Fucked Up

By moc.loa@102rrraoR

Published on Feb 1, 1999



by: Roarrr201@aol.com

Warning: If you are offended by graphic descriptions of sex between men, you should stop reading now.

This story is a fantasy. People frequently have unsafe sex in it - please don't feel encouraged to do the same. You might risk your life.


Part 5

Yeah, I had shot my cum all over a cop and soiled the man's uniform. Another cop held me in the achingly tight grip of his strong hands, bending my arms relentlessly and painfully upwards behind my back, forcing me to arch my body, to expand my chest, raise to my toes, thrust my hips forward, my spent, cum-dripping jerking around in front of my body. I gasped because of the sudden pain that shot through my trembling body, still quivering from cumming so hard, but also because I realized that trouble lay ahead. My face got very hot and I felt my cheeks glowing as a flush rose in my hot skin. I was once again blushing like a child.

The cop in front of me was a big man, square-jawed and dark, a tall, broad-shouldered hunk of strength, magnificent in his imposing masculinity. He appeared to be in his late thirties: a sprinkling of gray was to be seen in his very short hair but he sported a still luxuriantly black mustache above his full lips. The dark uniform shirt clung tightly to his broad shoulders, his massive pecs, to his broad chest and to the hard ridges of his well-defined abdomen. A Sam Brown belt was wrapped thightly across his muscular torso. The thick slabs of the man's massive pectorals bulged under the dark fabric of his shirt against the diagonal bondage of the black leather strap that cut across from his left shoulder to his right hip, fastening there the belt that clung to his lean hard waist. He held the handle of a large nightstick in his raised right hand and slapped the baton's upper end lazily into the palm of his other hand every now and then, creating a soft thud when the black stick met his skin. His appearance - tie, carefully pressed shirt and trousers - was immaculate... or to be more precise: had been immaculate: now the man was soiled with huge drops of my cum almost eyerywhere. My jism had struck him on his tie and elsewhere on his chest; it was splattered in huge globs over his crotch, emphazising the huge mound of the man's dick, and over his strong thighs; still more of my spunk had fallen down on his shoes.

Frowning in anger, his face a mask of disgust, the man looked silently down at his body. Then he reverted his eyes very slowly and looked up into my face with a cold, hard stare. When he spoke for the first time his voice was subdued but firm and contemptuous:

"You're Jay LeJeune?"

I couldn't bring myself to speak so I just nodded.

"We've had a report that you're in some kind of trouble...," - his voice trailed off and it was completely quiet for some moments until he spoke again.

"I don't know what kind of trouble that was, man... but I sure know that you're really in trouble now. In big trouble!"

The cop behind me who still tortured me with the grip of his hands on my bent arms snickered menacingly. His mouth was right at my ear and I felt his hot breath on my skin when he said:

"That's right. You're in big trouble now... asshole!"

And he jammed my arms behind my back into a still more impossible position and made me squeal in pain.

I heard some commotion beside me and saw out of the corner of my eyes that Leason, the horny farmer, and Jeff, his equally horny hand, started to raise to their feet. Till then they had been frozen in shock, taken just as me by surprise by the sudden appearance of the cops.

The policeman behind me barked at them:

"Hey, you told you to move? Stay where you are! Down again!"

Trembling in fear and confusion Leason still tried to argue:

"He had...," he began in a plaintive voice, pointing at me, but it was obviously his fate to be interrupted all the time. The cop yelled, drowning Leason's voice:

"Shut up, bastard! Nobody asked you. Down on your knees! Both of you! And hands up! Over your head! And freeze! We'll come to you later on."

They obeyed and put their hands up at their heads, kneeling on the ground side by side, their broad shoulders and hard, heaving chests gleaming with sweat in the strong sunlight, their eyes darting nervously darting back and forth between my naked body and the two policemen.

Staring at me hard, the cop in front of me moved the upper end of his baton slowly forward, reaching out with the stick until it touched the tip of my soft, spent dick that hung down over my huge balls. The material - some sort of unbreakable plastic - felt very smooth and cool as it made contact with my dickhead and brushed lightly along my still cum-leaking piss-slit. Playfully and very slowly the cop moved the stick forward and backwards under the gaping slit, watching as my cum trickled slowly down on his stick, coating it with the stickly fluid. Shifting nervously around I observed him with unblinking eyes, holding my breath, afraid that he would suddenly hit me. I almost fainted with fear and excitement and tried to back out when he suddenly moved his hand but he didn't do any harm to me: he made a swift, jerking movement with the baton's upper end and send my dickhead flying, flipping it softly upwards into the air. I gasped and watched as my dick descended again, hitting the huge black stick with a juicy 'thud'. Immediately the shaft became to throb and swell.

He seemed to like this game because he did it again right away, this time less playfully, with more determination: he patted with his stick at the underside of my dickhead and watched as my cock jerked high up into the air and then dropped down again, striking the sticky baton. The man's face was blank, completely blank, his gaze detached. I started to sweat even more strongly than before and felt fear creeping over me: maybe the guy was nuts! What would he do to me? My mind reeled as he used the nightstick again and again to pat at my dick, each time with more strength so that the pat became gradually a smack and then a slap. My dick jerked erratically up and down and up and down, slapping at my stomach and then, falling downwards, hit the baton again and again and my balls got into uproar and my dick throbbed and swelled even more strongly and showed clearly signs of developing into a first class hard-on. I squirmed in shame and embarrasment, confused that this game got me strangely excited although I had cum very hard only some seconds earlier on.

But then he suddenly lost all interest in my dick. He tucked the nightstick under his arm and, looking me straight into the eye, fist on his hips, he spoke again:

"Yeah, first to you... Mr.... er... LeJeune. First of all I reckon it is only justified when you clean up the mess you've made. Now!"

Leason and that half-wit of a farmhand started to snigger childishly but a brief, haughty glance of the cop silenced them at once. I looked at him quizzically, not sure that I understood what he wanted me to do and tried in vain to find my voice again. After just a second of silence he exploded in anger, barking at me at the top of his voice:

"Get your fuckin' mouth over here and start lickin' up that spunk, asshole! And you're better be good at it!"

Suddenly I could speak again and I stammered:

"You want me to... to... lick up my own... ?," I gulped down hard and suddenly my voice failed me again.

"Yeah, bright boy, I want you to lick up your own cum! What's the matter? Does that sound revolting to cute Mr.LeJeune? If it does I don't give a shit about that, man! Obviously you haven't got a hanky on you right now and since I don't want to walk around all day with your cum drying on my clothes the only way to clean things up is that you'll bring your sweet lips over here, stick out your fuckin' tongue and eat up all that sticky jism you've shot over me! So start lickin' now, asshole - and be careful, very carefully! I don't want to see any dried-up cum on me. Is that clear?"

I gulped down hard again and nodded. Given the situation I hadn't much of a choice, you know. I winced at the prospect of obeying the man's order. Okay, I had tasted my own cum only some moments earlier on when the biker had shoved his gloved into my mouth and I had liked the taste, but licking up a whole fuckin' load of your jism, every single glob of it, drop after drop after drop, in front of several people is something else - especially when two of these are hot guys you had been ordering around just a few seconds ago. As they say: 'pride comes before a fall'. So I was gone downhill again and my brief stint as Leason's admired 'Sir' made the humiliation the cop inflicted on me now all the more profound. My body shivered despite the heat of the burning sun as I brought my mouth slowly down to the man's chest - and began to lick.

I started at a particularly long string of my cum that was splattered across the cop's tie and shirt. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Leason and Jeff leering at me as my tongue darted out of my mouth again and again, laving the different fabrics with spit, scooping up the sticky, white fluid with my tongue, gulping it down, returning to each of the wet spots again and again, soaking it, to make sure that all the cum was gone. Slowly I moved down, my arms still painfully bent up by the other cop. I licked up my cum from the man's belt that traversed his broad chest, inhaling once again the strong scents of leather and cum. My semi-erect cock twitched and stirred and I felt that I blushed again. Then I began to work at the cop's crotch where still more of my jism had hit the man, seeping into his trousers. The heat of the man's body burnt on my face and I smelled his heavy, funky chrotch smell while my tongue ran over the rough fabric. Lapping up the huge globs of my own jism that covered the zippered expanse of khaki, I took a shuddering breath and felt myself completely engulfed in the rich odor.

Despite my will my cock started to swell up between my thighs and I felt even more embarrassed than before: to be humiliated by this bastard of a cop was really bad - but it was even worse and even more humiliating to get aroused by it, to throw a boner while being forced to lick up your own cum! I could image what those cops would say when they would see my stiff dick... and what they would do... - no, I had to admit to myself that I couldn't image what they would do to me once they would be detect my arousal. My body trembled at this thought and I tried to will my thickening dick down but that proved to be impossible - the thickening shaft throbbed and twitched even more strongly. Then my tongue traced over the tremendous mound of the cop's hidden dick, licking up a rivulet of my cum that ran down his leg. The man's cock seemed to stretch halfway down his right thigh and I couldn't help it - if I wanted to clean up the mess I'd made I had to touch the fabric that covered his pole with my lips. So my tongue followed the outlines of the huge, thick shaft and encircled the contours of the flaring cockhead, scooping up the cum that seeped into the man's trousers, my spit leaving a trace of dark wetness behind on the rough fabric.

The cop towered above me, immobile and silent, glaring down at me with hard eyes. Suddenly impatient he pushed me down to his feet. I fell to my knees and the man behind me finally let go of my arms, only to replace his strong hands with his knee, bending my back, bowing me down, forcing my face to the cop's soiled shoes, my cheek touching the cool smoothness of the polished leather, my nose overpowered by its strong scent. My throat went suddenly dry and my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. Worst of all, I could feel my cock stretching further out, caught between my bent torso and my legs, the head of it tickling as it brushed against the hairs on my thighs and on my stomach. I almost died of shame to think that here I was with my dick swelling up in front of the big, nasty cop because I was forced to lick at his dirty shoes.

"Move that tongue, asshole! Clean those shoes!," the second cop snarled, pushing me relentlessy down with all his might, his knee hurting on my back. I groaned with anguish, pain and humiliation, silently cursing these guys and the whole day. In just a few hours I had sunk low, very low... and I everything that I had known about myself - or thought to know about myself - had collapsed. I had digged the sight of Jepson's rockhardcock; I had enjoyed to be used by that horny biker; my dick had become rockhard at the prospect of being gang-raped; and now this... Tears welled up in my eyes as I once again realized that the most humiliating thing was that some unknown. mysterious part of me digged to be humiliated. Those burly cops pushed me around, forced me to do revolting things - and I threw a raging hardon despite my will, although I told myself over and over again that I hated them, hated what they did to me. That was the really shameful part of it, the part that made my mind spin. Suddenly the image of myself popped up in my mind, the image of myself earlier on on that very morning: well-dressed, well-groomed, pleased with myself, I had said good-bye to my girl-friend and to my best buddy - and now I was here, stark naked, down on my knees, soiled with dried-up cum, licking up my onw cum, the taste of another man's cum still on my tongue - and I was throwing a roaring hardon. My stomach heaved and I felt as if I would throw up.

"Hey, you're deaf, doggy? You were told to clean up those boots!," the cop behind me barked again.

"I... I... can't," I whispered.

The answer came quick: the man hit me.

Out of nowhere the flat palm of his strong, large hand descended on my bare, up-turned ass with a whistling whoosh of wind. He hit my hard mounded butt with brute force, slamming his hand on the tender skin with a load "SLAP". The pain shot through my body like a lightening; I screamed loud and my body jerked with surprise. My cock jerked too and I felt that it got even harder than before. I heard Leason and Jeff snigger again. They watched with bright, eager eyes as the cop brought down his hand on my reddening ass a second time, slapping me even harder than before.

"You like that, asshole?," the man who held me down asked with a viscious grin in his voice.

I knew that his hand was already high up in the air again, waiting, ready to hit me once more. Trembling, trying to guard myself against the impending pain, shivering in anticipation, I couldn't give an answer.

"What's the matter, shithead?," he snarled, grabbing me under the chin and forcing my red face around, twisting my neck so that my breath was harsh and raspy. I couldn't see him properly since sweat ran down into my eyes and mingled there with my tears but still got the impression of a very huge, strong and dark man.

"Can't you hear me? I asked if you like that! Do you want the next one just like the last stroke or do you want it harder?"

Darting my eyes around frantically, my chest heaving with labored breathing, I saw the cop in front of me, looking down contemptously, and Leason and Jeff by my side, leering at me, their eyes bright with savage glee. Both the farmer and his hand had put their hands down again and the cops didn't seem to mind that. Each of them sported a very prominent hardon in tight-fitting pants; the cop's dick seemed to have become even larger and thicker too, but I wasn't sure about that - the bulging pouch had been very prominent even earlier on. All three men stared at me and seemed to enjoy my humiliation. Sweat ran down into my eyes and mingled there with my tears. Twisting my head against the dark guy's rough grip I pulled myself together and managed to croak:

"I don't want it at all, you fool. Let me go or you're going to be fucking sorry. I'm a lawyer! I'll make you bleed for this!"

Suddenly all the men roared with laughter as if I had said something very witty. It took them some moments to calm down again. Still giggling with delight the cop who bend my torso down with his weight raised his hand again.

"Stubborn asshole, ain't he?," he said and got ready to hit me again but then the other cop stopped him.

"Hey, wait a minute," he said calmly, " I think this here will be handy."

I watched with bulging eyes as the guy slowly opened and removed his belt. After some fumbling with the attached chest belt he handed the strong, black strap of leather over to his partner who took it with a broad grin on his face. I heard Leason and Jeff gasped in excitement. The other cop raised the belt high up into the air, ready to strike. My by then rockhard cock jerked and throbbed at the sight like mad but at the same time I trembled with fear. An ugly sound escaped from my throat and I yelled:

"No! No! Please! Don't hit me! Don't!"

But the cop brought the leather strap down hard on my upturned ass-cheeks with a loud slapping crack and I squealed like a pig in pain and excitement. My throbbing dick, caught between my legs and my stomach, started to leak pre-cum, coating my thighs with a layer of sticky fluid. The cop, towering above me with the belt in his hand, said:

"I don't think you understand yet, Mr. ... er... LeJeune. I only gave you two choices and 'don't hit me' ain't one of them. You either beg for one stroke just like the last one or I'm going to assume you want it even harder. Got that?"

My eyes closed and gasping in great raspy swallows of breath I couldn't bring myself to answer him.

"I ask you again, how do you want the next one, shithead?," he said.

"No, please, don't want it all!," I gasped, too confused by my excitement to act according to what my body told me to do.

"He's a slow one," the cop in front of me chuckled, "he's a lawyer, you know. Or maybe he really wants them harder and harder. Give him what he wants, buddy!"

And the other policeman brought the belt down on my ass-cheeks even harder than before. It was a really forceful slap that made me jump and squeal a loud shriek of pain. Spit was drooling out of the corners of my lips and I bit on my lips but my cock throbbed and jerked even more excitedly. I couldn't understand how that was possible; I didn't want it to be that way; I hated myself for being excited by all this and I felt as if I would go nuts any second. The cop ran his hand teasingly over my burning ass and his touch felt like fire on the bruised skin.

"Feels nice and hot," he said. "How does it feel from that end?"

Not waiting for an answer he dropped suddenly to his knees beside me and jerked my head up by a handful of hair.

"You like it that way, real hard? And harder still? I can do it, if's that's what you want. Or maybe you'd like to back up for a while, just have me lay it on your ass nice and easy, again and again, warm it up, is that what you want? Is that what you're ready to beg for, shithead?"

My lips parted, blubbering a sound over and over again, but somehow I couldn't make it intelligible. The cop jerked harder at my hair.

"Open your eyes, asshole! Look at me and tell me what you want!"

My eyes blinked open after some moments. I stared into the man's face. He was young, probably at my age, and dark and hairy. The short clipped hair on his head was coal black and his handsome face showed a strong five o'clock shadow although it was way before afternoon.

"How do you want it?," he asked, "tell me how you want it, fucker!"

Still bubbling that strange sound I suddenly realized that the burning heat in my ass slowly turned into a warmth of unknown intensity that spread over my skin and radiated through my guts and balls, making me even hornier than before. I gasped.

"Say it!," the cop prompted me. "Say it, shithead, or I'll give it to you harder than ever!"

I stared at his dark eyes that unblinkingly held my attention and then I felt my own lips moving and I heard myself whisper harshly:

"Like before."

"What's that, asshole?," the man snarled.

"Like before", I gasped and it felt as if a door had been pushed open somewhere in my mind, "hit me like before!"

My mind reeled and a wave of excitement shot through my trembling body.

"Like before," I repeated real loud and plain, "hit me like before!"

The cop straightened to his feet, letting loose of my hair, and raised his hand with the belt again. I closed my eyes and waited, waited for the stroke of the strong strap of leather, but it was a different form of anticipation now: I waited not in fear, but in exultation. I waited eagerly for the heat that would follow the stroke and tingle in my rockhard dick and in my balls, I waited for that warmth that would spread through my whole body and my cock jerked as if I would cum rigth then, even before the next stroke, just from waiting for it.

And then the man layed the belt on my ass again, bringing it down with a juicy, full 'SLAP' that send sparks of sensation through my aching, throbbing dick, flashing at my balls. I groaned, but this was different now too - it was not a groan of pain but a low guttural sigh of pleasure, excitement and acceptance.

"He likes it," said Leason, his voice full of wonder, "the fucker likes to be beaten!"

"Sure he likes it - and judged from the roaring hardon in your pants you would like it too, asshole. Just wait for turn," said the cop and he belted me again with exactly the same strength.

I moaned loud and I felt hotter and hotter and there wasn't a thing I could do about the fact that all this was happening in front of three guys who stood around me and watched as the cop hit me because I begged him to do so. To tell the truth the fact that they were standing around, looking down on my writhing body, made me even more excited.

"Again," I groaned and the cop swung the belt again down at my upturned ass. The strap of leather cracked against the glowing skin once more, sending waves of sparkling warmth shooting through my body.

"Ohhh, again," I whispered, "again, like before! Please, hit me again!," I felt like I could never get enough of that warmth.

"Don't forget my buddy's shoes, shithead. Now that you've learned your lesson I guess you're ready to do your job properly!," said the cop.

And I did like I was told: I cleaned the cop's dirty shoes, I licked them clean, made them shiny with my spit, washed away the dust and dirt and the globs of my own cum that covered the black leather with my wet, lapping tongue, and my rockhard dick throbbed between my thighs and my stomach and leaked a steady stream of pre-cum while the cop behind me belted my aching, burning ass-cheeks again and again and my heart was beating faster than ever before.

Finally my face was smeared with dirt and the taste in my mouth was very stale but the cop's shoes were looking better than ever before. Aparently he was satisfied with their condition. He moved one step backward and told his partner to stop belting me. Staring down at me sternly he then said coldly:

"And now tits for tats."

I looked up at him and tried to read his mind but I saw nothing: his face was as blank as before.

"What... what do you mean," I stammered.

"Shut up, asshole", he said flatly. "Just do what you're told to do."

I waited for his orders.


Staggeringly I rose to my feet. My rockhard dick came into view, bobbing gently in the hot air until the quivering piss-slit was facing me, pointing directly up at my down-turned face. Of course Leason and Jeff started to make dirty remarks about my aroused condition but the cop cut them short with an imperative movement of his hands.

"Turn around!," he barked at me.

I obeyed, facing away from the four men, relieved that I didn't had to feel their leering eyes on my hard, throbbing dick anymore.

"Spread your legs wide and bend over!," was the next order.

I hesitated for a second, not sure what to do.

"Bend over, shithead!," he yelled, "Stick that ass high up into the air! Show us your cute little asshole!Now!"

Biting on my lips in shame I once again obeyed the man's order: I spread my legs wide, bend over slowly and stuck out my naked butt for them. I could almost feel the men's eyes on my buttocks, looking down between my firm asscheeks, maybe even seeing my clenching, twitching asshole at the bottom of my asscrack. I seemed to be sinking lower and lower still and suddenly I asked myself if there would ever be an end to it.

"Spread those cheeks, man!," the cop ordered, "spread them wide. We want to see your asshole, pig, not just your buns!"

Acting as if under influence I did as I had been told: I reached around with both my hands and pulled my taut, still burning asscheeks wide apart. The warm air brushed across the warm, sweaty skin in the cleft between the full roundness of my buns and it sent shivers into my ball sac. I heard the men commenting on the sight before their eyes but couldn't tell who spoke:

"Look at that ass! I bet he's a virgin - and real tight! Just as I like them!"

"Hey, the guy's in heat, begging for something hard and thick up his ass!"

"Yeah, that ass is hot and tight - and I am hot to fuck him, to fuck him silly!"

Then the older cop spoke again:

"Okay man, let us see some action now. Fuck yourself - just as a beginning! Let us see how you fuck yourself, lawyer, pushing those carefully manicured fingers of yours deep down into your ass."

And I was doing it: my fingers traced over the damp crevice, feeling the fine fuzzy growth of hair that covered my buns lightly and curled down into the asscrack, leading to the sensitive puckering of my asshole that flexed and quivered when the tip of my forefinger came to rest against it. My whole body shook at the contact and I groaned in heat and lust. I had never done this before, had never even thought of playing with my asshole and here I was, right in the middle of the country, stark naked, bent over before four leering men, legs spread wide, one of my hands shoved down between my asscheeks with the forefinger prodding at my ass - and my rockhard dick throbbed and jerked and dripped with pre-cum as if I hadn't cum for ages.

The finger at my ass felt good, so good, too good to stop. I had to keep going; i had to play with my tiny, puckered opening. I pushed the finger harder against the reflexive resistance and grunted softly as I felt a burning sensation as the tight clenching ass-ring stretched to accomodate the first knuckle of my forefinger. I rose to my toes as the feeling shot through my body, a crackling wave of erotic high voltage. I pulled the finger out and tried to push it even deeper back into my asshole but it didn't went further up the tight, dry opening than before. I was disappointed and groaned in frustration.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw that the younger cop stepped forward, towering above my bent body, leering down into my widespread, open asscrack.

"I'd say this man needs lube. Here's some!", he said.

Over my shoulder I watched with unblinking eyes as the man assembled spit in his mouth, chewing on it, pushing it noisily around in his mouth from cheek to cheek, creating wet, juicy sounds. And then he opened his mouth and spat a huge wad of foamy spit down into the tight cleft between my taut asscheeks! It hit me right above the puckered ring of my asshole, scalding my burning skin, and ran down slowly over the spasming ring-muscle, coating the sensitive ass-lips as well as my probing forefinger. My legs trembled and my dick throbbed so hard that it hurt as I saw that the other cop ordred Jeff to get up and then pushed him forward, right behind me.

"Go ahead," the man ordered, "give that asshole some more spit!"

And Jeff too spat into my ass-crack, his chest heaving, his face red from excitement: I saw that a big glob of his spit shot out of his mouth, arched through the air and crashed on my quivering asshole. And than it was Leason's turn. Grinning like an idiot he moved his face right above my gaping ass-crack, opened his mouth and watched as wad after wad of the clear, glistening liquid dropped out of his mouth, forming a string of translucent lube that connected his tongue and my up-turned asshole. Finally the older cop stepped forward and he gave me a generous helping of his spit too. By then my ass-crack was already overflowing with the warm, slick fluid and it ran down into the sweaty bridge of skin between the cleft of my ass and my ball sac and coated my inner thighs.

Without waiting for another order I probed again with my spitty slick finger, spreading my legs even wider, and shoved the forefinger further up into my asshole, trembling with excitement as I forced the aching ring-muscle to accomodate also the second knuckle and then the whole length of it. My whole body was sweating as I stood there in the hot, burning sun, panting heavily as my spitty finger probed around in my tight ass, brushing softly over my prostrate and hot flashes of excitement shot through my shaking legs and my tightening nuts. I didn't need any further orders: I wiggled my butt around, turning on more and more to the feeling of having something hard and rigid jammed into my virgin ashole, pulling at it, stretching it, loosening it up... loosening it up for something more... something bigger... much bigger than my finger... something really big and hard.

I added another one of my slick fingers, stretching the sensitive ass lips even wider, shoving them into my ass with more power and strength, poking harder, feeling the ring-muscle relax and open up, letting both fingers slip in up to the hilt. The men behind me, staring at my probing fingers, were obviously pleased with me:

"Look at him! The pig's gettin' hotter by the second!," said Jeff.

"Bet he could cum just by shovin' that fingers up his ass", whispered Leason, his voice husky with lust.

"Yeah, Mr. Leason here is a natural at spreadin' his legs and takin' something up his ass. Guess he can't get enough of it," said one of the cops.

And they were right, damn right: it felt so good, better than anything else... better than anything else so far. Groaning and writhing around, my rockhard dick and my balls aching with desire, I added a third finger, pushing it into my loosening asshole together with the two spitty fingers, poking around with an increasing abandon, really cramming my rear now just as full as I could get it. But it still wasn't enough, it was just not enough. I really needed more up my ass; I needed something long, hard and fat up there, something that would reach high up into my body, fill me up, stuffing me so fucking full that it would feel like it was coming out of my throat again. I needed something as big as that, I wanted it up my ass, wanted it desparately... desparately up my ass.

"Please...!," I heard myself groan, pushing hard into my burning asshole with three slick fingers, "ohh, please..., please!!"

"Please what, shithead?," said the older cop coldly. "Make yourself intelligible, man! Aren't you are a lawyer? Aren't you able to speak in complete sentences?"

"Please...," I whimpered, "please, give it to me... shove it into me! Shove it up my ass... now! Please.... ohhh, please, man!"

"You want it, asshole? You want me to ram it up your ass? Give it to you hard... all of it? You want it?," said the man as he moved behind my bent trembling body.

"Yeah! Yeah, I want it... I want it up my ass! Give it to me! Give it... to me!!," I gasped.

And then I closed my eyes, pulled the three fingers out of my well-stretched, gaping ass and waited, waited while shivers of excitement ran over my whole body that dripped with sweat everywhere, waited, breathing very hard, and my asshole was itching, real hot, loose and empty, and I wiggled my butt enticingly for the man behind me, raising my butt even higher up into the air, spreading my ass-cheeks with both hands as wide as I could and I heard the man move, I felt the movement of his hands and saw them in my mind without looking at him and my cock swelled up even more, my balls drew tight to their base, achingly tight, and then I felt what I had waited for, had longed to feel: a cool, wet firmness brushing over my twitching asshole, pressing at the clenching muscle, stretching me open, stretching my asshole even more than my probing fingers had done. I arched my body backwards, pressing harder against the invading firmness in my ass, against the probing wet, hard rod that slowly began to glide into me, going in, forcing my ass-ring to open up for that incredible hard thickness.

My mind reeled and I couldn't help it, I couldn't help it although I didn't wanted it to happen: my mind reeled and my breathing became erratic and my balls were itching and aching like crazy and my dick jerked like made and I realized that I was going to cum, to cum again hard or probably even harder than ever before. And right at that second it started in my nuts. I tried to fight it but I felt so hot, hotter than ever before and I couldn't stop it.

"Ohhh, no!," I moaned, "no.... no... no!!"

But it was way too late.

My rockhard dick pulsed and throbbed and jerked and jetted forth an endless string of hot cum, although I had not touched it, and then another string of cum and then another one shot out of the pulsing shaft as I squirmed in orgasm as the cop shoved another inch and then another inch of his long, hard nightstick up into my ass.

(to be continued)

Comments are welcome; constructive criticism is appreciated and encouraged. Roarrr201@aol.com

Next: Chapter 5

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