Fuck a Fresher Week

By Jordan Tales

Published on Oct 25, 2018


Hey guys! I'd love to get your thoughts on the story below. You can get hold of me through my email, jordanstales@hotmail.com, or by messaging or following my Tumblr: jordanstales.tumblr.com.

All the usual warnings apply. This story will contain sex between males and will extend to include a few kinks and fetishes. If any of that offends you, or you shouldn't be reading about them because of your age, then you really should stop here.

If you're still there then please note that all of these events are fictitious and any resemblance to real life is entirely coincidental. All of the roles in this story are played by experienced actors over the age of 18 so, please, only try what you read about here if you know what you're getting yourself into.

"So, how are we going to do this?" I offered the question out there to my three friends, all of whom had gathered in my room. "I don't know," Jacob was the first to reply. He's been my friend for a number of years: all the way through high school until now, our final year at University together. We've always been friends but, since both of us came out as gay when we were sixteen, we've grown a lot closer and I would genuinely consider him as my brother. He's a good-looking guy and has a bit of a way with the lads - his dark hair and piercing blue eyes seem to win him a lot of attention. It doesn't help that he's a bit of a gym bunny as well: he's not particularly buff as he doesn't do much with regards to weights but always spends a lot of time on cardio to keep his figure really trim and well-defined. I think he's probably my biggest competition. "We could just go on the sheer number of lads you manage to get?" That was Ryan's suggestion and it wasn't surprising that it was coming from him. He's been a bit of a man-whore since I met him way back in my own Freshers' Week. I'd say that I don't know how he managed to get through the volume of guys that he does but I've seen him naked and know exactly why it happens. He's not that great-looking (in fact, the rest of us in the group of four are probably more classically attractive) but he is hung like a horse. I'm not slough in the trouser department but Ryan has more than enough and he's not afraid to get it out as often as he can. He definitely draws in the majority of the size-queens. "Pfft! No way - you've had more in the last three years than the rest of us have put together," I told him. He wasn't embarrassed - quite the opposite. "Yeah, but we are all going to be trying for as much as possible during this week." The last voice belonged to David: he'd only been part of our friendship circle for the last year but he'd fitted straight in and it felt like I'd known him forever. Out of all of us, he was your typical muscle-man. He was both the tallest and broadest and his entire body reflected that a significant number of man-hours had been pumped into the weights at the gym. I'm not ashamed to say that I think he's hot as fuck but I know that he doesn't always get a lot of attention from other guys. If I'm being honest, I reckon that's because he looks quite intimating and lads probably don't want to risk approaching him. Then, finishing up our little group is me: Alex. Like the others, I'm 20 and in my last year at the University of Leeds in the North of England. I'm around 6ft and, like Jacob, have spent a fair bit of time working out at the gym to give myself a nice trim frame; I've got a good level of development whilst still maintaining that overall twink look. My hair is red - not that bright carrot-like ginger you sometimes see but a deeper auburn colour. I find that guys fall into two camps: they either love it and go crazy when I show them my fiery pubes or they don't think 'gingers' are cute. Green is the colour of my eyes and I'm told that they are one of my best features. Well those and my 7.5-inch thick uncut cock, which always helps. You see, there's a bit of a tradition around here. Every university has 'Freshers' Week' during which all the new students come to experience uni life for the first time and the student unions put on a number of different events for them to help them settle in and make new friends. In Leeds, that can be quite a busy time as there are three different universities within the city and several more within 15 miles. For many of the fresh-faced 18-year olds, 'Freshers' Week' marks the first time that they've been away from home and it can lead some to be a little bit... wilder than they would normally be. This can be especially true for young gay lads who, for some, stretch their wings for the very first time. Two years ago, I was one of those innocent 18-year-old gay boys. I hadn't so much as kissed another boy before starting at Leeds Uni but, after a couple of nights in the Leeds Gay Scene, I found that I was pulling a lot of attention from a lot of guys. It wasn't that I was especially good-looking, although I'm sure the fact I'm pretty decent helped. No, it turns out that during 'Freshers' Week', there are whole groups of guys across Leeds who make it their aim to help the young students explore their sexual sides: they call it 'Fuck-a-Fresher Week'. This is particularly true amongst the gay scene and I found myself as the target for a number of guys during my first week here. I also found my way into the majority of their beds but that's a set of entirely different stories. Last year, at the beginning of our second year of uni, Jacob and I had taken part in this long-held tradition and each opened up a new virgin to the pleasures that gay sex can bring. This year, and with a larger group of us, we had decided to make it more interesting. "Look guys, if we are going to do this competition, we have to had clear rules. Why not have some kind of points-based system?" All the guys looked at me, sly smiles creeping across their faces. We had to keep this fair: we'd each put in £250, from our student loans, into a kitty and the winner of the competition was going to take the lot. "Great idea!" Jacob said as he stood up and walked over to the whiteboard hanging on my bedroom wall. He started to scribble down some ideas: "Let's say that every new lad counts for 50 points." "Ok," David offered, "But if he's a virgin then that counts for double." "Agreed," Jacob replied, noting it down on the board. "What if he's a lad that one of us has already slept with?" I asked Ryan answered: "The first one of us to fuck a lad gets the normal amount of points but, for everyone, he's then worth half points. What's a blowjob worth?" We debated for a little while about the value of getting your dick sucked but eventually settled on it being 20 points. We spent the better part of an hour hashing out the point structure. We added bonuses for things like getting the lad to engage in a particular fetish or having sex in a public place. However, a flaw in the plan became clear: "So, how do we actually know that you've done all the things you're claiming points for?" That stumped us all for a bit until Jacob's eyes lit up and he laughed: "For everything you want to claim points for, you need to provide photographic evidence." "Wait, what if the lad doesn't want to get photographed?" David asked. "Well, you just have to convince him," Ryan replied, "That or take the pictures without him knowing. Tell me, is there a bonus for videos?" I laughed - typical Ryan: "No mate - pics or vids, it's all the same." After a further hour spent finalising all of the rules and regulations for our 'Fuck-a-Fresher' tournament, we went our separate ways. 'Freshers' Week' officially started on Monday morning, two days away, but I was going to try and do a bit of planning and get to know what the different events were to try and give myself a leg-up over the others. Jacob was the one who particularly worried me. He didn't always 'pull' guys when we went out but he always got attention and, once he'd decided he wanted someone, he always ended up getting his way. I got a little lost in my planning and, in between searching online for details about the different events, I begun to absentmindedly play with my dick. It had started as just adjusting it as it began to harden in response to me thinking about some of the sex I was going to be getting over the next week but I just didn't let go. I started to paw at my cock through my joggers and it wasn't long before I had a full boner straining against the material and just begging to be let out and played with. I resisted for a little bit - I wanted to cement what I was doing on Monday to have the best chance of meeting up with as many Fresher boys as possible - but that didn't last long. I loaded up Tumblr and started to browse through some of the guys on there that I followed. There were numerous updates: some of sexy straight guys who had been baited by guys pretending to be girls; some images and short vids related to some of the more fetish-based tumblrs I follow and some good old-fashioned quality twink-pounding clips. With my head full of the thought of the new crop of fresh 18-year-old students coming on Monday, I obviously went for the twink-pounding porn and the noise of sex filled my room. I hate silent video clips: if the bottom is moaning (and he should be) I want to hear it. If he's begging for more dick (as all good bottoms should) then that turns me on even more so why the fuck would I ever want to watch silent, or even quiet, porn? Teasing myself for a little longer, I played with my dick through my joggers but I couldn't stop myself from pulling it out. I love my cock: it's completely straight with a slight upwards curve that really works when I'm pounding the hell out of some lad - smashes into his prostate every fucking time. I've just the right amount of foreskin too; it's not too tight but equally I don't have far more than I could ever need. I started to work it over the head of my cock, each stroke causing precum to build on the tip. I've always generated a lot of precum and I shoot a heavy load too. I love it but I've had some lads who have really struggled to swallow my spunk because of how much there is. I was getting really into the porn on my laptop - some little twink with brown hair was getting slammed doggy style from a stud of a guy a few years older than him. He was pulling he hair, forcing him to raise up his little arse, spanking him as he fucked him - all the best things to do with a slutty bottom. I closed my eyes as I worked over my dick, imagining that the sounds that I could hear filling my room were actually coming from one of the little twinks I was going to fuck the hell out of next week. It didn't take long for me to start feeling my balls tightening and my shaft throbbing more. I was going to shoot - there was no holding it back. A few moments later, I coated my abs in a shower of cum, most of the volleys firing up into the air before landing back down on my skin. I wasn't quiet and I'm sure that my housemates probably heard me moaning but, in the moment, I really didn't give a shit. I lay there in the post-orgasmic glow. I was so relaxed that I drifted off to sleep whilst imagining all the sexy boys I was going to dump my huge load into next week and then what I'd do with the £1000 when I won.

Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of my story. I hope that you enjoyed it and that it entertained or excited you. I'm hoping to write a lot more and I'd love to hear from you as to what you thought and any suggestions you might have for further chapters. Remember, you can email me at jordanstales@hotmail.com or visit the Tumblr at jordanstales.tumblr.com

Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty and help keep this site open so little twinks like me can keep writing all these sexy stories for you.

Next: Chapter 2

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