From Whence I Came

By Samuel Stefanik

Published on Nov 1, 2022


HI! Couple things. First Item, I'm going to try to post more often. You seem to like more frequent chapters and I like posting them. Win, Win.

Second Item, this chapter contains a session of sex. It's a long one. They don't happen very often in this story and when they do, there is a reason for them. If you're critical of these sessions, do me the favor of keeping that criticism to yourself. Thank you in advance!

I hope you enjoy this installment! Drop me a line if you want. I'd be happy to hear from you.

If you're younger than 18 or find these kinds of stories offensive, please close up now and have a great day! If you are of legal age and are interested, by all means keep going. I'll be glad to have you along for the journey. Please donate to Nifty. This is a great resource for great stories and a useful outlet to authors like me and readers like you.

Crown Vic to a Parallel World: From Whence I Came The second installment of the ongoing adventures of Church Philips


A Storm

Dinner was uneventful. Later in the evening, about a half hour before the sun should have set, the summer sky turned black like someone had switched off the light. It was darker than midnight, a velvet black with no stars. There was a storm coming. Skittish clouds billowed across the sky like smoke from a house fire, moving and swirling, jostling each other, combining, and splitting. The air was electric.

I took my after-dinner coffee to the sunroom to watch through the sets of sliding doors. I shut the lights off and eased myself into one of the white, wicker rocking chairs. I'd always treated the woven furniture gently. It was a habit leftover from the years I'd spent as a grossly overweight person. Weighing close to three-hundred-pounds had taught me to view furniture that wasn't made of wood with a certain amount of skepticism.

Joe came part-way into the room. He tracked my gaze to look where I looked, but he didn't understand why I was looking in that direction. "What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna watch the storm." I waved my coffee mug at the wall of doors.

Joe came the rest of the way into the room and sat on the wicker sofa that was between me and another rocker. "Why?" He asked when he'd settled.

"I haven't seen one in a while. Solum weather isn't like the weather here. It tends to be gentler. Thunderstorms are rare. End of the summer boomers, like I think we're about to have, are non-existent."

Silence fell between us in the darkened room. The wind picked up. It buffeted the old house and forced its way between the weather stripping of the sliding doors. Shrill whistles and the scent of rain announced its infiltration. Thunder rumbled menacingly in the distance.

"Is it better there?" Joe asked, his voice lowered in respect for the darkness. "Solum, I mean. Is it better than here?"

Distant lightning flashed. It lit the wind-tossed backyard. Shrubs quivered; the yard swing rattled its chains like a poltergeist. I shook my head even though neither of us were looking at the other. "Not better, just different, I guess. It's better for me because Shawn is there."

Time passed while Joe thought, and I watched the action building outside. An ear-splitting crash announced the storm's arrival. A lightning bolt lit the yard with pure, stark, white light. Rain fell in wind-blown torrents. It splashed the glass and matted down the grass and shrubs. Piercing little girl screams sounded from the family room where Mary had taken the twins for some quality time. Snatches of her cooing voice followed as she tried to soothe the primal fear that her children had for the violence of nature.

I sipped my coffee. Joe drummed his fingers on the arm of the wicker couch. The storm raged. It threw wind and water against the glass like it was doing its best to give us a good show. A stream of water from somewhere we couldn't see poured directly against the middle of the operable set of sliding doors. It breached the seal between the sliding part and the fixed glass and flowed onto the hardwood floor. Joe grumbled. "I forgot about that."

"What's the trouble?" I asked.

Joe pointed with his cane to a spot on the ceiling a few feet inside the door. "The gutter is loose. When it overfills, it sags and dumps its water against that door. It runs right in and soaks the floor. It's going to ruin the wood."

I imagined a panel of magic outside, angled to keep the water off the door. It solidified and needed only a little adjustment to get the water to flow as I wanted it to. I went to the kitchen for some towels. When I came back, Joe was standing by the door, staring at the water that was being diverted by something he couldn't see. I let him stare while I cleaned up the puddle on the floor.

"What is that?" He pointed outside when I stood from my chore.

"It's concentrated telekinetic power. I can solidify my magic. Remember the platforms I told you about and the box I put us in when we disagreed that time in the living room? Same thing."

The visual example of my magic seemed to unhinge Joe a bit. He shook his head and went back to his place on the wicker couch. I wrung the towels out in the sink and did a quick check on Shawn, Bem, and Andy who were watching a movie in the living room. I assured myself that everything was fine with them and went back to my rocker with another cup of coffee. By the time I sat down, the storm was blowing itself out.

As the rain tapered off, the loose gutter seemed to be able to handle its load. The water that had streamed over my telekinetic panel reduced from a torrent to a trickle. I released the magic. The water splashed against the glass door, but the lighter flow didn't breach the seal. Joe startled with the splash. He'd been staring at the diverted water and was surprised when it returned to its original course.

"You have magic power." He breathed.

"So do you." I reminded him.

Joe turned to me, his eyes wide and wild. "I have magic power." He said, his voice a nervous whisper.

"Are you freaking out?" I asked.

"Sort of, yes." He nodded like his neck was a rusty hinge.

I recommended we go to the dining room. Joe always seemed more comfortable in his position of respect at the head of the table. I sat to Joe's right and one seat down. I shoved my ass all the way back in the chair and leaned my upper body forward with my right elbow on the table and my right cheek resting in my right hand. My head was turned to face Joe. "Talk to me." I prompted my brother.

Joe sat back; the fingers of his right hand tapped his chin one after the other as he thought. "It's a lot to absorb. You have been back less than a week and, in that time, my whole world view has been turned on its head. I'm not afraid of the power, or of your power, but...I guess I feel like Alice in Wonderland or Dorothy in Oz. It's like the door to a new world has been opened and I'm not sure I want to step through."

The end of Joe's statement worried me. I didn't like hearing him talk about not being sure about stepping through to the new world. Despite Joe's constant disapproval of me and my lifestyle, I loved my brother. I hoped that if we all spent enough time together, he and me and Shawn, that Joe would grow to accept me, and us, for who we were. I knew that Joe loved me, and that he was coming to like Shawn and Bem. I hoped that would be a foundation to build on. I thought it would be harder for him to judge us for our lifestyle if we could all be friends.

I wanted to know if Joe was planning to come with us to Solum. I also knew that asking him would get me nowhere. He would only tell me when he was completely certain. Instead of making him angry about that, I decided to tease him. Joe would still get angry, but a little brotherly teasing would be fun for me, and hopefully would relax him with its familiarity. I baited Joe by attacking his masculinity. "I find it fascinating that both examples you chose are little girls. Is that how you see yourself? Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Joe bristled and pointed an angry finger at me. "You've got some nerve. I can be Charlie in Willy Wonka's factory then, smart guy!"

I was pleased by his reaction. Joe's exasperation was exactly the amusement I was seeking. I pressed the advantage he'd given me by allowing himself to get angry. "You want to be Charlie?" I asked and did my best to put a Bem-style leer on my face. "Hate to break it to you, but that one lends itself to even more disturbing images. You, as a young man, of legal age but inexperienced, a bunch of short, orange faced guys in striped pjs, a middle-aged guy, a river of chocolate..."

"That's it!" Joe heaved himself out of his chair. "I'm going to bed now. You can sit here and be creepy all alone." He headed for the stairs with all the speed his atrophied legs would allow.

"Good night, Joe." I called to his back.

Joe stopped walking, started, then stopped again. He turned to face me and looked me hard in the eye. "I want you to know...that...I am glad to have you back. It may not seem like it when I'm telling you how to live your life, but...I thought about it...last night and today. I'd rather have you here and gay than not have you. It's weird, all of us being back under this roof after so many years. Setting aside what Shawn did for me; I'm glad you came. I...uh...I missed you."

I didn't know what to do or say. Joe's words had surprised me and stirred my emotions. I thought I might cry. I swallowed hard to try to clear the lump that had formed in my throat. I managed to choke out, "I missed you to." I got up and closed the distance between Joe and me, only to find myself stopped by the four rubber feet of my brother's cane against my chest. He'd held it out to fend me off like it was a lion tamer's chair.

"No, no...don't come over here." Joe insisted and prodded my chest with his cane. "If you hug me, we'll have a moment, and everything will be awkward. Just stay there and pretend neither of us have emotions."

I jerked Joe's cane away from him with magic, hugged him low, and lifted him off the floor. He reacted instantly, and wildly. He beat on my shoulders with his fists and shouted. "PUT ME DOWN! PUT ME DOWN! I NEVER LIKED YOU!"

I spun Joe around, prompting cheers from the guys in the living room. After two turns, I had to set my brother down because I was laughing too hard to hold him. I laughed myself out and floated Joe's cane back to his hand. He snatched it from the magic and shook it in the air like a club. "One day, I'll get you." He threatened with evil menace in his voice.

I grinned at his anger. "At least we didn't have a moment."

"Yeah, thank God for small favors." Joe grumbled. He turned back to the stairs so I wouldn't see his face, but I heard his barely stifled laughter as he ascended.

I realized that Joe was headed to bed and that made me take notice of how late it was getting. I interrupted the living room movie watchers. "Alright guys, I think it's time for bed."

Shawn got up and headed for the stairs. Bem stood, stretched his arms over his head, and poked Andy's shoulder. "Give me a hand with this thing, please." He said to indicate the sofa-bed.

I stopped Andy and Bem before they started to roll the couch open. "You can leave that alone tonight, Andy. Bem is going to bunk in with us."

"Really?" Bem lit up like a bursting firework of enthusiasm. "Wait," he seemed to collapse in on himself for a second, "what about the doctor?"

I rubbed the back of my neck with the heel of my right hand. I didn't want to tell Bem, in front of Andy, that Shawn and I had decided to invite Bem for a romp. Even announcing that Bem was going to be in our bed felt awkward because of the implications. My nephew wasn't stupid. I was certain that Andy had a general idea of what had been going on in that bedroom, especially after Bem had basically admitted it at the mall earlier. I tried to answer Bem's question without providing any information that wasn't necessary. "Uh...the doctor said you're cleared."

"Night Andy!" Bem shouted and tore up the stairs.

I watched Bem disappear into the master bedroom and the door shut behind him. I kept looking in the direction of the steps, because I didn't know where else to look. I felt Andy's eyes on me. I felt the scrutiny behind the gaze, and it made me uncomfortable. Andy and I had a sort of Mexican stand-off, with him looking at me, and me looking everywhere but at him. The boy finally took pity on me. "Your secret's safe with me, Uncle Church." He whispered.

"It's not always like this." I lied in a vain attempt at covering my embarrassment. The reality being the exact opposite of what I was trying to portray. It was always `like this' when Bem was with us. I slid my eyes around to look at the boy.

Andy wore a knowing, ear-to-ear grin on his young face. "It's like I said earlier, you pretend that's the truth, and I'll pretend to believe you."

I shook my head helplessly and thanked Andy for his discretion. As I did it, I felt Shawn's lust ignite and take fire. I wondered what he could have gotten into so quickly, then I remembered he was with Bem. I said goodnight to Andy and tried to hurry upstairs without appearing to hurry. I don't know how successful I was at carrying it off. Probably not very.

When I opened the bedroom door, the sight that greeted me announced that Bem's enthusiasm had been contagious. Both Bem and Shawn were nude. Shawn was seated on the edge of the bed, his legs spread and his feet flat on the floor. Bem was kneeling, straddling Shawn and facing him with his arms wrapped around my husband. The two men were kissing each other with hungry passion while Bem's hands wandered over my husband's smooth body and Shawn gripped Bem's furry ass cheeks. Shawn's hands massaged Bem's ass. They pulled him open to accommodate Shawn's hard cock that fit into Bem's crack like a hotdog in a bun.

My mouth watered at the sight. I was tempted to dive right in, but I didn't. I fought my initial impulse and decided to be a voyeur, at least for a little while. I slid the lock bolt into its slot as quietly as I could to avoid interrupting the revelers on the bed and leaned against the door to watch. The sounds of wet mouths gasping for breath between sucking kisses changed to one mouth gasping and the other licking and kissing as Bem moved away from Shawn's mouth toward his strong throat.

As Bem shifted his attentions, I was able to see my husband's face as it appeared around Bem's head. Bem kissed his way across the left side of Shawn's smooth face, leaving a shiny trail of saliva as he went. He didn't make it all the way to Shawn's ear before he moved lower and planted a row of sucking kisses under Shawn's jaw and down the side of his neck. Shawn's face was flushed, his eyes sensuous slits and his mouth open as his breath came in uneven, pleasure-filled gasps. His lower lip looked puffy and pink. I assumed from Bem chewing on it as they'd kissed.

Shawn's eyes focused and met mine as Bem's busy mouth moved from Shawn's throat, along his less-sensitive chest. "See something you like?" Shawn asked and ran his hands up Bem's furry back until they came to rest on his shoulders.

"I do." I admitted.

"Why don't you join us?" Shawn asked.

I was formulating an appropriate reply to Shawn's question when his eyes suddenly went wide and his whole face took on the look of open-mouthed surprise. "TEEEETH!" Shawn shrieked on a rapid inhale as he tried to push Bem away.

Bem held on until he was ready to move on his own, then he lifted his face away from Shawn's chest and smacked his lips. "What's wrong?" He asked Shawn. "These too sensitive for that?" Bem took his hands from Shawn's back and brought his lightning-fast-fingers to pinch Shawn's nipples.

I chuckled to myself as Shawn moaned under Bem's touches. Shawn's nipples could be very sensitive, something Bem liked to take advantage of during foreplay. Bem glanced over his shoulder at me as he continued to tease Shawn. "Why are you still dressed?" He asked.

"Just enjoying the show." I replied.

Bem grinned a grin of pure sex at me. "Yeah, well, this isn't a spectator's sport. I've got big plans for that big body of yours and Shawn let the cat out of the bag about this room being soundproof. I feel much better tonight, and I want...I want," Bem trailed off and broke eye contact with me. His mood seemed to plummet. "I'd really like it if you guys would...if you'd...never mind."

Bem turned back toward Shawn and pressed his small body against my husband. He wrapped his arms around Shawn and hugged him so tightly that the muscles in Bem's arms corded from the tension. Shawn's emotions changed from lusty anticipation to worry to match my own. I crossed the room in a couple long strides and moved to sit on the bed next to Shawn. I put my arms around both him and Bem. Bem leaned away from Shawn so I could put my face between theirs. "What's wrong, Bem?" I asked my friend.

"Nothing." Bem insisted with a quick shake of his head.

All three of us knew that was a lie. I rubbed my hand up and down Bem's back and asked again. "Tell us...tell us so we can help."

Bem dropped his head, so his eyes were hidden from Shawn and me. He stared down between his body and Shawn's and refused to meet our worried glances. "I can't...I can't tell you." Bem's head came up suddenly, almost violently and he shouted at us. "DON'T YOU THINK I WANT TO?"

In the aftermath of his outburst, Bem's face scrunched with what I took to be fear. He shook his head again and lowered his face away from Shawn's and mine. I didn't understand what happened, or how I could help, or anything. I quickly made up my mind to try something.

I stood from the bed, stripped my clothes as fast as I could, and moved behind Bem. I pressed my bare torso to Bem's back and wrapped my arms around both men so I could squeeze Bem between us. As an afterthought, I activated my magic and let it gather on the surface of my entire body instead of just my hands. It was the same principle I'd used when I destroyed King Pravus and pushed the final burst of magic directly from my chest. This time, instead of a world-saving atom bomb of Vitalis energy, I let my power flow from my body like the soft glow of a nightlight.

Bem reacted to the magic almost instantly. He breathed a deep, contented sigh and let his chin rest on Shawn's shoulder. "Feels good, Big Guy. Feels really good."

"It does feel good." Shawn agreed as he was receiving my power as well.

Bem squirmed around between us, almost like he was trying to find a way to burrow inside me, then he settled and relaxed. "I'm sorry." He said like he was ashamed of something. "I guess I'm not better. I'm sorry I keep needing help. I'm sorry I keep messing up. I'm sorry I killed the mood."

Bem sounded so pathetic, I wanted to ask him what was wrong. I wanted to demand he tell us his troubles so we could help. I reminded myself that wasn't the right way to help. I reminded myself that I had to let Bem come to us, and that he clearly wasn't ready for that...yet.

I resigned myself to the idea that Shawn and I weren't going to get any answers from Bem that night. As part of that resignation, I assumed that no amount of talk would help my friend. If anything, harping on a subject that he wasn't ready to discuss would likely drive him away.

I didn't want to upset Bem or alienate him from us, so I knew I had to do something that wasn't talk. I had to show Bem how much I loved him, how much both Shawn and I loved him. I started by kissing the back of Bem's neck. I kissed him again and licked along the top of his shoulder. "You didn't kill the mood." I said to the side of Bem's face. "I still want to fuck you. How about you, Shawn?"

Shawn didn't let me down with his response. He flicked his eyes at me and smirked. "Me to." He agreed, then added his own thoughts. "And I think Bem should be in charge."

Bem raised his head and scrutinized us both as best as he could. "You guys," he croaked like he had a frog in his throat, " guys, you...I...I love you."

"And we love you." I agreed and kissed Bem's neck.

Shawn agreed and kissed Bem's mouth.

Bem took a second to gather himself, then raised his head. When his posture came back, I knew the emotional moment had passed. Suddenly he was back to his old self, and everything was fine. It also seemed that he knew exactly what he wanted. "Do you guys remember, the last time we saw each other, the very last thing we did, when both of you were inside me at once? I want that."

It was Shawn's turn to be worried. "Are you sure? That takes a lot of work. When we did that the last time...we'd been doing things all day. By the time we did that, you were...we'd opened you up a lot."

Bem's fragility returned with a sudden vengeance and he pleaded with Shawn. "Please...the Big Guy doesn't mind. Do you? You'll stretch me out, won't you?" Bem directed the second part of his plea my way.

I didn't get a chance to say anything before Shawn explained his concerns. "It's not that. I'm worried about your energy. We'd have to build up to that. I don't think you have the staying power yet."

"PLEASE!" Bem begged, like if we didn't double-penetrate him, the world would come to an end.

I renewed my squeeze of Bem and Shawn to try to calm some of Bem's panic. I asked Shawn a question. "Can you do something? Maybe a short-cut with medical magic."

Shawn thought for a second, then nodded decisively. "Yes...I'll...don't worry. I have an idea."

"You hear that, Bem?" I asked my friend. "Shawn says you get what you want."

Bem went from panic to enthusiasm in a snap. "You guys are the best."

"What should I do?" I asked.

Shawn grinned at me. "Bem gets what he wants, and so do you."

"What do I want?" I asked in confusion.

"You, my love, want to play in Bem's ass and that's exactly what you get. I can help, but you'll have to do most of the work."

"YAY!" I celebrated in Bem's ear. He and Shawn laughed at my silliness. I kissed Bem's neck again, shut down my magic, and released my embrace. I stood up and stepped back. I had a fresh impulse to dive right into Bem, but I knew I had some other preparations to make first.

"You two play a little." I instructed my husband and my friend. "I need to adjust the room."

Bem's quick fingers latched onto Shawn's nipples like little heat-seeking missiles. Shawn cried out in surprised pleasure but didn't try to fight Bem off. I enjoyed the sounds Shawn made as he surrendered himself to Bem's ministrations. They were a nice distraction while I took care of the few housekeeping tasks that needed attention. Shawn gasped and moaned and was alternately silenced by Bem's sucking mouth and searching tongue.

I took a second to scrutinize the room to come up with a plan to quiet our activities. I wanted to avoid a repeat of Joe noticing `a powerful and repeated motion' because I didn't want him to have something to disapprove of in the morning. I had an idea that, if I set the mattress directly on the floor, that would spread the force of any powerful motions out enough that the house wouldn't creak.

I used my telekinesis to lift the mattress, with Bem and Shawn still on top of it, off the bedframe and moved the frame from under it. There was just enough floor space in the room to put the mattress next to the frame if one didn't need to walk around or access the furniture. As I didn't plan on doing much of either, I figured the arrangement would work for one night. I didn't set the mattress down right away though.

Shawn was still seated on the edge of the bed, and if I lowered the mattress to the floor, that would have required him to change positions. I didn't want that for two reasons. One, I was still enjoying the show that he and Bem were giving me, and two, I had something I wanted to do that Shawn and Bem's seated position made easy. I let the mattress hover and hoped that it wouldn't sink to the floor when I got near it.

My power wouldn't support me if I put weight directly on it, but I could touch my magic in a limited way before it failed. I thought that, if I was careful, the action I had planned would fall into the category of touching and not leaning.

I knelt between my husband's legs, immediately behind Bem, and let my eyes roam over Bem's evenly hairy back. Body hair in general, and back hair specifically, can be a polarizing thing. A lot of people would categorize back hair into the same revolting class as ear hair or an untrimmed unibrow. On Bem, the silky coating of fine hair looked beautiful. It fit him in the same manner that his always perfectly brushed and styled hair fit his head. It fit him the way his perfectly trimmed beard fit his wide-jawed face. I loved the way Bem's body hair accentuated his lean physique and how tickly it felt under my hands or against my mostly-smooth body.

Thoughts of how thin Bem still seemed invaded my admiration of him and distracted me from my building lust. I was still worried about my friend and his secret. I battled against those thoughts because they weren't productive to the moment. I did my best to set aside the thoughts of Bem's recent illness, and his secret, so I could focus on pleasuring him and Shawn. As Shawn's cock was still nestled into Bem's crack, I decided to play with that first. I leaned forward and lapped the flat of my tongue over my husband's smooth hardness. He gasped into Bem's mouth from the unexpected attention.

I took that as my cue to do more. I pulled Shawn's balls down to angle his cock out of Bem's ass crack and slurped it into my mouth. Shawn moaned in pleasure as I teased his cockhead with the flat of my tongue. I relaxed my throat, as Bem had taught me once upon a time, and swallowed Shawn's entire length.

The head of my husband's cock slipped passed the back of my mouth and into my throat. I swallowed over and over to stroke Shawn's cock with my throat while I nuzzled my face into Bem's ass. I backed off Shawn's cock just enough to unseal my windpipe. I inhaled Bem's oily musk into my nose, then swallowed Shawn down again, effectively corking Bem's essence in my lungs. I alternated back and forth between swallowing my husband's cock and breathing my best friend's masculinity until the throbbing in my throat warned me that I had to back off, or I'd risk making Shawn climax way to soon.

I released Shawn's cock and let it slap-back into Bem's crack. "Shawn," I called directly into Bem's ass, "would you mind tucking your meat between you and Bem for a while? As much as I love swallowing it, there's another feast I want to get to, and it's in my way."

Bem spoke up. The sound of his voice told me that he was looking at me over his shoulder. I glanced up to meet his cobalt eyes with mine. "What feast, Big Guy?" He asked through a knowing smirk.

"This one." I swatted his ass hard enough to leave a stinging handprint.

"OH! Big Guy, you're such a beast." Bem teased.

Shawn answered from the other side of Bem. "I'm the Beast." Shawn corrected, using the nickname he'd earned early-on during our honeymoon tour.

"That's right," Bem agreed, "and the Big Guy is harder."

I swatted Bem's ass again at the use of my nickname. He yelped and objected. "Not harder, Big Guy. I meant your name was Harder."

I leaned forward again and lapped my tongue over Bem's stinging ass cheek. I kissed it in the center of the handprint and grinned up at Bem. "All better." I teased.

Bem looked down at me through his bright blue eyes that were half-closed and heavy with lust. "What are you gonna do to me, Big Guy?" He asked.

I pressed my face into the small of Bem's back and pulled a deep breath of his musk into my nose. I rocked on my hips to answer my friend. "I'm gonna rub my face into your ass until I don't even smell like me anymore. I'm gonna eat your hole like I'm trying to suck you inside out. I'm going to stretch you with my fingers like I'm trying to climb inside you. When you're loose and wet and super-sensitive, I'm gonna fuck you until I blow, then I'm going to fuck you some more. How does that sound?"

"" Bem replied. He lifted himself off Shawn's lap and reached between himself and my husband until he could move Shawn's cock out of my way. Bem lowered himself down with Shawn's cock trapped between them and shook his ass in my face. "All yours." He breathed to me.

I stared into Bem's ass, his pert cheeks, his crack full of light brown fur, his evenly tan skin, and his tight starfish that was one shade darker than the rest of him. "Open it for me." I said to Bem.

Bem refused. "It belongs to you. You open it."

I opened my mouth to respond but never said what I planned to. Bem arched his back, which caused his cheeks to yawn open like the worn leaves of a beggar's wallet. He worked his pucker. It flexed and winked at me. My mouth watered like Pavlov's dog during a fire drill, and I pressed my face into Bem's ass. I breathed him in and tasted his hole.

Bem smelled sweaty and a little sour. He'd had a busy day, and I could smell the activity in the ripe sweaty musk of his ass. I could taste it too. He was saltier than usual, and his hole had a savory tang that called my tongue in deeper. Bem's hole retracted as he pushed out gently. The push loosened him, opened his hole so my tongue could invade his sweet pink insides. The taste changed again, the saltiness faded as the tang grew more savory. It filled my mouth with a different version of my friend's flavor.

As I rimmed Bem and listened to him moan, I let my eyes look up his lean back to see my husband's arms holding him tightly. I heard the soft murmur of Shawn's whispered voice and felt the Shawn's emotions turn to erotic naughtiness. I guessed that he was doing his version of dirty talk with Bem.

Shawn liked to narrate the proceedings when he wasn't a direct participant. It could be super-hot listening to his sweet voice talk about nasty sex acts. He would talk about things in minute detail, his level of observation making his words incredibly erotic. I loved it when he whispered in my ear, and I knew Bem enjoyed it as well.

I thought about how much I knew about what Bem enjoyed. I thought about how well I knew Bem's body. I knew from the way his hole had relaxed around my tongue that I'd be able to get a finger in soon. I knew that a second finger would follow the first, then more tongue and another finger and more tongue.

I knew how the bouquet of Bem's musk would change as his arousal evolved into need and the first bloom of fresh sweat would mat the fine hair to his body. I knew that once my pinky finger slipped inside with the others, I could rub his perinium with the fingers of my other hand and elicit an animal moan of pleasure from Bem that would sound like a demon had inhabited my friend's body. I knew what every part of Bem smelled like, I knew what every part of him tasted like, and I knew how he would react when I stimulated each of those parts.

I loved the ass that I feasted on, and I loved the man it was attached to. I didn't love him like I loved my husband, but I knew that I loved him and that I would do anything for him. I resolved that if I couldn't ease his mind from his cares, then I would blow his mind with pleasure. I pulled my mouth from my friend's ass, pulled him open with my fingers, and got ready to dive back in when Shawn stopped me.

"Stop!" Shawn called to Bem's and my mutual frustration. Shawn held a single finger up to let me know the pause he'd called for would be a temporary one. He beckoned me forward with that same finger. I leaned toward Shawn's hand until he made a paddle with his fingers and stuck three of them in my mouth. He rubbed them on my tongue, slicking the digits, then pulled them out. Shawn's hand went to Bem's puckered hole. He rubbed my spit into the delicate wrinkled flesh.

"Take a deep breath, Bem." Shawn directed. "This might feel funny."

Bem did as he was told, then let the breath out in a guttural moan of raw pleasure. I almost parroted Bem's moan when I watched Shawn's slick fingers, all three of them, sink into Bem's hole like it offered no resistance at all. Shawn played inside Bem a very little bit, then extracted his fingers.

When Shawn took his fingers away, and I could see Bem's hole again, I could tell that he'd done something magical. Bem's hole was dilated like we'd already been fucking him for hours. Instead of a clenched starfish, Bem's hole was a dark aperture, like the center of a bagel. He was open far enough that, if I was careful, I could have put my finger all the way inside him without touching the sides.

"FUCK that was intense." Bem said. He appeared to be clinging to Shawn to recover from whatever had caused his moan.

"What did you do?" I asked Shawn by talking into Bem's ass. I was attracted to and fascinated by what I'd seen. I couldn't tear my eyes from Bem's dilated hole.

Shawn held his fingers up for me to see. "That was the magic short-cut you asked for. I relaxed Bem so he could have what he wants. My magic must have stimulated his prostate when I loosened his hole. That's why it was so intense for him."

Shawn beckoned me toward his hand again and stuck the fingers that had just been inside Bem's ass back in my mouth. He rubbed them on my tongue so I could taste the salty tang of Bem's hole. I sucked and savored the flavor while Shawn looked in my eyes from over Bem's shoulder and explained what I needed to do next. "Don't worry, Love. Bem will still need a lot of work to get him opened up enough to take both of us. Just do what you usually do."

I almost teased Shawn about making me do all the work on Bem's ass, but I loved, LOVED giving rim jobs and ass play. That was something else that Bem had helped me to learn. "You ready for me?" I asked Bem's ass.

Bem shook his ass at me and rewrapped his arms around Shawn. "Have your feast, Big Guy."

I dove straight into my friend's ass, tongue first. Bem groaned like he was trying to say a word that refused to take shape as I sealed my mouth around his slack hole and buried my tongue inside. I felt Bem's hole retract as he again pushed out very gently. His hole loosened even more and allowed me to lap at his insides with the broad flat of my tongue. I breathed him in as I ate him out. I reveled in the act, in the implied nastiness of eating ass, and in the knowledge that I was savoring the most intimate scent and flavor of my friend.

Whatever Shawn had done to him, Bem's ass was loose enough that when I added my fingers, it swallowed them greedily and begged for more. Soon I had all four fingers and my tongue inside Bem. He begged for cock and Shawn was eager to oblige. Shawn rocked backwards and pulled Bem along with him so I could lower the mattress on the floor. Shawn pulled his legs up to tilt his hips into Bem, so when he hilted his cock in Bem's hole, it really was hilted all the way to his balls.

Bem moaned his approval at the violation and begged for more. "Ooooohhhhhh yeah. Fill that hole. Stretch me WIDE!"

I let my eyes feast on the sight that Shawn and Bem's new position treated me to. Bem was on top of Shawn, facing him with Shawn's cock buried in his ass. Shawn's perfect legs were up and wrapped around Bem, and Shawn's round ass, his hole, and his tight ball sack were all on full display. I knew that I was supposed to be loosening Bem up to take my cock alongside Shawn's, but I couldn't help giving myself a little treat before getting back to `work.'

I pressed my lips to my husband's hole and forced my tongue passed his ring. Shawn cried out in pleasure as I worked his ass with my tongue. He shivered with erotic energy and his shivering vibrated his cock in Bem's ass, causing both men to moan from one rim job.

I pulled my tongue from Shawn's ass and rocked back to smack my lips in approval. "Mmmmmmm, tasty." I commented and slapped Bem's ass again for no reason.

Shawn rolled his hips to fuck Bem with very shallow strokes. He spoke in time to his jerking thrusts. ""

I lapped my tongue over the tender folds of skin that made up Shawn's ball sack and licked into Bem's hole. I pressed my fingers into Bem, to Bem's moaning delight and kept licking and lapping and smelling Bem's ass as I worked him open.

It took a long time; a VERY long time because I was enjoying the rimming so much that I almost didn't want to get to the fucking. It took a lot of work that I enjoyed, and that Bem enjoyed, and that Shawn enjoyed, before I was able to give Bem what he'd asked for.

When I thought Bem was open enough to take us both, I knelt behind him and lined my cock up with his hole. Just as I was getting ready to press inside him, Bem told me to wait. He pried himself out of Shawn's arms and stood up on the mattress. "What?" I asked in confusion.

"I want you on the bottom." Bem explained.

I didn't waste time with useless questions. I laid down and Bem straddled me and sat on my hard cock. He was so loose, my cock felt like a clapper inside a great bell as Bem scooted around to get comfortable. When he found the position he liked, he laid down on top of me and made me pull his body against mine like I had the other night. Shawn lined himself up behind Bem and pushed his cock inside next to mine.

The `clapper in a bell' feeling vanished immediately as Shawn's girth took up all the available space and then some. Bem cried out in a mix of surprise and intense pleasure as Shawn pushed inside with one steady lunge. Once Shawn was balls-deep, he laid his weight on Bem's back and put his face in mine next to Bem's.

Bem moaned in my ear. "OH! OH! Sssoooooooo fuuuuuuuulllll."

"You OK?" I asked my friend by whispering the question into his ear.

Bem's answer surprised me. "I love you...both of you." He gasped.

"I love you to, Bem." I said because I didn't know what else to say. "We both do."

"We both do." Shawn agreed.

"Fuck me then." Bem demanded. "Fuck your love into me."

"How do you want it?" Shawn asked. He was asking Bem, but because of our positions, he asked his question into my face.

Bem grunted unintelligibly than found his voice. "Sl-low...start, HARD!"

Shawn rocked his hips and fucked himself into Bem. Both Bem and I grunted in response to the motion. It felt great. The physical sensations, even with the small movements Shawn was using, were almost overwhelming. The combined experience...the tight heat of Bem's hole, the throbbing hardness of Shawn's cock rubbing against mine, the heady aroma of our sex, the slick sweat of Bem's body against mine, it was mind-blowingly erotic.

Shawn rocked his hips in deeper and deeper thrusts until he had to change positions. He lifted himself from Bem and knelt so he could thrust even harder. Once his weight was gone from Bem's back, Bem seemed to miss it. He begged me to hold him. I wrapped Bem in my arms and squeezed him as tightly as I dared.

It wasn't enough for my lean friend. As Shawn continued to pick up speed with his thrusts, Bem begged me to hold him even tighter. His voice came to me in ragged gasps as he tried to direct both me and Shawn with what he wanted. "Tighter...more," he hissed, "Shawn, harder."

Bem spoke so softly, I had to parrot his wishes to Shawn between my own gasps and moans of pleasure. Where Bem's requests came out in whispered hisses, mine came in rough barks. "HARDER!" I shouted at Shawn.

Shawn upped his game and pummeled Bem's ass with a violence that he normally saved for me. My hole was jealous of the absolute-pounding Shawn was delivering to Bem's ass, but my cock appreciated it as every thrust Shawn made felt like I made one as well. I felt myself slipping over the edge into orgasm territory when Bem made one last plea for me to hold him "tighter!"

I squeezed my friend against my body so tightly I thought my shoulders would dislocate and I gave myself over to a shattering orgasm. Shawn's climax started right after mine. I felt his cock thicken as he launched shot after shot of cum into Bem. He cried out in triumphant pleasure as he ground his erupting cock into Bem's ass.

Shawn finished flooding Bem with thick cum and collapsed on Bem's back to catch his breath. My orgasm came to a close at the same time. I shifted my eyes to see how Bem had enjoyed the fucking and saw that my friend's face was purple. I quickly realized what the trouble was and released my grip on Bem. He gasped an inhale and coughed his way back to a normal color.

I apologized like crazy until Bem was breathing normally. He told me not to be silly. That he'd asked to be held that tightly. He met my eyes with his cobalt gaze. "I thought...for just a second, I thought I was going to get my wish." Bem said and kissed my mouth.

I couldn't believe that he was grateful to me for almost smothering him, but he was. Bem disengaged our kiss and had some more to say. "That was fucking incredible. I'm so full. Those loads, it's like you much cum." Bem squirmed around between us. "I wish we could stay like this, but I still haven't gotten off."

Bem looked in my eyes again. "I want to fuck you, Big Guy. I want to fuck you just like you are. I want you to hold your legs up and offer yourself to me. I want you to offer yourself to me like I'm in charge and you have to do whatever I say. And...and I want Shawn to top me while I fuck you. And...and I want you to fill my loose hole with your magic, so I still feel as full as I do right now." Bem glanced away like he was embarrassed by what he'd just said. "Is that OK?"

I surrendered myself to Bem's wishes. "Do me just like that."

Shawn also agreed with Bem. "Let's do it."

So, we did. It was strange for me because, when Shawn and I had double-penetrated Bem, he seemed fragile, like he had the other night. When Bem ordered me to offer my hole to him, he seemed like the Bem I was used to, the Bem who could be in charge, the insatiable Bem. I probably would have spent more time wondering about those things, except Bem and Shawn climbed off me, and pretty soon, Bem was pummeling my ass as Shawn pummeled his. I decided to leave the thinking for later and enjoy myself.

When we finished fucking each other for the night, I treated myself to another feast of Bem's slack, well-fucked, cum-flooded hole while Shawn threaded his fingers through my hair and narrated the act I was performing. Once that was done, I flopped on the bed to recover. Bem settled on my left side and kissed that side of my face. "Thank you, Church. Thank you, Shawn. You...both of you have no idea how badly I needed that."

"Our pleasure." I said.

Shawn agreed. He kissed my mouth and settled into his normal position on my right.

There didn't seem to be anything else that needed to be said and the three of us had just enjoyed an incredible sex session. Rest seemed the next logical activity. I put an arm around each of my bedmates and used my telekinesis to cover us with a sheet. I composed myself to sleep. My husband and my best friend relaxed against me and did the same. That night, I had the rare pleasure of falling asleep in the middle.

Next: Chapter 20

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