Frustrating Handjob

By christopher kelly

Published on Oct 21, 2000


First of all, if your under age or u are not interested in man to man contact then I strongly urge u to leave. However if you are not, and enjoy the idea of to guys going at it then stay tuned and get ready for the show!

Well, I have to say that I was so astonished and baffled at all the good responses and requests for a continuation for my first story that I had ended up having to do one! Please enjoy! And again, theres nothing better than waking up and checking ur email and finding out that u have like 20! So my email is , feedback, what u thought, critiscm, what u didn't like, what u did like or just to even drop me a line is all greatly appreciated!

Frustrating Handjob-2

I still couldn't believe what exactly was happening. I had another look up, while keeping the slow and constant stroking of Ian's drooling cock. And again, I still found it hard to believe. Why couldn't I just accept it? I had what everyone on campus, and probably the whole world (if they had a glimpse of him) wanted. Just looking at him, I fell lost within the misty abyss once again. His eyelashes were all fluttery. His eyes almost twitching now. His mouth just wide open. Not really like he was trying to deliberately say anything, but kind of just opened slightly, like in an oval shape. But every time he did try to say something, my stroking caught up to him. It was actually quite hilarious to watch. To watch him try and figure out how to put words together again. And u could tell that he did try, he tried very hard, tried to tell me to finish him of, but nothing resembling the English language really came out.


But despite the fact that he sounded like a Neanderthal, I still found my self smirking....Jesus christ just how cute could a guy get??? He was literally out of breath by this point. My torturous stroking now turning into more of a slow, but lasting fist. It was so beautiful. My hand slid down, down his slimey shaft with such ease. Like sliding ur hands up and down a big wet pole smuthered in Babyoil. It was just so erotic and the boys cock was so unbelievably hard. I don't think I had ever seen a cock at that state. Even if I had let go of his cock, it was throbbing so hard that it would of eventually gotten him off without touching.

I was now making extremely long lasting strokes. Up the shaft completely to the head, and from the head all the way down to his nuts. Everytime my finger tips brushed passed his gigantic cap, his body would shudder. The only thing I could really hear was a faint wimper, and then I would go on with my ritual. I had his hands tightly in my left palm. With every full cycle I made, his fingers gripped tighter to mine. It was unbearable. He was squeezing my fingers so hard at this point I had to stop.

I couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't take just touching this piece of raw flesh, I had to taste it. And so I pulled his sweat soaked pants down, carefully praising those tight thighs and then down to his ankles. The perfect amount of hair too! Not smooth, yet there was defnetly a light covering of hair. He tried to get up again in an attempt to end this madness, but he simply could not. It was not within his power to get up, and although I knew of how much he wanted this madness to end, how much he wanted to feel the explosion within, it seemed as though a part of him wanted it to last longer! A part of him loved this new sensation, this new feeling of utter helplessness.

I brought my face up to his 7 inch piece of meat, aching, almost begging to be fucked , sucked silly.. I sniffed it carefully, it smelled of sex. Slowly, I stuck the tip of my tongue out and met his pleading piss slit capturing a strand of thick, white precum. It was so sexy. I looked up at him again, looked up at that innocent face, and what I saw was not the confident ian that I once knew, but a whimpering boy. His eyes locked within mine, his mouth just wide open. He managed to get out a few words for a second but then they were gone

"Ch-chris, god puh lease, ju-juustt, do it man...awwww ..any-awww...thin...I'll duh-do...ju-ust do it.."

I took his cock in my hand and smeared it all over my face. I kissed it, rubbing his glistening precum all over my face, smearing it across my lips. I felt his whole body begin to shudder again, he simply could not take it. I brought my face away again, just looking at the poor organ pulsate, throb. Bringing my lips up to it, I teased , I licked, slurped, drooled all over it, then bringing it away again. Throwing back his head and arching his back, I watched as he helplessly started to thrust his hips, trying to get incontact with anything, ANYThing that would of caused atleast some friction, but it wasn't enough.. He tried to speak again but this time, in complete jibrish. The boy was reduced to a babbling idiot. He was so horny. So desperate to cum. ""

thrust upon thrust, convultions upon convultions, I watchted as the helpless boy tried to bringhim self off. I started to now casually bob up and down on his cock everyonce in a while, while fondling his balls with my fingers. It was getting extremely messy, I payed no attention to getting it right anymore. All he could do was watch as I clumsily tried to take in his cock just with my mouth, sometimes missing causing his tool, letting it bang and bouce around. My face, literally covered in the salty mixture of cum from all the missing and senseless bobbing. I started to lick, just licking, not sucking, not engulfing but just licking, almost like a lollipop. Just his head. It was purple, and twice its normal size to I might add. This really started to get to him. His chest pumping up and down, sweat pouring down his forehead. His once fluffy hair now soaked

He had his eyes squenched shut and was opening and closing his hands, where they were restrained behind his back, and his mouth was working, showing me his clenched teeth. "Jesus!" he almost screamed!

He rolled his head from side to side. He had a look of despair on his face and was obviously in agony.

"Li-listen Ch-chris...Im-..awwww ....chris..fucking christ...n-not playing anymore...I th-think if u d-don't let . cu-cum..something really b-bad is gonna happen to me..i think im go-naaa die or s-somethin."

And with that I laughed..awwww how cute is that? Even at the state he was in, he could still make me melt, god the boy was just Sooo damn adorable. I wanted to help him! I did! I wanted to end it right there but I knew that for the sake of him, I had to keep going, I mean I was not going to deny him of cumming, eventually I was planning to bring him off, but hell, this was WAYYY to much fun!

Continuing my constant stroking, licking and sucking, I started to pay more attention to what he was doing in order to figure out what he liked best. Ahhhhhh, something had caught my eye! It seemed that everytime I licked up and down his shaft I involuntary started to play with his beautiful nipples at the same time. This really got to him! Everytime I squeezed his nipples while slurping up his cock, his eyes were locked so tightly they seemed to vanish! So I payed a bit more attention to them. With that, I took my invitation and worked my way up his body. Slowly pulling up his white cotton t-shirt (which was more grey at that point cause of all the sweat) I kissed and fingered up his solid six pack. MMMM it was so yummy! Perfect trail, leading up to his man tits. Taking in each one, I slowly licked and twirled my tongue around them, jacking his cock everyonce in a while ofcourse. I began to alteranate, Bringing my head up to his nipples, licking them, biting them then slowly working my way down to his Convulsing member. My body was now up against his, and I gazed into those big beautiful eyes. I started to nibble on his nipples again, he was having a hard time focusing. I gave him a couple of minutes to regain his composure, while his chest leaped wildly up and down and his eyes went in and out of focus. Then I asked the deadly question.

"Hey Ian, how ticklish are you?"

The moment Ian heard the word "ticklish" his face turned the color of snow and his eyes glazed over in fear. Over the years I had seen many expressions on his face, but on that day I saw a new one: absolute panic. "No, no, oh, no. I outgrew that years ago." The words were tumbling out of his mouth. "c-coomon..can't u j-just finish me off?"

And with that, I moved up under his armpits, inhaling his man odor and immedietly started to lick at them. God you should of seen the response I got! U thought he was a babbling moron before? Well this had absolutely sent him of to la la land.

"ooh-..comon..ha ha..-hehe-ha..hey! puh-pleaese! Aww..god..aww please..a hahah..HA-HA HAH..sto-haha-stop!!!!"

He was now hysterical, and I wasn't even tickling him at the moment. He was jumping and bucking under me and jerking at his restrainted hands and banging his head up and down .I reached up and started drawing small circles on the spots where his biceps merged into his armpits. His mouth enlarged to roughly the size of Kansas but I brought him down to earth when I started sucking his big cock again...

"please..please" he stammered, completely worn out from the laughing. "" and he looked at me with the biggest puppy dog eyes I had ever seen. IT was quite amazing because he actually started to cry. Not really dramatically but tears welled up in his eyes. I knew I had pushed him to his limits and then some, I knew it was time. I took his cock and smeared it over my scruffy face again, and took one last lick. I got off of the ground and off of my knees and did something I had never really thought of. Looking Ian right in the eyes, I kissed him, probbing his mouth, exploring it with my tongue. I don't know if it was because he was to weak or not but he did not try and fight and get away, he just layed there kissing me back, tasting his own cum. Again, gazing right into my eyes stammering the words."please...just please"

Bringing my hand down onto his cock, I started fisting, as fast and as hard as I possibly could. I could tell that he knew this time I was gonna bring him off and he watched as my fist pumped and glided up and down his slimy tool. Trying to meet my pumps with the thrusting of his hips, he just watched at what was about to happen, completely helpless to it.

"aww...ooh..ooh..hoohh..Awww..OOOH it cums..AWW GOD>.HERE IT CUMS!!!!!......AAAAAAAWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I swear to you it was the most powerful thing I had ever felt in my whole life. The stuff rocketed out of his piss slit and must of flew about two meters shooting over his head. Eight huge spurts of thick white cum hit the room, the carpet, his chest. Splatering everywhere! With the last few finishing strokes, I turned to him, not knowing what to expect. I was scared, was he going to beat me up? I let him catch his breath, let his breathing come back to normal, and let go of his hands that were still behind his back. Afraid to make eyecontact with him, I got off of him, and sat my self down on the floor, looking down taking in what exactly had happened. Gathering up all the courage I had, I slowly turned my head not knowing what kind of a face to expect. But the face I saw was a familiar one. There he was, Ian Bitton with that timeless smirk, still trying to regain his normal breathing pattern. He turned to me, gave me a pat on the head and said "thanks" and fell asleep on the couch...

Right, I know this ending is not very original, but lookeei at the time! For fucking thirty five in the mornin! Just decided to finish this one off ....tell me how u liked it then!

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