Fuck My Hole Bro

By Austin Adams

Published on Oct 18, 2023


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Category: Authoritarian, Incest, Brothers, Rough, Jock

Twitter: @fuckhimdeep

Greadee: greadee.com/fuckhimdeep

We were at the dinner table and my stepbrother was going on and on about how nice it would be to finally have a bathroom in his room. He was captain of the football team, 6'4" and had the size and power of a rhinoceros. He thought because of his size and reputation in our small Texas town as a football hero that he owned the place. He was eighteen years old and a senior at the high school I would be attending next year as a freshman. His assumption that he would get the bigger room with the bathroom annoyed me and so I interrupted his speech.

"And why should you get the bigger room?" I said under my breath while looking down at my plate of food.

He stopped talking and I felt him shift his gaze to me as I kept my head down.

"Excuse me?" he said.

Here we go, big bad Jason is going to get all angry. It was so easy to get him going that I almost laughed. I wondered if how hot headed he was had anything to do with him being half Italian. I felt my dad and Jason's mom, Melinda, looking at me too.

I put my fork down and looked up at Jason. Then slowly, like I was speaking to someone stupid, said, "and why should you get the bigger room?"

"Sean, please don't start," my father said to me with a sigh.

Jason looked back at me without blinking. I saw his jaw clench and felt the fire he was telepathically shooting at me through his eyeballs. I was a lot smaller than him but I was not afraid of him. I stared right back.

He took a breath and said, "because I'm older, dip shit."

"Jason," his mother warned, "language."

"So?" I said, "You're going to be in college playing football soon. And besides, my dad paid for it." I went back to eating my food.

"You know that's not important, Sean," said my dad, referring to him buying the house.

"That's not for another six months," said Jason. "Mom, please tell this kid that he's not getting the bigger room."

"I'm not telling him anything," she said calmly, cutting into her steak. "You are both big boys. I'm sure you can figure it out yourselves."

I smiled down at my food hearing this. Jason laughed in disbelief. The king of football was not getting what he wanted--for once. I felt his eyeballs burning a hole in the top of my head and looked up at him again. His green eyes looked like he wanted to kill me. I shot him a smug grin.

"You're a spoiled brat, you know that?" he said to me.

"You heard your mommy, Jason. Be a big boy," I said back.

His fists clenched and I saw his mom put her hand on his leg under the table.

"That's enough," she said firmly and gently, "the both of you. I trust you two to be mature enough to settle this like adults, okay?"

"Sure thing," I said to Melinda. Despite her son being an entitled meathead, I liked Melinda a lot. And I liked her with my dad, too. They made each other happy.

Jason did not respond because he was too busy trying to light me on fire with his eyes. I ignored him and put a piece of steak in my mouth.

"Jason," said Melinda.

"Yeah, Ma, I heard you," he said, "settle it like adults."

After dinner, I showered and went to my room to watch wrestling videos on YouTube. I had a match coming up soon and needed to study some moves that my coach had sent me. My dad and Melinda had left for a date and the house was empty. It was peace and quiet until I heard the front door slam open and closed. Must be big bad Jason.

His heavy footsteps stomped up the stairs. I heard him trudge down the hall and knew he was coming for my door.

I was on my bed when Jason barged into my room. I glanced at him standing in the doorway. He was huge and intense.

"Thanks for knocking," I said.

"So this is how it's going to work," he said, ignoring me. "We're going to wrestle for it."

I laughed, closed my computer and gave him my full attention. He must have just came from a workout because his face was flushed and he was all sweaty. He was wearing a tight grey t-shirt with sweat marks on his chest, collar and under the armpits. He was so tall that his head almost touched the top of the doorway.

"Well?" he said, staring at me with big, green, wild eyes.

"Wrestle?" I said. "Your mom tells you to be a big boy and you come in here and ask me to wrestle?"

He laughed and crossed his big arms. It made his biceps bugle and his forearms look like the size of my thighs. "I could beat the shit out of you instead, if you want. Up to you," he said.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?" I said.

He put his hands up and shrugged. "I dunno," he said, "are you?"

He walked over to my bed slowly. I felt my body tense as he approached. I was not afraid of him but that did not mean that he was not a human tank. If he wanted to, he could rip me in half with his index finger and thumb. Still though, I held my ground. I was sick of him acting like he was king of the world.

He stopped when he got to the edge of my bed and stood over me, arms crossed, glaring down at me. I glared back. I felt my body start to go into fight or flight mode as my head ran through the list of possibilities of what would happen next. I decided on fight.

I stood up on my knees on the bed so that we were almost eye to eye. I looked look up at him, crossed my arms too, stared him in the eye, and raised my eyebrows at him. We stared each other in the eye like that for a couple seconds before he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, picked me up off the bed and shoved me against the wall so hard it knocked the wind out of me.

He hissed in my face through grated teeth, "the only reason I let you talk to me the way you did at dinner is because my mom was there. You're lucky for that, otherwise I would have mopped the floor with you."

I was seeing stars and unable to breath from the impact. He went on, "what makes you think you can speak to me like that, huh punk? You think you're better than me? You think because your daddy has some money that you can disrespect other people?" I was coughing and trying to catch my breath. He let go of me and I fell to the floor, landing on my hands and knees.

"I'm going to give you one last chance to say you're sorry before you really get hurt," he said.

I finally caught my breath and used it to say, "fuck you, meathead."

He reached down, grabbed me by my shoulders and threw me onto the bed. I tried to fight back and get away but he grabbed me again, flipped me over onto my stomach and ripped my shorts off so that my bare ass was exposed.

"What the fuck are you doing!" I shouted.

Before I could do anything, he was on top of me. He covered my mouth with his hand and put me in a headlock. He raised his hips and brought them down onto me hard three times in a row. Bang, bang, bang. The impact of the body slam almost knocked the wind out of me again.

"See how helpless you are?" he said into my ear. "I could do anything I wanted to you right now. I could rape your little cunt if I wanted to. That would be one way to hurt you without leaving a mark that your daddy could see."

I cried out into his hand and tried to wiggle free but his body felt like it weighed two tons. I could not move.

"Yeah, scream like the little bitch that you are," he said. I could feel his hot breath against my face.

I kicked and screamed underneath his massive body until he let go of me and got off the bed. I whipped around, sat up on the bed and braced myself for another attack. He just stood there as I stared at him, my face red with rage.

"What the fuck, Jason!" I screamed.

"You should see your face, dude! I could cook an egg on your forehead right now you're so angry," he said.

He was right. I was so angry that I felt tears bubbling up behind my eyes. Crying was not something I was willing to do in front of him and I forced them back down.

"Listen," he said sternly, taking one step toward me. I flinched in reaction. "Chill out," he said, "I'm done showing you how easy it would be to have my way with you."

"I could fuck you instead," he said.

I was so shocked by what he said that I was speechless for the first time all night. I was unsure if he actually said it or I imagined it. All I could do was stare at him. Then I remembered that I was naked from the waist down and covered my dick with my hand out of embarrassment.

My embarrassment emboldened Jason and he took another step toward me. "It's an old game my buddies and I used to play to settle an argument," he said. "Rules are simple--bigger guy fucks the smaller guy. If the smaller guy taps out before the bigger guy cums, then game over--big guy wins."

I stared at him, open mouthed and bewildered. "You're insane," I said.

He pretended to look hurt and said, "you afraid, faggot?"

"Oh, I'm the faggot?" I felt myself get angry again. "You're the one trying to fuck me!"

"Don't make it sound so romantic," he said, "I'm gonna rape you for a couple seconds before you beg me to stop. That's all."

I looked at him hard. Was he fucking with me? I was going to make a joke about how steroids had probably shriveled his junk to the size of a raisin when he pulled his shorts down and pulled out the biggest, soft dick I have ever seen. His nuts hung down lower than his dick and were as big as two lemons in a sack of smooth flesh. His cock was uncut, soft and hung down about six inches. It rested over his nuts like the trunk of an elephant.

That was the second time of the night I was speechless.

Jason let out a cocky laugh and bounced his huge nuts at me. I could not look away from his junk and the more I looked, the cockier Jason became. He walked toward me and bounced it in my face. I guarded my face with my arm and pushed him away.

"Bitches always love my big cock so I'm not surprised you love it too," he said and laughed wildly at his own joke.

He had picked me up, thrown me around like a rag doll, stripped me, dry fucked me on my bed and was laughing at me! And now his horse cock was taunting me too. I hated him so much my blood began to boil. I wished that I could have grown in size and beat him to death with my fists. Rip his cock off and shove it in his mouth.

"Fine!" I screamed.

I laid back on the bed, lifted my legs in the air and pushed my thighs down with my elbows so my asshole was right out in the open. I was flexible from being a wrestler and my feet were almost behind my head. I gave him two middle fingers and screamed, "this what you want? Come and get it."

"I don't want it but I will tear it up to make a point," he said.

"That why you're already hard?"

He looked down at his growing cock. It was two inches longer now, fatter and was beginning to stand up in the air.

"Hard? This is barely halfway," he said.

I stared at the monster and gulped as he walked over to me. He came right over to me, put his big paws on my thighs and brought his face so close to my asshole I thought he was going to sniff it or lick it, but he just looked at it.

"That's a tiny little hole you got there," he said. "Don't know if you saw my cock just now but it's real big. Might rip you open. You sure you don't just want to say sorry?"

"Just fuck my hole, bro!" I barked.

Read the full story at greadee.com/fuckhimdeep

Twitter: @fuckhimdeep

This is my first authoritarian story. Most of my stories are incest and older/younger. Let me know if you liked this story and I will be sure to continue the story of Sean submitting to Jason and becoming a good boy. Be sure to read the full story at greadee.com/fuckhimdeep

Next: Chapter 2

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