Fucked Up

By moc.oohay@nitsurxam

Published on May 13, 2014


Chapter 4: Underwear.Shopping.Fuck

My ass was sore with all the fucking it got within last 24 hours. Yet it was not over. I was supposed to meet Kyle and Ryan, the Woods brothers today evening at 5:00 PM for another session. I was so sore and tired that I couldn't take any more of their dicks, but the thing is that I didn't want to give it a miss. Hot sex with both the brothers at the same time. My hole was ripping through intense pain. I applied some lubricant hoping it would help it go away. It was hell. The clock on the wall opposite my bed was showing 11:13 AM. I was lying on my dorm room bed buck naked helplessly hoping against hope that the pain would ease down before it strikes 5:00.


Ugh...Stupid fucking phone. I woke up cursing the phone. I picked it up to see who was calling. It was Kyle. Fuck! Was I late? Did I sleep too long? Noooo! Please No!!! I looked up at the clock which showed 12:25 PM. I got relieved. I answered the call. Turns out, the brothers had to go out of the city for some personal affair for a week so our threesome was needed to be postponed till the next saturday. A relief spread through me. I told him that I was okay with it as long as I get to fill my both holes with their dicks at once. We chatted some more and then after ending the call I fell straight to my bed to have some sleep.

It was 8:00 PM. My hole was not stinging with pain like before but still there was a dull aching pain. Maybe a hot bath would help. I prepared to go take a shower. I wrapped a towel around my waist, opened my cupboard to look for a clean underwear. None. Laundry at my dorm was closed on weekends. I didn't understand the logic. I guess I'll have to go commando till I can go to the mall tomorrow and fetch a fresh pair of undies. So I came out of my room and went to shower without bothering to lock it since very few students were there as it was summer vacation.

Sunday morning came with a new ray of hope, with all the pain gone leaving only a slight discomfort to deal with. The world was again a happier place to live in.

I woke up at 8, went for a jog, came back, showered, had breakfast. I was never more grateful. I decided to go underwear shopping in the afternoon as there was less crowd in the mall in the afternoon. There was still time so I just roamed around the campus till then.

I reached the mall at around 12:30 PM. I went to the men's section. I picked up two t-shirts, one grey and one red and went to the underwear's section. This area was my favourite at the mall as it was filled with underwear labels depicting hot male models in their underwears. Sometimes I would even peek through the trial rooms to see men trying out sexy underwear if possible. There was only the salesman besides me in this section. He offered to help me in shopping but I dismissed him as I knew where they kept everything as I was a frequent visitor of the mall. He went behind his desk and proceeded to do his work and left me alone.

I picked out a bunch of boxers of medium size. I headed to a trial room. I stripped off and tried them on. They looked good enough on my body which was in decent shape. It was not as hot as the bodies which the Woods brothers possessed but still pretty nice at my age. Both the brothers were incredible in their own way. Those hot bastards with their greek god bodies knew how to fuck good. My experience with them was amazing separately. I began to wonder what it would be like with both of them pounding me together. Visuals of their dicks,one fucking my mouth and another fucking my ass began to appear in my mind. I could do anything to pleasure them as long as they satisfied my needs. Suddenly an idea erupted in my mind. I thought to buy a couple of sexy underwear to wear this saturday which could turn them on to no extent.

I worn my clothes and came out. I browsed through some of the underwear but I had difficulty finding a pair of my liking. The salesman seemed to notice this and came to me.

"May I help you with anything, Sir?"

"No..umm....actually, yeah. I'm having sort of a date this saturday and I think I might get some action if you know what I mean?!" I asked him hesitantly as I had no other choice but to ask for his help.

"Certainly. Tell me which type of underwear do you want?" he asked. "Anything sexy." And slutty. I wanted to add. "Sir, we have a wide range of sexy underwears. Can you be more specific? That would help a lot." he said apologetically. I didn't know what to say. "Well I haven't tried anything other than boxers before. So I'm not so sure. Why don't you show me some which you think would look sexy on me." I said and immediately regretted it. It wasn't supposed to come out like that.

But he knew what I meant so he maintained his composure.

"Definitely, Sir. I think briefs would look very good on you. Here why don't you try these." he said and handed me two fancy briefs. One had stripes printed on it with alternating colours of turquoise and orange. The other one was sky blue in colour with brown patches on it. I didn't have an opinion of my own so I followed his advice. I went in the trial room, stripped and tried them on, one by one. I liked the striped one better so I tried it again. I was watching myself in the mirror when came the knock.

"Sir, Do you like it? Here are few more that would look great on you. Why don't you try these!" he said. He had come with many more underwear for me to try. The guy was literally trying to help." I'm not sure. They're nice alright but I don't know something feels wrong" I said from the inside. I knew what was missing, the slutty part. But I couldn't tell him that. Right?

"Oh, umm...If you don't mind, can I see you? Maybe I can be of some help" he said. It was not unusual for these guys to see their customers only in their undies. It was their job. So I decided why not. "Ok. Come on in" I said unlatching the door.

He came in. "Wow! I think you're looking super sexy in those stripes. I don't know where the problem is." he said looking at me. Maybe I was gay but didn't mean I had no modesty. I was embarrassed standing only wearing undies in front of this guy.

This guy, Ben Simmons, that was written on his uniform looked just around my age. Maybe 22. He was slim but athletic with a height of around 6'1". He was wearing the uniform consisting of orange shirt and black pants which suited him well. The black cap with the logo of the mall rested on his head covering some of his long blonde hair which reached down till his shoulders. His black eyes complimented his intense looks. The most striking feature was his Adam's apple which made him sexier.

"No need to embarass. It's our job" he said what I thought earlier. " And maybe you don't like the colours. Did you try the patchy one?" he asked. "Yes. But I think this one is better.""Try it again and show me." he said but he just stood there. I was expecting for him to go out any moment but he just stood there waiting. Looked like it was their everyday business too. Seemed like my kind of job. And anyways, in dorm, we guys prance around naked without any inhibitions all the time. So what's the big deal!? So I took the underwear and turned my back towards him. I stripped off the previous underwear and began to wear the patchy one again.

Ben didn't understand this guy. He found the striped underwear very sexy on him. With his lean and muscular frame, he didn't look less than an underwear model. He was not gay. He loved to fuck his live in girlfriend. It was fun. But he had to admit it. The guy was cute. His well endowed muscles put him in the category of hots. But that was just that. It was not like he wanted to have sex with him. But still, there was definitely something curious about this guy. He would be crazy if he didn't like the underwear. Didn't he see how sexy he looked. But who was he to say. Everyone has their own preference. So he asked him to try on the patchy one. Maybe that'd look sexier.

He found it funny when the guy turned his back to him. As if that'd make a difference. The Three walls of the room were covered by mirrors. Everything was exposed. But if it made his customer feel comfortable then be it. The guy bent and stripped off his underwear. Something caught Ben's eyes. The guy had some ass. It was round with skin that looked so smooth. His cheeks looked so juicy that he got this instant urge to go forward and squeeze them hard.

Fuck! Did he really just had an urge to squeeze a guy's ass? Ben was shocked. What the hell did go wrong with him. There's no way he was gay. So why did this guy's ass make him hard? HARD! It took him some time to realise that his cock had began to get hard. No! He couldn't be gay. He loved banging chicks. Thank goodness for the guy that had put on the patchy underwear. He excused himself to fetch out some more underwear. He came out so tensed. What was wrong with him! He somehow managed to loose his hard on which was rock hard just after he excused himself from the guy. He calmed down, focused and went again to the trial determined that it won't happen again.

"So?" he asked. "They're good but I don't want them. They don't feel right. I umm....I think I want a thong."

I found the Ben guy very helpful. He was so considerate about his customer's needs. He went again to grab few more undies for me to try. If someone else was in his place, he would just praise the first underwear he tried on however horrible it may look, be it a brief, a boxer, a thong! A thong! That's what he needed. It would be very kinky to wear a thong with his ass showing its full potential. Kyle and Ryan would be pleased. Yes, he wanted a thong. He knew it. So as soon as Ben came back, he told them so. He saw that something was amiss with Ben. But he didn't want to invade his personal space, so he let it be.

"Oh. A thong...okay....but...umm...are you sure? Because you got to be wild and daring enough to wear one." he said somewhat tensed. " Oh that won't be a problem, show me." I said. He came back with a few pairs. " Here, take these." he said. " Why don't you pick the best one out for me. I get confused when there are so many choices." I said. "He handed me a black one. The fabric was less than the briefs that began from the waistband of the front side and it slowly tapered in size of a lace as it went towards the backside of the waistband to widen a little again before getting attached to the waistband. " Nice" I admired it just by seeing it. I stripped off and tried it on. It was perfect. Sexy enough and slutty enough. I turned and admired my ass in the mirror.

God! This was enough. Ben thought. The guy had just worn a thong which was making him looking sexy and slutty at the same time. He could see his ass in the mirror. The same ass that he had admired minutes ago unwillingly. It looked so beautiful with the lace of the thong running down through his crack. His crack. He wanted to caress his crack very bad. He didn't want to but he desperately wanted to. He wanted to wrap his finger around the lace of the thong to reveal this guy's hole. To massage it hard. He was solid hard inside. Thanks to his tight pants, his pole was not making a tent but if he would remove them, his dick would jump out right there. It looked like he was screwed.

I was lost in my own thoughts. The fabric of the thong felt so good on my prick while air breezed on my asscheeks . It was incredible. Kyle and Ryan would go wild after seeing me wearing this thong. The thought of them fucking me rough started to excite me. I needed to divert my mind otherwise in this thong, my hard on would be more than obvious.

"Wow, this fabric feels so smooth. Doesn't it?" I spoke trying to initiate a conversation. " "I don't know, maybe. Let me feel it." he said and hesitantly came towards me. He touched the waistband of the thong. His hand went behind and felt the attached part of the thong between his fingers. I thought he was being weird but considering that it was a thong that I was wearing, the only other part with the fabric would be around my dick which obviously no straight guy would like to go around. So he let him feel the lace.

Ben felt the fabric but didn't let go. He was not thinking straight. He wrapped his finger around the lace and traced its path downwards absent mindedly.

I was taken aback. "What the fuck are you doing?" I moved away and asked. Ben realised what he did. " I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I swear I'm straight. I don't know what happened. It's just that you have an incredible ass that it turned me on. I tried not to get hard but it didn't help. I'm so sorry. I didn't intend it. Please forgive me. It will never happen again. Don't complain to my manager, please. They'd fire me." Ben urged with drops sweat trickling down his forehead in the AC chamber. I only realised that he was hard just after he told me. I looked down. It was not evident but the pants looked so tight. I somehow found all this very cute.

"So you think I look hot?" I asked him curiously. "I think you look very hot." he said nervously. "How hot?!" " So hot that it makes me want to fuck you!" Ben blurted out and regretted it. He knew his job was gone.

I found the guy amusing. He must be thinking that I would complain to his superior and get him fired. Little did he know. I stepped towards him determined, locked my eyes with him and grabbed his dick, just like that. "Then do it." I said.

He didn't wait any further. His hand rammed inside my crack. He pushed the lace outwards and his hand began to caress my crack up and down. His finger went on my hole and massaged it hard. He was so desperate. Definitely he just realised that he might be gay.

I pulled his zip down and reached inside. His boner felt so hard. I grabbed it and pulled it out. Pre-cum streamed through his head like a river. Good as I didn't wanted to waste time on sucking. I stroked his dick spreading the juice it flowed.

Ben withdrew his hand and brought it towards his mouth. He spat on his fingers. He took his fingers to my hole and massaged it a few times to wet it then slowly inserted his middle finger in my hole. He was kissing my neck while his whole middle finger went inside me. He took it out and pushed back again.

"Ugh" I groaned. I kept stroking his dick at a steady pace. The guy was new in that area so there was a risk of early ejaculation. So I avoided rapid stroking or sucking it. I kept caressing it slowly, just enough to wet it with its own juice. On the other hand he was not so slow. His finger was fucking my hole very fast now. In.Out.In.Out. He brought my face towards him with his other hand and kissed me. I opened my mouth. He sucked my lower lip. He inserted his tongue in me. Our tongues kissed eachother. His hand reached down and went inside the thong I was wearing. He grabbed my cock and caressed it. He began to lower my thong. He broke the kiss and said, "Let's get you out from this fucking thing." he said. So we moved apart. I bent and began to remove my thong. He came behind me and spanked my ass.

"Oh fuck! You're smoother than my girlfriend." he exclaimed. "I want to fuck you now" he said with a hint of fear that I might refuse. I went to the right wall of the room and stood there with it as a support, extended my ass behind, ready to get fucked by him. "Come on, Do me." I said. He came forward. He spat on his hand with which he further wet his cock. He also spat on my hole and wet it with his other hand. He brought his cock near my hole ready to invade.

Ben brought his dickhead near the guy's hole. He didn't even knew his name but he wanted to fuck him. He was going to the point of no return if he entered the guy. Some part of him was saying to stop right there. It was wrong. But he was hardly listening to that part right now. And there he went.

My hole stretched open. His dickhead was pushing its way through the length of my hole. I had thicker cocks inside me just two days ago so it was nothing to cause any pain.

"Yeah! Fuck me you bastard! I know your shit of a girlfriend wouldn't let you fuck her ass now. Does she?" "Oh hell no! That bitch won't even let my hand roam around her asshole." He said while he pushed an inch deeper. "Ooh! You're so greaaat.....and....aah....so tight." he said. "I was tighter two days ago" I laughed and pushed my hole backward. His hole meat went inside me in a swift motion.

"Oh man! I love sluts." he said and started fucking me. Slap....Slap....Slap.... He had mastered the skill of fucking I would say. I guess his girlfriend was not that useless. I was stroking my own dick. Aah.....Aah....Aah....Dear lord....He was making more sounds than me as if he was the one being fucked. He was fast. I knew at this pace he wouldn't last more than a minute. I rapidly stroked my dick,too. As we had to finish soon otherwise someone might come and know.

He grabbed my shoulders with his nail digging deep. He was about to cum obviously. I stroked harder and came on the verge of cumming. With few more strokes I shot my load on the mirror wall. Ben also shot his load in my hole after a few thrusting. We both stood there for a moment trying to grasp what had just happened. Ben zipped up and went out without saying anything. I knew what it was. It was guilt. I wore my clothes. Took the thong and t-shirts and went to the counter to check out. Ben was nowhere to be seen. I didn't bother to find him and console him or something. He'd have to get over it on his own. I paid the expenses and got out to return the campus with one thing very clear in my mind. I didn't regret it. I liked it.

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