Fuck a Fresher Week

By Jordan Tales

Published on Nov 4, 2018


Hey guys! I'd love to get your thoughts on the story below. You can get hold of me through my email, jordanstales@hotmail.com, or by messaging or following my Tumblr: jordanstales.tumblr.com.

All the usual warnings apply. This story will contain sex between males and will extend to include a few kinks and fetishes. If any of that offends you, or you shouldn't be reading about them because of your age, then you really should stop here.

If you're still there then please note that all of these events are fictitious and any resemblance to real life is entirely coincidental. All of the roles in this story are played by experienced actors over the age of 18 so, please, only try what you read about here if you know what you're getting yourself into.

The time had come for the competition to start: it was the Sunday before 'Fresher's Week' and today was the day that the vast majority of the new uni students would be arriving and settling into halls. They would be excited, nervous and looking for reassurance - particularly those little innocent gay virgin boys about to get their first taste of freedom. I'd volunteered at the Student Union. Through my research, I'd found out that they were running a programme for more experienced second and third year students to help the new crop of Freshers find their rooms, settle in and find their way around campus. Of course, being the entirely selfless person that I am, I volunteered to help out. The fact that I'd be getting a jump start on the other guys in the competition was just an added bonus. I remember how I'd felt when I turned up for the first time two years ago. I was a far cry away from the confident sexually liberated guy I am now; I was nervous just being around attractive guys nevermind actually doing anything with them. I'd have never approached a guy I fancied - I just wouldn't have been able to bring myself to do it! Life has changed me a lot in the last two years and, here I am, getting ready to seduce as many boys as possible in the next seven days and make them do as much hot and kinky stuff as I can. What's more, I need to photograph or film it all, even if they didn't want me to. Just the idea of what was coming was starting to make me chub up in my joggers as I left my room and heading down to the Student Union. The uni has been pretty quiet over the summer but now it was a hub of activity - everywhere you looked, there were families bringing their teens up and moving them into their new accommodations. I made sure to smile at every cute lad I saw and, I'll be honest, there were a lot of them: I clocked at least 20 pieces of fresh meat that I'd fuck the hell out of before I even arrived at the Student Union bar. After I'd signed in, the woman organising the programme came over to me and started to try and pair me up with some of the new Freshers who had just arrived. Unfortunately for me, the majority of the arrivals at that time were girls and I ended up wasting around two hours just helping out a bunch of girls into their student accommodation. Moving as quickly as I could, I saw to at least 8 different girls before I, finally, decided to take matters into my own hands. As I came down to the Student Union bar once again, I noticed a very nervous looking boy just hanging around outside the door, as if he couldn't quite bring himself to go inside. He was relatively short for an eighteen-year-old, standing at what I reckoned was around 5ft4 but everything was in proportion to his small frame. He had blond hair which looked as if it had been recently cut into the short style he was now sporting. As luck would have it, this pale-skinned little twink was exactly what I'd been looking for - from his cute appearance to the fact that he gave off this shy and nervous energy. This boy was my prey and I was going to make sure that I got what I wanted from him. Of course, that's not how I approached him. I played it cool at first, just walking passed him as if I was going to go through the doors and into the bar but, just as I reached the doors, I turned back. He'd been looking at me and quickly glanced away as I spun around to face him. His cheeks began to fill and I could tell that he was caught between wanting to look back at me but being too scared to. I hadn't even spoken to him and I already had him blushing - this was going to be too easy. "Hey," I said to him in a low yet soft voice. I hoped to disarm him as I moved towards him. "Are you ok?" "Erm... I... yeah, I'm alright." His voice was quiet and a little shaky. For a moment, I wondered if this has been the vibe I'd been giving out when I first started. If it was then it completely made sense that I became a quick and early target for those looking to fuck some little virgin boy. "You're a Fresher, right?" I asked, making sure to smile at him. "Err... yeah." "That's cool. I'm Alex," I held out my hand towards him, "I'm helping new guys get settled." He reached out slowly and placed his hand in mine. His grip was soft so I made sure to strengthen mine and firmly shake his hand: might as well let him know that I'm in charge from the outset. His palms were sweaty but, to the truthful with you, I kind of liked that - knowing that I was making him more nervous than he already was. I could tell just from looking at him that this cute little twink was lusting after me and I was definitely going to just encourage it even more. "So, do you need any help?" I asked, still holding onto his hand and ensuring that skin-to-skin contact just a little longer than would be normal between two straight guys. "No..." he blurted out all too quickly and then, after a moment, corrected himself, "Well... yeah I guess I do. I don't really know what I'm supposed to be doing." I laughed softly and that caused a small smile to break out on his face. "Are you on your own or do you have family up with you?" "It's just me," he explained as he moved to pick up his cases. I jumped in: "It's ok, I'll get those." I made sure to take hold of both of his bags so that he wasn't carrying anything: let's plant that seed that I'm strong and in control and see where it leads us. We talked as I showed him around the Campus. I'd deliberately taken the long way around to his dorm room so that I could get to know him as well as possible. Based on everything I'd seen so far, I didn't think it was going to take much to tip this boy over into doing whatever I wanted him to do. Whilst we talked, I learnt that his name was Kyle and he'd moved up to Leeds from Sheffield. It wasn't a big move but he wanted to be away from his family. I probed him a little further on that but he clammed up a bit then and I wasn't about to put him off by trying to force the issue. Still, he was coming more comfortable with me and relaxing into this new friendship that was forming: no longer was he stumbling over his words or blushing quite so much. In fact, as we walked, I kept catching him looking at me through sideways glances and checking out my body. There was no doubt in my mind that this little twink was a gay boy just waiting to be opened up and shown the amazing world of man on man sex. Eventually, I showed him to his dorm room. His other roommates hadn't arrived yet so that gave me the perfect excuse to stay a little longer. After all, we didn't want him to be all on his lonesome now, did we? He started to unpack some of his stuff and I gave him a hand, making sure to create as many opportunities for physical contact between us as I could: touching his hands as he passed me something; taking hold of his waist as I moved passed him and I even patted his sweet little arse a couple of times too. He had definitely noticed and had made a few little noises as I manhandled him. Turning him on was proving to be all too easy but taking things any further was a bit of a stumbling block for me. There didn't seem to be any natural way of easing into more or tempting him to make the sort of clumsy moves that little virgin twinks make when they just can't resist their urges anymore. I knew that I was going to have to force it. As I was putting away some of his toiletries in the en-suite bathroom (that he had clearly paid extra for), I made sure to 'slip' and turn the shower on. Water splashed all over my t-shirt and I made sure to leave enough time before I turned it off that my top became soaked. "Oh no!" Kyle exclaimed, "Are you alright?" I laughed, deliberately loudly, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's only water." I could see him looking at me more closely, his eyes drawn to the wettest patches on my shirt where it stuck tighter to my body. I made a big show of reaching for the hemline of my top and slowly starting to draw it up. He looked as if he wanted to say something, maybe to stop me, but he didn't and, as soon as my abs became visible, the stirring in his pants was very noticeable. I pulled it up further, letting him drink in every inch of my torso and I said a silent thank you to Jacob for encouraging me to spend all that time in the gym. It wasn't long before my top was laying discarded on the floor. Kyle was just staring at me - his mouth flapping as if he desperately wanted to say something but just couldn't find the words. I look a stop towards him. His eyes widened but he didn't pull back. I took another. Now close enough that he could reach out and touch me, I noticed his fingers start to move. He wanted to, I could tell, but he just wasn't confident enough. I didn't matter though - I was more than confident enough for the both of us. I reached out and took hold of his wrist. He squeaked out something, as if surprised or protesting but he didn't pull away and once I placed his fingers on my abs, he let out a soft moan. With my second hand, I reached for his chin and lifted it up so that he had to look directly into my eyes. There was such turmoil going on under his baby-blues: he wanted this so badly but he was scared, probably because it was new, maybe because he didn't want to embarrass himself and do something wrong. He didn't need to worry though: I was in complete control and all he had to do was give himself to me. Luckily, I knew just the way to make that happen. Slowly, I leaned in towards him. Instinctively, he closed his eyes and our lips met in a soft kiss. That was all it took and I felt the last of his uncertainty melt away - this cute little twink was all mine and I was going to make the most of it. The gentle touch of our lips soon because a much more passionate and stronger kiss - I pushed my tongue against his lips and there wasn't a shred of resistance as it entered his mouth. Instead, he sucked on my tongue as if he'd been hungering for this. In fairness, he probably had. He'd probably spent years craving exactly this. Maybe he'd even fantasised about this exact thing happening on his first day of uni - I know I had before I started. His top didn't last long and soon it was on the floor next to mine. Our lips barely separated to allow it to pass and my hands were quickly roaming all over his body. I couldn't see it but it felt as if he'd started to gain a little definition but he was still that skinny little twink type that I loved to fuck rather than any sort of muscle boy. I placed one hand on the back of his head, keeping him in the kiss, and let the other fall his to cute little arse. I cupped his little bum cheeks as we kissed. It was firm and tight - I knew that I was going to enjoy being the first dick inside it and, what's more, I knew that Kyle was going to let me be.

Thank you so much for reading the second chapter of my story. I hope that you enjoyed it and that it entertained or excited you. I'm hoping to write a lot more and I'd love to hear from you as to what you thought and any suggestions you might have for further chapters. Remember, you can email me at jordanstales@hotmail.com or visit the Tumblr at jordanstales.tumblr.com

Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty and help keep this site open so little twinks like me can keep writing all these sexy stories for you.

Next: Chapter 3

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