Fucking In Hollyoaks Village

By John James

Published on Jun 22, 2024


Fucking in Hollyoaks Village 69 (Gay, Celebrity)

This is a fictional story, based on Hollyoaks that I have no involvement in. It does not imply anything about the sexuality or relationships of any characters or actors involved. It doesn't follow the storylines of Hollyoaks rigidly, but will be influenced by it. All actors are over 18, and the character's are all age of consent or older.

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Tom had noticed him a lot after all his shenanigan's with the McQueen twins, and the other men he'd been with. The guy had a big build, and he'd felt his dick twitch more than a few times at the dinner table when looking at the man. His own father-in-law, if that's what Zain was to him, was a handsome dude. Extra forbidden, but Tom had eye's.

Nothing happened, of course. Just a rise in his crotch when they were close or a mumbled stutter when Tom got distracted by an innocent touch, nothing that Zain would notice.

Then Tom's marriage started to fall apart, and though he looked for comfort with his mate's, he felt them partly to blame for it happening. Him and Yazz had been drifting apart for a while, and though he knew it wasn't his fault she wanted to move from the village and have some great career, it definitely didn't help that he was a regular at the McQueen place. They, with Romeo, had opened up a world of sexual adventure to their friend, but it meant he was caught by surprise at how unhappy she was as he'd been so distracted. Tom had tried to fight for her to stay, but the paper's were signed and she was gone so quickly he had whiplash, and needed to talk with someone.

Zain. So good to talk to, friendly advice and comforting words. The two met in Cindy's place where Tom was staying, sat on the sofa with a couple coffee's, talking. Just that, talking. Tom felt better as he placed the empty mug down, sitting back he noticed he'd shifted closer to the older man without realising, and as Zain stared at him, Tom let his hand rest on the man's leg. Zain looked at the hand confused, before looking back at Tom's face only to see his former son-in-law leaning in for a kiss, the action taking him by surprise so much that as their mouth's connected his lips parted and he felt the younger man's tongue slide into his mouth. He sat in shock, his own tongue pushing against the invader for a second before he pushed Tom away, dropping his mug onto the floor and heading for the door as Tom apologised for his stupidity. Zain was at the front door when he stopped and Tom pleaded, "Zain, please. I'm sorry, it's just.. I'm so alone. I'm sorry."

Zain turned back, still flustered at what had happened but said, "It's fine, but that can't ever happen. Alright?" Tom nodded, tears in his eye's as he watched the man leave.

It took a while, but they put the kiss behind them, though Zain watched Tom more closely than he had before. He saw how close he was to the McQueen boys, how he tried to plaster a smile over his obvious hurt at the failure of his marriage, as well as the loss of his business. He also saw him at the gym a lot more, trying to work out his stress and excess energies, and Zain had to say his eye lingered more than it should have at Tom's muscled build, and he had to excuse himself a couple time's when he felt his dick stir at the sight.

He was married, he was straight. That was the mantra he kept repeating on the walk home, and then he was at the flat again, sitting on the sofa where the kiss had happened, waiting for Tom to show some outfit's he'd bought to start dating again. He was nervous being here, and then Tom walked out in some shirt that Zain barely noticed, because Tom was wearing a pair of shorts that took his breath away. They were.. well, very short. And loose enough to show a swing with every step, and then when Tom sat down they formed around a very sizeable bulge. Zain had to force himself to keep eye contact with the lad, and Tom was totally unaware of the effect his outfit was having on the man, who didn't last ten minute's before he was making his excuses to leave.

And then it was Zain's marriage falling apart. Misbah had kissed Donny, he didn't know if he could forgive her for the betrayal or that she hadn't told him how unhappy she had been for so long, and he needed someone to talk to about it, and who better than Tom, who had his own recent problem's with one of the Maalik women. They'd been talking a while when Zain became aware of how close Tom's body was to his, and though he knew he should move away a little he enjoyed the contact, because as they talked he realised how distant he and Misbah had been recently, so remained where he was with their arms pressed together. A pause in the talking, and Tom asked, "You.. you and Misbah? It was bad for a while?"

Zain thought on it and breathed deeply as he said, "I mean, looking back it must have been. Why else would she kiss him? We.. hadn't really done anything together for a while, just so busy and.. I guess we both let the marriage stall."

Tom coughed, aware of how he was pushing the talk as he questioned, "It happens, believe me. Can I ask, how long has it been?"

Zain considered, thinking if he should answer at all when he replied, "Five week's, maybe six. Longer for a date, or even spending the evening just us two. There's always something that we let get in the way."

Tom took the mug from Zain's hand and stood up, placing it down on the table and shoving it back a little before getting to his knees in front of the man, crawling forward as he pushed Zain's legs apart and settled between them. Zain stared in shock as he watched the younger man run his hands up his thighs and was about to tell him to stop when Tom said, "I saw you, when we were at Cindy's. I saw you react, watching me." Zain's mouth went dry as he tried to form a sentence, Tom's hands reaching up to unbutton the bottom of his shirt and open it to show his hairy stomach and then those hands were smoothing over his lap feeling the member respond to the friction and start to rise. Tom said, "I'm sorry for what is going on with you and Misbah, but I think you want this more than you want to admit." Zain was silent as the hands started to pull open his trousers, the zip dragging down slowly as he locked eyes with his former son-in-law, his dick already tenting inside his underwear as Tom continued, "You said almost six weeks?"

His hands moved to Zain's sides, as the man finally found his voice and said, "Tom, no we've got to stop this. Just get up and go, please.."

Tom just stayed there, kneeling there as he asked again, "Six weeks?" Zain thought and nodded, before Tom said, "That's when you were at Cindy's. Staring at me." Zain's jaw fell, and he realised it was about then. Was that a reason why he'd lost focus on his wife, why they'd drifted apart from each other. He felt the hands tug at his trousers, and with his mind racing at the thought he instinctively raised his ass a little to allow them to be pulled down, and then he snapped out of it as he was left in his half open shirt, spread open to show his hairy stomach as his dick bulged obscenely in his boxers. Tom's hands ran over his thighs, stroking over his skin as he stared at the man's face torn in conflict and he said, "You're a good man Zain, and all you need to say is stop and I leave, and we never have to talk about this again." His hand landed on the still growing lump, and he glanced at the hugeness of it before looking back to see Zain bite his lip, not saying a word as the hand started to squeeze on the dick contained within. Seconds felt like hours, but still the married Imam didn't say anything, so Tom let his hands reach for the elastic waistband of the boxers and began to peel them down revealing the member. His eye's went wide as inch after inch became visible, the thick shaft seemingly endless, before it sprang free and slapped against Zain's stomach, lying there like some gorgeous snake. Tom tucked the boxers beneath the man's balls, before letting his hand grasp the dick into his hand, where he started to jack it off.

He barely heard the guy gasp and groan as his dick was played with, touched for the first time by another hand in weeks, and Tom was amazed to feel it still hardening in his hand. Tom had spent enough time with the McQueen's to know how a large dick felt in his hand, and as he raised his other hand to wrap around it, he guessed Zain to be at least an inch longer and a little thicker in his grip. He stared at it as both hands moved together to jack the monster off, and only when it was fully hard did he let his hands stop, seeing the head exposed above his fists, and estimated the size closer to 14", almost 2 full inches on what the twin's carried around. The tip was leaking a lot of precum, almost like a tap as it flowed from the slit, and he felt his hands slick with the juice as they held the erection so it pointed at the ceiling. He looked away, shaking his head as he focused on Zain's face, the man looking torn between wanting to run and seeing what Tom was thinking, and he whispered, "Tom, we shouldn't.."

Tom said, "Say stop." He leaned forward and let his mouth close over the tip, his tongue swirling around the sensitive head as his lips sealed against his fist, letting it sit in his mouth as he lapped up the delicious fluid as it flowed into his mouth. Zain moaned, falling further into the sofa as he felt the tongue lash against him, unable to form a thought to stop this happening, praying Tom would take mercy and leave. The lad didn't, removing one of his hands as the other restarted jacking him off at the base, as his mouth began to rise and fall over the top half of his length, dual stimulating him from top to bottom. The older man's brain was nothing but two thoughts, how wrong this was and how great it felt. In no time, Tom's head was bobbing away in his lap, taking almost half the 14" dick into his mouth as his other hand moved over the bottom half, his lips colliding with his hand as they worked at different paces to keep the man on edge. Zain had to put his hands firmly onto the sofa either side of him, scared of his need to grab at Tom's hair, not sure if he had to willpower to push the lad away or push his head down the length. Tom was loving this, his dreams of the man doing no justice to reality, and as his hand slowed down, he tried his best to open his throat and take more of the python into his body.

Zain felt the hand slow, and thought maybe Tom was about to stop, when he felt his dick strike the lad's throat and then open a little. He stared in wonder as the young man kept pushing, gagging over the thick member, struggling to take it and Zain managed to utter, "Tom, stop.." when he felt the entrance open up and he slid another couple inches into the hot wet tunnel. He groaned loudly as he felt the neck clamp onto his dick, squeezing the tip tightly against the invader, when Tom rose up, pulling off him completely as he coughed and wiped his mouth, his face red from effort as he panted heavily.

His hand was still stroking Zain, the man staring down at him as he asked, "Did you say stop?" Zain stared at him, then shook his head. Tom smiled, taking a second to stare at the spit soaked dick in his hand and said, "Good." Tom opened up once more, and resumed his sucking, and minute's passed as his tongue slid over the shaft as he listened to the man moaning once more, determined to take the whole thing into his mouth. His hand no longer had room to move as his throat opened to allow the dick to slide almost totally inside him, and as his eye's bugged out he guessed he had only an inch or two to go before his nose would press into Zain's bush of pubes, Tom's own dick straining in his jeans at the thought of managing this feat. One of his hands rose to run under Zain's shirt, feeling his hairy body as Zain lay back, breathing deeply as he enjoyed the best blow job of his life, while Tom's other hand reached down to squeeze his own 9" dick as it fought to break free of its confines. Tom wished he had taken them off before starting, but as he was so close he was unwilling to break away, so he kept going, his mouth never empty as he bobbed his head deeper onto the beast, willing his body to relax and take this last inch.

"OH FUCK!!!" Zain called out loudly, no thought given to staying silent as he felt Tom's nose press into his crotch, his entire length buried deep in his former son-in-law's throat, which convulsed around him as he listened to the lad gag a little on the member. His hand reached down and held Tom in place, the two men's eyes meeting in a gaze that lasted a couple seconds before Zain moved his hand and Tom pulled back, spluttering and eyes watering from the achievement, before he lunged back down and started to lick over the dick while he slowed his breathing. Zain lay there, stunned, and said, "Tom, no-one has ever.. not all.."

Tom broke into a grin as he said, "I've had some practice, but you're the biggest." His hand was jacking off the monster again as he made out with the tip, kissing against it and lapping up the still flowing precum and told the man, "The McQueen's will love hearing about you." Zain was about to argue when Tom said, "I won't tell them its you, but they'll know, so I'll have to tell them."

"Know what?" Zain asked, reassured but confused at the statement.

Tom grinned wider as he answered, "Well this thing is going to ruin me, and they'll be worried why I'm walking funny." Zain's jaw dropped, staring as Tom smirked at him and then restarted his blow job, mouth descending quickly and pushing on as the dick slid into his throat easily, minimal struggle as he managed the entire thing in one action. The lad was bobbing away, head and tongue moving to stimulate every inch of the older man, as Zain dropped his head back and stared at the ceiling, mind thinking on what Tom had just said. Would he have sex with him? This was bad enough, but that seemed like a step too far. But the mouth felt amazing, the best ever, and taking him in all the way was unbelieveable, imagine what full sex could feel like. He loved his wife, but she didn't touch him like this, and sex was good and he had been happy, but now he was thinking of what Tom's ass would feel like. What he'd sound like. How he'd feel to actually fuck an ass for the first time in his life. Every partner he'd had had refused, all the women scared of the size of his dick, and he'd always been extra cautious to not hurt them. Looking down he saw Tom Cunningham with tears in his eyes as he deepthroated the huge dick, lust burning in his eyes as he sucked harder and faster, trying to get the load he'd worked so hard for.

Zain placed his hand in Tom's hair, stroking through it as the head bobbed in his lap and he moaned and said, "So good, I'm going to cum." Tom sped up, his tongue a blur as it swirled in time with his mouth moving faster and Zain gasped and said, "Last chance, I'm going to shoot." Tom stared at him, telling the man to do it in his mouth, and then Zain grunted loudly as he exploded into another man for the first time in his life. Six weeks of no sexual contact unleashed itself on Tom's throat, the first pulse firing deep into his stomach, followed by at least 3 more volleys that filled his body. He pulled his head up, the dick still shooting as it filled his mouth with more cum, and he struggled to swallow it all before more was added, and it started to seep out of the corner's of his mouth. He pulled back so only the tip rested on his lips, the seed flowing into his mouth like he was drinking it from a straw, until finally he felt the climax die down, and he swallowed the last mouthful and moved back. He jumped as the dick twitched and released one last spurt which landed on his cheek and down onto his chin, and he smirked at the sheer size of the load he'd just consumed, and he looked at the man lying in front of him.

Zain was gone, totally unaware of his surrounding's as his body shook from the intensity of that orgasm, collapsed back into the sofa as his dick lay against his thigh. He wasn't aware of Tom sitting back on his heels, scooping the last streak of cum from his face into his mouth, and he had no idea how long it took before he managed to raise his head and look at the lad who had literally rocked his world. Six weeks of pent up sexual energy being released slowly gave way to guilt at what he'd just done, and his heart began to beat faster at the idea of someone finding them here, and he sat up quickly and swayed as he felt suddenly light headed at the rapid movement, and then Tom was there holding him steady and saying, "Careful, that was a lot." Zain and he stood close, the older man with his trousers still at his ankles and massive dick swinging free, and Tom's dick tenting hard against the zip of his jeans.

Zain saw it, trying to look away as he asked, "You.. your OK?"

Tom nodded, his hand rising to rub at his neck as he croaked, "Yeah, I'll be good." Zain felt shame that he'd caused the lad discomfort and his hand rose up to lightly graze Tom's throat, feeling the Adam's apple bounce as he touched there, and they locked eyes again.

Zain felt his dick stir at the feel of the hot sweaty skin, and though he shouldn't he asked, "Do you want to take care of that?"

The suggestion was clearly referring to Tom's erection, pointing at Zain through his jeans, as Zain's dick started to plump up again Tom said, "Only if you take me to bed." Zain would have staggered, but Tom's hold on him held him in place, until finally he nodded his head a inch. It was enough for the younger man, who bent down to lift Zain's trousers up his legs, raising the zip a little so they hung loosely on the man's body, and led him to the stairs.

They were stood in his and Yazz's old room, the place bare except for a few odd boxes that were waiting to be shipped to her new home. And the bed, the one they'd shared for so long. Zain had feared being led to his room, but Tom must have known that was a bridge to far for the man to cheat in his marital bed, so they'd come here. They were kissing, Zain at first repulsed by the taste in Tom's mouth, but quickly realising it wasn't that bad, and now they were kissing more passionately. Tom's hands had worked Zain's shirt open, and it hung off his shoulders as the younger man stroked his hairy body, and his own hands were now starting their own search of Tom's smooth muscular build through his tight T-shirt. He felt his shirt drop to the floor and then Tom stepped back, and he realised how out of breath he was from their kiss as he watched the younger man peel his top off, dropping it to the floor and stood their shirtless for Zain to look at, and then they were kissing again. Both shirtless now, Zain's hairy chest felt so new to Tom that his body pressed them closer together, as Zain's hands ran up his back and clawed him closer, both men's erection's pressing against the other. Tom had no idea how he'd managed to hold off cumming while sucking the guy off, he'd been so close to release when he felt the first throb of the dick as it filled his throat, and he looked forward to feeling it fuck his ass.

Tom let his hands run over Zain's back, feeling the broad back and it pleased him to feel it smooth compared to the man's chest, which was covered in a thick layer of hair that hid the solid body beneath. Zain wasn't muscled like Tom, whose time in the gym was obvious to anyone with eyes, but the older man was built like concrete, firm and unforgiving under Tom's hands. They dropped down and he slid the zip down on Zain's trousers, letting them fall as he circled his arms around him and pulled their bodies closer, and he heard the man gasp. More kissing, Zain getting more and more used to the fact he was kissing another guy, and then Tom was undoing his jeans and letting them fall, kicking the clothing away so that he was left in just his boxers and he pulled Zain closer again. The man moaned as he felt his hard on rubbing against Tom's, both still contained within their underwear but straining to burst free, and he was surprised at how much it excited him. Tom finally broke the kiss, panting a little as he asked, "OK?" Zain nodded, also breathless and panicking at how quickly this was all happening and Tom said, "I need you to prep me, or you'll hurt me, OK?"

Zain nodded, and stammered, "I know." He watched Tom step away and move to the bed, looking over his shoulder as he peeled his boxers down over his ass and dropped them to the floor, before he knelt on the bed he had only month's ago shared with his wide. He glanced around the room, happy to see it stripped of anything that might act as a reminder of his failed marriage, and then he felt Zain's hand land on his ass, making him shudder. Tom glanced back and saw the man standing behind him, completely naked now and smearing a fistful of lube over his throbbing member, eyes looking down at Tom's perfect ass, and he let out a soft moan as his former son-in-law bent his head down to the bed and spread his knees causing his cheeks to open and expose his hole. Zain finished spreading the gel over his huge dick, before adding a little more to his hands and settling at the bedside and reaching out, his fingers touching Tom's most intimate area and smeared some directly at the opening. Zain was a good man, a thoughtful man, and his past sexual partners had made him careful so he went slow, easing his finger into Tom's ass gradually, spreading the lube in as he went and hearing the lad gasp at the entry. He let the finger sit for a moment, the ring squeezing down on the digit before sliding it out and back in, pumping the finger until it was moving smoothly.

He added another finger, repeating the action until they both glided easily, then added a third. Tom groaned as the third finger eased into his ass, and he gripped the sheet as he pushed his ass back onto Zain's hand, doing his best to relax his hole as he felt the fingers start to open and spread while still moving in his ass. A glance over his shoulder showed Zain staring as he worked, focused on the feel and heat of the younger man, his other hand stroking his hip as he opened Tom up. Tom very soon had four fingers rotating in his ass, his body trembling as its defences fell to the hand at his rear, and those fingers spread him wide as it prepped him for the massive dick he was about to take. But he hated this position and leaned up, taking the man by surprise as he flipped over onto his back and pulled Zain down over him, the two inches apart as Zain felt his hand pulled back between Tom's legs, and they kissed as Tom craned his head up to capture the man in a kiss. They moaned into each other's mouths as Zain's hand pumped his fingers once again, the new angle meant he couldn't see what he was doing, but instinct drove him on as he felt the lad respond to his probing. His dick was harder than he could ever remember it being, and as it bumped against Tom's leg, the two broke their kiss as Tom said, "I'm ready."

Zain hesitated, his hand still sliding into Tom's loosened hole, slick with lube and taking his hand smoothly as he asked, "You sure?"

Tom nodded his head frantically, pulling Zain closer as he reached for the huge monster, and guided it to his hole as the hand moved aside, and they stared at each other as they felt the tip connect to its target. Tom gasped as the head pushed into his hole, the ring resisting a little despite the preparation, before it popped through making them both groan, the older man freezing as he felt the hole clamp down on his penis. The heat, and tightness was incredible. He needed a moment to adjust, which he spent nuzzling his face into Tom's neck, kissing against the sweaty skin as he eased forward slowly, listening as Tom reacted to the push. Tom groaned silently, his mouth gaping wide as he felt the thick beast push further, stretching him wider than even the twin's had managed, when Zain stopped and let their mouth's connect as he made out with the younger man. He had just over 6" in the hole, a lot further to go for both of them, and he needed the time to calm down as Tom squeezed down on him like a vice, tighter than any hole he'd fucked before. Another few inches slid in as they kissed, Tom breaking the kiss as the dick struck his prostate and eased over it slowly, making his back arch into the contact as he called out, before his head was turned back to Zain's as the man resumed their kiss, thrusting into the spot a few times and hearing Tom whine in pleasure before pushing on.

He stopped when there were only a few inches left, and he lifted his face up and looked down at Tom's, seeing his young friend led back while breathing heavily, his body coated in sweat and dazed. He bent back down, nudging Tom's face with his and pecked a kiss to his lips before rising back up and asking, "You doing OK?"

Tom didn't say anything, his ass clamping down on the massive shaft as it inched into his hole, and Zain had to ask again before Tom whispered, "Umm. yeah, just need a minute. Mate, your so big."

Zain smiled, used to this effect from the women he'd been with, and as he felt the body adjust he let his hand smooth down Tom's face and told him, "You're doing so well, just a little more and we'll rest until your ready. OK?" Tom bit his lip, nodding his head and gasped again as he felt the dick slide out one inch before thrusting back in, making him grunt at the force. It had been slow, but deliberate, and Tom felt his ass accept a half inch more of the dick, and he could only stare up at the man as he repeated the thrusting for a few minute's, fucking into the muscled lad and causing his dick to ease in further with each push. Zain stared at him the whole time, watching as Tom writhed on the bed, his legs rising to wrap over Zain's waist and his hands gripped his arms, and then it was done. Zain's pubes pressed into Tom's ass, totally buried in the furnace and he groaned as he felt the tunnel squeeze down on his entire length. He didn't risk moving, afraid to climax too soon, staring at the young man that had so recently been his son-in-law adjust to the mammoth dick, his face red as he breathed deep. His broad chest rose with each gasp, and Zain let his dick remain still as he bent down and kissed at Tom's neck, the lad gasping as the beard scratched against his skin, the added stimulus making his body shake.

Stretched more than ever before, he eventually found his voice and gasped, "Fuck, you're filling me so much, Zain. How does Misbah walk after this?"

Zain raised his head and said sternly, "Don't talk about her." Tom gulped, just now realising how vulnerable he was, and nodded but then he was being kissed again and moaned into it before the man pulled away and let his hand carress Tom's cheek and neck as he stared down at him and smiled. "I've had to be careful with this," a gentle thrust that had Tom groan, "since I was a teenager. There were a lot of women back then, most stopped long before I got this deep in them." More rocking of his hips, and Tom's hands gripped his arm tighter as his body reacted and Zain continued, "So I had to learn how to read my partner, to know what hurt and what didn't, to go slow until they needed more." Tom's eyes widened as he felt the dick slide a couple inches out and drove back in, grunting in discomfort at the quick movement before it moved slow again, Zain's hips moving what felt like only milliemtres as the man told him, "None of them took me as good as you though, Tom. So tight, hugging me down there, like you were made for me." They kissed again for a minute, bodies still once more until Zain lifted his head and whispered, "I need you to look at me, Tom. Tom!"

The lad opened his eye's, a glazed look of lust in his eye as he stared up at the man that had so recently been his father-in-law, a man that was buried deeper in his body than Tom had ever thought possible. They held the look for a long moment, and Tom gasped as he felt the man withdraw agonisingly slow, trying to stop it by wrapping his legs tighter around his waist, but Zain was too strong to stop, and then he did. A brief pause, and then he pushed back in, Tom groaning as the huge dick drove back into his ass just as slowly before settling once more. Tom's body was on fire, as Zain did the same thing again. And again. And again, always with the same slow thrusts. One more, and this time Zain hit his prostate, and Tom almost blacked out as he saw stars, his body tensing as he felt every nerve in his body light up, and he felt his ass clamp down on the invader as though trying to keep the object at the spot. Tom was writhing as his body calmed down once more, waiting for Zain to move and he said, "Oh shit, please, fuck me. I'm yours, just please. God, how could she risk losing you?"

Once more he saw fire in the face of the older man as he growled, "Don't mention her." Tom nodded again, his arms reaching out to stroke over Zain's hairy chest as the man towered over him, the strong arms lifting his body up so Tom could look over him and touch every part and he said, "Look at me." Tom did, eyes meeting for a second and then Zain rocked his hips. Still slow, but constant now, his dick sliding almost halfway before plunging back into Tom's ass, gentle at first but hitting harder as Tom moaned beneath him, his legs tangled at the ankle behind Zain's back. Tom was in heaven, his ass stretching to make way for the beast currently swinging into his body, amazed at how his body coped with the size and knowing he had the twin McQueen's to thank for preparing his body for what was happening. He vowed to thank them properly as Zain sped up, thrusting faster and harder, his eyes watching Tom closely as he stared down at the younger man moaning on the bed below. Minute's passed and then Zain slowed down once more, never stopping but moving achingly slow as Tom tried to pull him deeper with his legs, before his chin was caught in Zain's strong hand and turned to face him, both of them breathing hard and coated in sweat from exhertion and Tom was about to beg for more when the man stated, "You were close, right?" Tom bit his lip and nodded, groaning as Zain dipped his head and kissed him lovingly, Tom's 9" dick trapped between them where it rubbed through the body hair, and then raised his head to ask, "Do you want to cum together?" Tom nodded again, hands trying to pull Zain closer but the man resisted and said, "I might take a while, if you can hold it."

Tom gazed up and panted, "Yes, yes. Just please, fuck me." Zain started again, moving his hips slow and sensual, almost making love to the lad underneath him, and in no time Tom was a whining mess as his body was pushed to the edge of orgasm before Zain slowed to a stop, letting their bodies calm before building up speed again. This time with longer strokes, his dick sliding out at least 9" before pushing back in, his throbbing shaft connecting with Tom's prostate enough that the younger man was very quickly becoming a moaning wreck before he stopped again, this time laying his entire body down over Tom's as they made out, his penis never leaving the hungry hole as their tongues slid against each other. Tom had no idea how long they kissed for, only that when Zain once again raised his head to break the kiss, he felt his ass clenching around the length as though trying to coax it to move again. He stared up at the man as he felt him withdraw almost entirely, before Zain used his impressive strength to lift Tom up off the bed, Tom's arms clutching at his neck as his dick slid back in smoothly and he moved them around on the bed so that Tom lay back onto the collection of pillows. Tom sank back into them, moaning again as Zain's beard scratched against his neck as the man started kissing him there, and he moaned, "Shit, how are you doing this to me?"

Zain chuckled into his neck, continuing to kiss there for a moment as he shifted his body to a better angle and heard Tom groan as the older man started to move again, thrusting sensually into the ass before lifting his head and saying, "When you're this big, you've got to be careful. You learn to watch your partner, to see what hurts them. Or excite's them." Tom opened his mouth in a drawn out moan at that last sentence, as Zain ground his tip right into Tom's prostate, making the lad's toes curl in pleasure, before continuing the thrusting. "Knowing how they feel, I know how far I can push them," Zain stated as he added, "But you, Tom. I think you'd let me do things I've never done with those women, right?" Tom stared wide eyed as Zain sped up, pulling more of his dick out so that he was fucking long strokes of his dick into his friend's ass, making Tom grunt with every push as he asked, "Am I right?"

Tom's head was racing, and he writhed on the bed as he wrapped his legs tighter to hold on and he shouted out, "YES!!! I want it all, do it. FUCK ME!!!" Neither had any care for who might hear them, and Tom felt the strong man shift his body. He leaned up so that he was kneeling, his dick sliding out of Tom's ass for the first time since its entry, and folded Tom's legs up so his feet were close to his head, held in place by his arms as he leaned back over him and reinserted his erection in one swift movement. They both groaned at the sudden entry, and then Zain was fucking him again, long thrusts that used every inch of his dick so that only the tip remained in Tom as he pulled out before slamming back in. Tom was grunting loudly as each thrust hammered home, the force making the entire bed shake and headboard crash into the wall, the two locked onto each other's faces as Tom showed no fear or hesitation, so Zain kept going. The sound of their bodies slapping together was drowned out as Tom moaned louder, begging for more as Zain folded his body back more and leaned up, fucking his dick down into Tom's ass as their mouths met in a fierce kiss that lasted a few seconds before they broke apart, and Tom felt the man slowing, and he clawed at him to keep going as Tom was so close to his much needed orgasm. Zain kept thrusting but much slower, and not the long punch thrusts he had just been giving, and they were both breathing heavily as Zain once again sat back on his heels, his dick remaining in Tom's ass as he stilled and caught his breath. Tom had a look of desperation in his eye as he pleaded, "Why? I was so close."

Zain smiled, the sexual animal that had just been fucking his ass gone as the man said, "I want us to do that together, and I'm still not there yet." He let his hands run over Tom's body, feeling the dampness from their combined sweat, his finger fleetingly touching Tom's erection as it pointed to the sky, and then lifted one of his legs which lay spread out either side of him. Tom gulped in more air, only realising now how short of breath he had been as he was folded up while getting fucked, and his body started to calm from its imminent climax, and Tom didn't think he'd ever been so desperate to cum in his life. Who knew the best fuck of his life would be the ex-father-in-law? He watched as he lay on the pile of pillows panting as the man raised his leg up higher and asked, "Can I try something?"

Tom considered, before grinning wide at the guy and saying, "Well, you still have your dick in my ass, you've been screwing me for almost an hour now and you won't let me cum, so yeah, you can." Zain smiled back and brought Tom's foot to his face and breathed the smell in deeply, Tom flinching as the beard tickled against his foot, and he almost shot up straight off the bed when he felt the tongue lash out and lick up the sole. The only thing that kept him on the bed was Zain's other strong hand pressing onto his muscled chest, but he was soon writhing around as the tongue lapped over the arch and between his toes, all while his ass clamped down over the massive erection still buried deep, the only reason it was still there because of its size. The mouth closed onto his toes, and sucked on them, causing his body to arch up and press down on the throbbing dick, and he whined as he felt Zain's hand reach for his mouth and insert a couple of fingers to silence him, and they spent a few seconds suckling on the other's digits before Zain pulled his hand away and dropped the foot back to the bed. Tom was a wreck as he stared up at the man and asked, "Feet? Really?"

Zain blushed and said, "I.. enjoy it. Like, washing them, touching them. Kissing them."

Tom grinned and said, "Were mine.. alright?" Zain reddened and nodded, before he felt the other foot rise and plant itself on his chest, and Tom said, "Careful, I'm ticklish." Zain raised his eyebrows at the offered limb, before using his hands to pull the foot higher, and started to make out with it as he heard Tom gasp and felt him struggle to pull his foot back from the scratching beard and tell him, "Fuck me. Fuck me while you kiss my foot." Zain's eyes were burning with lust as he started to thrust into the writhing body, angle's constantly shifting as Tom moved, groaning as the massive dick hit new spots and randomly hit his prostate. They only managed a minute of this before they had to stop, both of them moment's from climax as Tom said, "Kiss me."

Zain dropped the foot, and bent down to the younger man and they started to make out, Tom not as disgusted to taste his feet as he thought he would be, and Zain started to move again. He broke the kiss just far enough to say, "I'm close."

Tom felt the words against his face, they were that close and he said, "Me too. Like this, I want us to finish like this." He raised his head and the two kissed, Zain practically making love with the younger man, who had his arms and legs wrapped around the man as they thrust against each other, their moaning muffled by the kiss. It happened at the same moment, each finding their release together. Zain's dick expanded, and Tom felt the subtle change and he moaned into the man's mouth as his own dick reacted. The kiss broke and they both stared at each other as Tom's load exploded all over their bodies, splashing into Zain's body hair as the man's dick blasted its seed deep into Tom's ass. Eye's locked as they kept shooting, each of them sharing in this most intimate moment, before falling back into a lazy kiss as their orgasm subsided.

Tom felt Zain pull away, slowly easing his dick from Tom's ass and he sighed as he felt suddenly empty, his hole gaping and he felt a small flood of cum leak from his ass onto the bed below. Tom turned his battered body over onto its side, facing the man and saw the mess they'd made as Zain's body hair was soaked in Tom's seed, and he saw realisation dawn on the man at what they'd just done as he asked, "Tom, are you..?"

Tom silenced him with a finger and said, "I'm great, you were great, and we never have to talk about this again if you don't want to." Zain stared back, thinking and nodded after a few seconds as Tom asked, "But can we lie here together for a while, I don't think I can stand up right now." Zain blushed, embarrassed but also proud as he used his arm to turn Tom around, spooning into his back as they curled up together, Zain's slowly deflating member settling into the space between them and he planted a soft kiss to Tom's shoulder as they lay there.

Seeing the time Zain said, "Misbah, she's working tonight but you have to go by morning, OK?" Tom nodded, and they both drifted off to sleep.

Tom woke up full, the event's of last night still fresh in his mind, but his only thought was on the mammoth dick in his ass. He turned his head and saw Zain sleeping behind him, totally unaware of the fact his dick had at some point managed to slip into Tom's gaping and sloppy hole, and as Tom reached back he realised only around two thirds of the huge piece had gained entry. It was resting against his prostate, which is what probably woke Tom up, and he realised he was also erect at the stimulating pressure, and couldn't help but moan softly, which was still enough to wake the sleeping man. Tom looked as Zain realised it hadn't all been a dream, that he was lying on the bed with Tom, and quickly understood where his dick was currently buried. He tried to apologise, to ease his way out when Tom stopped him and said, "Please, Zain. I'm close."

He looked down over Tom's side and saw the 9" dick throb as it leaked onto the bed, and as he felt Tom push back, he placed his hand on the younger man's waist and pushed forward. He managed to slip inside, the two men groaning as the ass gave way to the renewed entry, the cum from their earlier sex helping to lube the way, and they were soon rocking together as Zain fucked Tom on their sides. One hand was under Tom's head, and Zain brought it around to grope at the lad's chest as he pulled their bodies closer, and then let his other hand drift down to grasp Tom's dick. This was his first time touching another man's penis, but in this moment it felt right as Tom pushed into his grip, his head flying back onto the pillow as he let himself feel the huge dick fuck him. Neither had the stamina left for a drawn out fuck like they'd had, and as Tom felt the dick strike his prostate repeatedly he couldn't hold back as he called out and fired, covering Zain's hand and the bed in his cum as his body shook from the intensity of his orgasm.

Zain was close, barely holding back as Tom's ass clenched around him during his orgasm, but he wanted to hold off a second until he had tasted his friend, and so brought his cum slick hand to his mouth and sucked a small drop ot it from there. It was his first taste, other than his own of course, but he wanted more. He let his mouth clean off the pool of liquid from his palm, before letting the hand fall back to Tom's waist, holding him in place as he sped up a little and said, "Kiss me, Tom." Tom had missed Zain licking the cum from his hand, to dazed from his orgasm, so as he turned his head and their lips met his eyes widened as he felt the warm cum push into his mouth. They made out, the cum swapping between them until a few thrusts later Zain exploded, once again filling Tom's ass with a huge burst of his seed. Zain held Tom close as his climax died down, and then the two were just together, kissing lazily before finally breaking apart and Zain said, "Sorry about that, I don't know.."

Tom shushed him as he stated, "Best wake up I've had." He turned and checked the time, seeing they had slept for only a couple hours and he said, "We should get up and shower though, I've got to go soon before.. she comes home." Zain breathed deep, nodding his head in agreement, but it was another ten minutes before either of them moved, just lying there on the bed with Tom wrapped up in Zain's arms. It was Tom that moved, slowing easing forward off Zain's still hard dick, and he risked a look back at it before saying, "I'll be a few minute's."

Zain sat there on the bed, the enormity of what they'd done sweeping over him as he sat alone. His dick was starting to go down, but the air stank of sex, and his body was coated in Tom's earlier load, as were the sheets. He had cheated on Misbah, a woman he loved that had betrayed him with a foolish kiss, while he had done so much worse. He felt bad, and the guilt only got worse as he wondered how he would face her when she got home, but when Tom walked back into the room with a towel around his waist, arm raised as it ran through his hair, he also wondered how long before he gave in to the need to do this again. Because he knew he would try to fight it, to fight for his marriage, and he knew Tom would keep this secret, but Zain knew they'd do this again. He stood up, heading to the shower as Tom got dressed slowly, and as he let the hot water cascade over his body, he missed the sight of the cum matting his chest hair, and thought of how he would devote himself to his wife while yearning for another man. The need for Tom would win, he had no doubt, but he vowed to resist for as long as possible and make things work with Misbah.

He got out of the shower, drying off and walking to his own room, unwilling to face Tom while wearing just a towel and got dressed into some pyjama's. He breathed deep and walked back down the hall, looking into the room Tom and Yazz had shared, the room he and Tom had used. He saw the window thrown open, and the bedding had been changed, as well as his clothes picked up from the floor, and he continued on until he descended into the living area to find Tom leant against the counter with a cup of coffee in his hand. He saw Zain approach and held out another cup, the two awkward suddenly as they stood together silently sipping the hot drink. It got too much and Tom put the cup down and faced Zain and said, "Look, I'm going to go, let you think. But don't freak out, OK? This happened, it was great, but it doesn't have to happen again. We can go back to how it was yesterday, friends. If that's what you want." Zain looked at him, taking a beat and then nodded his head before Tom stepped closer and placed his hand on the man's arm and stated, "Just to say though. You were so amazing, I haven't felt like that since my first time." Then, "The guys would love you, but I'll never say a word. Bye."

Tom left, leaving Zain standing in the kitchen, conflicted and confused.

Hope you enjoyed this update.

So, I'm thinking of finishing this story soon. With all the cast changes and the show dropping episodes, it feels like a good time to stop. Nothing to say I won't start another based on show's new look, but I see another few chapters and be done.

Until then, please keep the feedback and suggestion's coming. Loved reading them all

Next: Chapter 71

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