Fucked in Kansas

By Expat Stud

Published on Nov 2, 2006


This is a continuation of the 100% true story of my trip out west.

After I had been fucked senseless by the Kansas rancher hottie, I was exhausted: my ass was aching, my back was sore, my legs were trembling. Jizz was drying on my face and in my hair, and the room positively reeked of sex-we all know the smell, one that is very musky, lots of semen and sweat. And rancher guy told me that he would come round again early in the morning, with a friend (he didn't ask if I was taking gentlemen callers; he just told me what he would be doing, and told me to be ready. Even in my state of near-collapse I was not one to turn down an offer like this.) Rancher guy was a total cutie, and he had a nice long cock made for drilling. I had no idea what his friend would be like, but I was willing to take the chance: if the friend were a troll it would still be worth it to chow on the rancher cock again. Funny how we can delude ourselves when we are horny!

I was too exhausted to eat, so I decided to just bask in the afterglow, relive the event in my mind over and over again while the smells and sensations were still so present. I drifted off to sleep at some point, cock raging hard, but I had decided to hold off on beating off-I wanted to be really in the mood for the morning.

I awoke at about 5ish I think and cleaned myself up-rancher guy did tell me to be ready, door unlocked. I had no idea when he would be by, but the anticipation was killing me. I didn't have any proper lube on me, so I just used some lotion from the room to moisten myself up (mind you, not too much, as otherwise it just gets too sloppy and you cannot feel anything!) So I lay down on the bed, naked, and I started waiting.

At about 6:15-6:30 the door opened., and in walked my rancher man (he never told me his name, and I never did learn what it was.). He was obviously in the mood for fun again, as his cock was very visible in his pants. As he walked into the room he started unbuckling his belt, kicking off his shoes, getting ready for some action. Behind him was a completely different story-this friend looked like total bad news: tall, average body, very rugged though-you could tell he worked hard just from his muscle composition. He had an average face that did not stand out, and I probably would not have pursued him had I been in a bar. And he had a patch over his left eye, I recall, and crude tattoos on his fingers. The most disturbing thing about him, though, was his facial expression-he directed this menacing, condescending leer at me, almost a look of disgust, really, and it worried me. I was actually getting cold feet. I mean, here I was in the middle of Kansas, no one knew where I was and this guy could just off me.

I told the guys that I really needed to hit the road, that I didn't really have time to play around, etc. By this time, of course, rancher guy was out of his clothes (the other one had not removed anything at this point), and his cock was almost fully erect. He walked over to me and pushed me back down on the bed, then climbed up, straddled my chest, and told me that he was not leaving until he had his cock sucked, whether I wanted to or not.

God, what a beautiful man he was! Seeing him in that position, towering above me, gave me a great perspective of just how much I had scored in that rest stop. He had a beautiful chest, a beautiful face, beautiful arms and an absolutely gorgeous cock with nuts to match. If he wanted his cock sucked, then so be it; I was not one to turn down an opportunity like that-it was just his friend that was freaking me out.

And this cock was now bouncing against my face as rancher man ground it all over, leaving a trail of ooze like a snail trail. He ran it across my lips a bit before grabbing me by the head with one hand, gripping his cock at the base with the other and directing it to my mouth. He rubbed the head around my lips for a bit and then started feeding it to me, bit by bit. And it was as tasty as I had remembered-leaking juice, a bit spongy, just the perfect cock for sucking on. And I gladly sucked on it, sort of forgetting about the other guy in the room.

So the other guy was watching this, still leering at me with this disgusted/threatening look, and I could hear him kicking off his shoes and unbuckling his pants. He had taken off his coat and his shirt was unbuttoned-not an Adonis, not a Greek god, no washboard abs, but he was in relatively good shape, and his chest was covered in thick curly hair. He had this massive scar running along his stomach. I really did not want to mess with him-he just seemed like bad news-so I tried to spit rancher guy's cock out of my mouth to say as much. But, rancher man had a big one, and you just cannot spit something like that out.

Rancher guy's friend dropped his pants and sat down on the one available chair and started to beat off. From my vantage point I couldn't see his cock-rancher's thighs were blocking my view. He told rancher to pull me over to the edge of the bed and to fuck my mouth standing up, that he wanted to see his cock go all the way into 'that cocksucker's mouth'. Rancher obviously thought it was a good idea, as he jumped right up and pulled me around like I was a doll or something, and before I knew it my head was hanging off the edge of the bed and I was being fed cock again. It is a great angle for deep throating, I admit; before long I had his cock in my throat down to his pubes, and the combination of my saliva and his precum made it a slippery ride for him. And he was loving it, never saying anything, but rather just making lots of grunting noises and moaning a lot. I was certain that at this pace I would be able to get him off and get them both out the door soon..

Rancher pulled his cock from my mouth and had me work on his balls, something I love to do. I had felt them bounce against my face for a while now, and I loved their musky scent. He was running his hands along my forearms, tugging at my nipples, it was great. I was totally in bliss, the guy was so hot and horny, and he seemed like a take-charge kind of fellow, just my type. But that bliss did not last long.

I had lost track of his friend until I felt my legs being lifted up, at which point I started to panic. I had no idea what kind of cock this guy had, and I could tell by looking at him that he was not one of those gentle fuckers. I was pulled out of my ball-loving trance and said that I did not really want to fuck, that I was tired etc, at which point he slapped my ass hard and told me that he did not care; he was not tired, he wanted to fuck and really did not care what I felt about it. I heard him spit and then a finger started to jab at my hole. I clenched tight-I was going to resist this asshole as much as possible-but my clenching just seemed to anger him more. I remember he said something akin to,

'Look, you little punk, I am going to fuck you whether you like it or not. You can fight it all you want, you can scream all you want, but I am not leaving until I have fucked you. We can do this my way, or we can do it my way. And unless you want me to break you in two you better open up that ass and relax.'

(this is not an a verbatim--it was ten years ago, but it is the general gist...)

Rancher was holding my arms down at this point, rubbing his crotch around my face, and told me that he was going to fuck me again as soon as his buddy was done. I had lost all sense of the bliss I had felt earlier, and my cock was as limp as could be. I heard another spit, and then seconds later I felt a cock head pushing against my ass. Rancher's friend told me that I should have gone the easy route and let him loosen me up a bit, because this was going to hurt like hell. Rancher just laughed and told him to fuck me. And that's when it happened.

Someone pinched my nipples hard, and I was so distracted from the pain that I temporarily let down my guard. And rancher's friend pushed, he shoved what must have been a pretty fat cock into my ass, all in one lunge. I had been given no chance to get accustomed to the size of his rod, and I felt like I was being split in two. His cock did not feel too long, but lordy it was fat. And it obviously tapered down at the base pretty significantly, because when his pubes hit my ass I could feel my hole close up around it. And then he pulled right back, stretching me out completely and then shoved right back in. I was near tears, it hurt so bad, but I could not do much-I was being held down by the rancher guy, he was ramming his cock into my mouth and his friend had hold of my hips, just bouncing me off his cock. I felt like I was being plowed by a six-inch butt plug.

'Why don't you lie down and have him sit on your cock?'. This came from rancher, and his friend obviously thought it was a splendid idea because in no time at all he had yanked his cock out of my ass (and lord, did that burn!) and he lay on the bed.

'Come on. Get over here and sit on it.'

I was not in much state to refuse his request-there were two of them and one of me, and they were horny (and you don't mess around with really horny guys!) As I moved over to him I finally got a good look at his cock-as I suspected, not too long, maybe six inches, but it was indeed really fat, especially just under the head. And it was veiny, and it was hard, and it was throbbing, bouncing around on its own.

I straddled the friend's crotch and tried to slowly lower myself down, but I just couldn't get it through at that angle, I was too nervous still, I couldn't relax. The guy was thrusting up, trying to ram it in as well, but it kept sliding around my ass. He finally reached down to steady his cock, and rancher guy suddenly grabbed my shoulders. It's almost as though they had done this before, they were so coordinated: rancher pushed me down hard as his friend pumped up and I was impaled by that plug. And then he told me to work it.

Rancher was still gripping my shoulders as I slowly started to raise myself off his friend's cock. Apparently I was not going fast enough, as the guy below barked at me that I better ride his cock if I knew what was good for me, so I did that. I just gritted my teeth and started to ride him. It hurt, absolutely, but I knew that it was my only way out of this situation.

And funnily enough, I realized that I had started to fluff up quite a bit, that my cock was enjoying itself, that the mixture of the fattie in my ass, the hottie behind me, the entire scene was turning me on. Somebody told me to jerk off as I rode that cock, and it was an opportunity too good to pass up; I had cum once the nite before, a big load, but I had been so horned up afterwards that I had a lot still in me.

So I bounced on the cock below me while it was being shoved in my ass, while rancher was rubbing his leaky dick all over me, and I started beating off. I knew this was dangerous for me: I have never been able to control myself once I feel a nut coming on, and once I cum I completely lose all interest in sex, and this time was no exception. I could feel the switch in my crotch being flipped, I could feel my balls tighten, I could feel that incredible heat that happens as my cum rises to the surface. The guys could tell that I was at the point, because the one fucking me told me not to get any of my jizz on him, or else.

I came, quite a bit actually, considering how much I had cum the nite before, and it I did my best to catch all that I could. My body started convulsing it was so intense, and the guy below kept ramming his dick into my hole. It must have been a good feeling for him, as I could feel my ass spasm around his cock. And I was ready to end the scene.

I was the only one in the room who felt that way. Rancher guy was horny as hell still and told me to eat my cum. As I said, I quickly lose interest once I spew and this was no exception-and the last thing I wanted to do was to eat the handful of spunk that I had. I hesitated a bit too long, I suppose, because the guy fucking me said, 'Fine, use it as lube then. Your ass is too dry for me'.

At that he kicked me off of him and told me to rub my jizz into my ass (it actually felt soothing, to be honest.) He then asked rancher if he wanted to fuck, and rancher did. He lay down on the bed and told me to climb on top, that he was going to cream my ass, that I needed to work it out of him. As I have said all along, rancher was hot (albeit a bit more edgy than I thought), and when I reluctantly straddled him his cock found its mark, and he plowed right in. His cock was not nearly as fat as his friend's, although it was much longer, by several inches, and it was fat, and due to all of the jizz in my ass and sweat and his precum, he just sailed right through my finish line.

I enjoyed being on top of him; he was a gorgeous sight to behold, with his hot face, his beautiful eyes, his whole body-he was just hot, just beautiful. And he was horny, and he needed to cum something fierce, and his cock made that known. He pumped my ass good, just banging away, gliding in and out. I got over my reluctance and started to enjoy the experience.

Rancher's friend had not yet cum, and told me that I still needed to get him off. He did not want to shoot in my mouth, he said; he liked the feel of my ass, especially the way that I worked his cock. While rancher's cock was pumping away, I felt a new sensation: a second cock rubbing against my ass, feeling around, sniffing out an opening. I was freaking out-rancher's cock was long, hitting the right spots, and he was a hottie. His friend-looked okay, but had that nasty attitude, and had that butt-plug of a cock. I was in no position to object, though, so I tried to open myself up the assault.

Rancher's friend kept rubbing his cock against my hole as the rancher kept long-dicking away. In no time flat I felt my asshole expand beyond all imagination, and the friend's cock started drilling in. It hurt like hell; I had never been double fucked before that (and have not been since), and it took a lot to get accustomed to. But rancher and friend did not seem to care about how I was feeling-they had their nuts they were after. When one pushed in, the other pulled out, when one pulled out, the other pushed in, and they kept that up for a while. They would quicken their paces, then slow them down (I secretly think this was a way for them to get off on each other, as they were essentially jacking off together, just using my ass.) The feeling was overwhelming-after the initial pain of it all, I grew accustomed to it all, and I had the sensation of rancher plugging my prostate and his friend stretching me out. If you've never tried it, you totally should!

I was sandwiched between the two, and it was great. I was hard as shit and loving it. I ran my hands over rancher's chest, moving to his friend's legs, I just couldn't get enough of them. It was ecstatic, and I was in ecstasy, just loving the myriad sensations swarming through my body. Rancher's friend was not quiet at all, calling me all manner of names punctuated with rough jabs from his cock, while rancher just had this expression on his face that was priceless-he was in heaven.

'Let's cream him together.' That was from rancher's friend, and at that they really got into sync, pumping me in a steady rhythm. They were panting, sweating, cursing-you name it, they were doing it. In seconds they started shooting inside of me-not simultaneously, but close enough to make it last for a good minute, I would say. Once rancher's friend started to cum he squeezed my ass hard and told me to milk his cock, to get it all out of him, and I willingly obliged. I wanted his seed in me, I wanted to remember this moment (and I did, obviously!) Rancher just looked serene, gliding his cock in and out and in and out of my slick ass.

After a point the guys were spent, and rancher's friend yanked his cock out of my ass. What a sensation! I had not felt this empty for at least an hour, and it was a feeling of emptiness. Rancher pushed me off of him, and it just made the feeling worse.

At this point I was pretty much shaking all over from weakness, and my cock was as hard as a nail. Rancher started to dress, but his friend was not yet finished.

'Here you go,' he said as he moved his cock to my mouth. 'I'm not going to go around smelling like ass for the rest of the day.'

At that I took his deflating cock into my mouth, suckling away. 'I've got to piss,' he said, and started to drain himself down my throat. It was strong, pungent. He must have felt clean enough and drained enough after a while, as he pulled out and told me that was enough, he didn't have time for a blowjob as well.

They both finished dressing while I sat on the bed naked, feeling self-conscious. Rancher's friend wanted to know where I was headed, what my route was. I mentioned that I would drive up through Colorado, then on to Utah, Nevada and finally work my way up to Seattle. He smiled. Rancher asked what car I drove (91 Toyota Tercel, blue), and then mentioned that he had a good friend in Nevada who would find me.

I had no idea what he was talking about until I got to Nevada, when I met the state trooper.

Thanks for the feedback! You can write me at expatstud@gmail..com to chat about this true story.

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