Fuck a Fresher Week

By Jordan Tales

Published on Nov 11, 2018


Hey guys! I'd love to get your thoughts on the story below. You can get hold of me through my email, jordanstales@hotmail.com, or by messaging or following my Tumblr: jordanstales.tumblr.com.

All the usual warnings apply. This story will contain sex between males and will extend to include a few kinks and fetishes. If any of that offends you, or you shouldn't be reading about them because of your age, then you really should stop here.

If you're still there then please note that all of these events are fictitious and any resemblance to real life is entirely coincidental. All of the roles in this story are played by experienced actors over the age of 18 so, please, only try what you read about here if you know what you're getting yourself into.

Despite the urge to continue our kiss, I pulled back from Kyle's soft lips. His eyes fluttered open to reveal those beautiful baby blues. One of my hands slid back up over his body and I ran my fingers through his blond hair. He began to blush - cheeks glowing - but I continued to stare into his eyes. See, I knew exactly what kind of boy Kyle was. Everything we'd discussed today, every look he had shot me and every little blush of his cheeks told me everything I needed to know to get what I wanted from him. Kyle was the sort of boy that needed to feel attractive. No, it was more than that: Kyle needed to feel beautiful. He didn't have any real level of self-confidence and so he sought it from others - he needed the reassurance of the people around him in order to present himself as confident. Being alone at uni meant that, likely for the first time, he didn't have that and so, now, he was seeking that from me. If I gave him that - if I made him feel like I thought that he was truly beautiful - then he'd give me anything that I wanted. In practice, this meant that I needed to take moments like these: small chances to reassure him with how much I was into him and how much I wanted him. I'd need to start slowly and be gentle at first. If I'd guessed right, and I was pretty sure I had, this was Kyle's first time with another guy and me just jumping straight into fucking his throat and making him choke on my big dick was not going to help here. Obviously, eventually, I'd have him gagging like a cheap street whore but I needed to work him up to that stage. That is where the flattery would have to come in. "You're beautiful, you know," I said to him in a low voice as my hand played with his hair. He looked away, unable to maintain eye contact with me now that I'd said something that embarrassed him. It was the reaction that I'd expected but not one that I could allow. With a guiding hand, I turn him back towards me. "I'm serious," I said, repeating the low tones in the voice, "You're a beautiful boy." He smiled and I could see the pupils of his eyes start to shake. He was vulnerable and I had to act quickly and decisively. My hand on the back of his head, I pulled him in for another kiss. This time, I started as calmly as before but quickly became more aggressive with my technique. It was nothing too extreme - no biting or anything like that yet - but I made sure that my tongue was inside of his mouth, massaging his but never letting his enter mine. His breathing was also control by me: the kiss was paused or released only when I wanted to and, if he tried to pull away, the hand on the back of his head wouldn't allow him to do so. With the hand on his bum, I pulled him into me and I felt him stiffen as he came into contact with my hard cock for the first time. It was concealed beneath both my underwear and my jeans but he could still feel the heat from it pressing into his own smaller one. He'd let out a gasp of surprise when he first felt it throb against him but, through my kiss, I got him to relax again. It was time to push him further now and I took hold of his wrist. His hand was shaking as I moved it down my body. He knew what was happening and there was a small moment of resistance at first but that soon passed. Moments before his fingers made the first contact with the bulge in my jeans, I separated the kiss and was looking him right in the eyes as I forced his hand against my throbbing cock. "Oh..." he moaned out, "Oh fuck." He bit his lip and genuinely looked so sexy right there in that moment. He was unsure, it was etched all over his face, but he wanted it so badly at the same time. In his mind, he'd imagined this moment and I knew that he wouldn't have loved nothing more than to drop to his knees and take me into his mouth but he just didn't know how to get it from fantasy into reality. With my hand still around his wrist, I moved his hand up and down my bulge. To be honest, it wasn't particularly pleasurable for me - there were still two layers between my dick and his hand for goodness sake - but I made sure to groan out and tell him how good it felt. He needed that, needed to know that he was making me, a real man, feel good. That he, the inexperienced and nervous twink, was actually doing a good job at bringing pleasure to a man who knew that pleasure really was. You see, that little bit of confidence that I was giving him there would be enough - just enough to push him into making things happen. His voice was quiet when he spoke, as if he didn't quite trust it to hold out, "Please... can... can... I touch it?" I almost didn't hear him and, if I hadn't been looking at his lips, would probably not have made out what he had asked. Luckily, I had and I just nodded and moved his hand to the buckle of my belt. This was the first time I let go of his wrist - he needed to take this step on his own and it did lead to a moment of hesitation. Lust won out though and, in no time at me, the buckle was undone and he was unzipping my jeans. He didn't pull my dick out of my boxers straight away. Instead, he placed his hand against the fabric much in the same way that he had over the top of my jeans. This was deliberate and he spent a few moments just getting used to the new feeling against his skin: the heat was stronger and he could just about make out some of the textures of my cock in a way that he couldn't do before. He needed to do this and, as a result of the very clear pleasurable noises I was making, his confidence grew again and his hand slipped through the open fly of my underwear. He made the cutest little noises when his skin came into contact with my hard cock for the first time. There was a gasp, a moan and then little unusual pants and cries as if he was unsure as to what to do next. He'd gone as far as he could go on his own and I needed to take control back again if this was going to go any further. Placing my hand on his wrist again, and turning his face back towards me, I looked directly into his eyes as I started to force his hand up and down my throbbing uncut cock. It was my turn to bite my lip. My turn to pant and moan as he slid my foreskin up and down my shaft. I ensured that every little bit of pleasure was visible on my face, spurring him on and it didn't take long for him to start moving his hand on his own. Hell, he even surprised me by pulling my cock out of my boxers and into the air between as after I'd let go of his wrist again. I couldn't keep eye contact with him then. With my big dick out and finally visible, there was no way that I could force him to keep looking at me instead of looking at it. He gasped in surprise as he saw what his fingers had touched for the first time. They began to move in a different way - not just wanking my dick as they had been doing before but now starting to explore it. He pulled back my foreskin to look at the head of my dick, he moved his hand down to my balls and started to play with them. Now, this was something that brought very loud moans from me, almost involuntarily, as I love having my balls played with or, even better, having them licked and sucked. Although I hadn't intended to reveal that to Kyle just yet, I made sure that he knew how much pleasure I took from his fingers on my balls. He had another internal dilemma going on. He wanted to get a closer look and I knew for definite there and then that he was a virgin; mine was the first hard cock he'd ever seen, other than his own of course. He wanted to get on his knees and explore every bit of it but he didn't want to see too keen. The indecision danced across his face and, again, it came time for me to nudge him in the right direction. All it took was a gentle hand on the top of his head. That little signal, urging him down, gave him permission to give in to his desire and he fell to his knees in front of me. Both my hands went behind my back at this point: the urge to grab hold of his head and just force my dick all the way down his throat and gag him until he was hitting against my hips in an effort to get him to release him was so hard to resist. I knew that if I gave in and let that animalistic side of me take control now that it would all be over. I had to keep a tight control of myself and that was so difficult. Just looking down at this cute, innocent little twink on his knees in front of me, playing with my dick, made everything so fucking hard. Each glide of his fingers over my throbbing cock, each pull of my foreskin, each wide-eyed look upon his face made me just want to fuck his face until he couldn't take anymore. I'm not ashamed to say that I literally had to dig my fingernails into my arm to stop myself from taking control and using him like the dirty little slut I was going to turn him into. My restraint paid off through. Through his own explorations and with his own growing confidence, Kyle leaned forward towards my cock - his face coming closer than it had before, and his lips parted. I groaned loudly and my cock throbbing, definitely spurting precum out, as I felt his mouth close around the head of my dick for the first time.

Thank you so much for reading the third chapter of my story. I hope that you enjoyed it and that it entertained or excited you. I'm hoping to write a lot more and I'd love to hear from you as to what you thought and any suggestions you might have for further chapters. Remember, you can email me at jordanstales@hotmail.com or visit the Tumblr at jordanstales.tumblr.com

Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty and help keep this site open so little twinks like me can keep writing all these sexy stories for you.

Next: Chapter 4

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