Fucked Up

By moc.oohay@nitsurxam

Published on Oct 31, 2013


Chapter 3 : Another 'trouble'

Coach fucked me five times before he let me go. And he was true to his words. Things did go dirtier and sexier with time. He only let me get cleaned after the third session and that too because he had plans. We did it in the showers the fourth time after which I could wash myself. But turned out it was all vain because as soon as we reached coach's cabin to have a chat he had another raging hard on. I too was horny. Our dicks were getting sensitive. But we did it anyway.

"Oh fuck! Now I'm totally spent. My cock is so sensitive I think I'll have to abstain from sex for quite a time!" coach exclaimed.

"So can I go now? I'm supposed to be at my room at this time." I said looking at my cell to see the time which showed 4:50 am.

"Boy! Here I am ranting about the amazing night we had together and you're worried about other stupid things! Aah! Alright, you can go. I'll myself go and catch some rest." he finally agreed.

So I got up and took my clothes and proceeded towards the shower area as my hole was still dripping with his cum from the last time. Coach took the hint and he didn't like it.

"Don't" he said. "Excuse me?" I asked worriedly that he might be getting for another session. "Don't clean it yet. I like the thought of it drying up your ass. And you know, do me a favour and leave your undies behind for me. I'd like to keep them as souvenir." he said dirtily.

"Are you crazy? That may get me in trouble. What if somebody found out that I like to be pounded?" I asked hoping that I sounded angry.

"Oh don't be a baby! Nobody'd give a damn about you at this hour in the morning. Come on, do it for me as a thank you." he said and I reluctantly agreed. Without getting cleaned, I got into my shorts and tee and left the undies for him.

I ran towards my dorm which was ten minutes away from the swimming pool. It was still dark outside. While running, I could feel his cum dripping from my hole making its way downwards. But the fabric of my shorts prevented it from flowing downwards as they got wet and stuck with my thighs. My balls were dangling in the open space inside my shorts and my cock was going to and fro. But I was liking the thought that I was naked inside while in public. Although at this time, nobody was to be seen thankfully. I reached my university campus and was heading towards the dormitory when I heard a voice.

"Stop right there." shouted somebody from behind.

"Shit!" I cursed to myself fearing that I was caught although it was by no means possible. I stopped but didn't turn.

"What the hell are you doing at this time? You people are supposed to be sleeping in your dorm rooms right now." said the person. He approached me and commanded, "Turn around."

I obeyed." I asked you something. Answer me." he shouted. Now I was scared. "I...I was staying with a friend for a night and was just returning." I uttered a reply hoping he would buy it. "Hmm! Quite a time to return ha!" he said, looked into my eyes and continued, "What do you think I am? Stupid! I know what you're up to." I was taken aback. Before I could make a reply he said, "You are into drugs, aren't ya?" "Wha....I.." I tried to protest but he continued, "Don't you lie to me, boy. I know how you little puppies are. Parties, drugs and sex. That's all you kids like to think about."

At this moment I noticed that he was leering at me. I was nervous and didn't know what to say. He appeared to be around thirty seven. He was tall. Sandy hair and a hell of a body which tried to bulge out from his uniform. His eyes I noticed had a mischievous sparkle in them. Yes he was hot. In different situation I'd be totally aroused looking at him. But right now I was afraid. Not because of him but more because of the fear that he might find out about me. I finally said, "I'm not lying. I'm not into drugs."

"Yeah like I'd believe you. I'll have to search you." Now I was scared to shit. I protested but he replied, "Look, I don't care if you do drugs outside this campus but I can't allow drugs in my territory. And besides if you're telling the truth then you'd not have to be afraid. Are you afraid?" he asked sternly. Damn right I was. I was in a fix and knew it was coming so I stood there keeping my mouth shut.

"Good boy" he understood and proceeded to search me. I was already petrified. He ordered me to raise my hands behind my head. I did so. He searched me from the top. His hands lingered longer on me than they should. He proceeded from the front towards my back. And now the moment of truth! His hands went from my back towards my ass. His hands felt my wet-with-cum shorts. I closed my eyes. "Holy sh..!" he cursed and withdrew his hands. He looked at me with surprise. I was prepared to be beaten to shit but what happened was nothing I was expecting.

"Well well! I guess I found something. What are you hiding there boy?" he asked and put his hand on my butt where my shorts were wet and started squeezing my cheek roughly. It was clear lust. He pulled me towards himself forcefully. I couldn't react. I was so embarrassed. He brought his head very close to mine. His mouth was inches away from mine. "Ooh! You are not wearing any underwear either. I'm afraid you might be hiding something deadly in there. I'll have to check thoroughly,boy."

Before I could grasp anything he threw his hand inside my shorts through my waistline and now he was literally fondling my ass. My cum-smeared-ass. Wow. This was totally unexpected. And surprisingly I was getting aroused by this. I didn't want to as I liked my hot coach as the master of my ass but you can't help the hormones right?

"Aah! I think we have got some kind of leak in here. Let's find the source of it. Shall we?" saying this he traced the cum from my upper inner thigh towards my asshole. His fingers were on my hole. He started caressing my hole. An involuntary 'Ooh' escaped his mouth.

"So" he said, "We've got a faggot here hah. You like being fucked in the ass. Do you? It wasn't drugs after all. You were getting fucked tonight. Did you like it?" he asked. I didn't answer. This annoyed him. "I asked a question you men-fuckin-cunt." he shouted angrily. "Yes" escaped my mouth impulsively. 'Hmm' was his reply. Then his finger slipped into my hole. My body tightened. His finger played inside my ass. "Wow! You're so loose. Looks you had a long night. How many times, boy? How many?" he asked. His intrusion has aroused me. I was such a whore. This time I didn't even try to protest. "Five" I said not caring. And now he was definitely aware of my raging hard-on.

"Whoa! You're a slut. Why cunt! You can't get enough of men I see. You're already aroused. What a whore. Am I turning you on, fagboy? Does my finger inside you makes you feel to want more? Does it please you?" he asked. He got angry when I didn't reply. He pushed his finger with force inside me in anger. That hurt. "Yessss!" I replied trying not to be loud.

"Well then, I guess it's your lucky day." he said and grabbed me by the neck. He took me to his cabin holding me by my neck. Somehow I was finding it very arousing. He threw me on the chair and locked the cabin door. He turned toward me and stared at me with lust. His hand reached down and grabbed his already hard cock through his pants. His tongue came out and licked his lips. A gesture of lust. He was breathing hard. His hand went inside and he pulled his cock out. It was big. Bigger than Kyle's. It looked 9" and was pretty thick. He stroked it twice and commanded, "Take of your shorts."

Shit! He wanted to fuck me. I could not let this happen. I was all Kyle's. I tried to stop him. "Please. Don't. Don't fuck me. I'll do anything else for you." I begged."Sorry, boy. Your ass is the only thing I'm gonna use. And you like it. So why resist?" he replied.

I didn't know what to say. If I wanted to stop him from fucking my ass, I'll somehow have to unload him. I guess I'd have to suck him off. Better mouth than ass. So I tried to bargain. "No. Please. I'll suck you off if you want, but don't fuck my ass." I urged. "Well if you want the taste of my cock, you'll have it the next time. Right now, all I want is your motherfucking ass." he said sternly and threw away all the contents from the table. He pulled me up only to throw me on the table. I fell on my back. He threw his fingers inside my waistband and with one quick motion pulled out my shorts. I was naked below.

He climbed onto the table himself beside me. He made me turn sideways so now my back was against him. He brought his dick near my hole with his hand. "If you had complied, I may have been gentle. But now you'll have to suffer." saying this with one quick motion he thrust whole of his uncut cock inside my ass. I screamed in agony. It was too big for me to handle. It felt like my ass'd burst. Even with all the cum inside me, it was painful. Was he that thick or my ass got smaller? My screams were too loud. So he put his other hand on my mouth to stop me. He was not gentle at all like he promised. He was fucking me very roughly. His dick was so long that all of it could not enter my ass. He was ravaging me. But strangely I was liking it. The pain had transformed into pleasure and ecstasy. I was stroking my raging hard-on. Only if it was not for his hand, I'd be moaning now. He was clearly enjoying it. He was moaning while fucking me like a bunny.

"You cunt! You're really enjoying this. Oooooooooohh! I fucking your hole without your consent is making you horny. You really are a whore. God! I love to fuck boys like you. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Ohhhhhhhh yeaaahhhhhh!" he moaned. I was fiercely jerking now.

He kept fucking me for around twenty minutes with the same stamina. Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.........Mmmmmmm......Ooo...Ohhhh yeah....Aaaaaaahhhh....

"You've a very good hole, cunt! I bet so many men would be lusting for this hole. Your hole is giving my cock a feeling I never could have imagined possible. Shit! Your hole is so gooood. My brother was right I'd say." he said. I was shocked. I couldn't comprehend his meaning. His brother? What was he talking about? Only one man has fucked me so far. Kyle. Then it'd mean that....

"Oh boyyyy! Aaah! Where are...Aah....my manners....Oooh shit. I didn't introduce myself....aaahhhh....Nice to fuck you....aaaahhhh...I'm Ryan Woods, brother of the man who fucked you tonight." With this he brought half of his dick outwards and gave a quick thrust. His body had already tightened. He again brought it out and thrust it deep again. Now I had a warm feeling inside my ass. He had shot his load inside my hole. Two brothers had shot their load inside my ass at the same night. I couldn't control anymore. As I was processing what he had said, a huge orgasm shook my whole body. My cum flew all over. God! That felt good.

After the amazing sex, we just lied there, his cock still inside me, semi hard, we talked. I got to know that after my first session with Kyle, he had called up Ryan and told him how good bitch he had got for himself. Only hearing about our fuck session got Ryan aroused. He told Kyle that he wanted some piece of my ass knowing that I live in the same campus where he works. Kyle agreed and they made a plan. Now I understood why he didn't wanted me to clean up or wear any underwear. So that the plan worked. I was also quite relieved that Kyle wanted it.

"Kyle and I, you know, we always share good holes. Especially when they are boyholes." Ryan was saying. "Come by today evening at our place. Kyle and I are looking forward for it." he continued and winked.

I was more than willing to go. _________________________________

To Be Continued.......

Next: Chapter 4

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