car makes the turn and pulls over on the embankment and shuts down. I continue to walk further down the dyke, my steps pulling my jeans across my enraged cock head, I let my hand fall across it and stroke it as I walk.

Looking back I see the drivers door open and a sole occupant climb our of the car and stretch. bending over he locks and shuts the door, he towers above the car. his profile blocking a good portion of the car, he's huge! He steps away from the car towards the dyke and I now stride purposefully forward. a brisk stroll, making my cock grind down my pant leg creating a prominent wet spot through the worn and faded material of my jeans that gripped it like a glove.

I heard movements behind me which surprised me as I thought I was well ahead of anyone else on the dyke. I looked sidewise and he was abreast of me, in a slow run. he slowed to a trot and we exchanged pleasantries, catching each other glancing at each others baskets. his gripped tightly in running shorts that distended across his wide thighs, but perfectly outlined his half hard dick and nicely cupped balls. By then I'd almost caught my wits after my initial surprise and he nodded and continued on his way, his round mounds of butt grinding together as he lunged forward. a trail of sweat soaking down the center of his back. The moon catching the glint of his teeth as he smiled over his shoulder and hailed "see ya!".

I watched him disappear out of sight into the moonlight night, again and again catching the glint of his smile as he looked back. I reached a turning point and pulled out my dick and let a good strong flow of piss splash down into the grass at my feet. The moonlight making it more yellow as it streamed from my swollen cock. finally after many twitches and strokes to drain it I maneuvered it back into my pants. only to feel it jet out a short stream soaking the crotch of my jeans. a mind of its own!

Just as I buttoned up my fly I heard a very strange noise. then I realized it was the sound of heavy panting. just like someone is about to cum. my cock stiffened in immediate response driving it's still dribbling cock head down the leg of my jeans. I looked up and the moon exposed the lumbering jogger, gasping for breath. no, gasping for over exposure, his cock was now weaving freely out the leg of his shorts, his balls sticking our the other side of his shorts. He looked up and saw me standing off to the side by the benches, tried futilely to re adjust himself. then just slowed to a near stop, turned and collapsed onto his keens in front of me.

He stared straight into the wet outline of my dick, at the same time a small moan and his tongue escaped out his mouth, making his tongue vibrate across the outline of my soaked dick head. his teeth grasping it and tweaking it in short jabs as he sucked on the material, squeezing more dribble out of my cock. after a few traces of his mouth on the length of my dick he jutted over to my balls and sucked on their outline, his tongue moving feverishly against them. I ground my crotch into his firmly held head. which I then cupped and lifted upwards, pulling my man upwards, his body brushing against me, his lips meeting mine briefly before continuing up to his full height, over a head above my 5'9 height. My hand slipped between us and found his still exposed, throbbing and leaking cock head as it slimmed through my forming fist and ground its way into my chest. sliding across it, almost reaching my chin. one tall, very tall. fucking hung man!

He stepped back, reached around to the sides of his shorts and with a quick zip had pulled them completely free of his body, his big hands moved towards my head and cupped it, leaning over holding it in place as he leaned over and covered my mouth with his and explored my mouth as I returned his aggression hungrily. His grip on my head shifted slightly and pushed me downward onto my knees, my face leveling with the tip of his dick hanging at a 45 degree angle from his body. brushing across my already gaping lips and sliding in. and in. and in.. my mouth having no problem with is self slimming dick. no wonder my dentist wonder why I don't gag when he puts his hand in my mouth. heh, heh.

His dick is still rubbery hard, bending nicely down my throat to the very limit of his root, my mouth and throat stretched the their max, a slight tremor of satisfaction and panic race back and forth through my throat muscles, making his cock get harder and harder and bigger. I feel the last remaining access to air be blocked off, and a sudden lunge deeper into my throat before sliding back allowing a strangled breath before becoming again his receptacle. my hand snaked up and grasped his ball sac, it was wet with sweat. by applying a "certain" amount of pressure on his nuts I knew I could gain some control over his strive for complete self absorption in suffocating me with his fucking incredibly huge cock, now ramrod stiff and scraping my throat raw.

By pulling his balls hard away from his body, I could get access to his cock head and the much needed air to take his cock fully into my throat and milk it there as I made him rise up on his tip toes driving his cock deep or risking loosing his balls so tightly pulled forward. and so desperately wanting to climb up against the base of his dick and dump their sweet juices down my throat. my own cock had now worked its way up against his leg as I humped in rhythm to his long slow "controlled" strokes of his dick down into my throat. my mouth juices now completely mixed with his pulses of pre cum.

I quickened my pulls on his balls now that my throat and breathing had become accustom to his tool and really let my mouth service his hot cock, his balls tingling in my hands, tightening and swelling, my other hand reached down under his ball sac and dug into the swollen tissue at the base of his hard dick, a finger running freely back and forth between the hairs of the cleft of his ass, dragging skillfully at the opening of his ass. His balls tightened urgently in my hands, which countered it by a stronger pull and a deep groan out of his mouth as my mouth hummed over his dick and my sweat coated finger slipped up his ass. his whole body shuddered.. He tensed.

His balls bouncing in my grip, wanting desperately to unload, my finger finding the prominent ridge of his prostrate and evilly digging in to it. his head jolting back as a howl escaped from his lips, my grasp on his balls turning 360 and pushing them forcefully up against the base of his dick, while at the same time massaging his now pulsating button with the now two fingers I've got jammed up his ass. his whole body arches forward, his cock breaks into streams of hot cum. triggering a deep and urgent milking of my throat muscles around the spasms of his dick. I slowly pull off letting the still oozing cum flow into my mouth, the continuing howls sounding almost painful, his huge body shaking from toe to head as my hungry mouth still slicks at his glistening cock head capturing each droplet of cum still pumping as my fingers still probe him. he shudders one last time as his ass muscles contract forcing my fingers from his hole. he pants and sobs to catch his breath as his cock and my fingers make a slight pop from their disengagement.

He pulls me up, his hand reaches down between my legs and feels the wet spooge from my cock as it twitches its dying throws under his sliding hand. We kiss deeply, he slips his shorts back on, I adjust his cock for him and pat him on the ass as he turns to run away. I swell my fingers so recently removed from his ass, driving another pulse of juices from my still aching cock. Good thing the full moon is just starting!

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