Fucking In Hollyoaks Village

By John James

Published on Jul 10, 2024


Fucking in Hollyoaks Village 70 (Gay, Celebrity)

This is a fictional story, based on Hollyoaks that I have no involvement in. It does not imply anything about the sexuality or relationships of any characters or actors involved. It doesn't follow the storylines of Hollyoaks rigidly, but will be influenced by it. All actors are over 18, and the character's are all age of consent or older.

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It was time for a long overdue talk. It had been a couple weeks since the entire family had been rocked at the discovery of Darren's twins suddenly being present in the village, and while that alone would be enough drama, for some it was a thousand times more complicated and Darren was freaking out. Charlie, his adoptive son and frequent sexual partner for more than a year had talked of his new friend many times, a lad called JJ that he'd met at New Years, and Charlie had spoken often of how their sexual relationship had progressed, and they had even talked about it while having their own time together, Darren and his son excited at the thought of another guy joinging them. It was all just fantasy, until it finally happened during the weekend they were all alone. Darren had liked JJ on meeting him, and though it hadn't been planned, after JJ found him and Charlie in a compromising position, the new lad had joined them and Darren had made the most of the opportunity to taste them both, finding it so erotic to help clean them both off after watching them fuck in front of him.

It had been such an incredible night, and though he was nervous the secret might be revealed, he forced himself to trust Charlie's mate. And then it all came crashing down.

JJ, it turned out was his son. Long gone from the village, Darren to his shame had not seen the twin's since they were toddler's, not even a picture of them. So when the two lads had been getting to know each other better Charlie had spoken of JJ this and JJ that, never telling the man that his friends name was actually Jack Junior, because he hadn't used his full name in years and all his mate's called him JJ. He met Charlie Dean, who talked about his family and his Dad Darren that JJ naturally thought would share his surname, and as he'd grown up so far apart he never knew of the adoption, so didn't know to think about it. There were no picture's of Darren at JJ's place when growing up, so the guy was just a handsome stranger when the teen met the man, so none of them knew their real connection until it was too late, when all of them had tasted each other and felt their touch, and they were all separately panicking.

Darren because his son had returned, and he'd unknowingly become sexually involved with him, and though he was with Charlie in a similar way that was totally different, his mind was a mess. He loved Charlie like a son and as a partner, and the trust between them allowed the feelings between them to grow deeper as time passed, in a way that he'd never be able to explain and had given up trying. Darren had hoped that one day he'd connect with his long lost twins, but life had a way of finding ways to prevent him reaching out, believing them better off without him. And now all hopes of any normal relationship between them was shattered, and he had no idea how to go from here, and the worst was that when he thought of that night, all the blood in his body flowed south and he was soon erect, ashamed and aroused at the memory.

Charlie had been equally freaked. The guy he had met at a party, had hooked up with and that he had spent so much time with before beginning a relationship that evolved to become sexual was his "brother". He had taken his "brother's" virginity, and then brought him back to meet his Dad, all three enjoying getting to know each other before the chance interuption led to them all sharing a bed. He'd been so excited to get back to the house with Darren and fuck for the rest of the weekend, talking about how hot it had been to have the man watching, and then even more so to feel his mouth move over both of their young bodies. Now his Dad was freaked out and barely talking, his boyfriend was blocking all contact, and the rest of the family were acting like some great thing had happened with the news.

And JJ. He was alone in his turmoil, his sister and mother going on about how he should be happy to have the chance to get to know his Dad and the new family, how this is what they had come all this way to do, and that he couldn't stay in his room all the time. But JJ had wanted a Dad, one to talk to and play football with, to support and encourage him after being gone for so long. Now JJ knew his Dad in a way he never imagined, had felt his tongue rim his ass and lips kiss his balls, even had his mouth suck on his dick as the man cleaned him up after watching the lads fuck. And the reason he was shut away in his room, is because a part of him liked it, and he'd jacked off more than a few times to the memory of the man touching him so intimately, and JJ wondered how much better it would have felt if they had all known the truth at the time.

"We need to talk. Please come to The Loft at 3pm. Please."

Darren waited at the bar, nervous as he drummed his fingers on the bartop, anxious if JJ would show up. Charlie was waiting outside for him, and it was him that had sent the text, fed up of them all silently stewing about what had happened and knowing they needed to talk it out, away from the rest of the family that was trying to make this situation work. It wouldn't, at least not until Darren and his son's had the chance to discuss things and try to move on. Darren knew Charlie was right, but had barely managed to sit still all day as he waited, his one helpful action to this meet was arranging the use of The Loft with Ethan. The house was full of people, and there was no way to empty the place without questions being asked, so they were here where they could talk privately. Ethan knew about the sudden appearance of Darren's twins, but had no clue the true turmoil in his head right now, but handed over the keys with a sympathetic smile.

The door opened and he leapt to his feet, seeing his two son's enter and stand awkwardly at the door, staring back at him as he looked at them and tried to find a word of welcome. It was the first time they were alone since that morning, and now they were able to say anything free of judgment, they said nothing until Charlie broke the silence, "I locked the front door, so we won't be interuptted."

Darren nodded and turned to face JJ and asked, "Hey, how are you?"

JJ shrugged, hands buried deep in his jean pockets as he shuffled from foot to foot and finally answered, "Shitting myself actually. Angry. Scared. Confused."

Darren slumped onto the stool and said, "I know this is a lot, but I get it.."

JJ flared, "You don't. I wanted to find you for so long, my whole life you were gone, and I finally find you and its after we've.." His face reddened as he stammered, unable to finish the sentence as he continued, "And to find out I'm gay, and have been finding that out with a guy that's what, technically my brother and that he's been screwing both of us. YOU. DON'T. KNOW. FUCKING. ANYTHING!!"

Darren and Charlie both flinched at the anger but let JJ breath deep to calm down, watching as he strode over to the booth and sit down, looking like he was close to tears. They looked at each other before following along, sitting either side of him as Darren said, "No, I don't know what you're feeling. To find me like this, its got to be overwhelming, but it is for us too. I hoped to find you when I was able to stand in front of you and apologise, to tell you how and why I've been gone, that I thought you were both better off without an idiot like me for a Dad. Truly, I thought I was doing you a favour staying away, just ask this one."

Charlie grinned and said, "Yeah, he's a total embarressment, trust me." JJ wiped his face, the briefest smile touching his face.

Darren carried on by explaining, "And to have it happen after.. what happened, I can never apologise enough. I hope we can talk, and get past it, but know it'll take time. I'm willing if you are." JJ stared at the table, listening as Darren said, "But you and Charlie. Don't let this ruin that if it means that much to you. You're both my son's, but that's not what you are to each other. It'll be weird for the family, but they'll understand if that's what you want." JJ looked up, saw the sincereness in the man's eye's before glancing at Charlie next to him, and seeing a hopeful questioning on his face.

JJ took a moment and said, "I think I need to talk first before I can decide that, is that OK?" Charlie nodded his head, a little disappointed but willing to wait as JJ sat up straight in the booth and said, "So, let's talk."

They talked, and talked and talked. For well over an hour. There was shouting, tears, laughter, and silence as the three discussed what had happened in the past. They skirted the night that had consumed their thoughts, and at some point Charlie peeled away and let the father and son chat. JJ was angry but started to calm down as Darren explained his difficult history, why he'd been absent, and listened to his apologies. Darren lit up when he started to get answers to his question's, and JJ began to open up about his life, his love of football and his dream of one day meeting and getting to know his Dad. Darren brought Charlie into the conversation as much as possible when they were past the anger and awkwardness, and by the end of the second hour the three were chatting. Then a silence fell, and they knew it was time for the big talk. "That night.. Um, I don't know how to explain it," Darren said.

JJ tensed, wondering how the man was going to begin when Charlie said, "It started a year ago." He explained his own sexual awakening, how Darren had stumbled onto it, and how the two had begun an illicet affair, secret to all but a few, forbidden but irresistable to both of them, and he ended by saying, "He's my Dad, and I love him. In every way."

JJ looked between the two of them, and with a shaking voice he asked Darren, "And do you love him? Like that?"

Darren beamed and said, "I do. He's my son, but its more than that for me. He's let me feel safe doing something I've done for years, and its made my life better. I love Nancy, my family, and Charlie." Darren saw the fall in JJ's face and said, "But you're part of that now, I want you to know that. You and your sister, I will work hard to make it up to you both." JJ nodded, Darren still not sure he believed the words, but saw that it would take time to prove it. He saw Charlie was desperate to speak to the other lad so Darren put his hand in JJ's shoulder and said, "I'm going to go in the office and let you two talk. You haven't just found me, but him too, and I think you both need to discuss where you go from here."

JJ watched Darren walk away before feeling a hand take his, and he turned back to see Charlie smiling at him and he felt lighter as they both stared at the other and JJ said, "Hey."

Charlie answered with his own, "Hey." It was there turn, and as Darren sat in the office in silence, surprised and thankful of how well that seemed to have gone, the two lads talked.

Darren started when the door to the office opened, almost 45 minute's later, but he grinned as he saw his two son's stroll in hand in hand and flushed from some obvious kissing taking place. He couldn't help but be pleased, seeing the effect JJ had had on Charlie in recent month's, and that they had apparently decided to give it a go as a couple. He sat forward on the sofa as the lads stepped closer and he asked, "So, what did you decide?"

JJ and Charlie grinned at each other before JJ said, "We won't tell everyone just yet, but we're going to try to be together and see how it goes. He's not my brother, so it's not wrong, despite what people might say. But I'm not sure I'm ready for the whole coming out of the closet while dealing with all this."

Darren nodded, getting ready to stand up and hug them both when Charlie said, "But if we are a secret, we were thinking we can ALL be a secret." The older man frowned before realising how close both teen's were, nudging his knees as they stood in front of him, and he looked up at their smiling faces as Charlie let his hand stroke Darren's face. He was about to question them when Charlie said, "JJ hasn't stopped thinking of that night. Like I haven't. Like you haven't." Darren gulped, looking between them as he sat on the sofa's edge, eye shooting down as he saw Charlie's hand's move to undo the button on his jeans and lower the zipper and then he heard them kiss above his head.

He glanced up, seeing them both make out as they stood there before they broke apart and stared back at him, this time JJ smiling as his jeans were pulled open by Charlie's hands, and then they were both standing there with boxers tenting and pointing towards the shocked Dad's face, the pair framed perfectly by the open zips. His mouth was dry as he tried to look away, but as they were so close there was nowhere else to look other than the two erection's demanding his attention, and he started to salivate as he heard his teenage son's start to make out again, this time each running a hand over Darren's head and urging him closer but he resisted until JJ spoke. "Dad, I want this, please," he said, and Darren stared at the bulging crotch as JJ peeled his boxers down and exposed his throbbing 6" dick to the man he had dreamed of meeting for so many years. Never like this, but he held his breath as he saw Darren stare at his length.

No-one moved until Darren saw Charlie move, and he saw his other son peel his boxers down until there were two leaking erections directed at his face, both belonging to one of his son's and both needing attention. He licked his lips as they bobbed inches from his mouth, and he looked up to see them both grinning at him as Charlie said, "We want this, Dad."

Darren stared up for a second before looking back down, opening his mouth wider as they stepped a little closer, and then his mouth was filled with the tips of both penis's. He sealed his lips over them both as he felt them enter his mouth, and as he groaned at the flavour flowing onto his tongue, he heard them gasp and moan above him before the sound of them kissing again resumed. He closed his eyes to focus on letting his tongue dance over the head of each dick, collecting as much precum from the lad's before swallowing it down, and making sure to savour the delicious blend of them while searching for more. The rush of fluid kept coming as he suckled and licked them both, keeping the tip of each in his mouth while flicking his tongue between them, and only pulling away from them when he felt them moving above him. He was a little glazed in the eye as he watched them strip each other of their shirts, throwing them across the room before falling back into a passionate kiss, and Darren took a moment to watch them before letting his mouth fall onto Charlie's 7" member. He heard his son groan into the kiss above him, and then a hand land on his head as he started to suck on the dick, bobbing his head slowly and took the entire length into his mouth, well practiced by now in servicing the piece.

A minute later and he pulled away, grasping the shaft in his hand and jerking it slowly to match what his mouth had just been doing, and he turned to the other. JJ's dick was an inch shorter but a similar girth, and as Darren let his other hand rise to hold it, he felt a thrill run up his back at the knowledge he now held a son in each hand. He heard nothing, and glanced up to see his two son's looking down at him, JJ looking apprehensive and biting his lip as Charlie smiled and Darren looked back up at them. Darren leaned in and closed his mouth over JJ's dick, hearing the lad moan in pleasure as he felt the mouth sink down over him before starting to bob back and forth, sucking on him gently as his Dad started to explore his son's dick. Darren had tasted him that night, but only to clean the lads off after watching them fuck, so this was his first time to really enjoy his son's dick, and realised that JJ tasted amazing, and felt so good on his tongue, as good as Charlie even, and soon he was bobbing his head faster as his tongue lashed over the teen. He felt the hand in his hair tighten as JJ throbbed in his mouth, and felt it pulse as though about to spill.

Darren pulled back, hearing JJ groan at the loss and he dove back onto Charlie's penis, letting his hand fall away as it was replaced by his mouth and his other hand rose to start gently jacking JJ off. The two teenagers started to kiss, their jeans eventually falling to their ankles until they stood there in just their boxers, their Dad moving from one to the other as he sucked them both off one at a time. All of them were moaning and gasping as he worked, edging his son's closer to orgasm but denying them at the last moment, until they each had a hand tangled in his short hair, guiding him between them. Charlie had his hand on JJ's lower back, holding him close as his other hand pushed Darren's head onto JJ's dick, all while JJ's hand held the nape of Charlie's neck and kept their mouths locked together while his hand guided Darren's mouth back to Charlie's dick. At some point Darren lost track of who was leading this, and just allowed each lad to enter his mouth at will, occasionally taking them both in at the same time and his cheeks bulged as they probed deeper. Then the kiss broke, and JJ said, "I'm so close, I can't hold it."

Charlie put his head to JJ's, staring into his eyes and told him, "Don't, cum for him. Let him taste you." Charlie pushed Darren back onto JJ's dick, their Dad totally lost in lust as he sucked hard and fast on the member, and then his mouth was flooding with cum. It took him by surprise, but only for a moment as he started to swallow straight away, finally focusing as he heard JJ moan loudly and Charlie kiss at his friend's neck. Darren chanced a look up when he felt the orgasm subsiding, letting the final blasts fill his mouth, and saw JJ's head thrown back in ecstasy while Charlie licked his throat. One last pulse and JJ was done, gasping as Darren pulled away with a mouthful of his son's seed, and they locked eyes as the man swallowed the whole lot, JJ's pulse racing as he watched his father move onto Charlie's dick. Charlie moaned as his own blow job resumed, and this time it was his turn to throw his head back as Darren bobbed his head quickly, sucking hard to extract the hot liquid while JJ bent to suck on his nipples, and within moments Darren's mouth filled with its second load of the day in few less than a minute. That it was another son doing so had his own dick throbbing in his jeans, and as he swallowed the warm cum he wondered if it would be enough to make his dick explode. He gulped down all of Charlie's load, savouring the familiar taste and comparing it to JJ's, and realised he couldn't find a favourite as they both tasted delicious.

He pulled back, sitting on the edge and licking both softening dicks clean while they panted above him, and then he was shoved back onto the sofa. The sudden shift caught him by surprise but not as much as seeing the two lads drop to their knees and start pulling Darren's jeans open and down his legs, throwing them into a corner to be joined by his damp boxers and leaving him half naked in front of them, dick straining toward the ceiling and leaking everywhere. Darren was exposed but just led there waiting, and then Charlie leaned in and started to suck on his ballsack. Darren arched at the touch of the lips, only to almost fly off the sofa when JJ did the same on the other side, and they had to hold him down as they started to lap and suck on his balls, his dick crying out for attention as it slapped against their faces but they ignored it.

Seconds felt like hours, but eventually Darren felt his legs spread wider and lifted up a little, and he was pulled down so he lay a little flatter, and he looked down in time to see his son's lift his legs up more and then lower their heads. He groaned as he felt Charlie's lips kiss againt his hole, before licking a couple of times on the sensitive spot, before moving away only to be replaced by JJ's mouth. Darren groaned loudly as his second son started to explore his ass, kissing and licking the hole before moving away, Charlie's mouth taking its place until both of them were constantly in contact. Darren's dick throbbed the entire time, especially when he felt the two lads start to kiss against his hole, almost as though they were both making out with his ass at the same time, and then he felt a tongue push deeper into his ass, and he just knew from the hesitation that it must be JJ's which was confirmed when Charlie's head rose up and he had this beaming grin on his face and he asked, "Doing OK, Dad?"

Darren groaned at the name, the taboo of all this making his dick harder than ever, and he gasped and said, "I'm not going to last long."

Charlie grinned and said, "We don't want you to." He lowered his head again, and Darren was a writhing wreck as first one son and then the other rimmed his ass, each pushing deeper with their tongue's as they opened him up. Charlie knew Darren so well by now he could tell when the man was close, and as he pushed his finger into Darren's hole he also lifted his head and began to lick along his leaking dick. Darren cried out as he felt the finger move in time with Charlie's tongue, and was about to explode when he felt JJ copy his mate, inserting his finger alongside Charlie's and let his mouth dance over Darren's dick. The stimulation was too much, and Darren climaxed. His first blast coated the side of each son's face, searingly hot against their skin before Charlie closed his mouth over the tip, and JJ went lower to suck on Darren's balls as they pumped out shot after shot of the potent seed. Charlie tried to keep up, but even his skilled mouth couldn't keep up with the sheer size of Darren's orgasm, and it started to spill from his mouth and dribble down the shaft where JJ collected the precious fluid and tasted his father for the first time.

Charlie did finally pull back when Darren was finished, and as he lay back in bliss after the intensity of his climax, he watched as both his son's fell into another kiss as they knelt at his feet, sharing his load as they made out. His feet had dropped to the floor while they had sucked him off, and Darren knew he it would take time for him to recover enough to stand again, so he just led there and watched.

They split apart and grinned at each other, before turning back to the older man, raising his legs once more and heard him groan as they once more began rimming his ass, using their fingers to spread his hole wide for what they wanted next.

It was almost ten minute's later and Darren was almost delirious by the time he saw JJ rise to his feet and peel off his boxers, leaving him naked and erect. His body was lean but well built, his hours of football building up a decent muscle tone and slight tan to his body, his legs hairy to match a small patch of fuzz in the centre of his chest. As the teen stood there, Darren wanted him closer and sighed as he saw Charlie's head rise from between his legs and take JJ into his mouth, bobbing his head a few times before pulling away and move up off the floor and onto the sofa next to Darren. His face was shiny with spit, and the grin was downright filthy as he told the guy, "This is so fucking hot." Darren smiled, then looked up at JJ who was standing there looking down at them, and he pulled his legs back as invitation.

JJ looked at the ass of his Dad, and quickly dropped back to his knees and shuffled close, his erection bumping against the slick cheeks of the man he had spent years waiting to meet and was now about to fuck. Darren said, "Wait. Charlie was your first, right?" JJ blushed a little but nodded, then the older man said, "So go slow, let's not rush this." JJ took a deep breath before grasping his 6" dick and guiding it to his Dad's hole, the pair locking eyes again as the teen eased his head into the tight heat, the pair groaning as the first inch easily slipped inside. JJ stopped, afraid he'd cum just from the knowledge of who he was about to fuck, and took some time before pressing forward, gradually pushing more of his dick into the furnace before finally feeling his pubes settle against the man's ass. That was it, he was buried totally in the ass of his father, a man he had dreamt of for years though never in this way, and he was begging his body to hold off its orgasm. Darren was laid back and his legs were hanging off the sofa loosely around JJ's body, his mind trying to make sense of the fact another of his son's was balls deep in his ass, while the other was stroking his chest and kissing his neck. He reached out for him and pulled the teen down to him, their faces getting closer until he said, "Go slow, alright?"

JJ nodded, and then they kissed. Slow and sensual, their tongue's slid into the other guys mouth as JJ pulled his hips back and then pushed forward. They each moaned, the first thrust sending shockwaves through their bodies, and after a few fumbled thrusts JJ soon had a steady rhythm going. Darren felt every taboo inch of his son's member moving in his ass, and his dick swelled as he deepened the kiss and felt Charlie's hands stroke both of their bodies. Having both son's touching him, one kissing him while the other was fucking him felt incredible, and then JJ broke away from the kiss only for Charlie to pull him over to him, and Darren led there watching his boys making out while JJ kept thrusting away into his ass, and he wrapped his legs around the teen's waist to pull him deeper and harder. He watched for a few moment's before lifting his head and forcing his way in, so that the three of them were now locked in a messy threeway kiss, none really sure whose tongue was whose.

JJ was speeding up now, his head breaking from the kiss as he started to thrust faster and Charlie tapped him on the shoulder and asked, "May I?" Darren gulped as JJ nodded his head, and could only lay there as his son's swapped position, JJ lying next to him on the sofa as Charlie eased his dick into his Dad's ass, quickly setting a strong steady pace that had the man moaning into JJ's mouth as the two started to kiss. JJ was very quickly starting to enjoy making out with the man, and held his head in place as they locked lips throughout Charlie's fucking, leaving the other lad to watch as he thrust away. Not that Charlie minded, it was so erotic to see his friend making out with his Dad, a Dad they shared and were getting to know each other for the first time. In fact, it was so hot he only managed a few minute's before he had to pull out and motioned for JJ to take his place again, which the lad was more than happy to do. He propped himself up on his arms, leaning over Darren's body as he started to thrust, the man's ass taking his dick easily and with a little guidance from Charlie he was soon hitting the man's prostate, sending chills up his spine and straight to his dick that was leaking all over his stomach despite cumming less than an hour ago.

Darren was in heaven as his two son's swapped again, one son informing the other on how best to fuck their Dad, and with all his experience Charlie knew what button's to push so that in no time the older man was a wreck by the time JJ took over once more. His ass was open and wet with precum and spit, and as JJ slid home they moaned loudly, JJ following the instruction well and leaving Darren a gasping mess that begged for more. He was loving this, being shared between the two teens, but he wanted more and knew what it was he craved. He pushed JJ away, telling him to slow down but holding his legs tight around the slim waist as he looked up at them and said, "I want you. Both. Together."

JJ was confused, but as Charlie stared at his Dad, understanding dawned as he finally got it and his eye's went wide as he asked, "You sure?"

Darren nodded as he said, "I am." Charlie breathed deep before standing up from the sofa, pulling JJ away and asking him to lie down on the floor. JJ still had no idea what was about to happen, but as he saw Darren stand and strip off his shirt and then climb into his lap, any questions he had vanished when the man started to guide JJ's dick back to his ass and then ride it a few times, gasping as the new angle struck his prostate differently. JJ ran his hands over Darren's thighs as the man straddled his waist, and then he felt Charlie get in position behind the Dad, confusing JJ all over again, especially when he felt a smear of some cold gel or cream spread against his dick and over Darren's stretched hole. He wanted to ask what was happening, but Darren shushed him, his hands running over JJ's body as he leaned forward a little, and then JJ felt Charlie's dick slide against his. He was disappointed as he thought for a second that Darren was going to lift off him to let Charlie have access, and then he felt the second dick press firmly into the same small hole he was buried in, and then it clicked. He had seen it in porn, but never imagined it happening in real life, and nothing could prepare him as the tip of Charlie's dick pierced the hole and pressed on. Darren was bracing over JJ's body, hands either side of JJ's head as his ass filled with its second dick, both of them belonging to his son's.

JJ was frozen in place, Darren's face contorted in pain as Charlie paused his entry and waited for the man to adjust, the hot tunnel clamping their dicks together and squeezed them tight. Charlie knew from conversation's with others and from reading online that the key to this was patience, to let the person get used to it, and to work as a team to enjoy it. So he waited, Darren squeezing down on them hard enough that Charlie thought they might cum just from this, until he felt the man start to breath more normal and relax a little. Another minute, and Charlie leaned forward and kissed Darren's back, and while JJ was still obscured from him he could hear the two kissing softly. Charlie pushed forward slow, achingly slow and it took a few minute's before he felt his pubes resting against his Dad's ass, while his balls rested on top of JJ's. Darren raised his head, and he spent a few seconds with his head thrown back, panting at the struggle in his body but determined to let this happen as Charlie whispered, "You OK?"

Darren nodded eventually, turning his head and meeting Charlie in a gentle kiss. Charlie's hands rested on Darren's waist as he settled in place, drawing his dick out of the overfilled hole a couple inches and pushing back in, making the man wince and turn away. JJ was staring up at him, still a little freaked out at the feeling of his dick squeezed in his father's ass with Charlie's, and seeing him in discomfort he reached up and started to caress his body, stroking his thighs and smoothing over his chest. Darren started to relax at the touch, his dick throbbing at the stimulus as Charlie's hands joined JJ in the caress, and then he felt the lad start to withdraw again. It hurt less this time, and he groaned less as Charlie pushed back in, giving his son allowance to start moving. Charlie did, rocking his hips back and forth, his dick sliding over JJ's as he thrust slowly into his Dad's ass, stunned at how different but amazing this felt. Darren had four hands running over his body, and was soon moaning as one son started to fuck behind him, and then he felt JJ push his dick up at the same time as Charlie pushed forward. Both dicks thrusting into him at the same time made him cry out in pleasure, but made them both freeze at his outburst, and he was a little pleased as the stillness gave his body a chance to calm down.

JJ leaned up, his face a mere inch from Darren's and the man hung his arms over his son's shoulders, holding himself up as he sank down their lengths and he kissed him again. He was quickly becoming addicted to these two lads, and knew this couldn't last much longer as he told JJ, "When he pulls out, you push up. Then out as he pushes back in, OK?" JJ felt every word breathed out into his face and nodded, looking over the man's shoulder and seeing Charlie nod in understanding. Charlie started to pull out, and JJ lifted his hips, getting a front row seat as Darren bit his lip and gasped, then moaned as JJ sat back down and Charlie pushed forward. JJ and Charlie understood instantly, that in this way they would all be constantly stimulated, and quickly set up a slow rhythm of fucking their Dad, leaving him moaning as his prostate was struck with every push, his every nerve flaming as it was hit repeatedly. He was shaking as he held onto JJ's body, the two still inches apart as the lad watched and felt his Dad get fucked on top of him, both lads still stroking his body.

Darren was no longer in pain as his son's fucked him together, and he knew he wouldn't last when he heard Charlie say, "Fuck, Dad."

Then JJ was saying the same thing, "Oh shit, so good Dad." Every time they said the word his dick would pulse, and he edged closer to climax. They both kept up the comment's, Charlie saying how much he loved him, while JJ said he was so close. Darren felt them wrap their hands around him, hugging him between them as they held onto each other, and the word "Dad" on repeat in his ear as they whispered to him and fucked his ass until it became too much. Darren threw his head back, calling out as they both thrust forward at the same time, striking his prostate hard as Darren exploded all over JJ's body. His dick had been trapped between them, rubbing against JJ's abs as they moved together, and he blast with such force that it splashed against the teen's neck and chin, coating his chest in his Dad's load as the man's body shook at the intensity of his orgasm.

Darren thought he might pass out when he felt the two lads shooting at the same moment, and it was a sensation he would never forget as he felt both dicks spurting into his formerly tight hole. He thought they may never stop, but eventually they were all still and panting hard, Charlie collapsed onto his back as he leaned onto JJ's body, who had fallen back to lie on the carpet with the other's on top of him. He felt full to the brim, and as Charlie pulled out he felt a gush of their combined seed slip from his body, and he groaned at the loss, wanting to keep it in his body for as long as possible. He lifted off JJ slightly, just enough to disengage his softening member, and then moved to lie flat on the floor, his head turned to face the two teenagers as Charlie bent down and the two started to kiss again. Darren drifted off to sleep as he saw Charlie start to lick Darren's cum from JJ's body, and the man felt his dick stir at the sight of his two son's sharing his load while they kissed.

Darren woke up with a start, and raised his head as he took in his surroundings. It was The Loft, and his body felt like one large ache radiating from his ass while his dick rubbed into the carpet, and it all came back to him as he saw the two lads lying next to him. His son's Charlie and JJ had fucked him, and while Charlie was sleeping on his back, JJ was curled over his body and staring at Darren as the man woke up. He had no idea how long he had slept, or how long the teen had been staring at him, but they both smiled awkwardly at each other as Darren tried to clear his head. "Hey," he whispered, careful not to wake Charlie.

"Hi," JJ answered as he lifted his head to talk, checking Charlie was still out of it. They'd made out for a while before curling up together, and it hadn't taken long for Charlie to doze off while JJ just looked at the other two while they slept. His Dad was trying to get up so JJ asked, "Shall I grab some water?"

Darren nodded his head, and stared as the young man jumped to his feet and rushed out to the bar, not even bothering to throw some clothing on. Darren grunted as he stood up, and after looking down at his other son still sleeping he slipped on his boxers and followed the other out to the bar. His ass hurt from its double penetration, but his body felt good and his mind was clear, though the more he thought he wondered if this had all been a bad mistake, because while he had hoped to build a relationship with JJ, he was wanting it to be a normal healthy one. Instead they'd fallen into another sexual embrace, and after he took the bottle and gulped down the cold liquid rapidly, he had to ask, "Are you OK? That wasn't too much?"

JJ smirked and replied, "It was a lot, but it was great. Are you OK though?"

Darren blushed slightly as he said, "Yeah, I'll be fine." He winced as he sat in one of the booths, finishing off the bottle as JJ sat next to him and he had to say, "Look, this was fun. But I want a real relationship as well, I want to be a Dad to you, even if this happens again."

JJ beamed as he told him, "I want that too. Charlie explained that no matter what you're Dad first, and this is separate. So, I want to try. Please."

Darren nodded, his mind soothed by the words. They tried to talk, but JJ seemed anxious to ask him something, until finally he just said, "JJ, ask me."

"Willyoupleasefuckme?" He spat the words out so quick it took Darren a moment to work the statement out, and then he smiled.

"Anything for my son," he said and the two leaned in and kissed, soft at first but getting stronger as it went on before JJ slipped off his seat and settled between Darren's legs, spreading them wider as he reached up and pulled his dick through the slit of his boxers and began to lick around it. Since giving his first blowjob to Charlie, JJ had enjoyed performing the act, and to be doing it now with his Dad took it to a whole new level and while he'd happily spend time getting to know the dick that created him better, he wanted more. His hand rose up and he let it slip between Darren's legs and into the leg of his boxers, smiling around the shaft as he heard the man moan as he pushed his fingers into his leaking hole and collected some of the cum that he was still holding, and then he heard him say, "JJ, please. Its still tender down there."

JJ bobbed his mouth a couple more times, swirling his tongue around the tip before pulling back, removing his fingers also to reveal them coated with a blend of his and Charlie's seed, and he smeared the mix onto Darren's member with a smile. Darren gasped as he felt his erection coated with his son's cum, and could only sigh as he watched JJ stand up naked in front of him, and he had to reach out to touch him to make sure he was really there. So handsome, strong jaw and toned body, the man had to ask the question to himself as the teen moved into his lap and reached back to guide the dick to his hole. A groan as JJ started to sink down the length, and they stared at each other as Darren gripped the seat cushion while feeling his son descend onto him before settling and JJ said, "I'm so glad I found you, Dad." They kissed as he adjusted, their hands groping at each other until JJ started to move, lifting up and down as he fucked his ass onto his father's dick and moaning into each other's mouths.

Charlie woke up, aware that he was on the floor and alone, and as he got up he could hear the sound of quiet moaning from the other room. He smirked and went out, welcomed by the sight of Darren and JJ locked in an embrace, JJ laying back on the pool table while their Dad fucked into him from above. He looked at them for a minute, still trying to believe this was happening before walking over to them and standing close to the table, watching them up close as JJ arched his back and wrapped his legs around the older man, moaned with every thrust as Darren was kissing at his neck. Charlie's dick rose at the sight of his two lover's together, and it took a moment for them to register his presence, JJ first and then Darren, the Dad faltering with his thrusting at the sudden appearance. The lad just smiled though and leaned down to kiss his Dad, then moved down to JJ, and then stepping over to a stool and sitting down facing the table. He stared at the couple who just looked back at him, watching until Charlie began to jack his dick to the sight, and then Darren restarted his movement.

JJ groaned as he looked from his boyfriend to his Dad, their Dad, and his legs tightened around the man's waist as he was fucked on the table top, the smooth felt scratching his back as he got louder. Darren latched onto his neck, sucking on the spot as he listened to his son moan, making love to him for the first time as he glanced over at Charlie voyeuristically watching them from the sidelines as he masturbated. His mouth watered, wanting to motion him over and take the member into his mouth, but Charlie understood JJ needed this moment with Darren to be their's. Darren sped up, thrusting faster and harder as he built momentum, earning more gasps and moans from his son below him, and the two kissed again as their shared climax grew closer.

JJ came first, his back arched as he exploded all over his chest and neck, causing his ass to clamp down on Darren's dick as it continued to fuck into him as he called out, "YES!!!" His Dad couldn't hold back, and second's later he was emptying his balls into his son's ass, his own grunt of release cut off as JJ pulled his head down into a kiss, both of them making out as their orgasm peaked and slowly ebbed away.

Then Charlie was standing next to them, hand moving fast as he pointed his dick at the pair and groaned loudly as he blasted his own load all over them, his mouth open as he watched it splash against Darren's cheek and all over JJ's heaving chest where it mixed with JJ's cum. He hadn't even finished shooting when he saw his friend turn Darren's head to the side and lean up, his tongue scooping up Charlie's seed from the man's face and swallowing it, before Darren turned back and kissed his son again. Charlie had to lean on the pool table as his legs shook, watching as Darren slowly leaned up from the table and ran his hands over JJ's chest, spreading the cum to every inch of the toned torso. JJ was breathing heavily as he felt the fluid coat his body, and saw the lust burn in Darren's eyes as he stared down at his work before telling them both, "My boys." His head dipped down and he started to lap up the layer of cum, a blend of his two son's, and his dick throbbed as the flavour hit his tongue. Separate they were amazing, together they were exquisite.

His mouth worked over as much of JJ's chest as he could reach, and only then did he withdraw his semi hard dick from the lad's ass, nad only so he could slide down the table and begin licking over the teen's abs to collect the last of the mess. As he took JJ's deflating member into his mouth to suck clean, he saw Charlie feed his own softening dick to JJ, and the room was silent except for the soft sounds of sucking from them both.

Thirty minute's later they were dressed, and had cleaned up as best they could. Darren didn't want Ethan to know what had happened here, not ready to share that with his friend, so he double checked the place to be sure. When he left the office, he saw his son's locked in another kiss, Charlie pressing JJ into the bar as the two made out together, and he had to cough loudly to get them to move apart. "Right, you two go. I'll go round to Ethan's and drop the keys off and thank him," Darren told them.

Charlie smirked and said, "Tell him thanks from us too, please."

JJ laughed and added, "Yeah, he's a fucking legend for sure." Darren chuckled, and then JJ was in front of him, and the two paused before Darren put his hand to the back of his head and pulled his son into a long kiss, their tongues sliding together.

When they broke apart, Charlie stepped up and muttered, "Its never not going to be hot watching our Dad make out with us is it?" He pulled Darren into a kiss as he heard JJ agree with him, and by the time he pulled back Darren was a little short of breath.

He watched them both leave, did one last check and then locked up, walking the short distance to Ethan's place. His mate opened the door after a few seconds and took the keys with a smile and said, "Hope it all worked out my friend. You certainly look happier than this morning."

Darren flushed and answered, "Yeah it went well, we talked and all feel a lot better. Thanks for letting us use the place, the lads wanted me to say thank you as well."

Ethan waved off the words and told him, "Anything for you guys, you know that. But, one thing." He checked to see they were not overheard and said, "I didn't turn the CCTV off. Is that a problem?"

Darren blanched at the question, and stammered out, "You didn't? In the bar?"

Ethan saw the reaction and stated, "The office too. Shall I delete it all?" Darren nodded enthusiastically as Ethan asked, "Do you want a copy?" Darren considered, but shook his head, knowing he couldn't risk it being found. "Can I watch first?" Ethan saw his friend's jaw fall to the floor, and knew he'd watch no matter the answer he got.

"You won't tell anyone?" Darren breathed out, barely audible.

Ethan chuckled and leaned in to whisper, "I haven't told anyone about you, and never will. And maybe I'll tell you all about me and my nephew's, soon." His teeth bit down on Darren's earlobe, making the other man weak in the knees, before Ethan stepped back into the flat and closed the door. Darren had to take a moment, staring at the door, dick rising at the knowledge his exploits would be viewed soon, and wondered what Ethan would do after.

Hope you enjoyed this one. Been thinking about it since JJ's casting was announced, and was fun to actually write it all down.

Again, I've loved reading all the suggestions and feedback, please keep it coming.

Next: Chapter 72

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