Frustrating Handjob

By christopher kelly

Published on Oct 18, 2000


First of all I have to say this stuff. So to those of you who do not particularly enjoy the art of male to male sexual contact (yumm), please do not proceed to read this. And ofcourse, if you are under age, I think in most places its under 14, then again I encourage you to please leave. Your innocent minds should not be corrupted by this material yet. Now whether or not it gets corrupted later is another issue, but you can sort that out yourself...

To those of you who are allowed, then Please enjoy!!! Hmm..lemme think, well not much to say, I don't write much but I figure I have all these great juicy ideas in my head, might aswell share a bit no? So I you have any comments at all, feedback, or just wanna drop me a line, please feel free to do so! My email is

Frustrating Handjob

"Hello" I say, "Back so early?" roomate Ian was never one to not take up a full night of partying and fun whenever he was able to. Ahhhh...Ian, how do I even get started with Ian. If you looked up the word perfect under the dictionary, there would honest to god probablly be a picture of him under it! He had your all american good looks, short cropped brown hair with a bit of highlighted blond in the front, to accent his cute and fluffy spikes, the most amazing smile that could literally shatter glass, a cross between a gymnasts and swimmers build and the tightest ass god ever created! Every girl wanted him, and all the guys wanted to be him (with the exception of some that wanted to screw him, me included). There was just this certain aura that was apparent in him. He was not only the cutest thing you had ever seen, but he was one of the nicest guys that you could ever meet. I still remember the couple of times he stopped in the middle of the street to help this granny carry her groceries back to her apartement. Awwww you all say, hell yeah! Made me melt to pieces yet was so sexy at the same time! So where was I? Right, extremely cute! A five foot-eight build, not to tall, yet not short either. I guess one word that basically could sum up his body would be tight...wooo..the boy was just sooo delcious in every aspect! But yes, ofcourse as always, there is a downside. He was straighter then a ruler! Ofcourse that didn't stop me from trying...but I guess I never really expected anything to happen, I mean after all, this was Ian! He was the stuff that fantasies were made off

So Ian gets back early from his supposed night of fun for the week. He was so cute, he even planned out his partying schedule. On Mondays it was the Gym, Tuesdays the Pool...Thursdays volunteer work and aah... yes... Fridays! Fridays were the nights he usually spent having fun and relaxing, usually with a date. Now yes I did say that he is as all american as they come, but comon, the boy does have to get his rocks off somehow. I mean after all, he is still a male. So Fridays were usually the nights I would spend on my bed, just wondering what he was doing and how his date tried to take advantage of him. Once again, yes you heard correctly, the boy was so desirable that the girls actually spent time figuring out how they could get him into bed. Even if he really didn't mind some sexual relief that particular night, he still always upheld his perfect image. Chivalry never died with Ian. Only if the lady insisted.

So here he comes in this one night. I first asked myself if I was seeing things, but then I look again. For the first time ever, Ian appeared to be drunk. Well not really drunk drunk but this was pretty bad for Ian. His face was kinda flushed, and although he still could keep his composure, I could tell something was different about him...something.......was not quite right. Now I certainly don't know whether or not this was another one of those attempts by a slut to try and get Ian into a one nighter but it was soo sexy to see him like that!

"Oh yeah, I told Kelly I had to leave because I had some homework to finish up....I don't think she was the right girl for me. Too much of a party animal" He replied calmly "Oh yeah? So what do you have planned for the rest of tonight then, I mean this is Fun Fridays!" I said jokingly

"Well not to much, I guess I'll just hang here with you for a while and then maybe hit the sack, I feel kind of off today"

"Ok then, why don't u get changed and we'll watch some tv"

It was like all of a sudden I saw this as an omen from god. It was like he was giving me my one chance to experience what all the girls giggled about when they looked at him. I knew I had to try something, this was as close to getting drunk as Ian would ever be! Not that im all that bad myself and I couldn't get another guy, average build, 5-9 165 pounds with short brown hair but of course, anyone next to Ian considerably reduced when it came to the appearance scale.

There I was, anxiously awaiting his return. All these thoughts of what I was going to do or try to do. Perhaps get him more drunk? No, he would go for it....Maybe just rape him?!?! Naaw, to after a few minutes of playing these little mind games with myself, I had decided that even if I couldn't screw him, I would atleast have some seeing how horny I could get him.

He returned. Dressed in a pair of grey sweat pants and the same t-shirt. He had taken of his socks and plopped down on the couch next to me. So I just sat there while he gazed at the tv. I looked at his eyes capturing every shine and sparkle from the screen. I looked at the way his arms were placed on each side of the handle and the way his legs were slightly spread in the most natural way. God this boy was soo incredibly sexy. The very fact that he hadn't done anything special to look this way was turning me on ever more! His hair was all fluffed up, kind of hat hair like and he even had a 5-oclock , well more like a 9 o'clock shadow going on seeing how he hadn't shaved for the day. I watched carefully as he squinted his eyes...locked to the screen and at how he would scratch his forehead. He was so cute! Just everything about him was so adorable! How his eyebrows curled when he tried to focus in, how his nose kind of squinted up when he got an itch..just everything about him was turning me on immensly! So knowing that I had to do something, I went in and tested the waters.

"So what did you and Kelly do Ian? (Or Just E, I called him E for short)"

"Nothin much, we had dinner, she was nice, but just not my type, she kept on wanting to go for more drinks, just not my thing really"

"So then you didn't get any action eh?"

He smirked a bit, trying not to let his emotions get the better of him.."Naah..not really, she just wasn't my type"

"Man E, its been how long since you've had anyone then? Seems like a while, eh, bud?"

"Yeah I guess....." and he kinda looked down..almost trying to hide something

Now by this point I knew I was on the right track. One thing I knew about Ian was that when he got embarassed or was in an uncomfortable situation, he would start to avoid making eye contact.

"So how long E? comon you can tell me, its ok, its been a while for me too"

"Well, I dunno, I guess about three weeks...yeah I guess it is starting to get to me"

The words nearly knocked me outta my couch! Was Ian Bitton actually starting to lose his composure? So ofcourse being the crazy sex hound that is me, I try to casually go more into the subject

"Whaddya mean E?"

"Well you know, I guess a little affection wouldn't hurt right now....i guess I do kind of miss being with someone"

And then he did something that I would not forget. In the most natural way, he just kind of stared at me, definetly long enough to make it awkward. Then immedietly his face shifted towards his crotch, and he just kind of stared at it too. It wasn't one of those focusing stares, but he just kind of looked at it, suddenly breathing a bit heavier. He closed his eyes and slowly tilted his head back, taking in the moment. At this point I knew what was going through his head...the boy was HORNY! And the sudden bulge that appeared in his sweats kinda varified my theory. IT was the most sensual and electrifying moment of my life. Just the air, it was filled with this feeling of pure horniness, coming from me and Ian. His crotch by this point was just slightly beginning to throb, very rhythmatic. Again, he lifted his head and just started to stare at the now increasingly hard bulge in his pants. The breathing by this point was pretty loud. It was all just so sexual, I ended up getting lost for a while, just in the whole sexual abyss. I had Ian Bitton, the most wanted guy on campus, horny as a bitch in heat right in front of me.

"Wow E, looks like u got some business you need taking care off?" and with that, I slowly placed my hand on his right thigh.OOOoooo it was so tight! Without replying, he turned around and just looked at me, and then his crotch again, almost hypnotizing me. My hand slowly crept up his left thigh, slowly taking in all the muscly goodness..all the defined lines and just all of IAN! My hand was now at the huge bulge in his sweats and I gently cupped it. Just placing my hand over it, not grabbing, not jacking, not moving, but letting its rhythmatic pulse take over. His head tilted again, he shut his eyes and let out a gentle moan. Now by this point the precum had already soaked the entire front portion of my briefs but hell, this was a once in a life time oppurtunity and I was not going to stop! I gently started to cup a bit harder, squeezing and taking in the moment as best I could. I noticed this caused his left hand to grip the handle very tightly, I could tell he was in overdrive! Gently I worked my way into him, both hands now, cupping, massaging and ever so sligthly holding his manhood as my other hand worked its way to his chest. He was a complete mess by this point, his breathing had gone of the scale entirely and his eyes were shut. All that really could be seen was his chin, because his head was so far tilted back and the deep gulping of his adams apple. I got off of the coach and knew what I had to do.

So there I was, kneeling in front of him, his legs spread, looking directly into those big beautiful eyes. He smiled, ooh that amazing smile! He looked right into me, almost right through me and gave me that famous smirk. His right hand slowly crept up my arm and onto my shoulder, now at my ear. He gently started to play with my hair, but at the same time, just looking right at me the whole time. The precum by this point was starting to show, there was this wet spot right in the center of the bulge. It was just so horny! I could smell the sexual tension! I could smell it...musty, erotic, combined with the faint draft of his aftershave, I was in heaven!

I now had both hands cupping his crotch, the throbbing was so strong by this point it caused both hands to pulsate. Moving my left hand off of his crotch, I took my right and now gently gripped his cock through the soaking sweats. I could see a perfect indentation of what was beneath. It was about 7 inches...very hard, and throbbing. I started to stroke now, through the fabric with one hand, my other hand slowly working its way up his chest. It was kinda hard to stroke through the fabric, but I soon found a nice rhytm almost matching his pulse. I was so busy and focused I had forgotten all about the rest of him. I looked up and there he was, just looking, not smiling, not moaning, but just looking at what I was doing. His eyes fixated on my continuous motion, his mouth slightly open. Time seemed to slow down..he didn't say anything, didn't tell me what to do, but he just kept on staring and this was driving me Crazy ! It was like I wanted to break the rhytm, I wanted to rip of my clothes and rip of his, and just go at it letting that pure animalistic urge inside me take over,but I was frozen, its like I was hypnotized. My hands continued going at the insanely slow pace.

After about five minutes this, it finally happened. Ian had lost it. He was at this point where he was so horny that he lost the ability to speak. All that came out were moans. Just moans and parts of words. I started to add a bit more variety too, I was really getting into it. Sometimes I quickened up a tad, causing a slight heavier breathing rhythm, then slowing down again. I started to ask him what he was feeling but all he managed to get out were the words.."Please...Please" with each upward and downwards stroke of my hand. I could definetly feel the churning of his balls now, they had gotten huge and I knew that he must have been dying to cum.

I now had his hands behind his back with my left hand and had pulled out his cock from his sweats. It was definetly easier with it out in the open. My hand glided over it. It was covered in precum, leaking from the engorged head and piss slit, so shiny by this point and soo wet. It almost looked icy, just so slippery and so glossy. It was now getting very difficult to go at a constant pace, which im sure added to poor Ian's frustrations. It was obvious that he wanted to cum. A few times he even tried to use his own to hands having forgotten I was holding them back behind his back, but he was in no condition to battle, he was so horny the energy had left him lost in the need to cum. By now he was a babblling idiot, yes, Ian Bitton...aka..MR> COMPOSURE had just lost it.. His motor skills were gone, he wasn't able to break free and all that came out were meaningless rambles. He tried to get up, off of the couch to finish the deed himself but his knees were so weak they gave out during his first attempt. He was sooo helpless...and I was loving it. The boy was lost in pure sexual frustration.

No talking, no words, just constant whispering...constant rambling "awww please....just...puh..aww...just please...pleasse...puh- puh-awww god,, please man"

who would of thought that getting the best handjob of your life would put u in such agony at the same time, but this boy was suffering. Im pretty sure that his dick was starting to hurt. The spasms were starting to get heavier now and more uncontrollable. Waves of sexual frustration swept through his helpess body. Ahhh..and as I looked up, all I saw was Ian, one of the most composed and dignified lads I had ever met, at my mercy....

To be continued.,...

Well there you have it, just one of the little fantasies that I have had...tell me what u think, im kinda tired to write and ending to this story but I guess I'll see how many people liked the story!

Next: Chapter 2

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