Fuck Boy

By Josh Armstrong

Published on Jun 3, 2012


Fuck Boy - Chapter Three

NOTES: And here we go with Chapter Three! I hope you enjoy. And do drop me a quick email if you like what you read - or if you have any suggestions - your messages always motivate a quicker next chapter! Email josharmstrong2007@gmail.com.

Before we begin this instalment, a special message for any subs reading this story. Before proceeding with this chapter, you should do the following: strip completely naked and stand with your legs about a metre apart, so your cock and balls hang freely.

Then bend your knees slightly, so your feel your ass crack open a little, but keep your back completely straight. Then put your right hand behind your head and push your elbow back as far as it will go, so that it aches a little and your pit is fully exposed.

Then put your left hand onto your left ass cheek so the tips of each finger are sitting inside your crack and push your middle finger quickly and firmly into your hole, so that the complete finger is inside. And, to complete the pose, stick your tongue out as far as it will go and try reciting the line "I'm a cocksucker" a few times over.

Now, stand like that for a few minutes. First, because this is how I like my subs to stand. And second, because that way you'll be able to properly empathise with Fuck Boy, who had been standing this way for just over 45 minutes when I returned to my flat that Saturday afternoon, during our first real world encounter. I'd only gone to the local shop to get some cigarettes and milk, but I took my time about it.

When I got back to the flat I made sufficient noise so that the boy cunt would know I had returned, but I left him on his own in the play room for another half hour while I checked some of the video footage that had been filmed while I was away. I'm pleased to report that Fuck Boy stayed standing in his fuck boy pose all the time I was out. He shook a few times and moved his tongue around more than I'd like, but he didn't try to straighten his legs, shuffle his feet or substantially move in anyway.

Of course it's possible he'd worked out he was being filmed - given I'd already admonished him for things he'd done while in that room on his own - but I like to think he'd have stood that way for over an hour anyway, if only in a bid to make up for all his earlier fuck ups.

Of course keeping your fuck boy in bondage can be entertaining, but I find watching them adopt an uncomfortable and embarrassing pose for a sustained period of time voluntarily even hotter. I grabbed a few still shots from the video footage so far and sent them to Fuck Boy's email address, which I then checked on his smartphone, so I could set a particularly good close up of his dick to be his wallpaper. Then I downed another beer and returned to the play room for phase two.

By the way, sub readers, if you did the pose for me like I asked, you can now get dressed. Or perhaps it would be more fun if you stayed naked, and kept that finger up your ass, for the duration. It's up to you. Though don't forget, a good fuck boy would always lick that finger clean once he was done. And maybe send his master a few photos of himself in full pose, just to prove he'd done as he was told. These were both things Fuck Boy would soon learn to do as standard.

"Do you need to piss", I asked as soon as I returned to the play room. He seemed slightly surprised by my sudden arrival in the room. Stupid fucker. I had taken another beer, a short length of rough rope and his three clean pairs of boxers in with me. I placed them each on the floor.

"Ess errrr" he replied, having finally learned that the tongue stays stuck out until I say so.

"Good" I replied. "Right, let's make a few alternations. First, you can straighten your legs and pull your tongue in". He did so, showing a certain relief in his face as he was able to refresh his tongue with saliva. Though that relief wasn't accompanied by any thanks. I slapped his face hard.

"I think you meant to say thank you".

"Thank you sir for letting me pull in my tongue" he responded quickly, the fear more obvious that the pain in his voice.

"OK, now take your right hand and put it on your ass like you left hand is, so that the tips of your fingers are in your smelly crack".

"Yes sir, thank you sir" he quickly responded, somewhat sycophantically. I ignored the boy and walked behind him instead. I looped the rope around his left wrist and knotted it, and then around the right wrist too, tying them together. There was quite a bit of slack between the two hands (there needed to be if the fingers were staying inside his crack), but I made sure when I looped the rope around the wrists that I pulled it tight. Partly so it hurt a little, and partly because this was probably his first time he'd had his hands tied together, and tightness would enhance the fear.

I moved back in front of the bitch.

"OK. I've got here your three clean pairs of boxers. Pair one, pair two and pair three". As I said this, I held each pair up. "Which is your favourite?".

He thought for a few seconds, then responded "the blue pair".

"OK". I dropped the blue pair on the floor in front of him and threw the other two pairs to the side of the room. "Step inside these".

He stepped forward, closing his legs a little, and inserted his feet into the leg holes in the boxers. I crouched down in front of him, giving his balls a couple of firm flicks as I did, and then pulled the boxers up to his waist. They were rather stretched once in place, partly because at the front his dick had become fully hard again - probably aided, a little at least, by the ball flicks I'd just delivered, the perverted queer - and partly because they had to accommodate both his hands at the rear, they being placed on his ass cheeks still, with his fingers placed tightly in his crack.

Once the boxers were in place I grabbed an old tin bathtub that I kept in the corner of the playroom and dragged it towards Fuck Boy. It was a metal oval shaped tub, about a metre in diameter, so that an adult could just about sit in it. Something like this might have been used in front of a fire in Victorian times, though these days it would be more likely used for washing a pet dog in the garden. Or for washing a pathetic fuck boy in the street, perhaps. I'd bought it at an antiques fair a few years earlier.

"Step in this" I ordered. Fuck boy complied.

"OK, if you need to piss, piss".

The Fuck Boy looked confused.

"I said piss". Still confusion.

I walked towards the flip chart the fuck up was still facing and wrote "disobeying simple orders, 25 faults". "Get it now?" I asked. "Fucking piss your pants, and thank me for the privilege, you ungrateful cunt".

"Sorry sir, I'm really sorry sir, thank you for letting me piss sir" he grovelled.

"Then do it".

His face grimaced as he focused his energies on pissing into his boxers. The confusion, or possibly a new bout of fear, had caused his erection to subside slightly, which probably helped. A dark circle began to appear in the front of his boxers as his semi-hard cock started to piss.

The wet patch grew as did the speed of his pissing, and soon most of the front of his boxers were the darker shade of blue, and then, the fabric now saturated, actual piss formed at the bottom of the shorts and started to run down his legs, making a clattering sound as it hit the metal tub below. Brilliant.

It was a long piss, which wasn't surprising, given how much of my piss he gulped down earlier. It's hard to tell exactly how much piss came out of his pathetic half hard sorry excuse of a dick, but his puddle covered most of the base of the tub, even though quite a bit of it had been soaked up by the boxers or was stuck to his legs.

I watched intently. His face showed concentration at first, and then embarrassment. He'd presumably not expected to be standing in front of me, half naked, finger up his own ass, pissing his own boxer shorts, while his sorry liquids clattered onto a metal tub below. Stupid cunt.

Once he was done I said "well?" He got the hint.

"Thank you sir".

"Thank you for what?"

"Thank you for letting me piss my pants".

"It's a pleasure". I walked behind him, grabbed the waistband of his boxers - they were still dry at the back - and yanked them down. They initially got caught on his still semi-hard cock, but a sharp pull and I got them down to his ankles. I then put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him down too, so that he was kneeling in his own piss puddle in the old-fashioned metal bathtub.

Then I drank some beer, removed my own trousers and shorts, and walked round in front of him, so his face was directly aligned to my junk. I was semi-hard myself - watching the pathetic fuck boy piss himself had been hot - so I positioned myself so my cock head, now pushing out of my foreskin, was just an inch or so from his mouth.

"Kiss my cock".

He leant forward and gave my dick a brief kiss".

"Now kiss it properly, so your tongue tickles my piss slit". He complied.

"Tell me more about your flatmate, what's his name?"

He looked up at me. "Mike sir".

I slapped his face hard. He flinched but didn't make a noise. "You keep your eyes on my cock. Now, does Mike know you are a filthy queer?"

"No sir".

"Does he know you lust after his cock?"

"No sir".

"Shall I send him a photo of you sucking my dick?"

"No sir, please sir, don't do that sir".

"Well, you'd better behave then, hadn't you? Because I've got your phone in the other room, and I'm guessing his mobile number is in there. And I know for a fact there's several photos of you naked on your phone already, because I put them there".

"Please sir, please - I'll behave sir".

"Good. Though let's hope you know how to give a good blowjob, because if it's not up to scratch, then I might just consider that bad behaviour, and then perhaps I'll send Mike an MPEG of you pissing yourself. Because you know everything that happens in this room is on camera, don't you?"

"Yes sir, I thought so sir".

"Right. Then you'd better be a good cocksucker. What was the name of the guy you sucked before?"

"Ben, sir".

"And is he the guy that sucked on your sorry excuse of a dick?"

"Yes sir".

"And does he know that, not only are you a filthy queer, you're also a pathetic fuck boy who likes drinking piss and having his balls flicked and his ass spanked?"

"No sir".

"Well then - perhaps I'll send him the pissing video too, if this blowjob isn't up to scratch. Right, you can start by begging".

Fuck boy looked up at me with yet another confused face. I slapped him again. "One, you sorry piece of shit, I told you to keep your eyes on my dick, and two, why aren't you begging to suck me off. One more fuck up and that video's going to everyone in your mobile's address book".

He quickly dropped his head and began begging. "Please sir, please, let me such your cock. I want to suck it, I need to suck it, your cock is the greatest cock ever, and I'd love to suck it right now". It was pathetic, but kind of cute too.

I lifted my cock and stepped forward, so my balls were now in front of his mouth. "Start with my balls. Bathe them with your tongue, but talk to them too, tell them how great they are".

He gave both my balls a cursory lick and then began the worshipping. "Oh, sir's balls, you are the greatest balls in all the world, I love you".

"More licking" I snapped. He began licking my ball sac all over. "More worshipping" I added. "Thank you for letting me lick you, you awesome balls" he declared between licks.

After a couple of minutes of this I pushed his head back and turned 180 degrees. "OK, now my ass hole. Get your tongue in there, and give it some worshipping".

There was a moment's hesitation. I could tell the boy had never rimmed another guy before, and that the idea of sticking his tongue in an asshole was a major turn off. But the thought of that piss tape going out to his friends and family was presumably at the centre of his mind, because within a few seconds his tongue was between my sweaty cheeks, and a few seconds later he'd found and entered my hole.

It's wasn't an especially good rim job, but thinking about what must be going through the fuck boy's mind as he licked ass for the first time was pleasurable in itself. While my ass was certainly sweaty, I'd not shit since my last shower so it would be basically clean. I wouldn't always be so generous, but - while I was certain this boy would have the taste of my shit in his mouth before he left my flat tomorrow - I intended to stick my commitment to not force him to eat excrement. Mainly because it would be more fun making him beg me for it.

"You are the best ass I have ever tasted" fuck boy said, in his final bit of asshole worshiping. Of course that wasn't really a compliment, this was almost certainly the first ass he'd ever tasted. I made a mental note to add that slip up onto the faults list.

I pushed his head back, span round. "OK, fuck boy, suck my dick".

It was a simple enough command, and he quickly complied. Well, he put his mouth over my cock head, moved forwards a couple of inches, and then back again. Gravity meant that my dick rubbed against his tongue, though he was making little other effort beyond the bobbing of his head back and forwards.

And as my dick grew to full length (the situation was turning me on, even if this pathetic cock sucking wasn't) less and less of it was getting sucked, percentages wise. Though as my dick fattened out more of it got to rub against his mouth, and he managed to keep his teeth out of the way. Presumably he'd learned that much when sucking this Ben queer. I thought about Ben some more, and wondered if he too was a fuck boy in waiting. Probably. While I thought about it some more, I let this fuck boy play for a couple of minutes, as he delivered what he presumably believed to be a blow job.

"OK, ok, that's enough" I said, pushing his head off my cock. "That, my boy, is one shit blow job. Really I should go text that piss video to everyone you know. But I'm going to do you a favour, two in fact. Tomorrow, I'll teach you how to give a proper blow job. But now, I'm really horny and I just want to cum, so you are going to open your mouth as wide as it will go, and take my full dick into your throat until I ejaculate, and then you'll swallow everything you get. You won't be able to breath much but that's fine, just don't pass out or make any silly noises. I'll do all the work".

"Yes sir" he said, sounding miserable, presumably because of his failure as a cocksucker, and not out of fear for the brutal face fuck that was incoming, because I doubt Ben had ever fucked his face this way. "Open wide then" I said.

He compiled, and I pushed my dick into his mouth, holding on to the back of his head. I quickly hit the back of his throat, which resisted like you'd expect with any deep throat virgin. But I kept pushing, the boy's gagging putting pressure onto my horny dick and giving me the pleasure the boy himself had failed to deliver. A few seconds later my cock head got through.

Once I was fully in I kept my dick inside the boy for twenty seconds. I could tell he was panicking as he desperately tried to breath, but to his credit he didn't try to push back or stand up. After twenty seconds I pulled out so only my cockhead was in his mouth. Though he only had a brief reprieve, because I was back in his throat within seconds.

Credit where it's due, it was a nice little face fuck. Though the credit should go to me, of course, because I did all the work. But the fuck boy provided a fairly decent hole, and while he gagged everytime I invaded his throat, I liked the gagging - it's the one thing an experienced cocksucker often fails to offer.

If I'm being honest I could have cum within a few minutes, but I chose to go for fifteen, keeping it pretty full on brutal throughout. This way the fuck boy would pay extra attention during his blow job lesson the next day, because he'd know that getting better cock sucking skills was more for his benefit than mine - I can get off either way.

But after fifteen minutes I sped up for a few thrusts and started cumming. There was a lot of spunk to be unloaded - this had been quite a horny day. I pushed in deep for the first three shots, then unleashed two more into his mouth so he could taste me, and then left one last one for his face. Then I was done. To be fair, given he'd never swallowed at the end of a blow job before, he took my cum in its entirety without even grimacing. Then again, he'd admitted to eating his own cum before (and I assumed he meant other than when I forced him to on his audition tape), so he was probably used to the taste. Nasty fucker.

"Now, lick me clean, but be careful here, a master's cock head is sensitive after cumming. Lick too hard, and I'll rub you dick head clean with wire wool". He got the message, and lightly licked the remaining cum off my dick.

"OK" I said after a couple of minutes licking, lifting up my dick out of the way again, "these guys just gave you lunch, and I think they need thanking".

Fuck boy quickly moved his tongue to my balls and started kissing and licking them, while saying things like "thank you sir's balls for the wonderful lunch you just provided me".

"OK, enough" I said, letting my cock drop. It slapped his face. "Open up, time for your after lunch drink". I quick pushed my cock back into his mouth and started to let out another river of piss. This time I didn't hold back, and there was no way he could keep up, so most of it spilled out of his mouth, down his torso, and into the metal tub below. But that was fine. I liked the splashing noise it made.

When I was done I told him to get the final drops out of my piss slit with his tongue. Then I put pressure on his head and pushed him downwards. "OK, fuck boy, get on your side, time for a little nap". I pushed him so that he was on his side in the fetal position, lying in about an inch of his own and my piss in the cold metal tub.

I reached down to his feet and pulled the now fully piss soaked boxers off his feet, and then knocked open his mouth and pushed as much of the boxers as would fit inside. I then wiped my hands clean in that bit of his hair not already soaked in piss. His cock was now fully hard again. I gave it three hard flicks, and three more on his balls.

Leaning by the wall, over where the bathtub usually lived, I had a sheet of wood big enough to cover the tub in its entirety. The old tub had some dents in its rim, so the lid wouldn't fit completely tightly, letting some air in, but it would be dark, confined and warm. And would soon stink of piss.

"OK, time for you to get some rest. When I get back, those boxers better still be in your mouth, and that finger up your ass, or everyone in Fuck Boy's address book will be getting a nice little video of his face being fucked, and then his balls will get a serious beating. Understand?"

Fuck boy nodded his head as well as he could in this position, and with that I placed the wooden lid on to the tub, locking the sorry cunt in place. "Sweet dreams" I said, before stamping my left foot on the lid hard, causing the tub to shake a little and the piss in side it to slosh around the fuck boy. One day I'd remember to get a night vision camera and to somehow install it in the piss tub. But for now I'd just have to imagine how his face looked as he lay there in his small, pissy prison.

Next: Chapter 5

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