Fuck My Hole Bro

By Austin Adams

Published on Apr 4, 2023


Fuck My Hole Bro! Part 2

Categories: Authoritarian, Incest, Brothers, Rough, Jock

I'm having a lot of fun exploring rough, dominant sex between two young brothers through the characters of Jason and Sean. Sorry for taking so long to get the second part out to you guys. This story had a huge response and I want to keep giving you all more. What would make me super happy and motivated to do so is hearing from you. What you liked, what you did not like, and especially what got you off.

This is the second half of the first chapter. The next chapter is posted on Greadee at https://greadee.com/story/vjfQQq6ceqGiBz4rpaK5Pu/fuck-my-hole-bro-part-2

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I had no idea what I was getting myself into but conceding to him would have been worse than death in that moment. I had never taken a cock before or even considered it. One time I slipped a finger in there while jerking off to see what it would feel like but that was nothing compared to the ten inch pole between Jason's legs.

"Okay," said Jason, "you asked for it." He gathered up a big wad of saliva in his mouth and spit it onto my hole.

"And that's all the lube you get," he said.

He got onto the bed and I saw his hard cock for the very first time. It stuck straight up in the air like a flexed forearm with thick veins and a fist at the end of it. The closer it got to me the harder and louder my heart pounded. He held my thigh in one hand and aimed his cock at my hole with the other. I stared at the sheer size of the head and shaft in awe.

He put the big knob against my hole. I grabbed onto his biceps and dug my fingers into them. He began a count down.


I took a deep, long breath to calm myself down.


I looked up at Jason's face and into his eyes. There was a single moment of silence while we looked at each other before he grinned at me and then, without warning, gave a strong buck down with his hips and forced the head of his cock into my ass.

For a split second, I felt nothing, heard nothing, and then, pain so agonizing I thought I might pass out. I screamed out.

"Forgot to say three," he said sarcastically. He was enjoying this and wanted this--to see me in screaming agony.

I almost begged him to stop. The words were at the tip of my tongue but I knew he was enjoying this

I wanted to get this thing out of me. I wanted to tap out but I gathered all the strength I had left in me. The pain activated a new fire in me. I was determined to keep going, even if it meant experiencing the worst pain of my life.

"Ready to say sorry like a good little bitch?" he said.

Panting, sweat dripping down my forehead and my asshole ripped open by a horse cock--I looked up at him and said, "no."

As soon as the word left my mouth, he shoved more of it in. I screamed again and my vision went dark, maybe from my eyes rolling in the back of my head. I felt my insides get ripped open by his massive knob.

He pushed the rest in and I do not know if I screamed or not. My senses were pushed beyond their limits and shut down. All I could feel was the pounding throb of my hole as it gripped his cock. I felt his cock pounding, too. I heard myself whimpering. I felt tears running down my cheeks.

He pushed the rest of it in until he bottomed out and his lemon-sized nuts rested against my ass. After that, I went into autopilot. Jason's cock was ten inches deep in my guts and I could do nothing about it. There was some part of me that did not want to do anything about it either. His cock fucked submission into me. In that moment, I don't know if I could have remembered my own name or what year it was. It was like getting all that cock stuffed that deep inside me activated some other part of my brain and body.

He started to fuck me and held nothing back. The more he fucked me and the harder his thrusts got, the more I disappeared and submitted to him. With his cock drilling my senses out of me, he began to assault me verbally, too.

"Say you're a little fucking bitch."

"I'm a little fucking bitch."

"Good boy. What are you?"

"A little fucking bitch."

"Whose bitch?"

"Your bitch."

"`Your bitch' what?"

When I did not respond he slapped me across the face.

"Sir," he barked, "Say it."

"I'm your bitch sir! I'm your bitch sir!" I cried.

"You hear that bitch? You hear yourself whimper like that while I fuck your hole up with my ten inch dick? That's the sound a faggot makes. You're a faggot now. You're my faggot now. What are you?"

"I'm a faggot."


"I'm a faggot, sir. I'm your faggot, sir."

"Good fucking boy. That hole feels so good milking my cock. I'm gonna come into your room at night whenever I want and rape your hole like this. I'm gonna take it whenever I want and however I want. Listen to yourself squeal with my cock pile driving your hole. All you needed was some dick in you. My big, hard dick to fuck some respect into you, boy."

He started pounding me faster, harder and deeper to the point where the room was filled with the screaming creaks of the bed and the sound of his balls slapping against my ass. He fucked me so hard I became incoherent. I could not speak, could not think, I was just a hole getting used and fucked however Jason wanted. Nothing in the world mattered in that instant. All that mattered was taking his dick like a good boy.

He was still barking at me but I could not comprehend or respond. He slapped me across the face but it did not hurt. He was slamming into me hard and deep. He was punching parts of my insides with his cock that turned my world upside down. My whole body unified around that one feeling as he smashed my guts up. It kept building and building and building like a fist growing in size as it clenched something in the palm of its hand. And then he gave me one last powerful thrust as deep and as hard as he could and he held it there inside of me. The fist of intensity that had been building inside of me opened and the power it was holding erupted through my body like an earthquake. Waves of ecstasy smashed down on me one after the other for what felt like hours. Everything around me disappeared. I disappeared.

When I regained my senses, it was like coming out of a deep dream. For a second I wondered if I had dreamed it all until I realized that Jason was still laying on top of me. His face was in my neck and my arms were wrapped around his body. I felt his enormous back muscles move and contract as he shifted and used his arms to push himself up.

We looked at each other. When I saw his face and his green eyes it was not the arrogant Jason I felt hatred towards. I saw no arrogance in his eyes. His pupils were dilated like black saucers surrounded by a glowing green ring. I fell into those eyes. I felt like I saw him for the very first time. My hands were on his shoulders and I wanted to touch his full, pink lips with my thumb. His dick was still hard and lodged inside me. I felt it jump in me and my hole clenched around it in response.

Then, suddenly, he snapped out of it like a spell had been broken. I saw his eyes change and peer down at me with suspicion and disgust. He pushed himself off of me and pulled his dick out. It felt like he pulled my insides out with it and left a gaping hole where his cock used to be. I reached down and felt my hole. It was swollen and began to throb. There was so much liquid coming out of it and on the sheets that I thought I might be bleeding. I sat up, looked and saw that it was cum--lots and lots of cum. I relaxed my hole and more of it oozed out and added to the puddle of it that had collected on the sheets.

"You came," Jason said accusingly, pointing his finger at my stomach. I looked down and saw that my stomach was covered in cum too. I was as surprised as he was. I suddenly felt hurt and betrayed by his accusation, which quickly turned to anger.

"Yeah, well, so did you," I said, defending myself.

"No wonder you were able to take it," he said, "you liked it. You enjoyed getting fucked."

I could not believe what I was hearing. I knew he was wrong but I still felt humiliated.

"No more than you did!" I screamed at him. I got up onto my knees and pushed him as hard as I could. He was like a brick wall though and did not move him an inch. "Fucking asshole," I said and started to punch his chest repeatedly until he shoved me onto my back on the bed. He got off the bed, collected his clothes and started to walk towards the door.

"The room is mine," I said as he reached for the doorknob. He stopped in his tracks with his back to me. He was butt naked.

"Whatever," he said, "have fun cleaning my load off your sheets." He opened the door, left, and closed it behind him.

I did not know what to do or to think. I sat on my bed motionless as images, sounds and feelings from what had just occurred flooded into me. His smell drifted up into my nose from every surface of my body. I was covered in him: his sweat, his cum, his spit. I remembered things and heard things that I had not registered in the moment. They began to pour into me all at once until I shook my head as if trying to shake them away.

I got up, tore the sheets off my bed, bunched them into a ball and tossed them into the hamper. All of a sudden, I felt like I was about to have an accident and ran to the bathroom down the hall. I sat on the toilet seat and released what felt like a gallon of fluid from my ass. What the fuck? I looked into the toilet and saw a huge glob of white goo swishing around the bottom of the bowl. It was the remains of the load that Jason's big nuts had dumped into me. He was hung like a horse and came like one too.

The next chapter is waiting for you here:


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