Full Moon

By Bradley Danaher

Published on Aug 8, 2013


I write because I enjoy creating people and stories, and because I enjoy hearing from readers. If you have any comments or would just like to say hey, please feel free to E-mail me at bradmikedan@hotmail.com or tweet at me on http://www.twitter.com/bradmikedan/, where I'll be posting updates on what I'm doing with each of my stories. Or leave an anonymous comment on my blog at http://bradmikedan.tumblr.com/ (use the "Ask me things" link on the right side). I promise I won't bite.

Thanks to all the people who've written to me already with your encouragement or just to say you read the story and liked it! I really appreciate it, and take the time to reply to each and every single one of you. Thanks especially to FreekSheet, who gave me the idea for this story, and to those of you who gave me a kick up the arse to finish the story quicker!

DISCLAIMER: The Twilight Saga, New Moon, Eclipse and all of the characters in this story remain the authorial property of Stephenie Meyer. This is simply a work of fan fiction. The Quileutes are also a real-life tribe of Native Americans, and I do not profess to know anything about their legends or traditions. The Quileute characters in this story are inspired by Stephenie Meyer's representations, and do not in any way represent any people, living or dead.

This short story happens simultaneously with the events in Chapters 3 & 4 of Eclipse, and with the events in Full Moon 2.

============================================== Full Moon 2.5 - I knew this was a fucking stupid idea ==============================================

A black form flickered past.

A shadow in the night.

Paul saw the movement out of the corner of his eye – and the chase was on. His brothers were on his tail hardly a breath later.

<Is it her?!>

<Sure as shit smells like her!>

<Embry, Jacob, take the flanks, cut her off if she tries to give us the slip! I'll take the head. Paul!> Sam Uley yelled, his voice booming through the minds of the pack, <Paul! Fall back!>

It was a thought Paul meant only for himself, but the way it echoed through the thoughts of his brothers... he might as well have yelled it. The Alpha's command was hard to ignore, but Paul had a vampire's scent filling his head. He could already almost feel the crunch of metallic skin between his teeth.

<FALL BACK! NOW! That's an order!> the steely authority of Sam's Alpha voice yanked at Paul's will again, but the vampire was practically within sight; there was too much to lose now.

Paul raced along the treaty line. On the other side, more shadowy forms appeared, giving chase.

The Cullens, he thought. It's a fucking vampire freak show.

But it didn't matter, so long as they stayed on their side of the line. There were more important things at hand. The treaty line might've been imaginary, but the vamp was running straight down the centre of it like it was a runway lit up for landing. Paul eyed off the Cullens on the other side. There was no crossing the line, not even for a second. But the rest of the pack was falling behind; if the vamp made a break for it, only Paul would be left to stop her. She was close now, mere feet away. He snapped at her, but she barely even glanced back. Damn! So close!

Then, all of a sudden – WHAM!

From out of nowhere, one of the Cullens lunged across the line!

Paul had braced, tried to turn, but he was too slow. Hundreds of pounds of bloodsucker landed right on top of him, their two bodies tumbling across the undergrowth in a mass of fur and granite skin.

Paul gnashed his teeth as he watched the she-vamp disappear into the trees. Then all his attention, all his fury was immediately back on the other reeking leech, who was still half on top of him.

<The bitch got away!> Paul yelled to his brothers. He heaved the huge, hulking vamp off his back and turned to face him off, teeth bared, hackles up. <And this fucking bloodsucker almost took me out!>

<Who?!> Sam called back.

<Fucked if I know... the big one!>

"Whoa, doggy..." The vampire put his hands up in defense. He couldn't hear Paul, but from the wolf's deep growl, it wasn't hard for him to figure out that he was in deep shit.

"My bad, it was a mistake. We're cool, right?" At the same time, he started edging back towards the line.

But he'd barely made it two steps before Paul sprang. Hundreds of pounds of snarling, snapping wolf came flying at Emmett. But if Paul was fast, the big guy was faster. He was back on his side of the line in a blink, and Paul suddenly found himself on Cullen land. Before he knew it, another female vamp had taken the big one's side. Seconds later, two more wolves were watching from the Quileute side as a still-growling Paul retreated back into his territory.

"That's right, mutt, back your ass off our land!" the blonde female yelled.

"Rosalie! Come on, it was an accident!" the big vamp hissed, almost too quick to hear.

"Accident?! You fucking almost killed me!" Paul was across the treaty line, and didn't waste a second getting back on two legs. The two wolves on either side of him exchanged a look, and in a blink were human as well.

"Paul, let it go." Sam said.

"What?! Sam! You saw, he was on OUR land! He fucking TRESPASSED!"

"And YOU trespassed onto OUR land two seconds later, AND THEN tried to kill Emmett!" the blonde retorted.

"Bitch, he was on OUR side when I attacked. I had. Every. Goddamn. Right."

"Will you all SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" Sam bellowed.

A cool calm descended over the woods. On the other side of the line, the Cullen's leader appeared from between the trees, and with him was the other tall, blonde male. They looked warily at Sam.

"Is everything alright?" Carlisle, the leader, intoned in a low voice. Whether they were conscious of it or not, the tension fell out of the wolf-boys' muscles; the vampires straightened out of their defensive crouches.

"Minor trespass," Sam said. Paul wanted to spit at the word `minor', but was surprised to find that he couldn't.

Instead, as the rage washed out of his mind, he found his attention turning to the big vamp on the other side of the line. Now that he was back in human form, there was nowhere for Paul to hide... he eyed off the size of the bloodsucker who, moments ago, had been sprawled on top of him. The vamp's rounded shoulders flexed as he rolled the tension out of his muscles, his arms bulged as he repeatedly clenched and unclenched his fists. Paul's hands shifted over his crotch, trying to cover his — growing interest.

But it seemed to have the opposite effect. The vampire's eyes, made for sensing movement, went straight to Paul's hands, and he had a pretty good idea what they were hiding. Emmett grinned.

"Alright guys, stop wasting time. Let's go!" Sam yelled, and was phased back to wolf in an instant.

Paul followed seconds later, tearing down the line after his brothers. But as the Cullens followed, just across the border, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was now, somehow, the one being hunted.

The crashing of the distant waterfall could already be heard through the trees in front of Paul. Not that he took much notice. He was still too busy cussing out Sam Uley to give much of a shit.

<I can hear you,> Sam said.

<And fuck you too,> Paul retorted.

He was sick of this bullcrap, running forfeits just because Sam said so. And today was the most humiliating forfeit of all: going after the Cullens to "apologize" to Emmett for the previous night. God, the stench! Like a mixture of charred hair and burnt sugar, it made the wolf's nostrils flare the moment he'd picked up the trail of their scent through the forest. Now, as he closed in on them across the wide clearing, the smell only got worse and worse.

Finally, unable to take it anymore, Paul phased back. The weak human senses dulled the smell, made it almost bearable. He undid the string tying the black denim shorts to his ankle, and hopped into them one leg at a time. The sun was just rising, gleaming off the feathery sheets of falling water. There was no doubt they were watching, and Paul didn't want to give them the pleasure of seeing him in the buff.

Drowned by the noise of water crashing all around him, Emmett kicked off his boots in frustration.

"She was right there, Jaz! Right! There!" he yelled, "and those mutts wouldn't even let us cross the line!"

"I've told you," Jasper replied in a level voice, "they've got to get the rocks out of their thick skulls if we're going to catch Victoria. They have to realize that THEY need US."

"Yeah, right. Whatever. I wouldn't waste my time. They're dogs. They'll never learn."

He peeled off his T-shirt, and hurled it at the rocks at the waterfall's base, where it immediately began to bleed into the water. The white garment was drenched with blood from the hunt, it'd be easier to buy a new one than try to get the stain out. Jasper did the same, albeit with less force. Yes, Emmett was upset, he could understand that, but why get angry at something they couldn't control? In that sense, thought Jasper, Emmett was just as bad as the wolves were.

The two vampires finished stripping down without another word, Emmett's seething rage kept under boiling point by Jasper's calming aura. In silence, they stepped under the pounding curtain of water. The blood washed off their hair, their hands, their bodies, turning the water a murky red even as it drained across the dark rocks.

They may have been vampires, but they weren't savages, and Carlisle and Esme had made it a long-standing rule that no blood was to come back to the house. Emmett scoured at his skin, under his nails, drawing his fingers through his short-cropped hair again and again, watching the crimson ribbons still tainting the water. It would take a while to get it all out.

"I'm done," Jasper announced. He bounded out of the rocky pool in a single leap, before slinging a towel over his chalky-white shoulder. He didn't feed after the hunt, and didn't have nearly as much blood on him. "I'll see you back home?"

"Yeah, sure," Emmett mumbled, distracted. "See ya."

Behind the bulk of a red Jeep Wrangler, Paul watched the vampire scrub the gory mess from his body. He knew it should've grossed him out – the sight of all that blood; so much of it that the water in the pool now looked as though it'd been tainted with rust. This was what vampires did: they killed, they drank blood. The reality of it couldn't be more clear than right now, right in front of Paul's very eyes.

But fuck! It was hard to shake the other sight that was becoming more and more difficult for Paul to ignore as the blood covering it washed away... the sight of six-and-a-half feet of sculpted muscle drenching himself, tousling his hair, running his hands over every square inch of marble skin...

Now, you'd be stupid to think Emmett was oblivious to Paul. He and Jasper had both heard the wolf-boy approaching; to a vamp, his human feet might as well have been as loud as the boots they'd just taken off. The two of them had exchanged a glance the second they heard him draw near. Jasper could feel the tension in the air – both his brother's and the wolf's... he knew at once that this wasn't his fight.

As the water cascading over his face started to finally run clear, Emmett knew that the werewolf's eyes were still on him. He felt the blood – the venom – the whatever-the-hell it was that coursed through his veins – flow downwards through his torso, pulsing into his groin. He trailed his large hands down his body one more time, making sure to pay special attention to his solid pecs, his ridged abs, the deep lines that led down to...

Shit, Paul thought; if the Pack could see me now. His cock strained against the black denim of his shorts, the patch of pre-cum that'd formed now turning into a sticky stream on his leg. He watched Emmett grasp his junk with both hands, barely able to contain both his growing hard-on and his low-hanging sack. Did vampires jack off? Paul wondered. He was about to find out. I guess if you could live forever, he mused, you wouldn't have to worry about wasting your time beating it.

As if to answer Paul's question, Emmett wrapped his fist around his thick rod. Even in his large hand, it looked massive. A deep moan left the vampire's lips... yeah, okay, it might have been for show, but Emmett couldn't say that he wasn't enjoying it too. After all the time he spent keeping Rosalie satisfied, he didn't get much time to himself, just to enjoy his body, the feelings it could bring. He touched his finger to a taut nipple, and his cock throbbed in his hand. Fuck yeah; he missed this feeling.

Paul's own hand had found its way to the waistband of his cutoffs... he flicked the button undone and quietly lowered the fly. An involuntary smile tugged at Emmett's lips when he heard the rasp of the zipper, followed by the dull thud of denim slumping down around Paul's ankles.

If it's a show the dog wants... Emmett thought.

He drew his hand along the full length of his shaft. His eyes closed, his fingers took in the thickness of the ridge that ran along the underside of his manhood; the strength in that muscle which bore the weight of all of those inches, made them rise majestically from his body. He loved, and took great care of, every single muscle in his supernaturally stacked body, knew how each and every one moved, strained, expanded and contracted. Why not this one as well? He flexed the muscles in his torso, and felt the contractions run deep within his pelvis. He traced that solid core of hardened flesh that began way behind his balls, how it strained against the weight of his hefty meat as it emerged from his body, felt it give way to the smooth crown at the end.

Fuck yeah, nobody knew his body, understood it, like he did. Not even Rosalie. How could a woman know what it was like to have this extension of yourself – this weapon – in your hand? How could they know the power, the pleasure it could bring? Another man, at least, would know that a guy's cock wasn't just any other muscle... Fuck man – it was a work of art.

A work of art — that's what Emmett looked like right now. Like a marble statue, moving in slow torsion. Like the great fountains of the ancients, the water playing over every intricately detailed cascade. If the cum was boiling any harder between Paul's legs, it would've shot out of his ears. Sam was hot. Jake was hot. This guy... this guy was a god. Maybe it was the water masking the smell. Maybe he had so much of a hard-on that he no longer cared. Whatever. Point was, Paul had never wanted a vampire so bad in his life.

But was he going to make a move? Emmett couldn't be sure. Everything about the wolf-boy sounded like lust – or fear. His heavy breathing, his pounding heart... these were sounds the vampire was built to pick up, the sounds of prey, an easy meal. But damn, Paul was starting to sound like a meal of another kind. If he's gonna do anything, Emmett thought, he'd better do it soon. The growing need to shoot was getting too hard to ignore.

He leaned back against the rocky cliff, mind swirling with images. The cloudy, human memory of the first time he ever had sex, all those years ago back in that field in Tennessee. Rosalie, almost every night of his living memory. That one time Carlisle wanted samples of vampire jizz to run tests on; so him, Jasper, and Edward lined up facing the wall in Carlisle's office, curtains separating them but doing nothing to hide the noise, first the groans and grunts, then the thick splash of each one of them filling their beakers. The dull tapping of their meat on glass as they shook out each final drop. He thought about that time a lot more than he liked to admit.

But as he felt himself getting to the edge, the werewolf was on his mind. Standing bare in the middle of the woods. So natural, so unrestrained, so... primal. He'd gone running naked once, just to see what it felt like. Once he was done feeling stupid, it was the most amazing feeling. He ended up having to stop and beat off, just so his hard cock wouldn't keep smacking against his thighs. Under the pounding weight of this very same waterfall, Emmett had shot one of the the biggest loads he could remember, his cries drowned out by the thundering water.

The memory sent a jolt of envy through him, that Paul could be naked with his pack, the sun warm on their dark skin. He wondered if Paul had ever jerked it outdoors... the sounds of his orgasm lost in the trees... the trampled, cum-spattered leaves he'd hurriedly leave behind...

"Ahh...! Oh fuck... fuck..." The groans slipped from Emmett's lips. Shot after shot rained onto the slippery rocks at his feet, and immediately washed away. Paul couldn't believe it, there was no colour to it at all! Far from being white, it was like the vamp was cranking a water gun, each spurt erupting icy-clear from his marble pole. It was enough to send an unnatural shudder down Paul's spine. He yanked up his shorts and stepped out from behind the jeep, his confidence swelling since, this time, he was the one who had caught the vamp with his pants down.

"Didn't think you'd be so easy to find," Paul announced as he swaggered over to the vamp.

Emmett's chest was still heaving from blowing his load. He let go of his junk, letting it swing loose as he glanced at Paul sidelong.

"I mean, the stink was easy enough to follow," Paul continued, "but the Jeep...?"

Emmett smirked. "We make a point of not running around like animals."

It was a low jibe. Paul felt his blood rise, but he knew what the vamp was doing, getting him riled up. He wouldn't give him the pleasure. This time he was sure he had the upper hand.

"So what are you doing here, anyway?" Emmett asked.

Paul was surprised to find that he could hardly remember. "Sam wanted me to make sure that your peeps and our peeps were cool after what happened last night," he finally blurted out.

"Yeah, we're cool, why wouldn't we be?" Emmett replied, nonchalant. "Pass me that towel?"

Okay, so they were alright, but why the hell was the vamp being so casual with him? He picked the towel up off the Jeep's rail and handed it to Emmett. He was so close now that some of that burnt-sugar smell was starting to creep back.

"You know," Emmett said as he started drying off, "I don't know why it comes out clear either. Might have something to do with how our bodies don't produce new cells. No swimmers in it, you know? There's probably some venom in there too. Man, everything that comes out of us has venom in it."

"The fuck are you talking about?"

"Come on dude, you know exactly what. You're thinking it, I'm thinking it. Carlisle would probably be able to tell you exactly what chemicals and shit are in it, but fuck, sometimes I just wanna know in plain English why my jizz isn't the right color."

Paul could feel his heart racing, the heat rising to his face.

"I might not be able to see the future, or read minds, or anything like that..." Emmett continued, "but give it up, man. I knew you were there the whole time."

Fuck, caught out. "You knew, huh? Really? And you still..."

"Hell yeah! Wouldn't you have? I get fuck-all time alone... and the mind-reader's gone this weekend. Gotta take these opportunities as they come."

Bad pun, but Paul still sniggered.

"And I figured, what with the way you were staring at me last night..." Emmett said.

Any confidence that Paul might've built up was now well and truly gone. He was wrong, Emmett still had the upper hand. "Staring? And what the goddamn-fuck would I have been staring at?"

Emmett laughed. "I dunno. Maybe it was just the shock of seeing a real man's body."

Paul's felt waves of heat crawl across his skin again.

"What the fuck would you know about what a real man looks like? Huh? Fucking freak." He beat his palms against his torso. "This. This is what a real, hot-blooded man looks like."

"Yeah, not bad," Emmett said, "you know, for something that's half-human."

"Fuck you. I've got blood in my veins and sperm in my balls. What the fuck does that make you?"

"Geezus man, chill! Learn to take a compliment. What I meant was, you guys are half-human, but damn, you sure don't look it!"

Wait, what? "Yeah? Like what?" Paul tried cautiously.

"Never seen humans as ripped as you guys are," Emmett said honestly, "and you're only what, like eighteen?"


"Bullshit, no way!"

"Fuck yes, way."

"You're way-fucking-big for sixteen!"

"Big?" Paul smirked at the word. "Man, you don't even know. You wanna see big?" His hands went to the top button of his shorts. "I'll show you big." He paused a second. "Hang on, just checking we're still cool right?"

"We're very cool. We're all kinds of cool," Emmett grinned.

Paul grinned back, and dropped his shorts.

"Not bad, huh?"

"Shit, man! I take it back. You're HUGE for your age. Guess it gets even bigger fully hard?"

"Better believe it." Paul was well on the way there, but he gave it a few good pumps with his fist just to be sure. He gripped it at the base, letting the shaft swell to its full size.

"Nice. Wonder who's is bigger?" Emmett mused.

"Yours looked big, leech, but I think mine still wins."

"No way."

"Yes. Way."

"No way... in hell."

"Thicker, maybe, but I've got the length."

"Piss off. I got you beat in both, easy!"

"Prove it."

"Fine. I will." Emmett dropped the towel, and his hands were back on his pulsing rod in a second. "Mine already looks bigger, dog."

"Don't get too confident. You just busted a nut, bet you can't even get it half hard again."

"Yeah? I bet I can get it so hard that I can put it all up your ass in one go."

Whoa. That got him. By the time Paul picked his jaw up off the floor, Emmett was stroking away at his fully erect bad-boy again.

"So how're gonna do this?" he sneered at Paul.

"You never compared dick sizes before? You put them side by side and see who's is bigger, dumb shit."

"Fine, get closer then."

"You get closer, I don't wanna get any nearer to you, you smell like burning piss."

"Whatever. You smell like dog shit," Emmett said as he edged closer.

"You smell like old man stink."

"Like vomit stuck in wet fur."

"Like gasoline poured over a dead guy."

"Yeah? Well guess what? I've got the bigger cock, douchebag."

Paul looked down. Sure enough, Emmett was standing as close as he could to Paul... and the vamp's dick was nearly an inch longer, and way thicker.

"Well," Paul said, trying not to sound too defeated, "you know what they say it's not the size that matters..."

"...it's what you do with it?" Emmett grinned. "Dude, you're just digging your grave deeper and deeper. I'll fucking SHOW you what I can do with it."

"No way, man. THAT is going too far. Fine, you win, okay?" He put his hands up, started stepping away. "Filthy cocksucking bloodsucker."

The vampire laughed. "Why? Afraid you'll like it?"

Paul's initiation flashed through his mind. "No."

"You scared then?"

"Don't start that game unless you can finish it, leech."

"What game? Chicken?"

"I'll fucking show you chicken..."

"Wait, you're more of a dog aren't you? Isn't that right...? Mutt."

That was it for Paul. "Nobody — fucking NOBODY — calls me 'mutt' who isn't prepared to deal with the consequences," he seethed. "What's your bet, vamp?"

"That I can fuck you so good with this that I'll have you begging for it like a dog begging for a piece of meat."

"No way. No deal. That's too much. THAT is going too far."

"Let me finish. But if I can't make you nut before I do, you get to blow your wad on me, wherever you like."

Emmett had his interest now. "On you? Wherever I like?"

"On me... in me," the vampire shrugged. "Yeah. Wherever."

Paul sized up the massive hulk of vamp in front of him. Oh fuck, he'd get slammed, sure, but man... what he wouldn't give to be able to tell his bros he'd torn one of them a new one.

"Fine. You got any lube?"

"Nope. You take it like a man, mutt, or not at all."

Paul's gaze drifted down. For all his boasting, he knew his limits, and he knew that this one might be – literally – stretching it.

"You afraid you've bitten off more bone than you can chew, dog?"

Paul sneered. "Just thinking of which end I'm gonna stuff you from first when you lose, freak."

Emmett bent Paul over the hood of his Jeep. The steel bull-bar ground into Paul's side, but he was pretty sure that wasn't going to be his biggest problem for much longer.

"Yeah... you're so warm, man. Feels good. Been a while since I've had a warm one."

Paul shuddered. Between the damp air, the cold of the steel and Emmett's freezing hands, there was no way he could get turned on. He had this one won, easy. That's when he felt Emmett's tool pressing against his hole. Fuck, it's like it's made of ice, he thought.

"Sure you wanna do this? Looks like you're having second thoughts," Emmett said.

"That's cos your dick's fucking freezing, dude!"

"Don't worry," the vamp chuckled, "it'll warm up inside you."

"Yeah, yeah. Less talk, more cock, big guy."

Emmett was happy to oblige.

"Holy..." Paul grunted as the head of Emmett's rod entered him.

"Better?" Emmett grinned.

"Can't remember the last time I shoved a popsicle up my ass..." Paul squirmed, "but I'm pretty sure it felt something like this."

"Trust me buddy, I'm WAY bigger than your average popsicle. Face it; you're not finger-fucking yourself anymore. This is the big league."

"Well then I've been playing big league for a while now... You think you're big, you should see Sam."

Emmett froze. Did the wolf-boy just say what he thought he said? That he'd been fucked by their leader? Maybe it was some kind of Alpha superiority thing? He thought about when he saw the wolves phase to human last night... how Sam definitely stood out from the rest of the pack as even bigger, broader, the way an Alpha wolf should. Now he wished he'd taken a better look.

"What's wrong?" Paul teased. "Not feeling it any more?"

"Hey, hey, settle. I'm just being nice. You'll feel plenty in a second." And with that, Emmett pushed just a few of his goddamn-however-many-inches straight into Paul's tight hole.

"Oh god... FUCK!" Paul grimaced. "Holy hell, you're cold!"

"But it still feels good, don't it?"

"Yeah... Man you were right... It's warming up."

"I'M just warming up, wolf boy. Don't cum just yet."

Paul's grip on the bull-bar tightened as Emmett started moving in and out of him, the thick veins and ridges of his shaft scraping at Paul's tender insides.

It wasn't long before Emmett could feel Paul getting accustomed to it, taking one more inch, then another, getting comfortable with the feeling of being completely filled from within. A few minutes later, it was time for the main event. He turned Paul around, laying the leaner boy on his back on the Jeep's hood.

"Oh SHIT!" Paul cried out, as the big guy's tool did a full one-eighty inside him. He was still recovering when Emmett pushed forward again. This time there was no pain, only a jolt that started in his groin and didn't stop until it had rippled through his entire body and out through his fingertips. It was as though the lightning that had started to split the sky had run straight into his erect cock.

"What the fuck was that!?" he huffed, as a clap of thunder resonated through the metal beneath him.

"Never felt that before?" Emmett asked.

Paul shook his head.

"Then you've been letting the wrong guys fuck you," he laughed.

The vamp was easing himself forward now, with slow deliberate strokes. He watched as each movement of his thick member made the dark skin of Paul's manhood stretch to the max, until it reached its full, impressive length. But with the bull-bar for support, he had the werewolf's warm, tight body completely under his control.

This new feeling was too much. I'm gonna lose it, Paul thought. Fuck, I'm gonna lose. He fought back the waves that were surging out of his balls, through his groin, turning his legs into jelly and his cock into steel. Not only was Emmett rocking his body in ways he'd never felt before, no matter where he looked now he couldn't avoid the sight of the hulking vampire, his every muscle flexing, straining, but without a single drop of sweat. There was no way of ignoring his caramel-golden eyes, the shit-eating grin on his face, the waves of pleasure consuming him as he pile-drove his way towards another explosive climax.

"I'm not gonna cum," Paul muttered, mostly to himself. "Not gonna cum."

"Oh, I think you are," Emmett retorted.

"Not if you cum first."

"Uh-uh. Venom, remember? I don't know what's in my juice, but I'm pretty damn sure you don't want it all up inside you."

Fuck! Paul thought, the leech was right. If he let go, it was game over. If he held out, and the vamp lost control, he'd have an ass full of god-knows-what. Emmett knew this from the start. He knew Paul was going to lose either way. The bet was just an easy way to get Paul to agree to it, to lay on his back and take it and say 'thank you sir' at the end of it all.

The fear was enough to lower the pressure, make the fire die down in his balls.

"Oh fuck... oh shit man, you're right. I think you're gonna win," Emmett breathed.

But before Paul could yell for him to stop, the vamp had already pulled out.

"Move! FUCKING MOVE!" he bellowed, his voice echoing like the thunder off the mountainside, and Paul rolled over as quick as he could, practically flipping himself off the Jeep.

"Argghh! Ahhh!! Ahhh... ahhh... fuck!" Emmett cried out. Paul watched, enthralled, as the big guy sprayed his superhuman load, the second one this morning, all over the hood of his bright red Jeep, until it was covered in droplets that were clear as the rain that had started to fall.

"Fuck. That's gonna wreck the paintwork," Emmett said.

"Screw the paintwork!" Paul laughed triumphantly. "Looks like I win! Where's my prize, bitch?"

Emmett turned to face Paul, his spent meat still swinging long and heavy in front of him.

"That's right, you win. Come on, shoot one on me, then," he said, spreading his arms out in an embrace of the dark clouds, offering his body as a canvas for Paul. "Wherever you want."

Paul eyed the six-and-a-half foot pillar of man-flesh in front of him. No, not a man. A vamp. A filthy bloodsucker. He'd be betraying the pack if he wasted this opportunity.

"No way you're getting out of it that easily," Paul taunted. "You're gonna suck it, leech."

"Gladly," Emmett offered. Then, with no warning at all, he bared his teeth. Lips pulled back, gleaming, venomous fangs on full display, even Paul found himself almost jumping back.

"Fuck! Well, fine then!" Paul cried. "How bout I just plough your smug ass?"

"Sure," Emmett replied, "but you know it's ALL venomous, right?"

"What?! Screw you and your mind-games, freak!"

"I'm just being honest. You're wouldn't stick your cock down a hole with a poisonous spider in it, would you? Or a snake? No? So what's the goddamn difference?"

As much as Paul hated to admit it, the vamp was right. It was a chance he wasn't going to take.

"There's probably already some venom in you. Totally out of my control! It just leaks a bit when I get, you know... excited," Emmett grinned.

Paul felt his paranoia start to rise. Sure his ass was burning, but was it any more than usual? He hadn't done this anywhere near enough to tell. Fuck, why did he even...? He knew this was a stupid idea! All this racing through his mind was enough to start his heart pounding, the nerves in his fists tingling. His rage started building. At being deceived, at having been the loser of this stupid bet, at Sam for ever sending him down here.

He phased. And suddenly Emmett had hundreds of pounds of snarling wolf barreling down on top of him.

Sam was at a full run when he felt Paul's mind explode into the pack's consciousness.


<Get off my fucking case, Sam Uley!>

<Shit Paul, what are you even doing? Phase back!>

Paul pushed through the Alpha's will, snapping at Emmett's wrists, the strong hands that tried again and again to swipe him away.


There came a point where there was no more fighting against Sam. He wasn't far off, but when he and the other two wolves arrived at the clearing, Emmett had already pinned the leaner boy to the ground, arms twisted behind his back.

The vamp watched as the biggest, black wolf phased to human; his eyes fixated on the appendage between his legs. Goddamn, he thought. The skinny shit wasn't kidding.

"I'll take it from here," Sam said calmly. Emmett moved aside as he pinned Paul down with his knees, took both of Paul's arms in his iron grip.

"Quil, Embry; grab his legs," he commanded. "You," he addressed Emmett. "You got any rope?"

The big vamp wasn't used to being ordered around like this, but he figured that when an Alpha wolf told you to do something, you just did it. He came back from the Jeep with a thick coil of rope he used for traps, and watched in semi-disbelief at how fast the pack leader's big fingers worked at binding Paul's hands and ankles. Finally, only because Paul had been cussing non-stop since Emmett pinned him to the ground, Sam gagged him with a thick double-loop of rope.

"Just for the record, we're all good about last night if you are," Emmett said. He'd had just enough time to wrap a spare towel around his waist while he'd been searching the Jeep, but he was still more self-conscious than he'd ever been in his life as he spoke to the Alpha.

Sam just nodded. Quil and Embry picked Paul up off the ground with no effort at all. "Fall back," he instructed, and the wolves retreated into the forest.

"ARRRGGGHHHH!!!" Paul screamed as Sam's thick tool pushed into him, feeling like it was splitting him in half.

"Shut up, cuntbag, Billy'll hear you!" Quil said.

"Not fucking likely," Sam muttered, and as though the Sky Gods had heard him, a long growl of thunder tore through the shed's tin roof.

Water sluiced off Paul's hair, his back, his extended limbs, onto the concrete floor. Embry had his bound wrists, Quil his ankles; the two of them pulling him taut so that their Alpha could get in, his own hands supporting Paul's slender waist, trying to flush out whatever trace the vamp might have left in the bastard.

"Augggh!! Oh shit!!"

"It's not even all the way in yet," Sam grumbled.

"No! Fuck, stop! It won't GO any further in!"

"Fucking crybaby." Sam tried forcing another half an inch in, as Paul really started to whimper. Okay, maybe he was right. He pulled out, felt a sigh of relief deflate Paul's chest, before he shoved himself in again, robbing Paul of any breath he had left. At least he'd stopped complaining. The first ten minutes had been a real chore, convincing Paul that there was vampire venom in him and there was only one way to get it out. It would've been over by now, if Paul had only remembered that with Sam Uley, there was no such thing as a negotiation.


"You're lucky, feels like a big load. Should get it all out in one go."

"Shiiittt! ARRGGHH!"

"Not making it come any faster by whining."

Embry smirked at Quil and they both stifled a laugh, their eyes meeting momentarily over the flat plane of Paul's back and the heaving tower of muscle that was Sam Uley in mid-fuck. The two boys rocked back and forth with Sam's thrusts, their hands fumbling to keep a grip on Paul's tense, squirming limbs.

"Oh shit, here it comes..."


Quil watched as the muscles on Sam's back tightened, one by one, every muscle along his spine all the way down to his ass as he pumped a mind-bending load into Paul. Thunder rolled through the tin overhead as the roar of Sam's climax shook the walls.

"Down," Sam instructed, and Quil and Embry set Paul down onto the concrete in a thick puddle of dribbling cum. "Feel better?"

"You're a fucking piece of work, Sam Uley."

Sam turned to Embry. "I don't think he's had enough. Want a turn?"

"It's ENOUGH alright?! Shit, he didn't even cum in me."

"Didn't have to. He left a stink on you, that's for sure," Quil said..

Sam breathed in, a damp lungful of sweat and cum. "True. Maybe you boys should tie him out in the rain. Rinse him off."

"Or, we could throw him in the bay..."

"...off a cliff," Embry chipped in.

"Hey! What're you doing?!" Sam bellowed.

Even with his wrists tied together, Paul had just managed to slip both hands around his stiff cock. "Dude, I just need to cum so bad."

"No." Sam said.


"You need your ears washed out as well? I said, fucking no."

"You're shitting me."

Sam hauled the skinnier boy up by the rope around his wrists, strung him so high his toes were skimming the concrete floor. "You don't get to cum until I say you do."

"You can't do that!"

"I'm your Alpha, I could tell you to suck your own ass-juices off my dick and like it if I wanted to." He turned to the other two boys. "Rope."

Quil handed him a length of rope from the floor, which in a matter of seconds, Sam had used to expertly lash Paul to one of the beams running above them. He leaned in, close enough that Paul's face started to lose some of its natural smugness.

"Not a single drop until I say so. Goddammit, you smell," Sam said, backing off, "Embry, Quil. Mark him."

"What? Oh hell no. Sam! You can't just leave me here! You fucking motherless motherfucking son-of-a-bitch!" Paul screamed, but Sam had already disappeared into the downpour.

"Relax," Quil said, waving his thick rod at Paul, "haven't you ever been marked before?"

"No-one fucking pisses on me."

"Piss? Who the hell said anything about piss? Dude, do you even know what marking is?"

Paul scowled at the boys. In the bare light of a single, swinging light bulb, it was hard to see anything on their dark faces beside their animal-like grins. He knew exactly what marking was, he'd been doing it even before these two shitheads were in the pack. He was there when Sam marked the original treaty lines, he practically pissed the entire Northern border into existence.

"Won't take long," Embry breathed. It was only then that Paul was shaken back out of distraction, by Embry and Quil jacking on their hard-ons.

"What the fuck?" All of a sudden, Paul couldn't decide if this was better or worse.

"Pissing is for trees and rocks, dude. If you've got area to cover. Need to mark something small? This is WAY stronger," said Quil.

"Like how Jake marked his bike?" Embry suggested.

"Yeah, and now we can find it anywhere between here and Canada!" Quil replied.

"'Course, he has to do it again every time it washes off."

"Really?!" Paul baulked, "he jizzes on that thing? I thought it was just cos the seat stank of his ass!"

"Nope, he marks it."

"Just like we're gonna mark you."

Paul squeezed his eyes shut. He couldn't believe it. Getting pounded, hell, even getting sprayed by Sam was one thing. He was the Alpha, there was no shame in that. But getting jizzed on by THESE two??

"Fuck, you getting close Quil?"

"Hell-fuckin-yeah, gonna shoot it bro."

"Ready when you are, dude."

"Oh man, here it comes..."

Next thing he knew, Paul felt one warm, gooey load hit his stomach, start dribbling down his abs. The next one hit a second later, covering most of his side, from his chest to his deep crease of his pelvis. He opened his eyes in time to see the boys wiping their hot, heavy dicks on him.

"At least you're smelling a bit better," Quil laughed.

"Nah, you can still smell the vamp-stink. Here," Embry said. He reached behind Paul to the thick streams running from his ass, down the back of his legs; and then smeared the sticky mess across Paul's chest, before wiping his hands on a rag.

"Better?" Embry asked Quil.


"Oops, almost forgot." Embry hurriedly twisted the rag into a rope, and tied it across Paul's protesting mouth, around the back of his head. "Can't have you calling for help before Sam gets back."

Paul had lost count of how many claps of thunder, how many sheets of rain had rattled the tin roof that he was tied to. In the dark, the thin strips of light squeezing in from gaps in the doorway was the only way of knowing it was still daylight outside. He could still taste Sam on the rag that filled his mouth, could still smell Quil and Embry steaming off his feverish skin. His head was filled with the their scent, like they were in every corner of the room with him.

Which is probably why he didn't smell the intruder who pushed open the unlocked door, let the grey light of the Pacific Northwest afternoon creep grudgingly in. And then the unexpected, sudden blindness; the shock of the light hanging an arm's length from his eyes suddenly tearing through the blackness. Sam, he thought, it'd better fucking be Sam.


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