Fucking Friends

By Steve Hand

Published on Apr 29, 2005



The story below is a work of fiction. None of the events described happened, nor do any of the characters exist. The story contains erotic and/or sexually explicit behavior between consenting males. If you find this type of work offensive, or if you are underage and it is illegal for you to view this, do not read it, and please exit now.

My father every year would go out to his camp on the lake. I never talked to him, the longest conversation we ever had was no more than 20 minutes. Anyway, one year he thought I should go so we could "bond" I hate fishing so much. The camp was 5 miles from a road and you had to walk there. So I asked him, "can Josh go with us?" Josh was my best friend.

"Yeah sure." I guess he knew I would be bored out of my mind with him alone.

So we went to go and pick up Josh after I had called and asked him. We had to drive 40 miles to get to the trail that leads to the camp. Josh and I laughed and talked at we drove down the highway. When we got to the trial we unloaded the cooler, our sleeping bags, and a few other camping stuff we needed.

Josh and I had "played around" in our younger years. We hadn't done anything in the past few years, and I was gay, but I didn't think that he was. But anyway I brought some KY Jelly, just in case. I had stuffed it in my sleeping bag.

I noticed my father had overlooked a bag in the truck, I thought that it was something we didn't need. I had hooked my sleeping bag to my backpack and Josh had done the same. I also had brought a mini cooler with some munches and sodas.

My father was hauling the cooler and a backpack with clothing and fishing junk. The cooler was on wheels. My father began to walk down the trail and Josh and I followed. I had a water jug with ice in it, most of the ice had melted and I tool a swig and handed it to Josh.

We had been walking for and hour or so and encountered a bridge to cross over a stream. It looked quite unsafe. We crossed it and it creaked and squeaked and sway. I was freaking out a little bit, it wouldn't hurt me to fall, the bridge was only 5 feet up in the air. After we crossed the bridge with walked for another 5 hours, we stopped like two times ever mile we went.

When we finally reached the cabin Josh and I were so tired with just sat on the front deck for four minutes to rest. Then we went inside the camp. My father had the fire place going and it was a good 65 degrees in the cabin.

I had only seen the camp when I was 3 years old, my parents had taken me there.

When you first walked in it was a living room with a old couch and a rocking chair. Them in the center of the big room was a oak table with plastic lawn chairs surrounding it. Then in the right back corner of the room was the kitchen with a old gas stove with a counter table attached to the wall. There also were pine cupboards hooker to the wall.

In the back were 3 bed rooms, on with a bunk bed a dresser, 2 windows, a mirror, and a small closet. The other two had one window, a bed, and a dresser.

Josh and I walked into the bedroom with the bunk beds, I set out my hair accessories on the dresser with a mirror on it. We were to stay there the weekend, Josh put his bag in the closet along with mine. I set my Portable DVD player in a dresser drawer.

Then Josh and I made our beds with the sleeping bags. I took my battery operated flashlight in the night stand by my bed. "Oh my God, this is so bogus! I didn't even want to go." I complained.

"Might as well make the best of it. Ha!" said Josh

We walked out of the kitchen and I said "So what now?" To my father.

"Well I am gonna go fishing in my canoe. You two can go if yu want?" He replied

I looked a Josh and he shrugged. "Nah" I said

My father looked over to his fishing stuff and walked to it. He picked it up and slumped out the door. We watched him put the canoe over and slid it into the water. "Back in a 3 hours or so!!!" He yelled

"Kay!" I said back, I was happy to be alone with Josh.

We kept looking out the window and watch my father paddle down the river, I thought he was going to his favorite fishing spot, a mile or so down the river. I talked to my mother of how he caught 10 fish one weekend.

Josh didn't know I was gay, but he must have suspected it. I was kinda gay acting like. I loved to shop, 95% of my friends were girls. I mean they new I was, and guys made fun of my and stuff. I was taken aback when he asked, "are you gay?"

"Yeah, did you guess?" I replied sarcastically, I was extremely sarcastic, and a quick come back kind of guy.

"Well it is just little things hahaha." He laughed it off.

"Wanna play UNO?" I loved the game.

"Sure." Josh said.

We played the game for 15 minutes or so.

I laid down a zero and said "A zero just like you."

"Shut up and play." He said back.

We laughed and I replied. "Oh, it little Joshy hurt?" I said in a baby voice. We smiled at each other.

When we finished the game we got up and sat on the couch. Josh and I talked .

"Have you ever boned and guy?" He asked, we had been talking about my being gay for a while since he found out.

"Just you." I said, in my head I was saying and I want to now!

"Ha, wanna...do it... again?" Josh questioned.

"Are you serious, cuz' if you are then, YES?!"

"Yeah totally."

I took his hand and we walked to the bed room.

Reaching into my sleeping bag I grabbed the KY Jelly, I smile at Josh and he smiled back. "Can I do something to your ass?"

"Will hit hurt?"

"No, I read it feels great!"

"Yeah, uh sure."

I walked to him and we stripped off our clothing, we were both 16 years old and had perfectly shaped bodies, my dick was 8 inches and his was a half inch shorter.

I said, bend over on the bed. He laid his face and stomach on the bed with his ass up in the air. I he only read the piece on the net about tonguing a guy. I knelt down onto the floor, my face was lined right up with his ass hole. I licked his crack and it tasted of sweat, it was a little hairy but I liked it, I then pushed my tongue into his hole, he moaned at the sensation.

I sucked and tongued his big hole for 10 minutes, Josh was a horny as I was, and he had orgasms from the pleasures. I stood up and pushed my 8 inch cock into his ass. Josh moaned as it rubbed his prostate. I humped his ass for 25 minutes and them I shot 3 loads of hot cum into him. I pulled out and turned over Josh.

I took his 7-1/2 dick into my mouth and its head went into me throat, I swallowed and Josh squirmed on the bed with pleasure. I bobbed my head up and down and turned on his penis. His pubes tickled my nose and I giggle and hummed. He groaned at the vibration. 20 minutes later he cumed in my mouth, it tasted salty and I swallowed it down.

We cleaned our selves with baby wipes and threw them into the fire. Clothing each other we walked out side, my father was due back in about an hour or so. "Lets go find some "toys" we could use!" I suggested, we looked around and went to the river, in the spring the river turned to rapids. I found a rock that was a foot long and about 3inches around. Eroded from other rocks. I took it out and ran back to th camp and through it in my sleeping bag.

Josh and I waited in the camp until my father came back and we had supper, fish...discusting, I was a vegetarian, and I hated fish in the first place, Josh and I ate marshmallows and went to bed at 10:00pm. My dad had went to bed at 9:00 pm.

He took the bedroom on the other side of the cabin, and threw the walls he couldn't here a thing.

I took the rock and smeared KY Jelly all over it. I gave it to Josh. I laid on the bed as he slipped it into my rectum. It felt so good. My ass hole had opened to 4 inches by the time Josh was done. He stripped and laid on top fo me and put his dick into me. I had 4 orgasms when Josh cumed.

Josh rolled over onto his stomach and I put KY Jelly on my hard as rock dick. I slithered my penis into his hole and boned him hard for 10 minutes. His ass felt like it was 200 degrees, and like a ass I never fucked before. I had lied and said I never fucked a guy before. I had a similar experience with I was 13, a long story short I went camping with my friend and his hot father with a 10 inch dick screwed my and played with my ass. I screwed him back and tongued his ass.

When I finished with slid into my sleeping bag and he had his dick in my ass all night. In the morning my father was still asleep. Josh was still hard in me in the morning. We sucked each other off and went outside with just our sleep pants on.

We found a tree to shit behind. We watched our holes open and close it every shit. We went back to the camp and again washed with baby wipes.

I cooked breakfast and my father came out and ate after us. He fished all day and Josh and I played all day. The next morning Josh and I couldn't walk good so we pretended to be asleep when my father said "Goin' fishin', be back at 6!" I looked at my cell, 7 am. YES!

I licked Joshes ass and fucked him again up the ass. It was even better than the first.

We left that night and dropped off Josh and went home. I still have the rock.

Copyright 2005

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