Full Moon

By Bradley Danaher

Published on Jul 28, 2009


I write because I enjoy creating people and stories, and because I enjoy hearing from readers. If you have any comments or would just like to say hey, please feel free to E-mail me at bradmikedan@hotmail.com or leave a comment on my blog at http://bmdsupine.blogspot.com/. I promise I won't bite.

[Disclaimer: The Twilight Saga, New Moon and all of the characters in this story remain the authorial property of Stephenie Meyer. This is simply a work of fan fiction. The Quileutes are also a real-life tribe of Native Americans, and I do not profess to know anything about their legends or traditions. The Quileute characters in this story are inspired by Stephenie Meyer's representations, and do not in any way represent any people, living or dead.]

This first installment is Chapters 7 to 10 of New Moon, from Jacob's point of view.

======================================= Full Moon 1. I totally did not see that coming. =======================================

The last few months have been kind of weird for me. Okay, not just kind of weird... really weird. I've seen stuff that would get me locked away in a room lined with white rubber if I ever told anyone else about it. Storybook stuff. Horror movie stuff. Stuff that I know was real only because I couldn't even have made it up in my most insane nightmares.

It started out in January at school. Sam Uley's gang had grown bigger over the holidays. They were going around calling themselves "protectors" now. Tribe pride: that was what the gang was all about, keeping the peace and protecting our land, all with the support and backing of the Tribal Elders. Kind of like the Quileute boy scouts, if scouts were six and a half feet tall. That was the other thing that bothered me. A gang of massive guys, all huge and heavily built, couldn't have spelled good news.

I watched them stride up the muddy drive towards the assortment of raised portables and pre-fabricated classrooms that made up the tiny La Push Reservation High School. Sam was in the lead. He didn't attend the school anymore; he'd graduated two years ago, but turned down a college scholarship for no good reason and now came to the school every so often to preach tribal lore at us. As if we didn't get enough of that already at home. Behind him, ribbing and shoving each other, and laughing as they fought playfully, Paul and Jared were a vast contrast to Sam's stoic demeanor.

But what I saw next confirmed what I'd feared the past week. Trudging up the path was Embry. As in used-to-be-one-of-my-closest-friends Embry. He'd been alright, even up until a week ago. He'd come with Quil to my garage just last Saturday. I looked at him now, his hands thrust deep into his pockets, his eyes staring at the ground, and his hair cropped into the same short cut as the other three. He'd been avoiding Quil and me since Monday, and now here he was with Sam's gang. It had been the same with Paul. It started with a sudden disappearance, a period of absence, then they'd reappear... only as a shell of what they were, and tagging at Sam's heels. When Embry started avoiding us, we thought, no way he could be hanging with Sam. No way could they have gotten to him. But now, as he dragged his feet along the muddy gravel of the path, there was no doubt he was one of them.

The four of them looked really out of place, and it wasn't just because of their size. It took me a moment to realize it was because they were all dressed the same, but different from everyone else. It was January, the middle of the freezing Pacific Northwest winter, and all four of them were wearing black T-shirts and cut-off sweat pants. Paul even wore a sleeveless T-shirt. Probably just another way they could attract attention and make themselves seem tough. Sam was getting really close to me now. I stepped back off the path to let him pass, and the movement caught his attention. He looked me straight in the eye, glaring. His face was tense, angry. This didn't surprise me; he'd looked at me like that many times before. It was hard to think of Sam without his permanent scowl. But there was something else in his expression today, adding a gleam to his eye, pulling at the corners of his mouth, the beginnings of a smirk. Well, almost, but more like... he was hungry. Yeah, that was it. And I was something that he wanted to eat. I felt a cold shudder run down my spine, and my hands balled themselves into fists. He passed me, not taking his eyes off mine.

When he finally broke his stare, I snapped my head round just in time to see Paul and Jared watching me with nearly the same expression. Not anywhere near as angry, but with all the same hunger. For a second, I thought I even saw Paul sneer at me. Then Embry came up behind them. The gravel scuffed and crunched under his feet as he dragged them along the ground. He was not looking at me. Instead, he was staring at his shoes.

"Embry..." I started.

My voice must've broken through his daze, because he looked up for a second, with deep, sad eyes. They were broken, lost and empty, like someone had just died. When he saw me, they didn't fill with any happiness or recognition, just pity. The words caught in my throat when I realized that. And then he was looking at the ground again, and shuffling off with Sam and his gang.

After school, I blew off Quil to spend time with Bella. He'd understand, we'd grown up together and had the whole rest of our lives to hang out, so I was sure he wouldn't miss a few hours. I'd hardly been home for two minutes when I heard her noisy old Chevy truck rumbling up the unsealed road. After grabbing a pack of Doritos and two cans of soda out of the cupboard, I ran out the front to greet her.

We didn't get much work done on the motorcycles that she'd brought me a week or so ago, the ones I was supposed to be restoring to full working condition. To be honest, I did most of my work on them during my free time. While she was around, I just tightened nuts and bolts, took things out, cleaned them, and put them back in, making it look like I was busy. It was too hard to focus with her around, and I really enjoyed talking to her too much to have to concentrate on motorcycle repair. I mentioned Embry, but let the subject drop, I didn't want to be a downer on the conversation. As usual, with all our teasing and light chatter, it was easy to forget all about what had been worrying me for most of the day.

It was a couple of weeks later that I had my little run-in with Paul. I'd finished gym, which was the last class on Friday, and was absent- mindedly heading towards my locker and the showers. He and Jared were horsing around in front of their lockers before basketball practice, and the other guys walking past were giving them a wide berth. Paul playfully slammed Jared into one of the lockers, and I watched in disbelief as the door bent hideously out of shape, as if Paul had hit it with a fire extinguisher. But Jared straightened up without a scratch. With the force of that impact, he should've broken his shoulder.

It was different seeing just Paul and Jared alone. I'd seen the gang together a few times since that day Bella and I saw them cliff-diving, but I hardly ever saw them apart. Nor did I ever get to see Embry alone. They seemed more relaxed without Sam there, more like their old selves. I walked past the guys, keeping my distance, and pulling off my T-shirt as I went along, when I heard the wolf-whistle.

I whipped around.

Jared and Paul stood there, sniggering. When they saw me turn, they stopped, but their grins betrayed their composure. Once again, they had that strange animalistic hunger in their eyes. Paul's gaze slipped down my body and back up to meet mine, then fixed themselves again in a frosty stare. My skin crawled.

"What are you looking at, boy?" Paul snarled, and standing in front of him, even though I was six feet tall, I really did feel like a kid again.

"You started it," I retorted, "see something you like?"

Paul lunged towards me suddenly, and the movement caught me off guard. I stumbled backwards. Thanks to my lousy growth spurt, I was like a bean pole with an insanely high centre of gravity, which meant I fell easily. This time, I tripped over my own foot. Sam Uley was there in a flash, before I even had time to catch myself on the opposite wall of lockers. I hadn't even heard him coming. He was in a basketball uniform. Oh yeah, I forgot, he coached the team. He grabbed Paul by the shoulder and spun him around. They glared in each others' eyes for a long moment, before Sam intoned in a deep, almost inaudible rumble:

"Let it go, Paul."

Paul's entire body seemed to be shaking. His fists were clenched. I couldn't have got him that angry, could I? He looked at me, still trembling, his eyes fierce and smoldering, and his lips pulled back menacingly over his teeth.

"Your ass is mine, Jacob Black."

I made a detour past the general store on my way home from school, still trying to shake off the creepy feeling Paul had given me. It wasn't just the weird looks now, these were open threats. I wondered why they were antagonizing me, more than anyone else. Was it because I was getting to be as big as they were? What did they want from me? Were they going beat me up, so that they could prove their toughness? Or worse, did they want me to join them, and would threaten me until I caved in? I pushed all these thoughts out of my head when I got to the store, trying to concentrate instead on the purpose of this trip: to find a Valentines Day gift for Bella.

In the end, I didn't find much. Most of the boxes of chocolate were gone, sold to guys who had evidently put way more thought into the whole Valentines thing. The ones that were left were exorbitantly overpriced. I settled for a small box of conversation hearts. It cost me less than a dollar, and I really didn't want to seem cheap, but it was the thought that counted, right?

I came home to find my father, Billy, sitting in his wheelchair at the table with Sam Uley. They looked like they were having an important discussion. When Sam saw me come through the front door, he stopped talking right away. Billy noticed his hesitation, and turned around.

"Jake," Billy said, "Sam and I were just talking about you."

I flinched.

"What's there to talk about?" I asked, looking right past Billy, and glaring Sam in the eye. He had that same look on his face, the look he gave me now every time we passed each other at school or in town. Angry, hungry... waiting.

"Billy and I were... making plans. For your future," Sam said, his voice controlled and somber.

'What, so now I don't even get to decide my own future?' I yelled. It came out harsher than I expected, but these words were meant for Sam, not for Billy.

"It's not like that, Jake, we..." Billy started, but Sam cut him off.

"Billy, maybe it'd be best if I talked to him?" his tone was tense and curt.

"Don't you dare tell my father what to do!" I shouted back.

If Billy wasn't in between Sam and me, I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from physically attacking him. I could already feel my entire body coursing with adrenaline, my jaw clenching as I barely suppressed the rage I was feeling. I wanted so badly to take a swipe at Sam. All the same, I turned and stormed out of the house before I had a chance to get any angrier.

"Jake!" I heard Billy call after me, but I was already crossing the narrow road and heading for the beach.

I got back to the house long after nightfall. It had started to rain just before sunset, but I'd stayed on the beach. Sam would be waiting at my house, I knew, so I didn't want to go back until I was absolutely sure that he'd left. Now, drenched from head to toe, I strode up the two steps and through the narrow front door. Billy was watching TV. He turned slightly at the sound of the door opening, and at the cold wind that blew in. There was no sound other than the quiet babble of the TV, and the drops of water falling off my wet clothes and hair, and hitting the wooden floor.

"Charlie came. With Bella," he said in a low voice, "she was upset that she missed you."

I cringed.

"They brought pizza. It's on the counter."

I thanked Billy, and took the leftover pizza to my room. After tossing Bella's little Valentines gift on my bedside table, and changing into some dry clothes, I sat on the edge of my bed and ate it cold. That wasn't the best idea. Cold food just didn't fill me up. I chomped down the three- quarters or so that was left of the large pizza and was still ravenously hungry. I'd been hungry a lot recently. It must've come with the growth spurt. I went back out to the kitchen and helped myself to a bag of cookies. Billy was asleep in front of the TV, so I went over and turned it off. Looking at him, I was sorry that I'd gotten mad or yelled in front of him... and for storming out. I'd have to explain in the morning that it was because of Sam.

I woke up in the middle of the night, boiling hot. I rolled over to find my T-shirt soaked through with sweat. It was weird; the room should've been freezing cold. Outside, heavy raindrops continued to pelt against my small window. I peeled off my shirt, and collapsed back onto the bed, gasping. Squeezing my eyes shut, I tried to coax myself back to sleep with no success. It was still too hot. I jumped out of bed and shucked off my sweat pants, then stared at them in a heap on the floor. No good, I couldn't go to sleep in the nude. Billy had a way of inviting himself into my room without knocking. And what if Bella came around first thing tomorrow morning? I grabbed a pair of old boxers out of a drawer that I hadn't worn for years; I'd started wearing boxer-briefs when my junk swinging around started to hurt. Not to mention for when I rode my motorcycle with Bella.

I put one leg through the boxers and had to stop myself from falling over as I heard the fabric tear violently. I'd ripped them clean apart! I hadn't realized I'd grown that much. None of my old boxers were going to fit. Frustrated, I grabbed my sweats off the floor and a pair of scissors out of the top drawer. They were old and worn anyway, so I didn't have to worry about cutting them off around where I figured the knee was, by a hole I'd skinned in them a while back. Pulling them back on, I was relieved to find that this was a lot more comfortable, with the advantage of also being modest. I lay down, but it was still hard to fall asleep. After a very long while, as I finally slipped away into darkness, I thought I heard the howl of a wolf, off in the forest, but just yards from my house.

I hung out with Bella at her house for most of the next day. She'd forgotten it was Valentines' Day, so she didn't have anything to give me in return for the candy. Not that I was expecting anything. It was nice just spending the day with her, doing homework together. She invited me to the movies with her on the coming Friday, and I couldn't wait. Of course, it was with a whole bunch of her friends, but I wouldn't pass up any opportunity to spend time with her. It was all I thought about when I lay in bed on one sleepless night after the next that whole week.

Just to make it extra special, I thought I'd have my Rabbit done and ready to surprise her with on the day. I'd drive us to Port Angeles in it. So I spent as much time as I could down in my garage, just working on it. It was a good thing she wasn't really after catching up to do homework or to go hiking, I didn't think I could spare the time, nor did I want her coming here and seeing what I was up to. It would've ruined the surprise.

I'd just gone up to the house to grab a drink. It was a cold day, but I felt strangely warm. In fact, I'd left my jacket in the house, and was only wearing a long sleeve T-shirt and old sweats. And I was thirsty. It was Thursday afternoon, and I'd come straight home after school and bounded down to the garage. I had twenty-four hours to finish working on the car, and I was pretty confident that it was going to happen. It was already almost done. By the time I finished my can of coke, she was ready for a test run. One by one, I removed the concrete blocks that were holding her up, and lowered the jacks gently until the wheels rested on the ground. Then I went round to the driver's side and turned the key in the ignition. With a mighty roar the engine sputtered to life. A cloud of dark grey smoke poured out the exhaust, but it was only for a moment. The car shuddered once, twice, and then started to run smoothly. The smoke cleared, and I pushed down on the accelerator with my hands, reveling in the roar of the engine. She was ready to go.

The sky was beginning to darken, and I thought that since my work was done for the day, I'd best get back to the house. I cut the engine and slipped the keys into the pocket of my sweat pants. Then, behind me, something crunched on the gravel path. My heart jumped for a second, but I shook off the feeling of tension.

"Quil...?" I asked, turning around.

There was no reply.

"Dude, this isn't funny," I said, the unease beginning to show in my voice.

I took a cautious step out of the garage, into the heavy, grey late afternoon light, and felt a chill run from the top of my scalp to the base of my spine. Looking up at the house, suddenly the back door seemed really far away. I made a hasty march up the path. There was no sound of wind, no rustling of leaves, just the sound of my shoes on the gravel. In my haste, I'd forgotten to close the garage door. I cursed under my breath and turned on my heel. That's when I heard the growl.

It came from my right, from the direction of the woods, and had me stopped in my tracks before I even thought about turning to see what had made the sound. I raised my eyes slowly towards the source. In front of me, a few feet in front of the tree line, stood a humongous black bear. No, it couldn't have been a bear. Its' nose was too sharp, the legs too slender, and the way they bent backwards was much more... canine. This was a wolf. It was a giant, overgrown, black wolf. This was the bear... the wolf... the thing that hikers had been spotting around the woods. Before I had time to think about it much more, I was already running. My first thought was to go back towards the house, towards the village, but as I turned my head I saw them there, two others not quite as big, but definitely the same type of wolf-creature. I turned back and headed for the garage, fumbling the keys out of my pocket as I ran. But my stupid, lanky fingers couldn't keep up with my brain, and I somehow managed to drop the keys just as I got to the car. The black wolf was right behind me, its' growl still so low, it made the car door vibrate.

I had no choice. I skirted around the front of the car, trying my best not to do something stupid and trip over any tools. As soon as I was clear, I ran straight for the little door on the other side of the garage. The wolves wouldn't fit through it; it would give me some head start. But as I burst through, preparing to sprint towards the centre of the village, I was cornered off by another, single wolf. I felt the terror rising in my chest. Were they working together? There wasn't time to think, the other two had caught up to me, and I was sure the black one wasn't far behind. They had me cornered. The thought crossed my mind for a second that I should stand my ground, but the instant I planted my feet, my legs turned to jelly. A cry for help caught in my throat as I saw the largest of the pack, the black wolf, looming in my peripheral vision, and I gave in to panic and ran towards the woods.

I ran further than I'd ever gone into the woods before. The terrain here was unfamiliar, rockier and steeper. The undergrowth grew thicker, scraping at my legs. I hoped it would slow the wolves down, but I could hear them, still racing after me. I couldn't run anymore. My legs felt as though they were about to give out, and I was tripping over rocks and fallen branches. I'd already kicked off my moccasins since they were only slowing me down. I fell to all fours in a small area clear of ferns and kept on going, dragging myself across the mossy ground until I came to the colossal trunk of a fallen redwood. I pulled myself up to it and gathered the strength to turn myself around, to face my pursuers. One by one, the gigantic, oversized wolves appeared out of the thick green of the forest. I winced, wondering if the leader of the pack would just rip my throat out and be done with it, or they would toy with me like dogs tossing around a piece of meat.

As they came closer, some rational part of my brain that was still ticking said, these aren't wolves. Wolves don't look like that. Wolves are grey. That's when I noticed the massive difference in color. The one closest to me, the leader, I assumed, was jet black. Behind him, the other three were shades of grey and brown. They didn't look anything like a united pack, aside from the fact that they were all massive. And they were all hungry. The leader had stopped now, maybe six feet from me, just eying me, tongue hanging out of his open jaws, over rows of menacing teeth. The rest were quickly gathering behind him, surrounding me in a semicircle, almost... great, these mutated giant wolves were also super-intelligent. Their eyes, mouths, faces were radiating hunger, and I could feel the tension in the air, as though they were only waiting for the command from the leader of the pack, and then it would be a fight to the death for who would get me first.

I looked back at the leader; it had been stupid to look away. He was at least a couple of feet closer to me now. I caught waves of hot breath, he was so near. For a moment, my eyes met with his, and I didn't see the insane, irrational, animalistic hunger. I saw something... human. There was feeling in those eyes, a thinking and logical mind behind them. A mind that, for all I knew, was keeping me from getting devoured by the pack right now. I stared into them, locked now, afraid to look away in case that was all he needed to provoke him. I could already feel him shuddering, the fur on his back bristling and shaking.

Then, I wasn't sure if I blinked or if it all happened so fast that the sudden change made it seem like the world dissolved around me, and re- assembled in a half-instant, but the wolf was gone. The next second, standing an arm's reach in front of me, was Sam Uley, immense and dark, naked as the day he was born. From my point of view, on the ground with my back pressed against the redwood log, his muscled frame loomed over me. His skin was russet red and smooth like polished mahogany. A disproportionate amount of my vision was taken up by his crotch, which was just above eye level as I looked up at him, and I noticed he wasn't just huge in the height department. His meat hung heavily between his tree-trunk thighs, the thick veins in it throbbing with his every heartbeat. Behind it, his smooth sack looked more like it belonged to the overgrown wolf that had been standing there a moment before than to a man.

I managed to tear my eyes away, and look up towards Sam's face. His lips were pulled back into what looked like a grin, his teeth glowing white in contrast to his russet skin, but somehow still wearing the same look of hunger the wolf had given me. He offered me his outstretched hand to help me up, and I took it with one quivering hand, rising to my feet, ignoring the screaming pain in my calf muscles from all the running and falling. Once I was standing again, I saw that the three wolves behind him had undergone the same transformation. There was only three guys there now, the three guys from Sam's gang, Embry, Jared, and Paul. Every one of them looking as immovable and solid as the trees. All completely stark naked.

My mouth hung open as the three guys took a step closer. Sam held up his hand and they all stopped. I searched their faces. Jared's eyes were alert and intent, his mouth pressed into a tight line. Next to him, Embry seemed embarrassed and slightly apologetic, and he looked away before I could make eye contact. Paul, on the other hand, looked fearsome, his expression alight with anticipation. He was partly crouched over, his body looked tense and ready to spring. In his eyes was a look of complete satisfaction, and it dawned on me; whatever shit they were planning to do to me now, this was what they had in mind all along. This was what the weird looks, the threats were about. This was their revenge.


Sam's voice yanked me back into the present. I gawked at him, speechless. I was only just aware that my chest was heaving from all the running, and that the others were completely still, like they had been standing here waiting for hours.

"What..." I stammered, "What are you guys? How did you just...?"

"Werewolves," Sam cut me off. I laugh of disbelief caught in my throat as I remembered what I'd just seen. When he saw that I remained dumbfounded, he continued.

"The stories of our elders are not myths. They are legends that come from truths, and that includes the central belief of our people: that we are descended from wolves."

I stared at Sam. He couldn't be serious, could he?

"You don't believe me?" he scoffed, "do you need to see us phase again?"

"No!" I yelled, and the hysteria in my voice shocked me, "I mean, how did this happen? This sort of shit only happens in movies."

Sam explained to me the bond that was made between our people and wolf-spirits, generations ago. He explained that our people had the ability to borrow the shape of the wolves, to transform into them, but it didn't happen to every generation. Only when the threat arose did our own transformations begin.

"What threat?" I choked out.

"The Cold Ones," Sam said.

"Vampires?" I asked in a hushed voice. I still couldn't believe we were really discussing this seriously.

"The Cullens, to be exact," Sam practically spat out the name, and behind him the others reacted with similar hostility, "The last time they were here was during the time of our grandfathers, who formed the Last Pack. Now that they've returned, it's our duty to protect our people."

"But... they've left?"

"It seems they started a chain reaction which can't be stopped. Besides, they brought some friends. There are still bloodsuckers left here. We've seen two. One is a black-haired male who's come down from the Canadian border. The other leech is a redhead female, and she came from the south. There are probably more."

I shuddered at the thought of these horror movie monsters lurking on our land. The loathing in Sam's face spoke for itself; none of this was to be taken lightly.

"So what do you want from me?" I asked after a moment's pause.

"You're going to become the next member of our pack," Sam replied, the corners of his mouth twisting into a grin.

"What?" I asked "Wh... why me? Don't I get any choice in this?"

Paul let out a single laugh, and Sam whipped his head around to silence him faster than he could get another sound out.

"None of us did," Sam said, and I detected a bitter edge in his voice, "It's in your blood. All our grandfathers were part of the last pack. So was yours. It's already begun. You're growing fast, Jacob. That's how it starts. You're already way taller than other guys your age. Taller than when any of us started to change. Any day now the transformation will begin. It's our job to help you, make it easier for you. And to make sure you don't turn... feral." Sam's expression grew acidic at the word.


"If the transformation isn't done properly, it can go on for days. It feels like you're ripping out of your skin from the inside. Trust me, I know."

The sincerity in his eyes sent another shudder down my spine. I thought back to the times I'd seen Paul shaking; the tremors under his skin making his hairs stand on end. Was that what it was like?

"And," Sam continued, "If you don't join a pack, if there is no Alpha to restrain you, you'll run wild. You'll become an animal, hunting, killing, and feeding. You won't even recognize your own family."

The realization dawned on me. Emily. About a year ago, Sam's girlfriend, (well, it was fiancee now) Emily had suffered massive scars to one side of her face. They told people a bear had done it. It really upset the entire reservation, and hunting parties were going to be sent out after the bear, but Sam said it wasn't necessary. Peace with nature, accepting our fate, and moving on, he'd said. I understood why now. It was him who'd done that to her, in one of his "feral" moments. I looked Sam in the eye, and I didn't have to ask if that was what he meant by his warning.

"I'm going to become... a werewolf?" I asked, still not believing.

Sam nodded gravely.

Thinking about it, having the power to transform into a wolf was kind of cool. And if there really were vampires on our land, I'd want to be able to do something about it, be part of the fight. Anything would be better than being lanky and uncoordinated. I thought about being like these guys, all of them built and strong, and uncannily graceful. This wasn't actually so bad. It was all kind of superhero stuff. As long as I didn't go wild and hurt anyone, I thought, wincing mentally. But Sam said he'd help me through that.

"Alright, so if it's going to happen to me anyway," I sighed, "what do I have to do? Wait for some vampires to come get me? Or is it going to happen on the next full moon?"

It was Jared who laughed this time, and Sam smiled with him.

"It's not... quite that simple," Sam said, and the hungry grin returned to his face.

I stared for a second, my eyes wide, waiting for an answer.

"The wolf part of us is passed along genetically, from father to son. We all carry the werewolf gene, including you. But like I said, if left to its' own devices, the transformation takes a painfully long time."

He took a step towards me, and placed one large, strong hand on my shoulder. His skin burned, even through my T-shirt, I could feel the feverish warmth in it, like he was running an insanely high temperature. But he gripped my shoulder firmly, and I couldn't move.

"The legends tell of a way to speed it up, it's described as a kind of... bonding ritual. It's a way to strengthen each individual wolf, and the unity of the pack."

His eyes were locked on mine now, and just like when I had been frozen in the gaze of the wolf-pack leader before, I dared not look away.

"Since the ability to transform is genetic, it's passed through semen."

"Semen?" I gulped, "you mean, like, cum?"

"Yeah, exactly," Sam said. I felt the huge weight of his hand pushing me down now, and before I knew it I was falling to my knees. Once again I was staring at his thick cock, which was quickly stiffening and lengthening in front of me. It took me less than a second to figure out what he was telling me to do.

"I... I don't know about this," I said, looking up at him with pleading eyes, "This is kind of wrong, man. Isn't there any other way?"

Sam shook his head, and there was no arguing with him.

"You have to swallow it," he said in a low, authoritative tone that I'd never heard before, "all of it, or as much as you can, at least, so that you get the most out of it. Trust me. The more you get in you, the stronger you'll be."

The other guys were gathering around now, closer, but keeping their distance, wary of their leader. I looked down, away from their faces, towards Sam's throbbing meat, waiting in front of me. He'd been stroking it with his other hand, teasing it, getting it hard. It stuck out from his body now, angled slightly upwards. It must've been nearly as long as three fists; or two of his large fists... at least ten inches long. As he pumped his hand to the base, the shaft grew even thicker, and a clear, glassy string of pre-cum flowed out of the tip, onto the ground.

I swallowed, hard. His hand grabbed his huge, hairless balls now, tugging them down, and thick globs of clear fluid poured from his dick like it was a tap.

"Come on, Jake. Trust me," Sam encouraged.

"Jake, buddy," Embry's voice caught me off guard, and I looked up at him, "he's right. Just go with it, man. Don't think about it too much."

I stared at Embry for a second, his body tight and well-muscled, pulling at his half-hard cock, which already looked huge. I mean, I'd seen him naked before, in the showers at school and when he, Quil and I sometimes went cliff-diving in the buff in the summer, but he looked amazing now. He was already kind of tall to start with, but now he'd gotten really buff. I realized I wanted that, wanted so badly to have that sheer strength in every ounce of my body; that assuredness and that power.

I went for it.

I wrapped my hand around Sam's waiting pole and gave it a good tug. Trying my best not to think about what I was about to do, I licked a large bead of clear pre-cum off the tip. It was very warm, and saltier than mine had been when I'd tasted it.

"Mmm... that's it," he moaned.

His big hand clutched the back of my neck now, working my head down towards his throbbing, eager meat. I'd never had dirty thoughts about any guy, but Sam right now was a creature of pure sexual energy. I felt myself being dominated by the Alpha wolf in him; and I found that I wanted to share in the raw animal power that coursed through every sinew of his rippling, muscular body. The other guys around us were breathing hard, hands on their own rods, beginning to work themselves up.

I lashed my tongue over the head of his cock. Pre-cum was running over my fingers now, warm and clear. I stroked the lower half of the shaft, slicking it over with the viscous liquid. It was now or never, I had to take the plunge. With my hands still shaking from the nerves, I let the tip of his member slide between my parted lips, and took it into the warmth of my mouth.

Sam let out a deep sign of pleasure, and I felt a sense of satisfaction course through my body, right down to my own stiffening wood. It occurred to me that I didn't just want to make him cum and get this over with; I wanted him to really enjoy this. I wanted to turn the great Sam Uley into jelly with my hands and mouth. For all his striding around, for all the months he had me shaking in my shoes every time he turned to glare at me; compared to all those times, he was so vulnerable now. I felt in control of him, and it was exhilarating.

Sam grunted, wanting more, and he tightened his grip the back of my head as he tried to push me further down. I obliged him, taking a little more of his thick, rock-solid shaft into my mouth. Not all the way yet; I wanted to draw this out for him. I swirled across his cock with my tongue, and took a moment to brush my tongue across the slit. He was still pumping out pre-cum by the bucketful, hot and thick and creamy, and I had to swallow twice before I could keep sucking. I flicked my tongue across his slit again; I knew from my own experience the almost painful, intense feeling that came from touching the sensitive tip. It seemed to have the right effect. Sam was starting to buckle at the knees.

"Jacob, man," Sam breathed, "You sure you haven't done this before?"

I glanced up to see the approving smile cross his usually steely face, and took a bit more of him into my mouth. Still pumping the lower half of his long pole with one hand, I started to bob up and down hungrily on the other half.

His threw his head back and groaned.


Sweat covered his face now, beading his forehead and running in streams down the ridges, planes and gorges of his muscular torso. Around me, I got the sense that the other guys were coming closer, I could feel their heat radiating out from them, their hulking forms blocking out the dimming light and the late afternoon breeze.

"Take it all," Sam pleaded, "Please, your mouth... oh man... it feels so good, Jake."

The words made the tent in my pants grow. He was enjoying this, and the thought that I was getting him off made the jizz rise in my balls.

He pushed my head down, firmly and forcefully. I let as much of him slide through my eager lips as possible, tasting the hot slick of his juices along the length of his shaft. It hit the back of my mouth, and I gagged. I'd heard about deep throating, but I couldn't do it. Trying to keep from gagging again, I pulled his cock out a bit and concentrated on working the tip. If he wasn't getting quantity, he should at least be getting quality. With every lash my tongue made across his sensitive slit, a cry escaped from his lips, and all ten inches of his stiff rod jumped at the feeling.

He started to fuck my face. Both his large hands were on the back of my head, tangling into my hair, holding me down as he thrust into my mouth. His words had become garbled and distorted by the deep moans that reverberated through his entire body with every pass his meaty rod made over my tongue.

I was on edge. I could feel my own cock straining against the tight fabric of my pants, and I reached one hand down to help ease the pressure. Hooking my thumb under the waistband of my sweat pants and underwear, I slid the elastic over my aching wood and tucked them under my balls. The cold breeze against my cock made me harder still. But I suddenly became very aware of the four heavily hung boys around me, and even though I knew from seeing other guys in the showers at school and cliff diving in the buff that my equipment was nothing to be ashamed of, I felt pretty self conscious. I tried my best to ignore the feeling, and started stroking myself in time with Sam's thrusting.

Only moans escaped his lips now; he was in a state that was way beyond words. His voice was hoarse and laced with a growl. I could tell from the tightness of his grip, from the tension of every muscle in his body, from the urgency of each one of his powerful thrusts into my hungry mouth; that he was getting close. I continued to bathe his throbbing meat with my tongue. Every few seconds I would have to swallow again, my mouth overflowing with the hot, salty pre-cum that streamed endlessly from him. With each mouthful I remembered what he'd said, what Embry had said... this was going to change my life, make me strong and powerful... it was going make me one of them. I savored every drop.

"Gonna cum," Sam said almost inaudibly between deep moans, and I gazed up at him.

He had composed himself a bit more, but sweat still ran down his temples and his forehead, and his mouth hung open as he panted and groaned. I watched with keen anticipation as his face scrunched up, matching his tightened grip on the back of my head. He wanted this badly, needed this badly. I wanted this too. I wanted to make him cum so hard he would never forget it. He looked down at me, and for a moment, our eyes met. I saw the Alpha male in his steely, imposing gaze. Then it disappeared. And the person that was left was more than a boy, not quite a man, his power and authority stripped away, begging for the most primal kind of release. I ran my tongue one more time across the head of his pulsing cock.

"Ah... Fuck!"

I felt his shaft swell as his load boiled up from the depths of his body. Then the first blast of his hot spunk hit the back of my mouth like a freight train, and I swallowed it immediately. It felt like liquid fire across my tongue. The second was close behind, and I barely had time to breathe before I had to swallow again.

"Unhhh...! Uhhh...!" Sam bellowed with each shot. The sound echoed off the distant cliffs.

He held me down with his strong grip as spasms rocked his body, not letting me lose a single drop of his thick, creamy seed. As blast after blast hit my tongue, I'd lost count of how many times he'd shot, too caught up with concentrating on swallowing it all. The taste wasn't too bad; I guess I'd gotten used to it after sucking him for that long. I found myself actually liking it, the burning feeling as the hot fluid slid down my throat. And knowing what it was going to do for me, I gulped it down like water for a parched man.

"Yeah... swallow it all, Jake," Sam murmured. The blasts of cum had weakened, but he was still shooting into my mouth. Orgasmic tremors still ran through his tensed muscles. He slackened his grip on my head, and brought one trembling hand to my face, his fingers warm and gentle. They wiped the jizz trickling from the corner of my mouth as his still- throbbing cock emptied the last of his load into me. I sucked it once more from its shaft to its painfully sensitive head, and let it slide from my lips.

I looked up at his face, which was now relaxed and sure.

"That was awesome," he grinned, and brought his big fingers to his lips, and licked the sticky cum from them.

I started to answer, but realized my mouth was still full. I swallowed.

"Thanks," I replied sheepishly, not meeting his eyes.

I felt like a kid again, now that his Alpha persona was back. Here I was, still kneeling on the damp, leafy ground, with my boner sticking out the top of my pants, while he towered over me, tall and stalwart. I turned away, and looked around at the other guys, who were grinning and vigorously pumping their steel-hard poles. The sight sent a jolt through my stiff rod, and I grinned back as I wrapped my hand around it and started jerking furiously.

The other guys liked this; they drew in closer and leaned in over me. Paul had both hands around his huge meat-stick, and there was still more of it to spare. Jared was tugging at his low-hanging nut sack, a continuous stream of pre-cum soaking the ground at his feet.

Damn, I thought, he makes more than Sam.

I let my eyes drift over to Embry. It didn't feel right looking at him, my old friend, like this. But curiosity had been sparked inside me, and I had to look. He pumped his dick with big, long strokes, his body bent over slightly, as his left hand teased and played with his hard nipples. I felt a sudden craving to take his meat into my mouth, to run electricity through his body the same way I'd done to Sam, to make my buddy feel good. I grinned at him, and he shot back a wide, knowing smile.

Someone touched my shoulder, and broke my attention from Embry. I turned to see Paul standing over me, his thick pole demanding my attention.

"Come on, Jacob," he snickered, "it's my turn now."

He grabbed my hair, and held my head still as he smeared the blazing- hot tip of his rigid cock across my lips.


I thought I'd only have to service Sam. Now I was going to end up blowing the whole pack. Suddenly, all the looks they'd been giving me the past few weeks made sense. The way they looked at me like I was something to eat. This was why. They knew this was coming. They were looking forward to the day they had me on my knees with their thick rods shoved down my throat, emptying their loads into me.

I didn't mind.

The throbbing hard-on in my hand was crying out for more. As much as I disliked Paul, I reminded myself of what Sam had said; if I wanted to become one of them, I had to do this. I parted my lips and let him slide his waiting tool into my greedy mouth.

Paul began to moan, low and breathy, interrupted by a chuckle, no doubt because he finally had me where he wanted me. But I hadn't even gotten an inch of his shaft in my mouth when a low growl made Paul instantly jerk back. I whipped my head around.

Sam was crouched over aggressively, his teeth bared, his eyes burning with the same fire that made his skin blazing hot. He was all Alpha, completely in command, and the look in his eyes said one thing:

Leave him alone.

Paul released his hold on me, and stepped back. In the same instant, Sam took a step forward, and bent down next to me. He watched the shock grow on my face as he pried my hand off my cock, and replaced it with his own hand, which was huge by comparison. The sudden warmth of his grip nearly made me cream. With his other hand, he pulled my pants and underwear down around my knees, and I helped him get them all the way off. His eyes were still locked on mine. The strong, composed gaze seemed to see right through me, into my thoughts. He could probably see, then, how much I needed each and every stroke of his warm hand on my teenage meat.

The others had gathered around me in a tight circle. The heat radiating from their skin made me forget the late-afternoon chill as their muscular legs brushed my arms and shoulders. I looked up and saw their thick rods all above me, and beyond that, their faces betraying how close they were to cumming. Embry leaned down and started lifting up my long- sleeved T-shirt, and I helped him pull it over my head and off my arms. Once again, I couldn't help but feel self-conscious, surrounded by the four ripped guys.

But Sam's free hand was soon roaming over my body, exploring my flat stomach and running the length of my thighs, bringing me closer and closer to the brink. Embry reached over my shoulders from behind and let his hands wander across my chest. Each time he brushed his fingers across my hard nipples, my cock throbbed anxiously in Sam's hand.

"Don't forget, Jake, you've got to try and swallow as much of their cum as you can," Sam instructed.

I'd barely comprehended what he'd said before Jared's loud moan caught my attention. I looked up towards him, and tried to keep my mouth open as he started spewing thick ropes of hot jizz across my face. I managed to catch most of it, swallowing it as quickly as I could so I could get more. He hadn't shot as big a load as Sam, but I still got a few decent mouthfuls down. I wiped a couple of big gobs off my face, and licked my fingers clean. Sam beamed at me in approval.

Paul was next, his animal-like grunts sounding more and more aggressive, until, with a yell, he blew his load on me. His shots were powerful, going further than Jared's had, and the first few missed my mouth completely and landed across my chest and on Sam. His body was still shuddering hard as he moved closer and unloaded the remainder of his seed into my mouth. I swallowed it all in one go. The rest I licked off Sam's thick fingers as he scooped it off my chest.

I glanced up at Embry. He was already on the verge of creaming. I could tell he was holding back. Maybe he wanted to be the last to dump his wad in me. Maybe this way, he'd have an extra big load. Lines of sweat streaked his heaving chest as both his hands worked over his swollen meat. I grinned at him, licking my lips in anticipation. It was the last thing he saw before he threw his head back in ecstasy.

"Ahhh...!" he moaned as the first shots hit my waiting lips and tongue. I rolled the huge wad of boiling-hot cum around my mouth, taking in the flavor of one of my best friends, before gulping it down. He was still shooting like a fountain, his hands working feverishly on his shaft as he pumped out stream after stream of the hot, sticky liquid. I took the end of his shaft between my lips, hoping that Sam wouldn't mind. I wasn't sure if he'd react badly to this, but I didn't want to miss a single drop of Embry's load. The sudden feeling of my mouth on his rod made his body quake harder again as he came again with renewed force. Three more powerful blasts of his thick, creamy spunk struck the back of my throat. His shots finally slowed to a dribble, and I wiped the tip of his cock clean with my tongue, savoring his flavor one more time.

I would've thought that this was it; that they would leave me here in the middle of the woods now, but Sam hadn't stopped stroking me. He watched me with his steely-hard eyes as he slicked my cock with the combined cum of the three other guys. It felt incredible. His hand glided smoothly over my shaft, twisting slightly with each stroke. Every now and then he would run his thumb over the slit, and a shock ran through me that would've brought me to my knees if I weren't already on the ground. He was clearly an expert at this, and I wondered if it was from self-practice, or if he'd done this before with the other guys.

Embry knelt down next to me, his hand roving from my navel, down to my pubes. Then he leant over and took my nipple into his mouth, sucking and lashing it with his tongue.

I gasped as the sudden tingling warmth spread across the taught skin of my chest.

"Oh man..." I whimpered, "That feels... fucking amazing."

Sam's strokes were becoming harder, faster, and more urgent. He was strong, and I felt as though he was going to yank the skin off my cock, but I needed to cum so bad I didn't care. His own heavy meat was getting hard again, and he took a hand off my leg to start stroking it. Embry picked up right where Sam left off, his scorching fingertips brushing up against my balls.

My heart slammed in my chest. I could hear it beating in my ears, like some far-off drum. Deep in my balls, the jizz that was bubbling up now threatened to overflow, and the heat from Sam's hand felt like it was spreading through my entire groin. My chest heaved as unintelligible noises escaped my lips, and I knew I wasn't going to last long. I felt my whole body tense as the first intense wave rippled through me, releasing the pressure.


I cursed as thick ropes of cum arched through the air. Sam's stroking never slowed, and I bucked against his hand as I came harder and harder with ever shot. My toes curled and my fingers dug into the damp earth. Rasping, guttural moans were all that were left of my cries of pleasure. I was shooting blanks by the time Sam finally took his drenched hand off my cock. He picked my T-shirt up off the ground and wiped his hands before tossing it to me. I cleaned up the mess I'd made on my chest.

All four guys were standing again, looking at me with amused expressions. Embry had a glint in his eyes. Their thick rods were still half-hard, and slapped against their thighs as they started walking away. In quick succession, they phased and vanished into the woods. Sam was the last to go.

"Welcome to the pack, Jake," he said. Then his grin turned into the black wolf's muzzle.

I didn't say much to Billy at dinner. What was there to say? School was good today and, oh hey, by the way, I was gang-raped by Sam Uley and his boys and, as if becoming a slut wasn't enough, now I'm going to turn into a werewolf? I wondered how much he knew anyway. After all, wasn't this all Tribal Lore? In which case, Billy would already know all about it. The thought of him keeping this big a secret from me all my life froze my tongue.

So we just sat and ate our TV dinners in silence. I'll admit it was a poor effort on my part, as I had promised to cook, and TV dinners didn't technically count as cooking. But it was almost completely dark by the time I made it home by following the big wolf tracks through the woods. I was naked except for the cum-soaked T-shirt I held scrunched up in front of my crotch. I couldn't find my sweat pants. It figured that Sam had probably thrown them somewhere into the undergrowth in the heat of the moment.

After eating, Billy moved the whole five feet between the table and the couch, and settled himself in to watch the game. I cleared the table, and then leaned against the counter for a moment. I was feeling faint, nauseous, and very tired. The question of whether ingesting that much semen could've been bad for my stomach crossed my mind for a second, and just made me feel worse. I excused myself and went to my room, where I quickly stripped down to my underwear and crawled into bed.

I slept very well that night. Dreams swirled through my head, images of huge wolves, silhouettes dancing in the woods, chanting. And fire. So much fire, it seemed like the all the forest was blazing with flames so high they blotted out the moon. The tongues of flames drew closer, licking at me. They didn't burn, like I expected. Instead, they felt like hands. A hundred warm hands, caressing my skin. Then my legs started to get hot as I surrendered myself to the inferno. The feeling rose, through my thighs, into my torso. As I felt my heart's beating resound with the chanting and the distant drums, the heat spread up through my chest. Uncomfortable at first, the burning sensation grew, and my body doubled over as the world was consumed in flames.

I awoke, gasping for air. The dim, grey light of a typical overcast Pacific Northwest morning filtered in through my window. I was lying on top of all my sheets, covered in a thin sheen of sweat. It felt warm still, far too warm for this early in the morning, and I kicked at the heavy quilt that hung off the end of my bed. Then I noticed my underwear. The front was completely soaked through. I touched it hesitantly.

Great. My first wet dream in years.

Sighing in frustration, I rolled out of bed and peeled the sticky fabric of my underwear off my legs and kicking them off my ankles. I picked up the moist lump of cloth. It was completely saturated.

Wow, I thought, must've been quite a load.

I started wiping the residue off my dick, but stopped short. My still half- asleep mind woke up with a jolt, taking in the full weight and size of what I held in my hand.

"Holy shit," I muttered under my breath.

My mouth fell open as the realization dawned on me. My cock had grown. A lot. The corners of my mouth pulled upward into a smile. I cleaned more of the white mess out of my pubes, and then tugged at my rapidly hardening wood. My hand barely fit around it. I grabbed my schoolbag, which was leaning against the doorpost, and found a ruler to measure myself, fumbling with it in my haste.

Nine and a half inches. I almost whooped in excitement.

This is insane, I thought. I knew I had to be dreaming. But the memories of yesterday's events in the woods came flooding back. I thought back to the guys standing around me, with their oversized junk hanging heavily between their legs. The image of Embry especially, struggling to get both his hands around his thick pole, sent a surge of power through my loins into my stiff rod.

It must be a wolf thing, I decided. The idea that all the guys in the pack happened to be hung before turning into werewolves was unlikely. Embry's definitely got bigger when he changed, I didn't remember him being very impressive the times I'd seem him. And now it was the same for me. But I wasn't even all the way through the transformation yet; I hadn't turned into a wolf. Was it going to get even bigger? It was hard to think of anyone's dick being bigger than the one I held in my hand, but Sam's had been bigger, and Paul's probably was too. The thought that I might be growing even more was exhilarating.

Then I remembered the other thing I'd noticed about the gang. Well, it was pretty hard not to notice. Looking down at my body and examining my arms, and I could already sort of tell. Even so, I grabbed the sheet off the bed and wrapped it loosely around my waist, then darted out the door, heading for the bathroom. Billy's door was open, but he was nowhere in sight. It was very early for him to be out, but he was probably fishing with Harry or Charlie.

Good, I grinned, I have the house to myself.

The bathroom mirror was small, and even with my back pressed against the wall I couldn't see my whole body in one go. It didn't matter. I was right. I let the sheet drop to the ground as I checked myself out in the little rectangle of glass, prodding and grabbing at my new, toned body. My hands glided across my reddish-brown skin, feeling the taught muscles of my chest, my new rock-hard abs. I brushed my fingers over my rigid pole, which was harder than it had ever been, sticking straight up and almost touching my navel. My fingers traced the defined creases that separated my torso from my thighs, and finally around to my back as I turned around slowly to admire my tight, round ass in the mirror.

I must have been checking myself out like that for quite a while before I remembered that, despite the fact that I was now becoming some sort of supernatural, shape-shifting beast, I still had to go to school. I picked up the sheet and held it by my side. There was no need to bother with modesty, since there was no one home. And anyway, I don't think I cared at that point if anyone saw me naked, the way I looked now. Maybe that's why the gang was so easy going about being nude around each other. I glanced at the clock over the fridge as I headed back to my room. There was still plenty of time to kill.

An idea raced through my head, and I smiled.

Tossing the sheet aside, I flopped onto my bed. I must have gotten taller as well; my feet were hanging off the edge. I'd have to ask Billy if I could have a bigger bed.

My hands started stroking the solid mounds of my new abs, working down towards my waiting hard-on. They reached it sooner than I had expected. The throbbing head was practically at my navel, which was filling with a pool of clear pre-cum. I wrapped first one hand, then the other, around my rod. Even though my hands were bigger than I remembered, both together couldn't completely cover the whole thing. Each heartbeat sent a pulse through the hot shaft.

Tightening my grip around it eagerly, I started to pump both my fists up and down the length of my pole. With each stroke, the beads of clear fluid got heavier and heavier until it turned into a continuous stream. The pool in my navel started to overflow. I scooped some up with two fingers and slathered it over the head, my back arching off the mattress at the sensation that blurred the line between pain and pleasure.

I started pumping harder, now that I had something to help my hands glide along more smoothly. I started to buck my hips as well, and before I knew it I was fucking my right hand while my left, slick with pre-cum, palmed over the tip of my raging cock.

I struggled to keep my mind on my usual jack-off fantasies. As hard as I tried, I couldn't keep the images from yesterday out of my head whenever I squeezed my eyes shut. It was as if Sam's big, warm hands were still working my meat, his face inches away from mine and his eyes fixing mine in their Alpha gaze. I could smell the rising heat off his skin, a scent that was earthy and smoky, like the embers of a campfire that had burned itself out. I remembered Embry's tongue as it flicked across my nipples, and I took my left hand reluctantly off my cock and brushed its slick, wet fingers over each of them, recreating that mind-blowing feeling.

My skin felt like it was shivering, trembling under my hands. I was about to cum harder than ever. A suppressed moan slipped out of my lips, and I remembered that, since the house was empty, I could make as much noise as I wanted. I let out a cry of pleasure as I reached the edge, and then abruptly slowed my stroking. My chest rose and fell with each short, urgent breath, while my cock screamed for release. I dragged my fingertips over the wet tip, making myself hiss through gritted teeth. My toes were curling, and I was thrashing in my bed like a madman. I couldn't take this any more. It felt like I would punch a hole in the ceiling when I finally blew this load. I put both my fists back around my thick pole and started yanking that bad boy.

"Ah... ah...! Fuck, fuck, fuck! " I cried as the first ropes of cum soared through the air and hit me in the face.

Trying hard not to slow my stroking, I cranked out five more massive blasts of hot spunk before they started to slow to a dribble. My body shook as it sprayed everywhere, all over my chest, my arms, across the sheets. Even as the spasms that rocked my entire being slowed down, my pubes were getting drenched by the river of cum that hadn't stopped flowing from my cock.

I brought my jizz-coated fingers to my mouth, tasting my own hot teenage seed. It wasn't as salty as Sam's, and not as thick, but just as unnaturally warm. I was still clutching the base of my half-hard meat, not wanting to let go, content to just feel the rhythmic beating of my own heart.

When I got home from school that day, I threw my school bag aside and immediately went to get changed.

"Where's the fire?" Billy asked, in his usual 'thinks he's funny, but he's really not' kind of way.

I ignored the old man and grabbed a clean T-shirt from the top of the drawer. The jeans could stay. As I grabbed the keys to the Rabbit off the hook next to the back door, I noticed Billy was watching me. I turned to look at him. He was studying me with a careful, slightly worried expression. His eyebrows lifted ever so slightly as he took in my full size and build. It was pretty obvious under the T-shirt that was now way too small for me. The fabric clung to every contour of my body. Billy's eyes turned questioning, and I figured he knew all this already. After all, didn't he say he'd tell me one day, in a few years? I guess the time came sooner than he'd expected. I replied to his unspoken question with a nod. He nodded back in response, then dropped his gaze into his lap and wheeled back towards the TV. I didn't waste a second getting out the door.

Bella wasn't even home from school yet when I got to Charlie's house. I parked the car in front, and waited, leaning against the hood. Quil had cancelled on me yesterday, which was fine. That meant I got Bella to myself. Well, and her friends. But I didn't think they were any competition for her attention. After all, I was her best friend, wasn't I? And how could she ignore me, the way I looked now?

A grin stretched across my face from ear to ear as I saw her slow, battered truck crawl up the street. She hopped out, surprise and shock on her face as she inspected the car. The surprise had been at the Rabbit, apparently, not at me. Moments later, her friend Mike arrived in his chunky old Suburban. We were quickly introduced, and I eyed him off with speculation as Bella darted inside the house to answer the phone. He was interested in her; that was for sure. The way he stood around her, always wanting to get closer to her, and the hesitant eye contact reminded me of... well... me. At least I was man enough to admit it. We waited in an uncomfortable silence until Bella returned. Apparently two more of her friends had pulled out. One was sick and the other didn't feel like coming. So it was just us three.

Bella convinced Mike to let me drive, so the three of us piled into my car and headed off the Port Angeles. The movie was your standard blood- and-guts affair. Not much storyline and too many bad special effects and red paint. I laughed the whole way through, and was glad that Bella took to laughing with me. That Mike kid didn't take it as well, though. By halfway through the movie, he was running for the door. Of course, it turned out that he was sick, not scared, but I was pretty sure the gore helped the sickness along. We left early, with Bella worrying that I was catching whatever Mike had, since my skin was so boiling hot, but I told her that I felt completely fine.

Even so, by the time we got back to Charlie's, I wasn't feeling too hot myself. Well, that was thing. I was feeling very hot. I mean, there'd been times in the past couple of weeks where I'd felt like someone had lit a fire behind my eyes, but this was ridiculous. It felt like my entire body was about to combust. I said bye to Bella and tried my best to concentrate on the short drive home.

I stumbled through the front door of my house, barely able to keep my footing as everything spun around me. I couldn't remember most of the drive. It was all just one continuous blur of winding road and dark trees for the fifteen minutes between Charlie's house and mine. I said I'd ring Bella. I promised I would. Lurching for the phone, I finally gave in to the burning pain in my head and collapsed on the kitchen floor. I wrapped my arms around myself, gritting my teeth and shivering. It was all I could do to keep from screaming out loud.

Billy was hovering over me, a lot higher than I thought he would be. I realized he had gotten out of his chair and was propping himself against the counter. He stood in front of the light, and I couldn't see his face.

"Jake," he said, "you don't look so good."

Of course I don't look so good, I growled to myself. It was hard to speak through clenched teeth, and I was in way too much pain.

Stupid old man, go call an ambulance or something, don't just stand there!

I thought about how badly the night had gone, the crappy movie, Mike being a weakling and a third wheel and making us end the night early, and now this. My body started shaking furiously. Not shivers of cold; more like anger. Like I'd seen Paul shaking when he got pissed off. I grabbed on tighter to my sides as pain ripped through my ribs. It felt like something was moving, expanding inside me, ripping my entire body apart. The last thing I remembered was hoping, really hoping, that Billy had stepped back before I phased.

Must run. Must get away from the light. Light means fire. Fire is danger. Run into the trees. Trees are dark and safe. Easier to hide, and there will be food. Keep running, for safety and for food. The old human was scared. But he wasn't food. Food runs fast, makes you chase it. The old human just sat in the corner. Couldn't even stand up. Things that can't stand up are dead. Dead things are for scavengers. Food shouldn't be scavenged. It should be hunted.

In the trees. The smell of food is far off. Smell is weak, watered down. Very far away. Run faster then, run towards the food.

<Man, he's totally gone!>

<Where's he running to?>

<Food, dickhead, where else? He's hungry.>


<Told you he'd have no control.>

Sounds! Pursuers! Turn around quickly to face the danger. There's no one. No danger. It's hiding, it must be. No. There's no smell. Nothing is hiding. Keep running!

<He doesn't even recognize us.>

<Shut up! All of you! He can't concentrate on all your voices at once!>

The sounds don't stop. Turn left! Run that way!

<Jacob! Jacob Black!>

The voice is strong. It wants attention.

<Jacob Black! This is Sam Uley, your Alpha Wolf. I command you to stop!>

It wants something.

<Stop running, Jacob! Stay! Stay where you are!>

Legs slowing. No! Must run! But the voice commands it. Slowing... stopping.


Legs fold under body. Tail on ground. Waiting, expecting.

<Good. Good boy, Jake!>

Happy. Tail beats impatiently on ground. Want to see what happens. Jacob must be me. I... am Jacob?

Something moving! Get ready to run. Run from danger! Big, big dogs coming through trees! Run! There's more than one of them! Can't stay to fight!

<Stay, Jacob! It's Sam. Remember me, Jake?>

Big, black dog coming closer. Jacob drops head, shows weakness. Big Dog is boss.

<Jake? Come on, Jake! Think!>

Big Dog is very near. Big Dog licks Jacob's face. Means big dog likes Jacob.

<Look at me, Jake!>

Lift head up. See Big Dog's eyes. Jacob has seen eyes before. Eyes look like people eyes. Big Dog is... person. I know this person. Big Dog is...



<About time!>

<Quiet! For fuck's sake!> Sam is angry.

<Sam... likes... Jacob?> I think.

<Yes, Sam is Jacob's friend. I am your friend.> How can Sam, Big Dog, know me? Jacob does not know him.

<You know me, how?>

<We're not actually wolves, Jake, you and I. We're people. You're a person, a human. We all are. I'll show you. Don't be scared...>

Sam is shaking! Shaking like angry! Then, Big Dog is gone. Big Dog has become human. Big Human. Jacob growls. Big Human reaches out. Jacob snaps at hand.

"Jacob! No! Bad boy!"

Jacob stops snapping. Hangs head, ashamed.

"Embry? You know him better than I do. Give it a shot."

Head is full of noise! Noise, then pictures! Small humans running around in grass! Humans sitting near fire, eating burnt animal. Humans jumping from high place. One human is called Jacob. But Jacob is me. That means, I am human? No, I am wolf. Old human in house is... Billy! Billy is father. If father is not wolf, I am not wolf. If father is human, I must be human! Big Human in front of me is Sam. It all flooded back into my brain.

<Concentrate on your human side. Think about being a person, Jake! Think about doing things that people do... talking, watching TV! Think about your car, Jake!>

Yes. I have talked. I have watched TV. I have a car. I could walk on two legs and lift things with my hands. I remembered all that now. Sam was my friend. In fact, just yesterday, I'd sucked him off.

<Dude, he definitely remembers.>

<Jake... um... what you're thinking.>

Why do they know what I'm thinking? I asked myself.

<We can hear everything you think, stupid! How do you think we're talking?>

<You can... hear my thoughts?> I tried thinking in sentences. It wasn't as easy as it sounds. <Can you hear... this?>

"What's going on?" Sam asks.

One by one the wolves shuddered and turned into humans. I recognized them all now, Embry, Jared and Paul.

"He remembers who he is," Embry said, "now we just have to teach him how to phase."

"Jake," Sam came over to me and put a hand against the side of my face. Funny, I remembered his hands feeling warm.

"To phase back to human, all you have to do is think of yourself, think of who you are, what you look like, what makes you Jacob. Go on, try it."

I tried. It was hard at first, digging through the primal instincts of the wolf, which only wanted to hunt and kill and eat, to my human memories. But I remembered my friends, Quil and Embry, remembered spending time with Bella, and remembered that memory, burned forever into my mind, of Sam making my body erupt, the most intense pleasure I'd ever felt, human or wolf.

I opened my eyes, and took a deep breath. The smells of the forest were dampened, like I was breathing through a piece of wet cloth. My vision was also faded. Everything seemed too dark. Even so, I realized that if I was a human, my night vision was better than it had ever been. I looked at Sam, then over to Embry. Both of them were beaming at me.

"Good to have you back, brother," Sam grinned.

We walked, in human form, back to the camp site where the pack had apparently been about to re-group before I startled them all with my sudden transformation into a wild animal. They had been out running all day, chasing down the two vampires that had been picking off campers and hikers around La Push. The pack nearly had the leeches surrounded when they heard my random, animal thoughts suddenly break into their wavelength, and they knew something was wrong. It occurred to me that I hadn't seen Jared, Paul or Embry at school today, and gave myself a mental slap on the wrist for not noticing sooner. Walking stark naked and barefoot through the woods at night with the guys was invigorating. I didn't feel even slightly cold, and the occasional rock I stepped or stubbed my toe on didn't hurt at all.

At the campsite, Jared got a box of matches out of a small black bag that sat next to the pile of wood that was ready to go up in flames. Within minutes he had a blazing fire going. Not that we needed the heat. It was more for the light. We pulled up sawn-off segments of trees that were makeshift seats and sat around the fire. It was then I noticed Paul and Jared hunched over in a private exchange, while Embry eyed them off with disdain. The hungry looks were back on their faces each time they glanced up at me. I looked over at Sam, raising my eyebrows at him, wanting answers. He had been throwing chips of wood into the fire, but then paused abruptly and stood up.

The entire pack looked up and gave their attention to our Alpha.

"Alright Jacob, it's time to complete your initiation to the pack," he said, his voice somber and low. "Yesterday, you joined our brotherhood, and accepted me as your Alpha, and in return we leant you our essence and our strength."

He looked around the circle, and then continued.

"Now we've got to establish the order of the pack. As the newest, you'll assume the most subordinate position. You've already submitted to me," a devious grin pulled at the corner of his mouth, "but now it's time for the others to assert their rightful dominance."

I gulped, and felt my cock twitch. I was already half-hard from just looking at Sam's muscular body in the flickering firelight.

"So do I have to suck them off as well?" I asked.

Sam shrugged.

"It's up to them," he said, nonchalantly. "Think of it as hazing... for werewolves."

Paul was suddenly standing just inches away from me.

"I always said your ass would be mine," he sneered. His hand gripped my wrist, tight.

"Hey!" Embry yelled. I looked up to see him stride over, and yank Paul violently away from me.

"What the fuck is this shit?" Paul shouted, shoving Embry in the chest.

"I'm going first!" Embry growled.

"Bullshit! Why should you get to go first? I'm the Beta!" Paul retorted.

"You had your turn with Jared and me! I get to go first with Jake!"

"Beta always goes first. It's the rules!"

"Fuck you and your 'Beta' crap, Paul! I'm fucking sick of it! You know you're only Beta because you were the second to join the pack. That's right. If it came down to it, I'd be a way better Beta than you any day!"

It didn't even take a second for the ripple to travel up Paul's spine, pulling an explosion of silver fur with it as it tore through his body. Suddenly, Embry was facing a very angry werewolf. But Embry was only an instant behind him in phasing. The two angry wolves snarled at each other.

"Guys!" Sam bellowed in protest, but it was too late.

Two monstrous creatures slammed into each other, gnashing ferociously. Their claws and teeth drew blood as they filled the small clearing with their howls of fury. I watched as the Embry-wolf got dangerously close to Paul's jugular, snapping wildly before Paul was able to deliver a powerful kick to his side.

"PHASE. BACK!" Sam roared. His voice boomed over the angry growls and reverberated off the trees. I guess when their Alpha commanded it, they didn't have any choice. Paul and Embry were suddenly human again, mid fight, with Embry straddling Paul's back. He quickly grabbed Paul in a choker hold, and his voice was like a hot iron in Paul's ear.

"You fucking screw with me again and I'll rip your throat out, human or wolf, got it?"

"That's enough, Embry Call!" Sam yelled. Embry released his hold on Paul slightly as the Alpha glared at the both of them.

"Let him go," Sam ordered. "Paul, let Embry go first."

Paul shot Sam an incredulous look.

"You're still Beta, don't worry. But Embry's won this one."

Embry got up off Paul. They both looked like they had thick slashes across their chests, but the marks quickly faded away as they moved apart. Paul skulked to the edge of the clearing, eyes still glaring at me. I quickly looked away.

Embry came over to me, his breathing still heavy from the fight, and gripped my shoulder. "You ready for this, bro?" he asked me in a low whisper meant only for me.

"Ready? What do I need to be ready for?"

"Dude," his eyes shot back at the others, "I'm... gonna screw you. I mean, Paul was gonna fuck your ass, hard. I just won the right to do it first."

My eyes widened in horror. I thought I was just going to have to suck them off, same as I did to Sam yesterday. When did that turn into full- blown fucking?

"Does it... have to be...? I mean, can't I...?" I stammered.

Embry interrupted me.

"Paul's going to want your ass Jake. Seriously, you don't want to lose virginity to that douchebag, do you?"

I shook my head.

"We're not gonna wait for you to buy him dinner first, you know!" Jared called out. We ignored him.

"I'll go easy on you, I promise. He'll go after me, but then you'll be... warmed up. Trust me on this one, Jake. He'll turn your ass to mash. But I thought I could, you know, make this easier for you. Make your first time actually feel good," he looked at me sheepishly, "if that's what you want."

"Yeah," I replied, "sure thing."

I was shaking, and pretty sure I was somehow sweating, despite the frigid midnight air. My hard-on was at full mast as I fully processed the idea of what I was about to do. Embry was looking pretty damn hot. Well, as far as guys went. It was still going to be weird. We'd been friends for so long and it never even crossed my mind that one day we might be doing something like this. I thought back to all the times we'd been naked together, and I'd checked him out in the corner of my eye, just to compare how far along in puberty my best buddy had gotten. Right up until yesterday, when the feeling of his mouth working over my chest had intensified the greatest orgasm I'd ever had. That was special. I was glad I'd been able to share that with him. Alright, so maybe this wouldn't be too bad after all.

"Okay," Embry huffed awkwardly, "we're already naked... so, um, maybe, turn around?"

I did as I was told, turning my back to Embry. The rest of the pack was off to my left. Sam gave me a discrete, encouraging thumbs-up, and I noticed his huge meat was standing at attention again. Embry's hands were on my shoulders, his hot breath on the back of my neck. Slowly, his lips worked around my neck, along my jaw line, to my ears. His breaths were interspersed with quiet murmurs.

"Fuck, Jake, you look so hot... I can't believe how ripped you've gotten."

A cool shiver ran down my back.

"Those abs, man... I'm gonna cum all over them."

His hands followed the contours of my arms, wrapping around my waist then slipping lower. His fingertips circled my navel and accidentally brushed the tip of my rock-hard pole. It sent a jolt through me that brought me to the tips of my toes. I reached around behind me, letting my hands roam over the curved mounds of his ass, his strong, muscular thighs, all the while searching for a way to his throbbing meat, which I could feel pressed against my back. He took my shaft in one hand, stroking it gently as he continued his exploration of my abs and chest.

"Let me know if you want me to stop the gay shit and just get to it," he whispered.

"Mm-mm," I mumbled, "No. This feels awesome, man."

His skilled hand was working my nipples again, while his other hand took the weight of my balls and grasped them lightly. I sighed.

He leaned back, his fingers drumming along the back of my next, down my spine, only lifting again when they reached my ass. I could hear him slicking his shaft over with his thick pre-cum, the sound that his hand made with every stroke of his rigid member.

"Ready?" he asked, one more time.

"Yeah," I said, "Just go for it."

With a hand on my shoulder, he bent me over gradually as I leaned against one of the sawn-off stumps for support. He explored my ass with cool, cum-slicked fingers, until he found my hole. They ran along the edge of it, and each movement made my body tremble with a sensation I'd never felt before. I was leaking pre-cum like a tap now, the warm fluid dripping in strings off my cock. Then he slipped the tip of first one, then two fingers into my hole. I clenched without thinking.

"Relax," Embry breathed, "it'll make it easier."

Something inside me still didn't want to make it easier, still didn't want to go through with this. It wished I could go back to my house, go to bed and forget this ever happened. But another part, hungry for more, wanted my best friend to take this last shred of innocence from me, to experience the mixture of pain and euphoria from the feeling of him inside me.

I slowly convinced my body to relax, to fall into Embry's sure embrace.

His fingers pushed into me, curling, moving inside me. They touched places that sent liquid fire straight into my cock, and I had to grit my teeth to keep from yelling and creaming at that very instant.

Finally, he pulled out. It was time for the main event. His slick, well- lubed meat was pressed against my virgin hole. Slowly, he pushed an inch or so in.

"Fuck..." I groaned, burying my face in my arm.

"Does it hurt?" he asked, concerned.

I came up for air.


Somewhere to my left, Paul sniggered. Sam shut him up quickly.

"You're so tight, man, so goddamn tight," Embry hissed.

If he looked huge before, he felt twice as big now. I felt like I was being stretched, pushed apart from the inside like before, when I'd phased. But this started feeling good. As I got used to the feeling of that wide cock inside me, I started to like it.

"More," I finally got out, "Give me more."

He obliged, sliding inch after inch of his thick shaft into me. I bit down on my arm to keep from screaming out in pain. I tasted blood, and stopped biting, but a moment later, my skin felt smooth and clean again. There must've been some sort of quick healing thing that came with being a wolf, the same thing that had made Paul and Embry's wounds disappear earlier.

Finally, he was all the way in. I could feel the heat of his body as it pressed against my ass.

"Just... give me a minute to get used to it," I said with a heavy breath. We stayed like that for a moment, with Embry's hands still securely on my back, reassuring me.

"Okay," I said, "I'm good. Go ahead."

He started to fuck me. Slowly at first, then realizing I was getting used to it, he sped up. I stopped biting on my arm as the pain gradually numbed and turned into a strange sense of oneness, of wholeness. I found myself bucking my hips back in time with each thrust, wanting each time to feel him deeper in me. He reached one hand around me and started pumping my aching cock, and I was immediately moments from cumming. He felt that, and slowed his strokes to match our thrusts, keeping me on the edge for what felt like ages as we fucked under the stars.

"Jake, bro..." Embry panted, "I'm gonna pull out. I wanna cum on your abs."

My body tensed up.

"No! Don't! God, Embry, you feel so good inside me... I want you to cum in me. Please."

That seemed to get him going.

"Okay," he replied, and fucked me harder. His hand started stroking me harder as well, bringing me quickly back to the brink.

"You bout to blow?" his voice sounded strained. He was ready to cum. I could feel it.

"Almost... there," I hissed.

"Cum with me, Jake," he said, and that pushed us both over the top.

I wish I could say I felt every shot as it hit my insides with the force of a fire hose, but my body was so wracked with cumming that I could hardly notice.

"Ah...! Fuck, yeah, Embry, unh, give it to me!" I cried out as I shot probably a dozen thick, creamy blasts of cum onto the ground. At the same time, Embry pumped his hot load into me. A few shots came at the same time, and it felt like he was shooting straight through my body onto the ground. We stayed like that for a moment, Embry's cock going only half-hard inside me, as he slumped across my back in satisfaction. He finally pulled out of me, leaving me feeling empty, open, and vulnerable. But his arms were soon around my body, turning me over and laying me down on the ground as he leant over. Our faces inches apart, our hot, panting breaths intermingling, he leant in and kissed me.

"Mm...!" I gasped in shock.

He pulled back.

"Sorry," he said, embarrassed, "I didn't mean to..."

I didn't give him time to finish before I brought our lips together again. My hand clasped his face, feeling his strong jaw and high cheekbones. Our tongues were locked in a tussle, each struggling over the other for dominance. At once, his hand was back on my shoulder, drifting purposefully over my bare skin. Finally we broke the kiss, still staring deeply into each others' eyes as he slowly stood up. I knew it wasn't love, no more than it had been when we were just human best friends, but we'd just shared an experience so profound and so deeply ingrained in our being that... well, a kiss was the only right way to finish it off.

I stayed on my back on the ground as Embry turned back to face the other guys. He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand.

"He's all yours, Paul."

The shorter boy came forward. He wasn't as tall as I was, and next to Embry, he looked a lot smaller. But I knew the energy Paul had in him, the fury he was capable of when pissed off. And I could see it in his eyes now, he was not happy.

He grabbed my arm and dragged me up. For a small guy, he was still very strong. Turning me around, he twisted my arm behind me until I let out a short yelp of pain.

"You're not getting smooches and a reach-around from me, Black," he growled into my ear. "I'm not like your boyfriend, Call. I'm gonna fuck your ass into next week and you're not gonna like it one bit."

He shoved me over, my arm still twisted behind me and before I knew it, he was pressing his hard tool against my ass. I winced, waiting for the pain. In one quick thrust, he had his entire shaft in me. I clenched my teeth and groaned, but didn't give him the satisfaction of hearing me cry out. It didn't hurt as much. Embry's cum had slicked up my insides, and although Paul's dick was long, it was thinner than Embry's.

"That hurt, huh? Well, I guess you're pretty tight," Paul sniggered.

He playfully pulled out of me, then shoved himself back in roughly. I hissed through my teeth. He started to screw me with small, quick strokes, then lengthening them until he was pulling his whole shaft except the head out on each stroke, then ramming into me again. His hips slammed hard against my butt, knocking the air out of me with each thrust.

"Yeah! Fucking... uh! Take... that!" Paul hollered. He grabbed my waist as pulled me back into him, drilling his long pole even deeper into me. I wasn't even hard; there was nothing nice about this, just pure lust. So I just endured the pounding as Paul's cries got louder and louder, his thrusts deeper and harder, until with a long, extended yell, he dumped his load in me.

"Huh..." he exhaled heavily, "not bad, Jacob. I think we've found a way to make you useful around here." He slapped my back, and then moved away.

I straightened up to find Jared behind me. Great. Well, might as well get this over with. I bent back over again.

A hand touched my shoulder, gentle and calm. I turned around. Jared was looking at me with sympathetic eyes. He turned me over, laying me on my back on the damp earth. My legs were already apart, and he positioned himself between them. Without saying a word, he slid his hard cock inside me. I threw my head back and gasped. He was thicker than Paul, more like Embry, and it was hurting again.

"Sorry," he whispered.

His hand dropped into his crotch to guide his pole slowly into me. I made myself relax. Compared to Paul, Jared felt soothing, almost tender. Maybe it helped that I could see his face twitch and contort as the waves of pleasure washed over him. He had his cock in me to the hilt. His stopped there, as if he didn't know what to do next. He seemed awkward, unsure about what he was doing. Panting, his face glossed with sweat, he leaned over me and swallowed hard. His hand rambled over my abs, finding my cock and wrapping his fingers around it. I was breathing hard as well now. Our eyes were locked, and my whole being surged from his touch and the sensation of him filling me completely. I could read the intense pleasure written across his face. It made his entire body squirm each time I shifted my weight on his pole. My fingers were digging into the soft ground, and my body moved with his as he started pumping his meat into me, while his hand glided over my rock-hard shaft.

He moaned softly, closing his eyes occasionally as his face twisted into an expression of total ecstasy. Just watching him was enough to get me going. I could already feel another hot load rising in my balls, ready to cum for the second time tonight. He shifted, repositioning himself so he could get further into me. I spread my legs wider apart, eager to take more of him in. He locked his gaze with mine again. We didn't take our eyes off each other for a long time as he fucked me with strong, powerful strokes. All the time, he kept pumping my cock, slowly building the pressure inside me. My muscles tensed and I arched up, crunching my abs to keep from cumming. That was all it took. I watched an expression of release wash over him as he bit his lip and let out a whine, then gasped and started filling my insides with his hot seed.

The feeling of him going off inside me sent me over the brink. I bucked against his cock, which was still firing inside me, and let fly.

"Ah! Yeah! Ungh... fuck yeah!" I grunted as thick streams of hot cum splattered over my abs and chest. Jared was feeling me too. His body rocked as the last few waves of his orgasm rippled through his every muscle of his body, intensified by my own powerful explosion. He looked down at me, grinning.

"Whew..." he exhaled, then leaned down and touched his lips to the corner of mine.

Sam was behind him I opened my eyes. Was I going to have to take Sam as well? I didn't think I had it in me. But Sam was stroking his meat furiously, way too fast, and in a second I knew that he was very close to the edge. Jared pulled out of me quickly, and stood up, making way for the Alpha. Sam stepped over me, his thick legs on either side of my body like a colossus. His hand worked fast and hard over his rod, which gleamed in the firelight, and the long, rounded muscles in his arm flexed and bended with each stroke. He gritted his teeth, sucking in quick, labored breaths, and with an almighty growl, spurted his hot, thick load all over my face and chest. I wish I could've felt him shoot inside me, and I doubted it would ever happen now.

So I decided to take this one last chance. I sat up and took the end of his still-leaking cock into my mouth, moving his hand out of the way and replacing it with my own. His last few shudders turned into spurts, and he shot three more quick blasts of jizz into my mouth before he was exhausted. I didn't stop licking the moist, sticky tip of his cock, relishing the taste.

"You got it all, Jake," he said breathlessly, "I'm all out."

I reluctantly took his manhood out of my mouth, and looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"Later. Anytime you want it," he laughed. "Fuck, I'm starting to think you enjoy this."

He roughed up my hair, and then extended his hand to help me up. Wow. I was nearly as tall as him. We looked at each other, for the first time, eye to eye.

The old truck rounding the corner kicked up a cloud of yellow dust. I stepped back out of its way. I was waiting outside the General Store, the only one on the rez, for Paul, Jared and Embry. Embry was the first one out, already crunching on the bag of chips he'd bought. He offered me some, and I turned it down. He shrugged, and cracked open his can of soda. Paul and Jared walked out of the store, ribbing and arguing playfully with each other as they always did. I'd become used to them, all of them. It was weird to think that I found these guys scary just a few weeks ago. Now they were like brothers to me. I couldn't imagine living without them. They knew my every thought, my every action. I was even starting to get along with Paul.

I reached over and stole a chip from Embry.

"Hey!" he complained through a full mouth.

I shrugged at him, and started to cross the road, heading towards Sam and Emily's house. Someone was walking up the road towards us. It was Quil. Embry and I exchanged a glance. He shook his head and his eyebrows pulled together. I read his expression easily. I couldn't talk to Quil. It was against the rules that Sam had laid out for us: we couldn't tell anyone else about what we were, or talk about what we did. Only a few people knew, and Sam had told them himself. Not that I could if I tried. The Alpha's command meant that my tongue was tied. I would end up choking on my own words.

I watched as Quil glared at Embry and me with a frustrated, disappointed look. He was getting pretty big. I mean, he'd always been kind of beefy, but now... I started to wonder what he might look like under that baggy jumper that clearly wasn't doing him any justice. It would soon be time for him to join the pack, since it was in his bloodline as well. My mind conjured up images of tight, muscular Quil, ladies man that he always was, on his knees in front of us, taking our huge loads. Quil bent over and ready to be fucked by our band of brothers.

"Dude," Embry hissed at me, "stop staring at him!"

I looked away. Quil passed us without a word.

"Sorry," I apologized.

"You looked like you were ready to eat him for lunch," he grinned, "Daydreaming about his initiation?"

"He's gotten big," I replied. "Well, even bigger. It'll be any day now."

"Yeah, our old buddy's looking pretty good, huh?" Embry said, and I could see the hunger in his eyes too. A fresh mouth, a fresh ass for us hungry, horny, insatiable wolf-boys. He clapped me on the shoulder and laughed, and we continued on our way to Sam's.

Next: Chapter 2

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